The Booqable API is a RESTful JSON API as such is designed to have predictable, resource-oriented URLs and to use HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use standard HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which can be understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients.
All API requests need to be directed to the correct company-specific endpoint. The format is as follows:
Response types
The Booqable API supports two response types jsonapi
and json
By default, the API returns jsonapi
responses. These responses are designed to return graph data more efficiently and also include links to related resources.
You can, however, also request data in nested structure by appending .json
to the path of each request.
A typical JSON API response:
GET /api/boomerang/orders?include=customer
"data": [
"id": "54808378-a247-4715-89f6-0a8da2e7ad62",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"starts_at": "2021-11-12T15:00:00+00:00",
"stops_at": "2021-11-13T15:00:00+00:00"
"relationships": {
"customer": {
"links": {
"related": "api/boomerang/customers/24e54970-7473-49a9-a71a-8c07eb97e510"
"data": {
"type": "customers",
"id": "24e54970-7473-49a9-a71a-8c07eb97e510"
"included": [
"id": "24e54970-7473-49a9-a71a-8c07eb97e510",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"name": "John Doe"
"relationships": {
"properties": {
"links": {
"related": "api/boomerang/properties?filter[owner_id]=24e54970-7473-49a9-a71a-8c07eb97e510&filter[owner_type]=Customer"
"links": {
"self": "api/boomerang/orders?fields%5Bcustomer%5D=name&fields%5Borders%5D=starts_at%2Cstops_at&include=customer&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=25",
"first": "api/boomerang/orders?fields%5Bcustomer%5D=name&fields%5Borders%5D=starts_at%2Cstops_at&include=customer&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=25",
"last": "api/boomerang/orders?fields%5Bcustomer%5D=name&fields%5Borders%5D=starts_at%2Cstops_at&include=customer&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=25"
"meta": {}
A JSON response:
GET /api/boomerang/orders.json?include=customer
"data": [
"id": "30d35575-c8d1-4f5c-b4c6-cc0abc32c6ed",
"starts_at": "2021-11-12T15:15:00+00:00",
"stops_at": "2021-11-13T15:15:00+00:00",
"customer": {
"id": "92ec8fee-423e-4f7e-8565-3e6028a0f437",
"name": "John Doe"
For every resource, fields can be written, read, filtered, sorted, and aggregated. The behavior of fields is described for each resource.
On every request, you can specify fields to be returned in the response. Note that you can also specify fields of included resources.
Including specific fields can be done like this:
Collections returned in list requests can be filtered on specific fields; filters support the following operators:
Type | Operators |
String | eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
Uuid | eq , not_eq |
Enum | eq , not_eq |
Integer | eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Integer | eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Big Decimal | eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Float | eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Boolean | eq |
Date | eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
DateTime | eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Hash | eq |
Array | eq |
How to filter a request:
The Booqable API consists of many resources related to each other. Therefore the API supports loading associated resources in a single request. Use the dot-syntax to deeply nest includes.
Including associated data:
GET api/boomerang/orders?include=customer,
"data": {
"id": "f2afdb0e-55bd-4993-b9c2-4f04b569419d",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"starts_at": "2021-11-12T16:00:00+00:00",
"stops_at": "2021-11-13T16:00:00+00:00"
"relationships": {
"customer": {
"links": {
"related": "api/boomerang/customers/404021af-c889-4d72-9296-481640f4c750"
"data": {
"type": "customers",
"id": "404021af-c889-4d72-9296-481640f4c750"
"included": [
"id": "404021af-c889-4d72-9296-481640f4c750",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"name": "John Doe"
"relationships": {
"properties": {
"links": {
"related": "api/boomerang/properties?filter[owner_id]=404021af-c889-4d72-9296-481640f4c750&filter[owner_type]=Customer"
"data": [
"type": "properties",
"id": "9625bd15-732e-4301-8c1c-f5b3e03c1bed"
"id": "9625bd15-732e-4301-8c1c-f5b3e03c1bed",
"type": "properties",
"attributes": {
"name": "Phone",
"value": "+31600000000"
"relationships": {
"owner": {
"links": {
"related": "api/boomerang/customers/404021af-c889-4d72-9296-481640f4c750"
"meta": {}
Results from list requests can be aggregated by providing stats. These stats are always computed over the unpaginated filtered collection. The following aggregations are supported: count
, count_each
, average
, sum
, maximum
, minimum
. You can supply multiple types for each field.
Example of how to request stats:
"meta": {
"stats": {
"to_be_paid_in_cents": {
"sum": 79000
"grand_total_in_cents": {
"average": 25000,
"sum": 1198000
"total": {
"count": 237
"payment_status": {
"count": {
"payment_due": 161,
"paid": 51,
"partially_paid": 13,
"overpaid": 11,
"process_deposit": 1
Due to the nature of actions in the API, the API does not support official JSON API compliant side posting. Instead, actions are designed in a way that related resources are managed automatically.
There are a few exceptions though, in these cases, resources can be created or associated by setting:
array of resources to create, update and associate.{resource_name}_ids
array of resources to associate.{resource_name}_id
id off the resource to associate.
When side posting is supported, it will be mentioned in the resource-specific documentation.
Advanced search
The following resources support advanced searching with POST requests:
- Order
- Item
- Bundle
- ProductGroup
- Product
- Document
- Planning
- Customer
With advanced search you can make logical filter groups with and/or operators. The example on the right yields:
(starts_at >= date AND starts_at <= date) OR (stops_at >= date AND stops_at <= date)
"filter": {
"conditions": {
"operator": "or",
"attributes": [
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"starts_at": {
"gte": "2022-04-27T12:54:37Z"
"starts_at": {
"lte": "2022-04-30T12:54:37Z"
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"stops_at": {
"gte": "2022-04-27T12:54:37Z"
"stops_at": {
"lte": "2022-04-30T12:54:37Z"
To interact with the Booqable API, first, you have to have a means of authentification, here's how to setup authentication.
Access Token
- Go to your account settings page
- Name your new token
- Click "Create new authentication method"
You can manage your Access Tokens from your account. You can have multiple Access Tokens active at one time.
Example of an authorized request
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 9bcabeaa827810ad6383d2e15feab2d0c7d039093e22fdd955f11fe83437a32a'
You authenticate to the Booqable API by providing on of your Access Tokens in the request.
Request signing
Single-Use Tokens to sign requests are generated on the client and can only be used once for one particular request. The Booqable API supports the following signing algorithms:
- Go to your account settings page
- Name your new authentication method
- Insert your public key (for
only) - Click "Create new authentication method"
You can manage your authentication methods from your account. You can have multiple authentication methods active at one time.
Signing a request (in Ruby, other languages should work like this as well)
# To prevent tampering with the request (making a DELETE from a GET, or posting different params with
# the same signature) we include all request data in the data value. Note that we generate a SHA256 from it.
request_method = 'POST'
# Encoded request params
fullpath = '/api/boomerang/orders/?filter%5Bcreated_at%5D%5Bgte%5D%3D1231232131132'
# Base64 encoded SHA256 body
body = '{"note":"Let me in!"}'
encoded_body = Base64.strict_encode64(
# Compute data value
data = Base64.strict_encode64([request_method, fullpath, encoded_body].join('.').join('.')).digest
# Generate a unique request identifier (can be anything unique)
uuid = Digest::UUID.uuid_v4
# We define the authentication method id (which you have obtained in a previous step) and kind in the header
headers = { kid: authentication_method_id, kind: 'single_use' }
payload = {
iss: '',
sub: employee_id,
aud: company_id,
exp: (Time.current + 10.minutes).to_i, # Can not exceed 10 minutes
iat: Time.current.to_i,
jti: "#{uuid}.#{data}"
# Note that with HS256 you don't have to supply a public key but a secret is generated for you.
token = JWT.encode payload, private_key, 'ES256', headers
The algorithm to generate the data value in the payload looks like this:
Example of an authorized request
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
You authenticate to the Booqable API by signing the request.
The Booqable API uses the following error codes:
Error Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request -- Your request is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized -- You are not authenticated. |
403 | Forbidden -- The resource requested is hidden for administrators only. |
404 | Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found. |
405 | Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a resource with an invalid method. |
406 | Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json. |
410 | Gone -- The resource requested has been removed from our servers. |
418 | I'm a teapot. |
422 | Unprocessible Entity -- Something wen't wrong saving your data. |
429 | Too Many Requests -- You're doing too many requests! Slow down! |
500 | Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |
Authentication methods
Authentication methods define ways to authenticate with the API. They are always scoped to the currently signed-in employee.
See Authentication for more information on authenticating with the API.
Name | Description |
company |
Company required The company this authentication method belongs to. |
employee |
Employee required The employee this authentication method belongs to. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
algorithm |
enum Algorithm used for signing. One of: ES256 , RS256 , HS256 . |
company_id |
uuid readonly The company this authentication method belongs to. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When this authentication method was created. |
employee_id |
uuid readonly The employee this authentication method belongs to. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
key |
string extra Key that is being used for authentication strategy. Because this key is supposed to be kept secret (depending on kind ), its value is only returned when explicitly requested. |
kind |
enum Kind of strategy used for authentication. One of: token , single_use , oauth . |
name |
string Name of the key (for identification by user). |
List authentication methods
How to fetch a list of authentication methods:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "63e16d3e-a24d-4137-8fc5-dc94f18a5068",
"type": "authentication_methods",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-09-26T20:08:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-09-26T20:08:02.000000+00:00",
"name": "Segment integration",
"kind": "single_use",
"algorithm": "ES256",
"employee_id": "ca0083cb-ea69-4e2b-8270-e691e0599f5e",
"company_id": "b5c213f3-bf74-40ee-825d-3fd6219fc0a0"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/authentication_methods
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[authentication_methods]=key |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[authentication_methods]=created_at,name,kind |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
algorithm |
enum eq |
company_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
employee_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
kind |
enum eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch an authentication method
How to fetch an authentication method:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "874482c4-c602-4605-8e8f-bdd68bc4e0fe",
"type": "authentication_methods",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2014-12-11T10:59:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2014-12-11T10:59:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Segment integration",
"kind": "single_use",
"algorithm": "ES256",
"key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEEDRq3Sua6NyUU0WusNISEcchCLBL\nShY0rPpRLfU+Y96OcMiSWaKazYmQDKq4zyIVLlnGiHjv4lwEfhe3Psr39A==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
"employee_id": "24cc151b-daa4-48f0-8535-f63d7ec20fe7",
"company_id": "84e60c43-023a-4c37-809c-a941cbac102a"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/authentication_methods/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[authentication_methods]=key |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[authentication_methods]=created_at,name,kind |
This request does not accept any includes
Create an authentication method
How to create a token authentication method:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "authentication_methods",
"attributes": {
"name": "Segment integration"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "220c0989-a7b1-4962-884e-01ee74df46dc",
"type": "authentication_methods",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-11-18T02:17:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-11-18T02:17:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Segment integration",
"kind": "token",
"algorithm": null,
"key": "821465b1c39ad8d8584eee99c158868d986e7291281dfbedf3855cc9142c197a",
"employee_id": "d6313cd4-52d0-4f71-87e9-0a5fbd855b19",
"company_id": "d79aa57f-76cb-483a-8e40-c25404c26a5d"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
How to create a single_use authentication method (with ES256 strategy):
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "authentication_methods",
"attributes": {
"name": "Segment integration",
"key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEEDRq3Sua6NyUU0WusNISEcchCLBL\nShY0rPpRLfU+Y96OcMiSWaKazYmQDKq4zyIVLlnGiHjv4lwEfhe3Psr39A==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
"kind": "single_use",
"algorithm": "ES256"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "e53a56a3-0f4e-4bd6-8bab-dad967b320b3",
"type": "authentication_methods",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-04-10T18:40:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-04-10T18:40:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Segment integration",
"kind": "single_use",
"algorithm": "ES256",
"key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEEDRq3Sua6NyUU0WusNISEcchCLBL\nShY0rPpRLfU+Y96OcMiSWaKazYmQDKq4zyIVLlnGiHjv4lwEfhe3Psr39A==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
"employee_id": "75a59189-d0d6-4668-8c8b-83903cf22d08",
"company_id": "031ece0d-d2c2-4b5a-86ac-e2eb24560de5"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
How to create a single_use authentication method (with RS256 strategy):
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "authentication_methods",
"attributes": {
"name": "Segment integration",
"key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtRuZD4X3MhIz1ntbxpkp\njVFUTdH7mspUNXmE0bcQ3bJrgWYZmtPm64+lpo7KWqQIL28dhtNAjImJmzcr04ve\nRAxxyQT0f0uwe3zUBEqaxKim1aCJV60c71cPKJVfhXElnjhMkBW6ftIEgf7J4bwe\n7kPCK/NfdiOuFlMjfaY+5WmaA1lAZ/SSetwglSaHPPQKaix3LW4ocHtHUd7OBKNC\nIU/DO3baUDAkymF7ZCnMaf3F9Le9sGSpgUA8Fof69rH1EdagQFmIkftflj/IlJiC\nPDEoc1x7b4opEuGp287S+DsRRgr6vzVZi4CPQcJJsG+07jZQN5K3wboBlx8LW2jT\nfQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
"kind": "single_use",
"algorithm": "RS256"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "f8a49c93-c272-4014-82f7-aaee9e656a32",
"type": "authentication_methods",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2014-10-08T04:38:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2014-10-08T04:38:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Segment integration",
"kind": "single_use",
"algorithm": "RS256",
"key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtRuZD4X3MhIz1ntbxpkp\njVFUTdH7mspUNXmE0bcQ3bJrgWYZmtPm64+lpo7KWqQIL28dhtNAjImJmzcr04ve\nRAxxyQT0f0uwe3zUBEqaxKim1aCJV60c71cPKJVfhXElnjhMkBW6ftIEgf7J4bwe\n7kPCK/NfdiOuFlMjfaY+5WmaA1lAZ/SSetwglSaHPPQKaix3LW4ocHtHUd7OBKNC\nIU/DO3baUDAkymF7ZCnMaf3F9Le9sGSpgUA8Fof69rH1EdagQFmIkftflj/IlJiC\nPDEoc1x7b4opEuGp287S+DsRRgr6vzVZi4CPQcJJsG+07jZQN5K3wboBlx8LW2jT\nfQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
"employee_id": "bc3373ee-ee17-4d83-8c01-3b200bf8bdb3",
"company_id": "faf47d6b-8d0b-4ac5-8892-c0590faa0054"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
How to create a single_use authentication method (with HS256 strategy):
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "authentication_methods",
"attributes": {
"name": "Segment integration",
"kind": "single_use",
"algorithm": "HS256"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "29c57921-3618-445f-89ac-84463b0ae952",
"type": "authentication_methods",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2028-10-03T00:29:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2028-10-03T00:29:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Segment integration",
"kind": "single_use",
"algorithm": "HS256",
"key": "cb991b0f11304f313a1487b2cb22a067eb4b03da8499bd2f833df79d83045110",
"employee_id": "777ef44e-2bce-40e3-85dc-63792f9f0c22",
"company_id": "61df6c42-088c-4fa3-8860-b75b9c114770"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/authentication_methods
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[authentication_methods]=key |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[authentication_methods]=created_at,name,kind |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=employee,company |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][algorithm] |
enum Algorithm used for signing. One of: ES256 , RS256 , HS256 . |
data[attributes][key] |
string Key that is being used for authentication strategy. Because this key is supposed to be kept secret (depending on kind ), its value is only returned when explicitly requested. |
data[attributes][kind] |
enum Kind of strategy used for authentication. One of: token , single_use , oauth . |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the key (for identification by user). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete an authentication method
How to delete an authentication method:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "ef2b6529-43ac-4e66-8ab9-bd2950729b50",
"type": "authentication_methods",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-11-06T06:35:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-11-06T06:35:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Segment integration",
"kind": "single_use",
"algorithm": "ES256",
"key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEEDRq3Sua6NyUU0WusNISEcchCLBL\nShY0rPpRLfU+Y96OcMiSWaKazYmQDKq4zyIVLlnGiHjv4lwEfhe3Psr39A==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
"employee_id": "792a5596-9c55-46ab-8317-6c0651512e04",
"company_id": "5da72e2c-3b67-4d80-88c1-6e96acba5c58"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/authentication_methods/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[authentication_methods]=key |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[authentication_methods]=created_at,name,kind |
This request does not accept any includes
You can assign Barcodes to Product (variations), individually tracked StockItems, and Customers (for use on a customer card, for example).
A QR code is always generated for each Order. This QR code can be included in emails for speedy pickup and printed on packing slips for easier logistics.
Barcodes cannot be added to ProductGroups. Instead Barcodes can be added to individual Products within the ProductGroup. This is also true when a ProductGroup does not have variations enabled. In that case a Barcode is added to the single Product in the group.
Supported formats
Booqable supports the following barcode formats:
- QR code: QR codes are flexible in size, have high fault tolerance, and fast readability.
- EAN-8: Ideal for identifying small items, stores eight digits.
- EAN-13: Can store a relatively large amount of data (13 digits) in a small area.
- Code 39: Stores both digits and characters. The size of the barcode makes them unsuitable to use on small items.
- Code 93: A more compact alternative to Code 39 (about 25% shorter).
- Code 128: A high-density barcode that can store any character of the ASCII 128 character set.
Note that when using URLs as numbers, it's advised to base64 encode the number before filtering.
Name | Description |
owner |
Customer, Product, Order, Stock item required The resource pointed to by this Barcode. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
barcode_type |
enum Barcode format. See resource description above for pros/cons of each format. One of: code39 , code93 , code128 , ean8 , ean13 , qr_code . |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
image_url |
string readonly A link to an image of the Barcode. |
number |
string The barcode data, can be a number, code or url. Leave blank to let Booqable create one. When using a URL, it's advised to base64 encode the number before filtering. |
owner_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The resource pointed to by this Barcode. |
owner_type |
enum readonly-after-create The resource type of the owner. One of: customers , products , orders , stock_items . |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List barcodes
How to fetch a list of barcodes:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "c3fbfdf6-d756-4d88-89c7-974df32dc31f",
"type": "barcodes",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-11-20T19:16:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-11-20T19:16:00.000000+00:00",
"number": "",
"barcode_type": "qr_code",
"image_url": "",
"owner_id": "2318a321-06f9-4303-8d23-b46cfb189aeb",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
How to find an owner by a barcode number:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[number]='
--data-urlencode 'include=owner'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "9882a0de-d425-4c34-8a53-f65dd35dd375",
"type": "barcodes",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-09-12T13:49:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-09-12T13:49:00.000000+00:00",
"number": "",
"barcode_type": "qr_code",
"image_url": "",
"owner_id": "48f38dad-4082-4377-8d28-c793e2d1c814",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {
"owner": {
"data": {
"type": "customers",
"id": "48f38dad-4082-4377-8d28-c793e2d1c814"
"included": [
"id": "48f38dad-4082-4377-8d28-c793e2d1c814",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-09-12T13:49:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-09-12T13:49:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 1,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {},
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
How to find an owner by a barcode number containing a url:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[number]=aHR0cDovL2JxYmwuaXQvMjgzNDZlMTItNjlhMC00YWY2LWI3NTUtN2YwZDE3MjlkOGYx'
--data-urlencode 'include=owner'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "78a5e268-fca0-450a-855f-49f29ef29ef3",
"type": "barcodes",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-09-26T19:48:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-09-26T19:48:00.000000+00:00",
"number": "",
"barcode_type": "qr_code",
"image_url": "",
"owner_id": "ab6232e0-b056-4bf8-8bc7-99c41f2782de",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {
"owner": {
"data": {
"type": "customers",
"id": "ab6232e0-b056-4bf8-8bc7-99c41f2782de"
"included": [
"id": "ab6232e0-b056-4bf8-8bc7-99c41f2782de",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-09-26T19:48:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-09-26T19:48:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 2,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {},
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/barcodes
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[barcodes]=created_at,updated_at,number |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
barcode_type |
enum eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
number |
string eq |
owner_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
owner_type |
enum eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a barcode
How to fetch a barcode:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=owner'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "60d46666-056c-4072-8fd0-cae57d7a90ff",
"type": "barcodes",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-11-26T10:01:03.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-11-26T10:01:03.000000+00:00",
"number": "",
"barcode_type": "qr_code",
"image_url": "",
"owner_id": "9a08fa5a-eddb-4502-8e1e-60dbd303cb58",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {
"owner": {
"data": {
"type": "customers",
"id": "9a08fa5a-eddb-4502-8e1e-60dbd303cb58"
"included": [
"id": "9a08fa5a-eddb-4502-8e1e-60dbd303cb58",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-11-26T10:01:03.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-11-26T10:01:03.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 1,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {},
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/barcodes/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[barcodes]=created_at,updated_at,number |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a barcode
How to create a barcode:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "barcodes",
"attributes": {
"barcode_type": "qr_code",
"owner_id": "9d177e60-f890-4d0a-8dc6-44d61d8cca22",
"owner_type": "customers"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "954b9fd3-271d-4ab4-8a7e-87e89b15c0a0",
"type": "barcodes",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-09-24T03:44:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-09-24T03:44:00.000000+00:00",
"number": "",
"barcode_type": "qr_code",
"image_url": "",
"owner_id": "9d177e60-f890-4d0a-8dc6-44d61d8cca22",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/barcodes
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[barcodes]=created_at,updated_at,number |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][barcode_type] |
enum Barcode format. See resource description above for pros/cons of each format. One of: code39 , code93 , code128 , ean8 , ean13 , qr_code . |
data[attributes][number] |
string The barcode data, can be a number, code or url. Leave blank to let Booqable create one. When using a URL, it's advised to base64 encode the number before filtering. |
data[attributes][owner_id] |
uuid The resource pointed to by this Barcode. |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
enum The resource type of the owner. One of: customers , products , orders , stock_items . |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a barcode
How to update a barcode:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "d4f58d8f-2318-44f4-8097-9dbe2a9ddaf2",
"type": "barcodes",
"attributes": {
"number": ""
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "d4f58d8f-2318-44f4-8097-9dbe2a9ddaf2",
"type": "barcodes",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-10-11T03:09:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-10-11T03:09:01.000000+00:00",
"number": "",
"barcode_type": "qr_code",
"image_url": "",
"owner_id": "a8f4104c-a6da-44d0-8505-a590b71bb780",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/barcodes/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[barcodes]=created_at,updated_at,number |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][barcode_type] |
enum Barcode format. See resource description above for pros/cons of each format. One of: code39 , code93 , code128 , ean8 , ean13 , qr_code . |
data[attributes][number] |
string The barcode data, can be a number, code or url. Leave blank to let Booqable create one. When using a URL, it's advised to base64 encode the number before filtering. |
data[attributes][owner_id] |
uuid The resource pointed to by this Barcode. |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
enum The resource type of the owner. One of: customers , products , orders , stock_items . |
This request accepts the following includes:
Destroy a barcode
How to delete a barcode:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "ac988a7e-ebdc-45af-8638-9783aeb4594e",
"type": "barcodes",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-03-27T06:20:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-03-27T06:20:00.000000+00:00",
"number": "",
"barcode_type": "qr_code",
"image_url": "",
"owner_id": "20fbc832-70a9-45dd-84fd-848ee269b502",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/barcodes/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[barcodes]=created_at,updated_at,number |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
This request accepts the following includes:
Bundles allow for a single product to be made up of multiple other products. This makes it possible to offer customers a set of products that logically go together as a single package, for a single price, and with a combined availability.
Bundles are composed from BundleItems, which describe which products are included, how many of them, and the discount for each product.
There are two types of bundles:
"fixed" or "specified": The products are fixed, and the customer does not get to choose.
"unspecified": One or more of the products in the bundle has multiple product variations, and the customer gets to choose from them. In this case, pricing and availability of the bundle depends on the customer's selected product variation.
Name | Description |
bundle_items |
Bundle items hasmany The bundle items that make up this bundle. |
inventory_levels |
Inventory levels hasmany Availability of this bundle. Because bundles do not exist on a physical level (they are a collection of products), the returned availability will be the maximum number of bundles that can be made from the available products (bundle availability is restricted by the least available product). |
photo |
Photo optional Primary photo of this bundle. |
photos |
Photos hasmany All photos of this bundle. The primary photo must be selected from this set. |
tax_category |
Tax category optional Tax category for tax calculations. When present, this tax category overrides the tax category of the individual products. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether the bundle is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the bundle was archived. |
bundle_items_attributes |
array writeonly Writing to this attribute allows to create or update bundle items at the same time as the bundle itself. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
description |
string nullable Description used in the online store. |
discountable |
boolean Whether discounts should be applied to items in this bundle. |
excerpt |
string nullable Excerpt used in the online store. |
extra_information |
string nullable Extra information about the bundle, shown on orders and documents. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
name |
string Name of the bundle. |
photo_base64 |
string writeonly Base64 encoded photo, use this field to store a main photo. |
photo_id |
uuid readonly nullable Primary photo of this bundle. |
photo_url |
string readonly Main photo URL. |
product_type |
enum readonly Always bundle . This attribute exists because bundles are a kind of Item.Always bundle |
remote_photo_url |
string writeonly URL to an image on the web. |
seo_description |
string nullable SEO meta description tag. |
seo_title |
string nullable SEO title tag. |
show_in_store |
boolean Whether to show this item in the online store. |
slug |
string Slug of the bundle. |
sorting_weight |
integer Defines sort order in the online store, the lower the weight - the higher it shows up in lists. |
tag_list |
array List of tags. |
tax_category_id |
uuid nullable Tax category for tax calculations. When present, this tax category overrides the tax category of the individual products. |
taxable |
boolean Whether this bundle is taxable. |
type |
string readonly Always bundles . This attribute exists because bundles are a kind of Item. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List bundles
How to fetch a list of bundles:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "18ffd1b4-8468-4bad-82c1-1e7f370f600f",
"type": "bundles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-11-21T17:08:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-11-21T17:08:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "bundles",
"name": "iPad Bundle",
"slug": "ipad-bundle",
"product_type": "bundle",
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/bundles
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[bundles]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=photo,inventory_levels |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
discountable |
boolean eq |
excerpt |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
extra_information |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
photo_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
product_type |
enum eq |
q |
string eq |
seo_description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
seo_title |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
show_in_store |
boolean eq |
slug |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
sorting_weight |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tag_list |
string eq |
tax_category_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
taxable |
boolean eq |
type |
string eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
archived |
array count |
discountable |
array count |
product_type |
array count |
show_in_store |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
tax_category_id |
array count |
taxable |
array count |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Search bundles
Use advanced search to make logical filter groups with and/or operators.
How to search for bundles:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"fields": {
"bundles": "id"
"filter": {
"conditions": {
"operator": "or",
"attributes": [
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"discountable": true
"taxable": true
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"show_in_store": true
"taxable": true
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "ea409533-a730-4d13-8149-036b51248925"
"id": "16552c0c-85c9-4d79-81d8-862b15da8a16"
"id": "714cbc42-5133-4ee2-8945-1fb6391bfbc8"
HTTP Request
POST api/boomerang/bundles/search
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[bundles]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=photo,inventory_levels |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
discountable |
boolean eq |
excerpt |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
extra_information |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
photo_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
product_type |
enum eq |
q |
string eq |
seo_description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
seo_title |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
show_in_store |
boolean eq |
slug |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
sorting_weight |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tag_list |
string eq |
tax_category_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
taxable |
boolean eq |
type |
string eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
archived |
array count |
discountable |
array count |
product_type |
array count |
show_in_store |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
tax_category_id |
array count |
taxable |
array count |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a bundle
How to fetch a bundle:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "7a7aeed9-35dd-40fe-8ece-5551e24ce953",
"type": "bundles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-01-01T09:13:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-01-01T09:13:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "bundles",
"name": "iPad Bundle",
"slug": "ipad-bundle",
"product_type": "bundle",
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/bundles/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[bundles]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=photo,bundle_items,tax_category |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a bundle
How to create a bundle with bundle items:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"include": "bundle_items",
"data": {
"type": "bundles",
"attributes": {
"name": "iPad Pro Bundle",
"bundle_items_attributes": [
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 10,
"product_group_id": "1a247a34-c748-422e-8f6e-1a6d3992c656",
"product_id": "ca3c0fbf-03ac-4a05-8a65-d5bab132b59d"
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 15,
"product_group_id": "bf793cc3-ff25-497e-8a92-6cf9a8d99fa0",
"product_id": "07b0cf35-6809-4bec-8350-2dbe5a39a565"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "2f4b77bd-2e6d-4454-8933-babc61ed151f",
"type": "bundles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-05-21T17:38:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-05-21T17:38:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "bundles",
"name": "iPad Pro Bundle",
"slug": "ipad-pro-bundle",
"product_type": "bundle",
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null
"relationships": {
"bundle_items": {
"data": [
"type": "bundle_items",
"id": "df0b9888-284d-4211-8aa3-7c4bd3922ad5"
"type": "bundle_items",
"id": "f6e42e06-fab0-4f46-8f8e-ea8a9422304b"
"type": "bundle_items",
"id": "ae082f3d-ff30-456b-8adb-5b4919c8417a"
"type": "bundle_items",
"id": "0a030633-4d84-4191-8e44-c52eb68d811a"
"included": [
"id": "df0b9888-284d-4211-8aa3-7c4bd3922ad5",
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-05-21T17:38:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-05-21T17:38:00.000000+00:00",
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 10.0,
"position": 1,
"bundle_id": "2f4b77bd-2e6d-4454-8933-babc61ed151f",
"product_group_id": "1a247a34-c748-422e-8f6e-1a6d3992c656",
"product_id": "ca3c0fbf-03ac-4a05-8a65-d5bab132b59d"
"relationships": {}
"id": "f6e42e06-fab0-4f46-8f8e-ea8a9422304b",
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-05-21T17:38:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-05-21T17:38:00.000000+00:00",
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 15.0,
"position": 2,
"bundle_id": "2f4b77bd-2e6d-4454-8933-babc61ed151f",
"product_group_id": "bf793cc3-ff25-497e-8a92-6cf9a8d99fa0",
"product_id": "07b0cf35-6809-4bec-8350-2dbe5a39a565"
"relationships": {}
"id": "ae082f3d-ff30-456b-8adb-5b4919c8417a",
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-05-21T17:38:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-05-21T17:38:00.000000+00:00",
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 10.0,
"position": 3,
"bundle_id": "2f4b77bd-2e6d-4454-8933-babc61ed151f",
"product_group_id": "1a247a34-c748-422e-8f6e-1a6d3992c656",
"product_id": "ca3c0fbf-03ac-4a05-8a65-d5bab132b59d"
"relationships": {}
"id": "0a030633-4d84-4191-8e44-c52eb68d811a",
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-05-21T17:38:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-05-21T17:38:00.000000+00:00",
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 15.0,
"position": 4,
"bundle_id": "2f4b77bd-2e6d-4454-8933-babc61ed151f",
"product_group_id": "bf793cc3-ff25-497e-8a92-6cf9a8d99fa0",
"product_id": "07b0cf35-6809-4bec-8350-2dbe5a39a565"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/bundles
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[bundles]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=photo,bundle_items,tax_category |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][bundle_items_attributes][] |
array Writing to this attribute allows to create or update bundle items at the same time as the bundle itself. |
data[attributes][discountable] |
boolean Whether discounts should be applied to items in this bundle. |
data[attributes][excerpt] |
string Excerpt used in the online store. |
data[attributes][extra_information] |
string Extra information about the bundle, shown on orders and documents. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the bundle. |
data[attributes][photo_base64] |
string Base64 encoded photo, use this field to store a main photo. |
data[attributes][remote_photo_url] |
string URL to an image on the web. |
data[attributes][seo_description] |
string SEO meta description tag. |
data[attributes][seo_title] |
string SEO title tag. |
data[attributes][show_in_store] |
boolean Whether to show this item in the online store. |
data[attributes][slug] |
string Slug of the bundle. |
data[attributes][sorting_weight] |
integer Defines sort order in the online store, the lower the weight - the higher it shows up in lists. |
data[attributes][tag_list][] |
array List of tags. |
data[attributes][tax_category_id] |
uuid Tax category for tax calculations. When present, this tax category overrides the tax category of the individual products. |
data[attributes][taxable] |
boolean Whether this bundle is taxable. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a bundle
How to update a bundle with bundle items:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"include": "bundle_items",
"data": {
"id": "ed81707b-f578-4a6e-82e8-062f3b5ae2d9",
"type": "bundles",
"attributes": {
"name": "iPad Pro Bundle",
"bundle_items_attributes": [
"id": "3357b030-9385-4491-843f-9bd93e88723a",
"_destroy": true
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 15,
"product_group_id": "a9609021-9ac0-45e8-8bfa-03c58a577154",
"product_id": "abff6839-af87-4377-857e-2b217552945d"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "ed81707b-f578-4a6e-82e8-062f3b5ae2d9",
"type": "bundles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-01-20T01:56:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-01-20T01:56:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "bundles",
"name": "iPad Pro Bundle",
"slug": "ipad-pro-bundle",
"product_type": "bundle",
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null
"relationships": {
"bundle_items": {
"data": [
"type": "bundle_items",
"id": "ddfe9f02-abf5-48bd-8fba-334decb8c339"
"type": "bundle_items",
"id": "d5abce78-6f6d-46ef-8e46-876a07eb7133"
"included": [
"id": "ddfe9f02-abf5-48bd-8fba-334decb8c339",
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-01-20T01:56:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-01-20T01:56:00.000000+00:00",
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 15.0,
"position": 2,
"bundle_id": "ed81707b-f578-4a6e-82e8-062f3b5ae2d9",
"product_group_id": "a9609021-9ac0-45e8-8bfa-03c58a577154",
"product_id": "abff6839-af87-4377-857e-2b217552945d"
"relationships": {}
"id": "d5abce78-6f6d-46ef-8e46-876a07eb7133",
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-01-20T01:56:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-01-20T01:56:00.000000+00:00",
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 15.0,
"position": 3,
"bundle_id": "ed81707b-f578-4a6e-82e8-062f3b5ae2d9",
"product_group_id": "a9609021-9ac0-45e8-8bfa-03c58a577154",
"product_id": "abff6839-af87-4377-857e-2b217552945d"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/bundles/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[bundles]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=photo,bundle_items,tax_category |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][bundle_items_attributes][] |
array Writing to this attribute allows to create or update bundle items at the same time as the bundle itself. |
data[attributes][discountable] |
boolean Whether discounts should be applied to items in this bundle. |
data[attributes][excerpt] |
string Excerpt used in the online store. |
data[attributes][extra_information] |
string Extra information about the bundle, shown on orders and documents. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the bundle. |
data[attributes][photo_base64] |
string Base64 encoded photo, use this field to store a main photo. |
data[attributes][remote_photo_url] |
string URL to an image on the web. |
data[attributes][seo_description] |
string SEO meta description tag. |
data[attributes][seo_title] |
string SEO title tag. |
data[attributes][show_in_store] |
boolean Whether to show this item in the online store. |
data[attributes][slug] |
string Slug of the bundle. |
data[attributes][sorting_weight] |
integer Defines sort order in the online store, the lower the weight - the higher it shows up in lists. |
data[attributes][tag_list][] |
array List of tags. |
data[attributes][tax_category_id] |
uuid Tax category for tax calculations. When present, this tax category overrides the tax category of the individual products. |
data[attributes][taxable] |
boolean Whether this bundle is taxable. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Archive a bundle
How to delete a bundle:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "ec090d58-5e64-4db7-89ae-80f6bcdd3d22",
"type": "bundles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-08-27T09:39:03.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-08-27T09:39:03.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2023-08-27T09:39:03.000000+00:00",
"type": "bundles",
"name": "iPad Bundle",
"slug": "ec090d58-5e64-4db7-89ae-80f6bcdd3d22",
"product_type": "bundle",
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/bundles/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[bundles]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
Bundle items
Bundle items define which products (variations) and product groups are included in a Bundle. When bundles are booked on an order, the quantity and discount percentage defined in a bundle item will be applied.
There are two types of bundle items:
"fixed" or "specified": The
is set and fixed, and the customer does not get to choose. These BundleItems do not need to be specified when booking a bundle."unspecified": The
, and the customer gets to choose one of the product variations. These BundleItems must to be specified when booking a bundle.
Name | Description |
bundle |
Bundle required The Bundle this BundleItem is part of. |
product |
Product optional When non-null, then this is the prespecified Product that will be booked. When null, then the user has to choose a product variation from the product_group . This relation is required when product_group does not have variations. |
product_group |
Product group required When the product relation is non-null, then this is the ProductGroup that the Product belongs to. When the product relation is null, then this is the ProductGroup that the user has to choose a product variation from. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
bundle_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The Bundle this BundleItem is part of. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
discount_percentage |
float The discount percentage for this product when rented out as part of a bundle. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
position |
integer Position of this bundle item within the bundle. I.e sorting relative to other bundle items. |
product_group_id |
uuid readonly-after-create When the product relation is non-null, then this is the ProductGroup that the Product belongs to. When the product relation is null, then this is the ProductGroup that the user has to choose a product variation from. |
product_id |
uuid nullable When non-null, then this is the prespecified Product that will be booked. When null, then the user has to choose a product variation from the product_group . This relation is required when product_group does not have variations. |
quantity |
integer The quantity of the product included in the bundle. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List bundle items
How to fetch a list of bundle items:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[bundle_id]=b484afb9-abf3-4598-8fce-44d5d5c62784'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "3e60cc8c-7215-4b14-8a74-8fe96f550d33",
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-11-14T16:12:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-11-14T16:12:00.000000+00:00",
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 15.0,
"position": 1,
"bundle_id": "b484afb9-abf3-4598-8fce-44d5d5c62784",
"product_group_id": "935f7965-5c06-44eb-8472-f9aa3f1e036e",
"product_id": "567ad7e5-6130-401e-84a8-d966a6ae6717"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/bundle_items
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[bundle_items]=created_at,updated_at,quantity |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=bundle,product,product_group |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
bundle_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
discount_percentage |
float eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
position |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
product_group_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
product_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
quantity |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a bundle item
How to fetch a bundle item:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "613a8167-828e-4728-8f62-810a41cd2ba5",
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-08-13T03:51:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-08-13T03:51:01.000000+00:00",
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 15.0,
"position": 1,
"bundle_id": "2201586a-dcc4-4803-8d2c-2e6d02541f2b",
"product_group_id": "08475ef9-150e-4113-8035-9a10812b06e9",
"product_id": "56cf4f31-b9ac-4968-8899-b81f09e246a6"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/bundle_items/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[bundle_items]=created_at,updated_at,quantity |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=bundle,product,product_group |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a bundle item
How to create a bundle item:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"bundle_id": "aadf38b5-6d5e-4c54-8d7b-7cce2b00801a",
"product_group_id": "9bc50456-e92e-4162-8610-8f8ca7323b5b",
"product_id": "6fb4ee32-8b29-439a-856d-9847696afb13",
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 15
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "3b9d771b-6d67-42d8-83b3-289dedbb7a1e",
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-09-16T12:53:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-09-16T12:53:01.000000+00:00",
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 15.0,
"position": 2,
"bundle_id": "aadf38b5-6d5e-4c54-8d7b-7cce2b00801a",
"product_group_id": "9bc50456-e92e-4162-8610-8f8ca7323b5b",
"product_id": "6fb4ee32-8b29-439a-856d-9847696afb13"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/bundle_items
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[bundle_items]=created_at,updated_at,quantity |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=bundle,product,product_group |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][bundle_id] |
uuid The Bundle this BundleItem is part of. |
data[attributes][discount_percentage] |
float The discount percentage for this product when rented out as part of a bundle. |
data[attributes][position] |
integer Position of this bundle item within the bundle. I.e sorting relative to other bundle items. |
data[attributes][product_group_id] |
uuid When the product relation is non-null, then this is the ProductGroup that the Product belongs to. When the product relation is null, then this is the ProductGroup that the user has to choose a product variation from. |
data[attributes][product_id] |
uuid When non-null, then this is the prespecified Product that will be booked. When null, then the user has to choose a product variation from the product_group . This relation is required when product_group does not have variations. |
data[attributes][quantity] |
integer The quantity of the product included in the bundle. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a bundle item
How to update a bundle item:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "b19d7917-4360-464c-8add-3d8003786467",
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"quantity": 3,
"discount_percentage": 20
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "b19d7917-4360-464c-8add-3d8003786467",
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-01-21T01:26:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-01-21T01:26:00.000000+00:00",
"quantity": 3,
"discount_percentage": 20.0,
"position": 1,
"bundle_id": "f53691b2-481e-4f06-8b42-70a8260e0bea",
"product_group_id": "997ec012-e358-4a2c-8bb9-97674479ed4f",
"product_id": "73f4eef3-b748-4cd0-8f75-0e013f461872"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/bundle_items/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[bundle_items]=created_at,updated_at,quantity |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=bundle,product,product_group |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][bundle_id] |
uuid The Bundle this BundleItem is part of. |
data[attributes][discount_percentage] |
float The discount percentage for this product when rented out as part of a bundle. |
data[attributes][position] |
integer Position of this bundle item within the bundle. I.e sorting relative to other bundle items. |
data[attributes][product_group_id] |
uuid When the product relation is non-null, then this is the ProductGroup that the Product belongs to. When the product relation is null, then this is the ProductGroup that the user has to choose a product variation from. |
data[attributes][product_id] |
uuid When non-null, then this is the prespecified Product that will be booked. When null, then the user has to choose a product variation from the product_group . This relation is required when product_group does not have variations. |
data[attributes][quantity] |
integer The quantity of the product included in the bundle. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete a bundle item
How to delete a bundle item:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "791f0c17-84d2-4362-8ad5-b097d71cf9e6",
"type": "bundle_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-05-16T17:50:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-05-16T17:50:00.000000+00:00",
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 15.0,
"position": 1,
"bundle_id": "04391a33-673f-4548-89e1-44e58bdfb28a",
"product_group_id": "bb5d0ce6-7858-4bcf-8875-352bd5587852",
"product_id": "98855843-4132-4178-8120-0393eaf5604f"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/bundle_items/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[bundle_items]=created_at,updated_at,quantity |
This request does not accept any includes
A cluster is a group of locations that share their inventory (and availability). Stock can move between locations within the same cluster, meaning they can be picked up at one location and returned to another.
Name | Description |
locations |
Locations hasmany The Locations that make up this cluster. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
location_ids |
array readonly-after-create The Locations that belong to this cluster. |
name |
string Name of the cluster. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List clusters
How to fetch clusters:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "c85988b4-e5f9-4b7b-8e84-59dc91306d07",
"type": "clusters",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2017-04-19T16:54:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2017-04-19T16:54:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Main",
"location_ids": []
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/clusters
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[clusters]=created_at,updated_at,name |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=locations |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
location_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a cluster
How to fetch a single cluster:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "242d27bb-1ff5-41ca-80d5-dd4a2c675525",
"type": "clusters",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2014-08-27T15:06:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2014-08-27T15:06:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Main",
"location_ids": []
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/clusters/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[clusters]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=locations |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a cluster
How to create a cluster:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "clusters",
"attributes": {
"name": "Amsterdam"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "a4eb298e-c8b8-4b40-85cf-ec9dbbf68a92",
"type": "clusters",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2024-06-20T05:57:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2024-06-20T05:57:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Amsterdam",
"location_ids": []
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/clusters
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[clusters]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=locations |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][location_ids][] |
array The Locations that belong to this cluster. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the cluster. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a cluster
How to update a cluster:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "df280d1c-34d7-4b2d-89d8-289bf254f317",
"type": "clusters",
"attributes": {
"name": "Rotterdam"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "df280d1c-34d7-4b2d-89d8-289bf254f317",
"type": "clusters",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-06-22T20:42:09.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-06-22T20:42:09.000000+00:00",
"name": "Rotterdam",
"location_ids": []
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/clusters/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[clusters]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=locations |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][location_ids][] |
array The Locations that belong to this cluster. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the cluster. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete a cluster
To delete a cluster make sure no active locations are associated with it anymore.
How to delete a cluster:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "79f093e1-f668-4a70-8e91-6f10c351314a",
"type": "clusters",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-06-18T06:27:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-06-18T06:27:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Main",
"location_ids": []
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
A failure due to a cluster still being associated with locations:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "cluster_has_locations",
"status": "422",
"title": "Cluster has locations",
"detail": "This cluster has 1 or more active locations",
"meta": {
"location_ids": [
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/clusters/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[clusters]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=locations |
This request accepts the following includes:
Collections are used to create a hierarchy of products.
To change the ordering of items within a collection, use Sortings.
Name | Description |
collection_items |
Collection items hasmany All items that make up this collection. Each collection item adds either a ProductGroup or a Bundle to this collection. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
all_children |
array readonly extra All child collections. |
all_parents |
array readonly extra All parent collections. |
collection_type |
enum readonly-after-create Dynamic collections are automatically updated. Static collections are defined by the user. One of: static , dynamic . |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
depth |
integer readonly How deep this collection sits in the hierarchy. Depth 1 represents top-level collections, depth 2 represents children, and depth 3 represents grandchildren. Nesting is limited to 3 levels. |
description |
string A description of this collection. |
hierarchical_name |
array[string] readonly extra Names of all parents, with the name of this collection as last. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
image_base64 |
string writeonly Base64 encoded photo, use this field to add a photo. |
image_large_url |
string readonly URL of the large image for this collection. |
image_url |
string readonly URL of the image for this collection. |
item_count |
integer Number of collection items in this collection. Includes collection items in this collection, but not in nested collections. |
name |
string Name of this collection. |
parent_id |
uuid The ID of the parent collection. |
position |
integer readonly Relative position of this collection among its siblings within the same parent collection. |
remote_image_url |
string writeonly URL to an image on the web, use this field to add a photo. |
remove_image |
boolean writeonly Remove the current image. |
seo_description |
string SEO description. |
seo_title |
string SEO title. |
show_in_store |
boolean Whether to show this collection in the online store. |
slug |
string Slug used in online store URLs. |
system |
boolean When true , this collection is generated and maintained automatically by Booqable. System collections cannot be updated or deleted. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List collections
How to fetch collections:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "e8b928ec-172a-4655-80f9-eea1a1be9c89",
"type": "collections",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-11-17T02:13:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-11-17T02:13:02.000000+00:00",
"name": "All Seasons",
"slug": "all-seasons",
"description": null,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"collection_type": "manual",
"system": false,
"item_count": 0,
"show_in_store": true,
"parent_id": null,
"depth": 1,
"position": null,
"image_url": null,
"image_large_url": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/collections
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[collections]=all_parents,all_children,hierarchical_name |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[collections]=created_at,updated_at,name |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
collection_type |
enum eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
depth |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
hierarchical_q |
string eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
parent_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
position |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
q |
string eq |
seo_description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
seo_title |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
show_in_store |
boolean eq |
slug |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
system |
boolean eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch a collection
How to fetch a single collection:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "e747596e-eb84-4e15-8b4e-9b160d64633c",
"type": "collections",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-12-02T10:21:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-12-02T10:21:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "All Seasons",
"slug": "all-seasons",
"description": null,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"collection_type": "manual",
"system": false,
"item_count": 0,
"show_in_store": true,
"parent_id": null,
"depth": 1,
"position": null,
"image_url": null,
"image_large_url": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/collections/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[collections]=all_parents,all_children,hierarchical_name |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[collections]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=collection_items |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a collection
How to create a collection:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "collections",
"attributes": {
"name": "Spring Collection"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "067fbd40-bc13-4aec-8426-a75cc1a273f8",
"type": "collections",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-04-23T15:23:58.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-04-23T15:23:58.000000+00:00",
"name": "Spring Collection",
"slug": "spring-collection",
"description": null,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"collection_type": null,
"system": false,
"item_count": 0,
"show_in_store": true,
"parent_id": null,
"depth": 1,
"position": null,
"image_url": null,
"image_large_url": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/collections
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[collections]=all_parents,all_children,hierarchical_name |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[collections]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=collection_items |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][collection_type] |
enum Dynamic collections are automatically updated. Static collections are defined by the user. One of: static , dynamic . |
data[attributes][image_base64] |
string Base64 encoded photo, use this field to add a photo. |
data[attributes][item_count] |
integer Number of collection items in this collection. Includes collection items in this collection, but not in nested collections. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of this collection. |
data[attributes][parent_id] |
uuid The ID of the parent collection. |
data[attributes][remote_image_url] |
string URL to an image on the web, use this field to add a photo. |
data[attributes][remove_image] |
boolean Remove the current image. |
data[attributes][seo_description] |
string SEO description. |
data[attributes][seo_title] |
string SEO title. |
data[attributes][show_in_store] |
boolean Whether to show this collection in the online store. |
data[attributes][slug] |
string Slug used in online store URLs. |
data[attributes][system] |
boolean When true , this collection is generated and maintained automatically by Booqable. System collections cannot be updated or deleted. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a collection
How to update a collection:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "6ee95651-79a3-47df-875d-6bceb66cb4e6",
"type": "collections",
"attributes": {
"name": "Fall Collection"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "6ee95651-79a3-47df-875d-6bceb66cb4e6",
"type": "collections",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-04-06T17:47:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-04-06T17:47:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Fall Collection",
"slug": "all-seasons",
"description": null,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"collection_type": "manual",
"system": false,
"item_count": 0,
"show_in_store": true,
"parent_id": null,
"depth": 1,
"position": null,
"image_url": null,
"image_large_url": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/collections/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[collections]=all_parents,all_children,hierarchical_name |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[collections]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=collection_items |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][collection_type] |
enum Dynamic collections are automatically updated. Static collections are defined by the user. One of: static , dynamic . |
data[attributes][image_base64] |
string Base64 encoded photo, use this field to add a photo. |
data[attributes][item_count] |
integer Number of collection items in this collection. Includes collection items in this collection, but not in nested collections. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of this collection. |
data[attributes][parent_id] |
uuid The ID of the parent collection. |
data[attributes][remote_image_url] |
string URL to an image on the web, use this field to add a photo. |
data[attributes][remove_image] |
boolean Remove the current image. |
data[attributes][seo_description] |
string SEO description. |
data[attributes][seo_title] |
string SEO title. |
data[attributes][show_in_store] |
boolean Whether to show this collection in the online store. |
data[attributes][slug] |
string Slug used in online store URLs. |
data[attributes][system] |
boolean When true , this collection is generated and maintained automatically by Booqable. System collections cannot be updated or deleted. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete a collection
To delete a collection make sure there are no nested collections anymore.
How to delete a collection:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "df45847d-b793-411a-82a7-2344685a75df",
"type": "collections",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2022-02-26T11:23:14.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-02-26T11:23:14.000000+00:00",
"name": "All Seasons",
"slug": "all-seasons",
"description": null,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"collection_type": "manual",
"system": false,
"item_count": 0,
"show_in_store": true,
"parent_id": null,
"depth": 1,
"position": null,
"image_url": null,
"image_large_url": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/collections/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[collections]=all_parents,all_children,hierarchical_name |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[collections]=created_at,updated_at,name |
This request does not accept any includes
Collection items
An item in a Collection.
CollectionItems cannot be changed directly, but their position can be updated through the Sortings resource.
Name | Description |
collection |
Collection required The Collection this CollectionItem is part of. |
item |
Item required The item. Can be a ProductGroup or a Bundle. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
collection_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The Collection this CollectionItem is part of. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
implicit |
boolean readonly A value of true indicates that this item was not added explicitly, but instead is included in one of the child Collections. |
item_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The item. Can be a ProductGroup or a Bundle. |
position |
integer readonly Position of this item within the Collection. I.e sorting relative to other CollectionItems. |
source_collections |
array readonly extra The child Collection(s) which explicitly include the ProductGroup/Bundle, and are the source(s) for this CollectionItem. |
List collection items
How to fetch collection items:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "c1cd76e1-4623-455e-8573-566ce1ce6c28",
"type": "collection_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-01-20T16:48:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-01-20T16:48:01.000000+00:00",
"item_id": "33763613-da95-4e0a-89fd-1394814769da",
"collection_id": "80277708-d325-42a0-87a1-7e45bb3167ec",
"position": null,
"implicit": false
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/collection_items
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[collection_items]=source_collections |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[collection_items]=created_at,item_id,collection_id |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=item,collection |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
collection_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
exclude_system_collections |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
implicit |
boolean eq |
item_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
position |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a collection item
How to create a collection item:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "collection_items",
"attributes": {
"item_id": "facd8ef7-5f11-4dae-8318-f3a59f73560e",
"collection_id": "d9c4b730-729f-4e5d-8809-1be451f56dac"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "2f9668f0-65ed-4b5c-865d-f8e91d0b51cd",
"type": "collection_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-05-23T01:55:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-05-23T01:55:00.000000+00:00",
"item_id": "facd8ef7-5f11-4dae-8318-f3a59f73560e",
"collection_id": "d9c4b730-729f-4e5d-8809-1be451f56dac",
"position": null,
"implicit": false
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/collection_items
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[collection_items]=source_collections |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[collection_items]=created_at,item_id,collection_id |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][collection_id] |
uuid The Collection this CollectionItem is part of. |
data[attributes][item_id] |
uuid The item. Can be a ProductGroup or a Bundle. |
This request does not accept any includes
Delete a collection item
How to delete a collection item:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "ec034cc0-89e0-42f0-8a00-b2a59de8c98a",
"type": "collection_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-01-04T10:28:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-01-04T10:28:00.000000+00:00",
"item_id": "cdb92bdf-3a07-413f-8f82-69cb2d3ea2b1",
"collection_id": "fc597631-ca5b-4fcb-83eb-2b59c0f54073",
"position": null,
"implicit": false
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/collection_items/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[collection_items]=source_collections |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[collection_items]=created_at,item_id,collection_id |
This request does not accept any includes
Collection trees
Allows making multiple changes to the tree of collections at once.
Name | Description |
collections |
array writeonly Array of hashes, which each describe an update to make. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
Update the tree
How to update the tree:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "collection_trees",
"attributes": {
"collections": [
"id": "7ee0b635-bd10-4ade-835f-08e7a341e36d",
"parent_id": "786ce8ea-70d2-46b4-8a1c-f59a62784714",
"position": 3
"id": "be1d0d57-55e2-47ed-8bd9-7aef1ccdc47d",
"parent_id": "f773a180-793f-4c5e-8640-a794e8b7a3b9",
"position": 4
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "4583bb5e-28c4-4e74-8610-06c05f98a464",
"type": "collection_trees"
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/collection_trees
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][collections][] |
array Array of hashes, which each describe an update to make. |
This request does not accept any includes
Every action performed in a Booqable account is scoped to a company. A company holds information and configuration about an account.
Name | Description |
address |
string readonly The full address. |
address_line_1 |
string First address line. |
address_line_2 |
string Second address line. |
billing_address |
hash readonly A hash with the company billing address fields. Use it when fetching the company. See address property type for more information. |
billing_address_attributes |
hash writeonly A hash with the company billing address fields. Use it when updating the company billing address. See address property type for more information. |
billing_address_city |
string City (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
billing_address_country |
string Country (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
billing_address_line_1 |
string First address line (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
billing_address_line_2 |
string Second address line (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
billing_address_region |
string Region (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
billing_address_zipcode |
string Zipcode (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
billing_company |
string Company name (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
billing_email |
string Used to send billing emails to. |
city |
string City. |
continent |
string readonly Continent the company is situated. |
country |
string Country. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
currency |
string Currency of the company. |
custom_domain |
string Custom domain to use for hosted store and checkout. |
custom_domain_validation |
hash Validation details for the custom domain. |
default_timezone |
string Company's default timezone. |
development |
boolean readonly Whether this is a development account. |
email |
string Used in customer communication, on documents and as the reply-to address for emails that are being sent. |
favicon_base64 |
string writeonly To upload a favicon send it as a base64 encoded string. |
favicon_url |
string readonly Company favicon URL. |
financial_line_1 |
string First extra financial information line (like bank account) used in customer communication, on documents, and as the reply-to address for emails that are being sent. |
financial_line_2 |
string Second extra financial information line (like bank account) used in customer communication, on documents, and as the reply-to address for emails that are being sent. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
in_europe |
boolean readonly Whether company is situated in Europe. |
installed_online_store |
boolean readonly If the online store is installed, this boolean will return true. |
logo_base64 |
string writeonly To update a logo send it as base64 encoded string. |
logo_url |
string readonly URL of the uploaded logo. |
main_address |
hash readonly A hash with the company main address fields. Use it when fetching the company. See address property type for more information. |
main_address_attributes |
hash writeonly A hash with the company main address fields. Use it when updating the company main address. See address property type for more information. |
market |
string The market the company operates in. |
medium |
string readonly UTM medium present during signup. |
name |
string Name of the company. |
pending_subscription |
boolean readonly Whether the company has a pending subscription. |
phone |
string Phone number. |
region |
string Region. |
remove_favicon |
boolean writeonly Remove current favicon. |
remove_logo |
boolean writeonly Remove current logo. |
revenue_last_year |
string readonly Revenue last year given during signup. |
shop_theme_id |
uuid ID of installed shop theme. |
slug |
string readonly Company's slug, the part of the domain name before . |
source |
string readonly UTM source present during signup. |
subscription |
hash readonly extra Details about the subscription. |
team_size |
string readonly Team size given during signup. |
tenant_token |
string readonly Token. |
third_party_id |
string ID used for third party tools. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
use_billing_address |
boolean Whether to use billing address on invoices received from Booqable. |
vat_number |
string Company's VAT number, used in customer communication and to define tax exempts. |
website |
string Website. |
year_business_start |
string readonly Year when company started, given during signup. |
zipcode |
string Zipcode. |
Fetch a company
How to fetch a company:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "9391cc27-0209-4fb5-8077-0e7af94f571d",
"type": "companies",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-12-03T02:00:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-12-03T02:00:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "iRent",
"slug": "irent",
"email": "[email protected]",
"billing_email": null,
"phone": null,
"website": "",
"address_line_1": "Blokhuispoort",
"address_line_2": "Leeuwarden",
"zipcode": "8900AB",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": null,
"country": "Netherlands",
"market": "AV / Camera",
"use_billing_address": false,
"billing_company": null,
"billing_address_line_1": null,
"billing_address_line_2": null,
"billing_address_zipcode": null,
"billing_address_city": null,
"billing_address_region": null,
"billing_address_country": null,
"logo_url": null,
"favicon_url": null,
"default_timezone": "UTC",
"currency": "usd",
"financial_line_1": "Blokhuispoort",
"financial_line_2": "Leeuwarden",
"vat_number": null,
"in_europe": null,
"continent": null,
"custom_domain": null,
"custom_domain_validation": null,
"development": false,
"shop_theme_id": null,
"installed_online_store": false,
"source": null,
"medium": null,
"tenant_token": "e08844f444c33fcafbe78fef211e194c",
"pending_subscription": false,
"team_size": null,
"revenue_last_year": null,
"year_business_start": null,
"address": "Blokhuispoort\nLeeuwarden\n8900AB Leeuwarden\nNetherlands",
"main_address": {
"meets_validation_requirements": false,
"first_name": null,
"last_name": null,
"address1": "Blokhuispoort",
"address2": "Leeuwarden",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": null,
"zipcode": "8900AB",
"country": "Netherlands",
"country_id": null,
"province_id": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"value": "Blokhuispoort\nLeeuwarden\n8900AB Leeuwarden\nNetherlands"
"billing_address": null,
"third_party_id": "9391cc27-0209-4fb5-8077-0e7af94f571d"
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/companies/current
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[companies]=subscription |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[companies]=created_at,updated_at,name |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch subscription details
The subscription has the following fields:
Name | Description |
trial_ends_at |
Datetime readonly When the trial ends |
activated |
Boolean readonly Whether subscription is active |
suspended |
Boolean readonly Whether account is suspended |
canceled |
Boolean readonly Whether subscription is canceled |
canceled_at |
Datetime readonly When the subscription is canceled (can also be in the future) |
on_hold |
Boolean readonly Whether account is on-hold |
needs_activation |
Boolean readonly Whether account needs to activate a subscription |
legacy |
Datetime readonly Whether it's a legacy subscription |
product |
String readonly Which product is active, one of Essential , Pro , Premium , Legacy |
plan_id |
String readonly ID of the product (used internally by Booqable) |
interval |
String readonly Billing interval, one of month , year |
current_period_end |
Datetime readonly When the current billing period ends |
quantity |
Integer readonly Quantity of the subscription (used for legacy subscriptions to buy seats) |
extra_employees |
Integer readonly Extra employees billed for |
extra_locations |
Integer readonly Extra locations billed for |
amount_in_cents |
Integer readonly Amount in cents |
discount_in_cents |
Integer readonly Discount in cents |
balance_in_cents |
Integer readonly Balance in cents, will be deducted from the next invoice(s) |
coupon |
String readonly Coupon that's currently active |
coupon_percent_off |
String* readonly Percentage of discount on the current active coupon |
coupon_duration |
String* readonly Duration type of the current active coupon, one of forever , once , repeating |
coupon_duration_in_months |
String* readonly Amount of months the coupon is active. Only present when coupon duration is repeating . |
strategy |
String readonly Billing strategy, one of send_invoice , charge_automatically |
source |
Hash readonly Information about the payment source |
enabled_features |
Hash readonly Beta features that are currently enabled |
allowed_features |
Hash readonly List of allowed features for plan |
restrictions |
Hash readonly Restrictions applied to this account |
How to fetch details about the company its subscription:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'extra_fields[companies]=subscription'
--data-urlencode 'fields[companies]=subscription'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "b962f1eb-9fbc-42f9-81ac-a12d0b5a2174",
"type": "companies",
"attributes": {
"subscription": {
"trial_ends_at": "2019-05-03T10:16:00.000000+00:00",
"activated": false,
"active_subscription": false,
"suspended": false,
"canceled": false,
"canceled_at": null,
"on_hold": false,
"product": "Premium",
"expiring": false,
"plan_id": null,
"interval": "month",
"current_period_end": null,
"extra_employees": 0,
"extra_employees_left": 4,
"extra_locations": 0,
"addons": [],
"amount_in_cents": 29900,
"discount_in_cents": 0,
"balance_in_cents": 0,
"coupon": null,
"coupon_percent_off": null,
"coupon_duration": null,
"coupon_duration_in_months": null,
"strategy": "charge_automatically",
"source": null,
"enabled_features": [],
"allowed_features": [
"restrictions": {
"employees": 5,
"email_max_recipients": 20,
"rate_limit_max": 50,
"rate_limit_period": 60,
"locations": 1,
"allow_extra_locations": true,
"allow_extra_employees": false
"can_try_plan": true
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/companies/current
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[companies]=subscription |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[companies]=created_at,updated_at,name |
This request does not accept any includes
Update a company
How to update a company:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "39b6d9bd-03cc-4869-8a7a-9e3ca8f59712",
"type": "companies",
"attributes": {
"name": "iRent LLC"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "39b6d9bd-03cc-4869-8a7a-9e3ca8f59712",
"type": "companies",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-02-19T10:28:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-02-19T10:28:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "iRent LLC",
"slug": "irent",
"email": "[email protected]",
"billing_email": null,
"phone": null,
"website": "",
"address_line_1": "Blokhuispoort",
"address_line_2": "Leeuwarden",
"zipcode": "8900AB",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": null,
"country": "Netherlands",
"market": "AV / Camera",
"use_billing_address": false,
"billing_company": null,
"billing_address_line_1": null,
"billing_address_line_2": null,
"billing_address_zipcode": null,
"billing_address_city": null,
"billing_address_region": null,
"billing_address_country": null,
"logo_url": null,
"favicon_url": null,
"default_timezone": "UTC",
"currency": "usd",
"financial_line_1": "Blokhuispoort",
"financial_line_2": "Leeuwarden",
"vat_number": null,
"in_europe": null,
"continent": null,
"custom_domain": null,
"custom_domain_validation": null,
"development": false,
"shop_theme_id": null,
"installed_online_store": false,
"source": null,
"medium": null,
"tenant_token": "7a1067c6345a05d4627e8ec7bdeadbe6",
"pending_subscription": false,
"team_size": null,
"revenue_last_year": null,
"year_business_start": null,
"address": "Blokhuispoort\nLeeuwarden\n8900AB Leeuwarden\nNetherlands",
"main_address": {
"meets_validation_requirements": false,
"first_name": null,
"last_name": null,
"address1": "Blokhuispoort",
"address2": "Leeuwarden",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": null,
"zipcode": "8900AB",
"country": "Netherlands",
"country_id": null,
"province_id": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"value": "Blokhuispoort\nLeeuwarden\n8900AB Leeuwarden\nNetherlands"
"billing_address": null,
"third_party_id": "39b6d9bd-03cc-4869-8a7a-9e3ca8f59712"
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/companies/current
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[companies]=subscription |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[companies]=created_at,updated_at,name |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][address_line_1] |
string First address line. |
data[attributes][address_line_2] |
string Second address line. |
data[attributes][billing_address_attributes] |
hash A hash with the company billing address fields. Use it when updating the company billing address. See address property type for more information. |
data[attributes][billing_address_city] |
string City (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
data[attributes][billing_address_country] |
string Country (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
data[attributes][billing_address_line_1] |
string First address line (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
data[attributes][billing_address_line_2] |
string Second address line (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
data[attributes][billing_address_region] |
string Region (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
data[attributes][billing_address_zipcode] |
string Zipcode (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
data[attributes][billing_company] |
string Company name (used for invoices received from Booqable). |
data[attributes][billing_email] |
string Used to send billing emails to. |
data[attributes][city] |
string City. |
data[attributes][country] |
string Country. |
data[attributes][currency] |
string Currency of the company. |
data[attributes][custom_domain] |
string Custom domain to use for hosted store and checkout. |
data[attributes][custom_domain_validation] |
hash Validation details for the custom domain. |
data[attributes][default_timezone] |
string Company's default timezone. |
data[attributes][email] |
string Used in customer communication, on documents and as the reply-to address for emails that are being sent. |
data[attributes][favicon_base64] |
string To upload a favicon send it as a base64 encoded string. |
data[attributes][financial_line_1] |
string First extra financial information line (like bank account) used in customer communication, on documents, and as the reply-to address for emails that are being sent. |
data[attributes][financial_line_2] |
string Second extra financial information line (like bank account) used in customer communication, on documents, and as the reply-to address for emails that are being sent. |
data[attributes][logo_base64] |
string To update a logo send it as base64 encoded string. |
data[attributes][main_address_attributes] |
hash A hash with the company main address fields. Use it when updating the company main address. See address property type for more information. |
data[attributes][market] |
string The market the company operates in. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the company. |
data[attributes][phone] |
string Phone number. |
data[attributes][region] |
string Region. |
data[attributes][remove_favicon] |
boolean Remove current favicon. |
data[attributes][remove_logo] |
boolean Remove current logo. |
data[attributes][shop_theme_id] |
uuid ID of installed shop theme. |
data[attributes][third_party_id] |
string ID used for third party tools. |
data[attributes][use_billing_address] |
boolean Whether to use billing address on invoices received from Booqable. |
data[attributes][vat_number] |
string Company's VAT number, used in customer communication and to define tax exempts. |
data[attributes][website] |
string Website. |
data[attributes][zipcode] |
string Zipcode. |
This request does not accept any includes
The Country
resource describes countries,
including the information required to validate the format of addresses.
Name | Description |
provinces |
Provinces hasmany The provinces/states of this country (or any other administrative subdivision). |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
alpha2 |
string readonly ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. |
city_autofill |
string readonly The value to use for the city when autofilling. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
form_layout |
string readonly The layout of the address form. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
name |
string readonly Name of the country. |
province_required |
boolean readonly Whether a province is required for addresses in this country. |
province_type |
string readonly The province type of this country. |
show_layout |
string readonly The layout of the address when shown. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
zipcode_autofill |
string readonly The value to use for the ZIP code when autofilling. |
zipcode_format |
string readonly The format of the ZIP code, as a regular expression. |
zipcode_placeholder |
string readonly The placeholder to use for the ZIP code. |
zipcode_required |
boolean readonly Whether a ZIP code is required for addresses in this country. |
zipcode_type |
string readonly The ZIP code type of this country. |
List countries
How to fetch a list of countries:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "adafbcae-49c4-4209-8932-8b822acb8924",
"type": "countries",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2028-11-04T19:33:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2028-11-04T19:33:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Netherlands",
"alpha2": "NL",
"province_required": false,
"province_type": "province",
"form_layout": "{country}\n{first_name}{last_name}\n{address1}\n{address2}\n{zipcode}{city}",
"show_layout": "{first_name} {last_name}\n{address1}\n{address2}\n{zipcode} {city}\n{country}",
"zipcode_required": true,
"zipcode_autofill": null,
"zipcode_format": "\\d{4} ?[A-Z]{2}",
"zipcode_placeholder": "1234 AB",
"zipcode_type": "postcode",
"city_autofill": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/countries
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[countries]=created_at,updated_at,name |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=provinces |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
alpha2 |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
city_autofill |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
form_layout |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
province_required |
boolean eq |
province_type |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
show_layout |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
zipcode_autofill |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
zipcode_format |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
zipcode_placeholder |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
zipcode_required |
boolean eq |
zipcode_type |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create codes to discount orders by a fixed amount or a percentage. Customers can redeem the codes online at checkout. Coupons can also be added to orders in the back office.
Name | Description |
active |
boolean Whether coupon can be redeemed at the moment. |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether coupon is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the coupon was archived. |
coupon_type |
string How the discount is calculated. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
identifier |
string The code that customers need to type in. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
value |
integer A percentage for type percentage or a value in cents for cents . |
List coupons
How to fetch a list of coupons:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "631bea2b-3cb8-4bbd-819d-7cb0257b110e",
"type": "coupons",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-07-21T18:25:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-07-21T18:25:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"identifier": "SUMMER20OFF",
"coupon_type": "percentage",
"value": 20,
"active": true
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/coupons
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[coupons]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
active |
boolean eq |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
coupon_type |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
identifier |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
value |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch a coupon
How to fetch a coupon:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "2a057098-ccb5-4179-800a-0d295431eaa3",
"type": "coupons",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-09-19T23:57:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-09-19T23:57:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"identifier": "SUMMER20OFF",
"coupon_type": "percentage",
"value": 20,
"active": true
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/coupons/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[coupons]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
Create a coupon
How to create a coupon:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "coupons",
"attributes": {
"identifier": "WINTERDISCOUNT",
"coupon_type": "cents",
"value": 2000,
"active": true
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "e2ba40bf-54f7-422e-844e-5d36bacd5bfa",
"type": "coupons",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-12-12T20:49:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-12-12T20:49:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"identifier": "WINTERDISCOUNT",
"coupon_type": "cents",
"value": 2000,
"active": true
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/coupons
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[coupons]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][active] |
boolean Whether coupon can be redeemed at the moment. |
data[attributes][coupon_type] |
string How the discount is calculated. |
data[attributes][identifier] |
string The code that customers need to type in. |
data[attributes][value] |
integer A percentage for type percentage or a value in cents for cents . |
This request does not accept any includes
Update a coupon
When updating a coupon the existing one is archived and a new one gets created:
How to update a coupon:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "90aa7e25-800f-4f23-84c2-1f077eaea4dd",
"type": "coupons",
"attributes": {
"identifier": "SUMMER30OFF",
"coupon_type": "percentage",
"value": 30
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "f3f44405-c4fe-424e-8fe4-bfdfe6a7f761",
"type": "coupons",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-03-12T23:40:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-03-12T23:40:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"identifier": "SUMMER30OFF",
"coupon_type": "percentage",
"value": 30,
"active": false
"meta": {}
How to deactivate a coupon:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "8c0f8005-b948-4ddc-855b-6825e4159246",
"type": "coupons",
"attributes": {
"active": false
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "aa069e77-af42-4e2c-862a-53a56308bcc0",
"type": "coupons",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2022-08-10T18:19:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-08-10T18:19:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"identifier": "SUMMER20OFF",
"coupon_type": "percentage",
"value": 20,
"active": false
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/coupons/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[coupons]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][active] |
boolean Whether coupon can be redeemed at the moment. |
data[attributes][coupon_type] |
string How the discount is calculated. |
data[attributes][identifier] |
string The code that customers need to type in. |
data[attributes][value] |
integer A percentage for type percentage or a value in cents for cents . |
This request does not accept any includes
Archive a coupon
How to archive a coupon:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "48f7032a-1017-4616-82e3-be69134a1685",
"type": "coupons",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-09-09T21:54:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-09-09T21:54:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2015-09-09T21:54:00.000000+00:00",
"identifier": "SUMMER20OFF",
"coupon_type": "percentage",
"value": 20,
"active": true
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/coupons/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[coupons]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
Customers are an essential part of your business.
Stored customer information like addresses, customer tax profiles, discounts, and customized security deposits are applied to an order when created or when assigned a new customer.
Name | Description |
barcode |
Barcode optional The barcode pointing to this customer. |
merge_suggestion_customer |
Customer required Holds the customer this customer is a possible duplicate of. |
notes |
Notes hasmany Notes added about (and invisible for) customers. |
payment_methods |
Payment methods hasmany PaymentMethods associated with the customer. |
properties |
Properties hasmany Custom structured data about this customer, based on DefaultProperties. Properties of customers can be updated in bulk by writing to the properties_attributes attribute. |
tax_region |
Tax region optional Tax region assigned to new orders for this customer. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether customer is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the customer was archived. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
deposit_type |
string The deposit added to new orders of this customer by default. |
deposit_value |
float The value to use for deposit_type . |
discount_percentage |
float Default discount applied to each new order for this customer. |
email |
string nullable Email address used for communication. |
email_marketing_consent_updated_at |
datetime readonly When the email marketing consent was last updated. |
email_marketing_consented |
boolean Whether the customer has consented to receive email marketing. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
legal_type |
string Either person or commercial . |
merge_suggestion_customer_id |
uuid Holds the customer this customer is a possible duplicate of. |
name |
string Person or Company name. |
number |
integer readonly The assigned number. |
properties |
hash readonly A hash containing all basic property values. This is a simplified representation; sideload the properties relation if you need more detailed information of properties. |
properties_attributes |
array writeonly Create or update multiple properties to be associated with this customer. |
tag_list |
array[string] Case insensitive tag list. |
tax_region_id |
uuid nullable Tax region assigned to new orders for this customer. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List customers
How to fetch a list of customers:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "b047cd19-e6ec-4914-8ddb-960e2ed984fa",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-06-02T01:12:12.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-06-02T01:12:12.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 1,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {},
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/customers
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[customers]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,properties,tax_region |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
conditions |
hash eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_type |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
deposit_value |
float eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
discount_percentage |
float eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
email |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
email_marketing_consented |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq , gt |
legal_type |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
merge_suggestion_customer_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
number |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
q |
string eq |
tag_list |
string eq |
tax_region_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
archived |
array count |
discount_percentage |
array maximum , minimum , average |
legal_type |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Search customers
Use advanced search to make logical filter groups with and/or operators.
How to search for customers:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"fields": {
"customers": "id"
"filter": {
"conditions": {
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"operator": "or",
"attributes": [
"name": "john"
"name": "jane"
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"discount_percentage": {
"gte": 50
"deposit_type": "none"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "fc31d64f-c136-4d37-8a09-e821bf52af93"
"id": "987d8eb5-6236-4d00-8f7b-308f06d36519"
HTTP Request
POST api/boomerang/customers/search
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[customers]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,properties,tax_region |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
conditions |
hash eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_type |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
deposit_value |
float eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
discount_percentage |
float eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
email |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
email_marketing_consented |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq , gt |
legal_type |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
merge_suggestion_customer_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
number |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
q |
string eq |
tag_list |
string eq |
tax_region_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
archived |
array count |
discount_percentage |
array maximum , minimum , average |
legal_type |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a customer
How to fetch a customers:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=barcode,properties'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "2270a849-1797-436e-8b18-ef3fd6058a01",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2028-05-22T08:53:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2028-05-22T08:53:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 1,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {},
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {
"properties": {
"data": []
"barcode": {
"data": null
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/customers/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[customers]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,properties,tax_region |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a customer
How to create a customer:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "81f21c77-e757-43d7-842f-41c5c184945e",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-09-14T16:31:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-09-14T16:31:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 2,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {},
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/customers
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[customers]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,properties,tax_region |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][deposit_type] |
string The deposit added to new orders of this customer by default. |
data[attributes][deposit_value] |
float The value to use for deposit_type . |
data[attributes][discount_percentage] |
float Default discount applied to each new order for this customer. |
data[attributes][email] |
string Email address used for communication. |
data[attributes][email_marketing_consented] |
boolean Whether the customer has consented to receive email marketing. |
data[attributes][legal_type] |
string Either person or commercial . |
data[attributes][merge_suggestion_customer_id] |
uuid Holds the customer this customer is a possible duplicate of. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Person or Company name. |
data[attributes][properties_attributes][] |
array Create or update multiple properties to be associated with this customer. |
data[attributes][tag_list] |
array[string] Case insensitive tag list. |
data[attributes][tax_region_id] |
uuid Tax region assigned to new orders for this customer. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a customer
How to update a customer:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "7eaf3c75-3143-4090-8ccf-32b899f324c9",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"name": "Jane Doe"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "7eaf3c75-3143-4090-8ccf-32b899f324c9",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2014-02-18T23:31:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2014-02-18T23:31:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 1,
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {},
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/customers/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[customers]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,properties,tax_region |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][deposit_type] |
string The deposit added to new orders of this customer by default. |
data[attributes][deposit_value] |
float The value to use for deposit_type . |
data[attributes][discount_percentage] |
float Default discount applied to each new order for this customer. |
data[attributes][email] |
string Email address used for communication. |
data[attributes][email_marketing_consented] |
boolean Whether the customer has consented to receive email marketing. |
data[attributes][legal_type] |
string Either person or commercial . |
data[attributes][merge_suggestion_customer_id] |
uuid Holds the customer this customer is a possible duplicate of. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Person or Company name. |
data[attributes][properties_attributes][] |
array Create or update multiple properties to be associated with this customer. |
data[attributes][tag_list] |
array[string] Case insensitive tag list. |
data[attributes][tax_region_id] |
uuid Tax region assigned to new orders for this customer. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Archive a customer
How to archive a customer:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "7a496d55-729c-43e0-8a6b-8d505e0f3c70",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-05-21T12:16:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-05-21T12:16:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2020-05-21T12:16:00.000000+00:00",
"number": 1,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {},
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/customers/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[customers]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
Default properties
Booqable comes with standard fields but you can also add custom properties to capture additional data.
Default properties show up in forms within Booqable and can be connected to checkout fields.
Default properties are searchable, show up in exports and can be used in email templates. The actual values of those properties are stored in the Property resource.
Properties inherit their configuration from a default property when they are connected.
When creating properties they are connected with their default when one of the following fields match:
- name
- identifier
- default_property_id
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
editable |
boolean readonly Whether this property is editable. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
identifier |
string Key that will be used in exports, responses and custom field variables in templates. |
name |
string Name of the property (used as label and to compute identifier if left blank). |
owner_type |
string readonly-after-create The type of resource this default property is intended for and derived properties can be added to. |
position |
integer Which position the property has. |
property_type |
enum Determines how the data is rendered and the kind of input shown to the user. One of: address , date_field , email , phone , select , text_area , text_field . |
select_options |
array For type select . The select options as array. |
show_on |
array[string] Array of items to show this custom field on. Zero or more from contract , invoice , packing , quote . |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
validation_required |
boolean Whether this property has to be validated. |
List default properties
How to fetch a list of default properties:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=owner'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "5d959acd-b782-4ee2-858b-d53452746abe",
"type": "default_properties",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-08-06T16:53:03.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-08-06T16:53:03.000000+00:00",
"name": "Phone",
"identifier": "phone",
"position": 1,
"property_type": "phone",
"show_on": [],
"validation_required": false,
"owner_type": "customers",
"select_options": [],
"editable": true
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/default_properties
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[default_properties]=created_at,updated_at,name |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
editable |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
identifier |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
owner_type |
string eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
validation_required |
boolean eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch a default property
How to fetch a default property:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=owner'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "e579fd95-e66a-48b3-8954-a1303f0d4543",
"type": "default_properties",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-06-28T12:50:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-06-28T12:50:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Phone",
"identifier": "phone",
"position": 1,
"property_type": "phone",
"show_on": [],
"validation_required": false,
"owner_type": "customers",
"select_options": [],
"editable": true
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/default_properties/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[default_properties]=created_at,updated_at,name |
This request does not accept any includes
Create a default property
How to create a default property and assign it to an owner:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "default_properties",
"attributes": {
"name": "Mobile phone",
"property_type": "phone",
"owner_type": "customers"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "0be37be8-1023-49f4-838a-f1f4a10954ef",
"type": "default_properties",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-06-17T18:28:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-06-17T18:28:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Mobile phone",
"identifier": "mobile_phone",
"position": 2,
"property_type": "phone",
"show_on": [],
"validation_required": false,
"owner_type": "customers",
"select_options": [],
"editable": true
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/default_properties
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[default_properties]=created_at,updated_at,name |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][identifier] |
string Key that will be used in exports, responses and custom field variables in templates. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the property (used as label and to compute identifier if left blank). |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
string The type of resource this default property is intended for and derived properties can be added to. |
data[attributes][position] |
integer Which position the property has. |
data[attributes][property_type] |
enum Determines how the data is rendered and the kind of input shown to the user. One of: address , date_field , email , phone , select , text_area , text_field . |
data[attributes][select_options][] |
array For type select . The select options as array. |
data[attributes][show_on] |
array[string] Array of items to show this custom field on. Zero or more from contract , invoice , packing , quote . |
data[attributes][validation_required] |
boolean Whether this property has to be validated. |
This request does not accept any includes
Update a default property
How to update a default property:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "1d9d3f48-7bac-4b62-8f42-8018003cc95b",
"type": "default_properties",
"attributes": {
"property_type": "text_field"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "1d9d3f48-7bac-4b62-8f42-8018003cc95b",
"type": "default_properties",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2014-07-12T02:01:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2014-07-12T02:01:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Phone",
"identifier": "phone",
"position": 1,
"property_type": "text_field",
"show_on": [],
"validation_required": false,
"owner_type": "customers",
"select_options": [],
"editable": true
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/default_properties/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[default_properties]=created_at,updated_at,name |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][identifier] |
string Key that will be used in exports, responses and custom field variables in templates. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the property (used as label and to compute identifier if left blank). |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
string The type of resource this default property is intended for and derived properties can be added to. |
data[attributes][position] |
integer Which position the property has. |
data[attributes][property_type] |
enum Determines how the data is rendered and the kind of input shown to the user. One of: address , date_field , email , phone , select , text_area , text_field . |
data[attributes][select_options][] |
array For type select . The select options as array. |
data[attributes][show_on] |
array[string] Array of items to show this custom field on. Zero or more from contract , invoice , packing , quote . |
data[attributes][validation_required] |
boolean Whether this property has to be validated. |
This request does not accept any includes
Delete a default property
How to delete a default property:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "8d8ff086-4c54-40aa-84dd-28fc56d8b3dd",
"type": "default_properties",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-03-13T08:57:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-03-13T08:57:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Phone",
"identifier": "phone",
"position": 1,
"property_type": "phone",
"show_on": [],
"validation_required": false,
"owner_type": "customers",
"select_options": [],
"editable": true
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/default_properties/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[default_properties]=created_at,updated_at,name |
This request does not accept any includes
Delivery distance calculations
It calculates the distance (the route length) between the given locations and the delivery address.
Name | Description |
distance |
float readonly The distance between the location and the delivery address. |
distance_unit |
enum readonly The unit of the distance. One of: metric , imperial . |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
location_id |
uuid readonly The location ID. |
Calculate delivery distances
How to fetch a list of delivery distance calculations:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[delivery_address_property_id]=2e70e73b-04ee-4e00-835e-13ad1d52e6fc'
--data-urlencode 'filter[location_ids][]=df2395bd-72f3-4078-8c07-4c1f636a1a03'
--data-urlencode 'filter[location_ids][]=acea1410-5c2a-412d-8910-e48a9224a44d'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "f8d4975d-f633-4703-8e3d-8c7c36951675",
"type": "delivery_distance_calculations",
"attributes": {
"distance": 10.0,
"distance_unit": "km",
"location_id": "df2395bd-72f3-4078-8c07-4c1f636a1a03"
"id": "8dc19268-75fd-4a1c-88e5-4a0bf08fb148",
"type": "delivery_distance_calculations",
"attributes": {
"distance": 20.0,
"distance_unit": "km",
"location_id": "acea1410-5c2a-412d-8910-e48a9224a44d"
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/delivery_distance_calculations
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[delivery_distance_calculations]=distance,distance_unit,location_id |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
delivery_address_property_id |
uuid eq |
location_ids |
array eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Deposit holds
A deposit hold is the resource responsible for managing the held deposit on an order.
Name | Description |
deposit_line |
Line required The Line that was created or updated to hold the deposit. |
order |
Order required The Order a new deposit needs to be added to. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
amount_in_cents |
integer writeonly Amount to hold. If the order already has a hold, the amount will be added to the previous one. The hold is clamped to order.deposit_in_cents . |
deposit_line_id |
uuid readonly The Line that was created or updated to hold the deposit. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
order_id |
uuid The Order a new deposit needs to be added to. |
reason |
string writeonly Reason for the hold. If the order already has a hold, the reason will overwrite the previous one. |
Hold a deposit:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "deposit_holds",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "f20704d5-8868-46c8-8d43-4eb95a96ec2e",
"amount_in_cents": 5000,
"reason": "damages"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "d785af99-53ec-4230-819f-c65f4fb7da9d",
"type": "deposit_holds",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "f20704d5-8868-46c8-8d43-4eb95a96ec2e",
"deposit_line_id": "e98315a1-7fbe-48ac-810a-c0823f8a663a"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/deposit_holds
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[deposit_holds]=order_id,deposit_line_id |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=deposit_line,order |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][amount_in_cents] |
integer Amount to hold. If the order already has a hold, the amount will be added to the previous one. The hold is clamped to order.deposit_in_cents . |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The Order a new deposit needs to be added to. |
data[attributes][reason] |
string Reason for the hold. If the order already has a hold, the reason will overwrite the previous one. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Documents hold financial and or legal information about an order.
There are three types of documents: quote
, contract
, invoice
When creating quotes and contracts, the following data is copied from the current state of the order:
- Customer information (when present)
- Pricing and deposit
- Lines
Quotes and contracts are always finalized; to make a revision, archive the document, make changes to the order, and create a new one.
Invoices are automatically generated and updated based on changes made to an order. When an invoice is finalized, and further changes are made to the order, a new invoice is created with prorated changes.
The payment status of the invoice is automatically updated when payments are made for the associated order.
Name | Description |
coupon |
Coupon optional The associated coupon. |
customer |
Customer optional The associated customer. |
lines |
Lines hasmany The lines of this document. |
order |
Order required The order this document is for. |
tax_region |
Tax region optional The associated tax region. |
tax_values |
Tax values hasmany The calculated taxes, one value for each applicable tax rate. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
address |
string Customer Address. If left blank, automatically populated with the customer address of the associated order. |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether document is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the document was archived. |
body |
string Custom content displayed on a document, agreement details on a contract, for instance. Applicable to quote and contract . Populated with setting {document_type}.body , but can also be overridden for a specific document. |
confirmed |
boolean Whether document is confirmed, applies to quote and contract . |
coupon_discount_in_cents |
integer readonly Coupon discount (incl. or excl. taxes based on tax_strategy ). |
coupon_id |
uuid nullable The associated coupon. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
customer_id |
uuid nullable The associated customer. |
date |
date Date the document was finalized. |
delivery_address |
string readonly Delivery address. |
delivery_carrier_name |
string readonly Name of the delivery carrier. |
delivery_label |
string readonly Label for delivery. |
delivery_price_in_cents |
integer readonly Delivery price. |
deposit_held_in_cents |
integer readonly Amount of deposit held. |
deposit_in_cents |
integer readonly Deposit. |
deposit_paid_in_cents |
integer readonly How much of the deposit is paid. |
deposit_refunded_in_cents |
integer readonly How much of the deposit is refunded. |
deposit_to_refund_in_cents |
integer readonly Amount of deposit (still) to be refunded. |
deposit_type |
enum nullable Kind of deposit added. One of: none , percentage_total , percentage , fixed . |
deposit_value |
float The value to use for deposit_type . |
discount_in_cents |
integer readonly Discount (incl. or excl. taxes based on tax_strategy ). |
discount_percentage |
float The discount percentage applied to this order. |
document_type |
enum readonly-after-create Type of document. One of: invoice , contract , quote . |
due_date |
date The latest date by which the invoice must be fully paid. |
finalized |
boolean Whether document is finalized ( quote and contract are always finalized). |
footer |
string The footer of a document. Populated with setting {document_type}.footer , but can also be overridden for a specific document. |
fulfillment_type |
enum readonly-after-create nullable Type of fulfillment. One of: pickup , delivery . |
grand_total_in_cents |
integer readonly Total excl. taxes (excl. deposit). |
grand_total_with_tax_in_cents |
integer readonly Amount incl. taxes (excl. deposit). |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
name |
string Customer name. If left blank, automatically populated with the customer name of the associated order. |
number |
integer The document number, must be unique per type. Automatically generated if left blank. |
order_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The order this document is for. |
paid_in_cents |
integer readonly How much was paid. |
prefix |
string Add a prefix to document numbers to make it easier to identify different documents. You can add dynamic values (like a year or order number) and custom prefixes e.g. {year}-{customer_number} . |
prefix_with_number |
string readonly Rendered prefix with document number. |
price_in_cents |
integer readonly Subtotal excl. taxes (excl. deposit). |
reference |
string A project number or other reference. |
revised |
boolean Whether document is revised (applies only to invoice ). |
sent |
boolean Whether document is sent (with Booqable). |
signature_url |
string readonly URL where the signature is stored. |
status |
enum Status (possible values depend on document type). One of: confirmed , unconfirmed , revised , partially_paid , payment_due , paid , process_deposit , overpaid . |
tag_list |
array Case insensitive tag list. |
tax_in_cents |
integer readonly Total tax. |
tax_region_id |
uuid nullable The associated tax region. |
to_be_paid_in_cents |
integer readonly Amount that (still) has to be paid. |
total_discount_in_cents |
integer readonly Total discount (incl. or excl. taxes based on tax_strategy ). |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List documents
How to fetch a list of documents:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "a216b9f8-4f61-4eda-8672-3c6e94c9fbe2",
"type": "documents",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-05-20T13:53:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-05-20T13:53:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"document_type": "invoice",
"number": null,
"prefix": null,
"prefix_with_number": null,
"date": null,
"due_date": null,
"name": "John Doe",
"address": null,
"body": null,
"footer": "",
"reference": null,
"revised": false,
"finalized": false,
"sent": false,
"confirmed": false,
"status": "payment_due",
"signature_url": null,
"deposit_type": "percentage",
"deposit_value": 10.0,
"tag_list": [],
"price_in_cents": 80250,
"grand_total_in_cents": 72225,
"grand_total_with_tax_in_cents": 87392,
"discount_in_cents": 8025,
"coupon_discount_in_cents": 0,
"total_discount_in_cents": 8025,
"deposit_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_paid_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_held_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_to_refund_in_cents": 0,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 97392,
"paid_in_cents": 0,
"tax_in_cents": 15167,
"discount_percentage": 10.0,
"fulfillment_type": "pickup",
"delivery_label": null,
"delivery_price_in_cents": 0,
"delivery_carrier_name": null,
"delivery_address": null,
"order_id": "e10da0d6-7881-4991-851f-ef302c712dea",
"customer_id": "6b39f922-ebba-4e73-841c-563dd37107d7",
"tax_region_id": null,
"coupon_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/documents
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[documents]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,order |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
address |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
conditions |
hash eq |
confirmed |
boolean eq |
coupon_discount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
coupon_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
customer_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
date |
date eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
date_or_created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte , between |
deposit_held_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_paid_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_refunded_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_to_refund_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_type |
enum eq |
discount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
discount_percentage |
float eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
document_type |
enum eq , not_eq |
due_date |
date eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
finalized |
boolean eq |
fulfillment_type |
enum eq |
grand_total_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
grand_total_with_tax_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq , gt |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
number |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
order_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
paid_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
prefix |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
prefix_with_number |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
q |
string eq |
revised |
boolean eq |
sent |
boolean eq |
status |
enum eq |
tag_list |
string eq |
tax_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tax_region_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
to_be_paid_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
total_discount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
coupon_discount_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
currency |
array count |
deposit_held_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_paid_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_refunded_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_to_refund_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_type |
array count |
discount_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
discount_percentage |
array maximum , minimum , average |
grand_total_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
grand_total_with_tax_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
paid_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
price_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
status |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
tax_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
tax_strategy |
array count |
to_be_paid_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
total |
array count |
total_discount_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
This request accepts the following includes:
Search documents
Use advanced search to make logical filter groups with and/or operators.
How to search for documents:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"fields": {
"documents": "id"
"filter": {
"conditions": {
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"operator": "or",
"attributes": [
"status": "paid"
"deposit_type": "none"
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"date": {
"gte": "2028-11-16T15:29:00.000000+00:00"
"date": {
"lte": "2028-11-22T15:29:00.000000+00:00"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "c9fa6121-84c0-4a28-893a-cceb9d2be169"
"id": "3608f8e0-6ba6-4d67-81e0-800ee85ea024"
HTTP Request
POST api/boomerang/documents/search
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[documents]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,order |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
address |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
conditions |
hash eq |
confirmed |
boolean eq |
coupon_discount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
coupon_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
customer_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
date |
date eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
date_or_created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte , between |
deposit_held_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_paid_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_refunded_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_to_refund_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_type |
enum eq |
discount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
discount_percentage |
float eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
document_type |
enum eq , not_eq |
due_date |
date eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
finalized |
boolean eq |
fulfillment_type |
enum eq |
grand_total_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
grand_total_with_tax_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq , gt |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
number |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
order_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
paid_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
prefix |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
prefix_with_number |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
q |
string eq |
revised |
boolean eq |
sent |
boolean eq |
status |
enum eq |
tag_list |
string eq |
tax_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tax_region_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
to_be_paid_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
total_discount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
coupon_discount_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
currency |
array count |
deposit_held_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_paid_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_refunded_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_to_refund_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_type |
array count |
discount_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
discount_percentage |
array maximum , minimum , average |
grand_total_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
grand_total_with_tax_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
paid_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
price_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
status |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
tax_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
tax_strategy |
array count |
to_be_paid_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
total |
array count |
total_discount_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a document
How to fetch a documents:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "9c32036d-e60c-47b1-8ff2-7e28343dac1b",
"type": "documents",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-05-18T10:30:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-05-18T10:30:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"document_type": "invoice",
"number": null,
"prefix": null,
"prefix_with_number": null,
"date": null,
"due_date": null,
"name": "John Doe",
"address": null,
"body": null,
"footer": "",
"reference": null,
"revised": false,
"finalized": false,
"sent": false,
"confirmed": false,
"status": "payment_due",
"signature_url": null,
"deposit_type": "percentage",
"deposit_value": 10.0,
"tag_list": [],
"price_in_cents": 80250,
"grand_total_in_cents": 72225,
"grand_total_with_tax_in_cents": 87392,
"discount_in_cents": 8025,
"coupon_discount_in_cents": 0,
"total_discount_in_cents": 8025,
"deposit_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_paid_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_held_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_to_refund_in_cents": 0,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 97392,
"paid_in_cents": 0,
"tax_in_cents": 15167,
"discount_percentage": 10.0,
"fulfillment_type": "pickup",
"delivery_label": null,
"delivery_price_in_cents": 0,
"delivery_carrier_name": null,
"delivery_address": null,
"order_id": "9c1a27c9-93ab-45fc-810c-ad69b9ab9617",
"customer_id": "35578b5e-ed35-40b4-8e46-6d218d036c42",
"tax_region_id": null,
"coupon_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/documents/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[documents]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,order,tax_region |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a document
How to create a contract:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "documents",
"attributes": {
"document_type": "contract",
"order_id": "c7d596a9-f29d-4dd8-8f81-dac3bef16c03"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "33d005c3-65d8-4a49-80fa-5bc116112f39",
"type": "documents",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2022-10-18T11:28:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-10-18T11:28:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"document_type": "contract",
"number": 1,
"prefix": null,
"prefix_with_number": "1",
"date": "2025-03-24",
"due_date": null,
"name": "John Doe",
"address": null,
"body": "",
"footer": "",
"reference": null,
"revised": false,
"finalized": true,
"sent": false,
"confirmed": false,
"status": "unconfirmed",
"signature_url": null,
"deposit_type": "percentage",
"deposit_value": 10.0,
"tag_list": [],
"price_in_cents": 80250,
"grand_total_in_cents": 72225,
"grand_total_with_tax_in_cents": 87392,
"discount_in_cents": 8025,
"coupon_discount_in_cents": 0,
"total_discount_in_cents": 8025,
"deposit_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_paid_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_held_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_to_refund_in_cents": 0,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 0,
"paid_in_cents": 0,
"tax_in_cents": 15167,
"discount_percentage": 10.0,
"fulfillment_type": "pickup",
"delivery_label": null,
"delivery_price_in_cents": 0,
"delivery_carrier_name": null,
"delivery_address": null,
"order_id": "c7d596a9-f29d-4dd8-8f81-dac3bef16c03",
"customer_id": "2f4f9473-239b-4b05-8bb3-e9f933d42d64",
"tax_region_id": null,
"coupon_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/documents
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[documents]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,order,tax_region |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][address] |
string Customer Address. If left blank, automatically populated with the customer address of the associated order. |
data[attributes][body] |
string Custom content displayed on a document, agreement details on a contract, for instance. Applicable to quote and contract . Populated with setting {document_type}.body , but can also be overridden for a specific document. |
data[attributes][confirmed] |
boolean Whether document is confirmed, applies to quote and contract . |
data[attributes][coupon_id] |
uuid The associated coupon. |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid The associated customer. |
data[attributes][date] |
date Date the document was finalized. |
data[attributes][deposit_type] |
enum Kind of deposit added. One of: none , percentage_total , percentage , fixed . |
data[attributes][deposit_value] |
float The value to use for deposit_type . |
data[attributes][discount_percentage] |
float The discount percentage applied to this order. |
data[attributes][document_type] |
enum Type of document. One of: invoice , contract , quote . |
data[attributes][due_date] |
date The latest date by which the invoice must be fully paid. |
data[attributes][finalized] |
boolean Whether document is finalized ( quote and contract are always finalized). |
data[attributes][footer] |
string The footer of a document. Populated with setting {document_type}.footer , but can also be overridden for a specific document. |
data[attributes][fulfillment_type] |
enum Type of fulfillment. One of: pickup , delivery . |
data[attributes][name] |
string Customer name. If left blank, automatically populated with the customer name of the associated order. |
data[attributes][number] |
integer The document number, must be unique per type. Automatically generated if left blank. |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The order this document is for. |
data[attributes][prefix] |
string Add a prefix to document numbers to make it easier to identify different documents. You can add dynamic values (like a year or order number) and custom prefixes e.g. {year}-{customer_number} . |
data[attributes][reference] |
string A project number or other reference. |
data[attributes][revised] |
boolean Whether document is revised (applies only to invoice ). |
data[attributes][sent] |
boolean Whether document is sent (with Booqable). |
data[attributes][status] |
enum Status (possible values depend on document type). One of: confirmed , unconfirmed , revised , partially_paid , payment_due , paid , process_deposit , overpaid . |
data[attributes][tag_list][] |
array Case insensitive tag list. |
data[attributes][tax_region_id] |
uuid The associated tax region. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a document
How to update a document:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "6b8e0c59-4b01-42e6-8477-bbfa4cea11f3",
"type": "documents",
"attributes": {
"name": "Jane Doe"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "6b8e0c59-4b01-42e6-8477-bbfa4cea11f3",
"type": "documents",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-09-18T03:33:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-09-18T03:33:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"document_type": "invoice",
"number": null,
"prefix": null,
"prefix_with_number": null,
"date": null,
"due_date": null,
"name": "Jane Doe",
"address": null,
"body": null,
"footer": "",
"reference": null,
"revised": false,
"finalized": false,
"sent": false,
"confirmed": false,
"status": "payment_due",
"signature_url": null,
"deposit_type": "percentage",
"deposit_value": 10.0,
"tag_list": [],
"price_in_cents": 80250,
"grand_total_in_cents": 72225,
"grand_total_with_tax_in_cents": 87392,
"discount_in_cents": 8025,
"coupon_discount_in_cents": 0,
"total_discount_in_cents": 8025,
"deposit_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_paid_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_held_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_to_refund_in_cents": 0,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 97392,
"paid_in_cents": 0,
"tax_in_cents": 15167,
"discount_percentage": 10.0,
"fulfillment_type": "pickup",
"delivery_label": null,
"delivery_price_in_cents": 0,
"delivery_carrier_name": null,
"delivery_address": null,
"order_id": "6952ae61-0c41-4a20-8379-52f56e41884c",
"customer_id": "da876af0-82ef-4a18-8e51-86680fba81bc",
"tax_region_id": null,
"coupon_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/documents/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[documents]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,order,tax_region |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][address] |
string Customer Address. If left blank, automatically populated with the customer address of the associated order. |
data[attributes][body] |
string Custom content displayed on a document, agreement details on a contract, for instance. Applicable to quote and contract . Populated with setting {document_type}.body , but can also be overridden for a specific document. |
data[attributes][confirmed] |
boolean Whether document is confirmed, applies to quote and contract . |
data[attributes][coupon_id] |
uuid The associated coupon. |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid The associated customer. |
data[attributes][date] |
date Date the document was finalized. |
data[attributes][deposit_type] |
enum Kind of deposit added. One of: none , percentage_total , percentage , fixed . |
data[attributes][deposit_value] |
float The value to use for deposit_type . |
data[attributes][discount_percentage] |
float The discount percentage applied to this order. |
data[attributes][document_type] |
enum Type of document. One of: invoice , contract , quote . |
data[attributes][due_date] |
date The latest date by which the invoice must be fully paid. |
data[attributes][finalized] |
boolean Whether document is finalized ( quote and contract are always finalized). |
data[attributes][footer] |
string The footer of a document. Populated with setting {document_type}.footer , but can also be overridden for a specific document. |
data[attributes][fulfillment_type] |
enum Type of fulfillment. One of: pickup , delivery . |
data[attributes][name] |
string Customer name. If left blank, automatically populated with the customer name of the associated order. |
data[attributes][number] |
integer The document number, must be unique per type. Automatically generated if left blank. |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The order this document is for. |
data[attributes][prefix] |
string Add a prefix to document numbers to make it easier to identify different documents. You can add dynamic values (like a year or order number) and custom prefixes e.g. {year}-{customer_number} . |
data[attributes][reference] |
string A project number or other reference. |
data[attributes][revised] |
boolean Whether document is revised (applies only to invoice ). |
data[attributes][sent] |
boolean Whether document is sent (with Booqable). |
data[attributes][status] |
enum Status (possible values depend on document type). One of: confirmed , unconfirmed , revised , partially_paid , payment_due , paid , process_deposit , overpaid . |
data[attributes][tag_list][] |
array Case insensitive tag list. |
data[attributes][tax_region_id] |
uuid The associated tax region. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Archive a document
When archiving an invoice make sure delete_invoices
permission is enabled.
How to archive a document:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "e00df330-8241-466f-8706-d2db3d03494d",
"type": "documents",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-05-06T00:22:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-05-06T00:22:02.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2018-05-06T00:22:02.000000+00:00",
"document_type": "invoice",
"number": null,
"prefix": null,
"prefix_with_number": null,
"date": null,
"due_date": null,
"name": "John Doe",
"address": null,
"body": null,
"footer": "",
"reference": null,
"revised": false,
"finalized": false,
"sent": false,
"confirmed": false,
"status": "payment_due",
"signature_url": null,
"deposit_type": "percentage",
"deposit_value": 10.0,
"tag_list": [],
"price_in_cents": 80250,
"grand_total_in_cents": 72225,
"grand_total_with_tax_in_cents": 87392,
"discount_in_cents": 8025,
"coupon_discount_in_cents": 0,
"total_discount_in_cents": 8025,
"deposit_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_paid_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_held_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_to_refund_in_cents": 0,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 97392,
"paid_in_cents": 0,
"tax_in_cents": 15167,
"discount_percentage": 10.0,
"fulfillment_type": "pickup",
"delivery_label": null,
"delivery_price_in_cents": 0,
"delivery_carrier_name": null,
"delivery_address": null,
"order_id": "9253db70-5ed8-44a6-8d0b-f1af78e021fe",
"customer_id": "3af62bd7-4635-4714-8680-79d8e23ec549",
"tax_region_id": null,
"coupon_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/documents/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[documents]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
Emails allow you to easily communicate with your customers by using optional templates. Booqable keeps a history of emails being sent for orders or customers.
Name | Description |
customer |
Customer required Customer this email is associated with. Attributes from this order are available when rendering the template. |
email_template |
Email template required The template used to generate this email. |
employee |
Employee required Employee who sent the email. |
order |
Order required The order this email is associated with. Attributes from this order are available when rendering the template. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
body |
string Email body. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the email was created by the user, or automatically by Booqable. At this time, the email has not been sent yet. |
customer_id |
uuid readonly-after-create Customer this email is associated with. Attributes from this order are available when rendering the template. |
document_ids |
array Documents to send as attachments to the email. |
email_template_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The template used to generate this email. |
employee_id |
uuid readonly Employee who sent the email. |
has_error |
boolean readonly Whether any errors occurred when sending this email. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
order_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The order this email is associated with. Attributes from this order are available when rendering the template. |
recipients |
string Comma separated list of recipient email addresses, all addresses must be valid for the email to send. |
sent |
boolean readonly Whether the email was sent successfully. |
subject |
string Email subject. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly The last time the email was updated. Typically this is updated after a delivery attempt has failed. |
List emails
How to fetch a list of emails:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "b882543c-57cc-4fcf-8a1e-dc471e664ac4",
"type": "emails",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-11-24T02:24:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-11-24T02:24:00.000000+00:00",
"subject": "Order confirmation",
"body": "We hereby confirm your order with number #123",
"recipients": "[email protected]",
"has_error": false,
"sent": false,
"document_ids": [],
"order_id": null,
"customer_id": "878c23b8-3fa0-44b1-856f-7fd95560fabc",
"email_template_id": null,
"employee_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
How to fetch a list of emails for a specific order:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[order_id]=f97ca4a9-7d59-46d9-8df1-6cc7dae11393'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "a1b5a25c-bd16-4249-8052-72ebda9c133d",
"type": "emails",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2024-08-21T09:09:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2024-08-21T09:09:01.000000+00:00",
"subject": "Order confirmation",
"body": "We hereby confirm your order with number #123",
"recipients": "[email protected]",
"has_error": false,
"sent": false,
"document_ids": [],
"order_id": "f97ca4a9-7d59-46d9-8df1-6cc7dae11393",
"customer_id": "659dbd01-2c4c-42b8-890e-afe1f60d29ec",
"email_template_id": null,
"employee_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/emails
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[emails]=created_at,updated_at,subject |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,order |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
customer_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
email_template_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
employee_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
has_error |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
order_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
sent |
boolean eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
has_error |
array count |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create and sending an email
How to create and send an email:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "emails",
"attributes": {
"recipients": "[email protected],[email protected]",
"subject": "Order confirmation",
"body": "Hi {{}}",
"email_template_id": "4b2e6043-c307-4b1c-8f2d-872b85d20fc4",
"order_id": "c504d320-966c-4b0d-88fb-9490bc6483e5",
"customer_id": "c353e670-ad55-43ad-803b-3e12456726de",
"document_ids": [
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "b0779013-b390-48c6-8286-123716b0a3e1",
"type": "emails",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-09-16T16:16:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-09-16T16:16:01.000000+00:00",
"subject": "Order confirmation",
"body": "Hi {{}}",
"recipients": "[email protected],[email protected]",
"has_error": false,
"sent": false,
"document_ids": [
"order_id": "c504d320-966c-4b0d-88fb-9490bc6483e5",
"customer_id": "c353e670-ad55-43ad-803b-3e12456726de",
"email_template_id": "4b2e6043-c307-4b1c-8f2d-872b85d20fc4",
"employee_id": "1a34d41c-d99a-49de-8090-cb632e9ef172"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/emails
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[emails]=created_at,updated_at,subject |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,order,email_template |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][body] |
string Email body. |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid Customer this email is associated with. Attributes from this order are available when rendering the template. |
data[attributes][document_ids][] |
array Documents to send as attachments to the email. |
data[attributes][email_template_id] |
uuid The template used to generate this email. |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The order this email is associated with. Attributes from this order are available when rendering the template. |
data[attributes][recipients] |
string Comma separated list of recipient email addresses, all addresses must be valid for the email to send. |
data[attributes][subject] |
string Email subject. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Email templates
Email templates allow for creating pre-filled emails with dynamic data. Booqable comes with a couple of default templates which can be updated but not deleted.
For more information about using variables for dynamic data in email templates see our help center
Name | Description |
automated |
boolean readonly When true , this template is used by built-in features and cannot be deleted. Updating is possible. |
body |
string Email body template. |
context |
enum Which resource or process the template applies to. One of: order , invoice , document , all , payment , user . |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
default |
boolean readonly Whether this is a system default template. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
identifier |
string readonly A unique identifier assigned to this template. |
name |
string Name of the template. |
subject |
string Email subject line template. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List email templates
How to fetch a list of email templates:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "e0a7c360-45c6-4a04-81c5-8886d3aeb275",
"type": "email_templates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-07-14T00:07:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-07-14T00:07:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Webshop confirmation",
"identifier": "webshop_confirmation",
"subject": "We received your order",
"context": "all",
"body": "We'll get started on it right away",
"default": false,
"automated": false
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/email_templates
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[email_templates]=created_at,updated_at,name |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
automated |
boolean eq |
context |
enum eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
default |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
identifier |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch an email template
How to fetch an email template:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "95b3a72d-9c05-4c26-8679-d2ecd5ff2739",
"type": "email_templates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-09-05T22:46:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-09-05T22:46:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Webshop confirmation",
"identifier": "webshop_confirmation",
"subject": "We received your order",
"context": "all",
"body": "We'll get started on it right away",
"default": false,
"automated": false
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/email_templates/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[email_templates]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=emails |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create an email template
How to create a email template:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "email_templates",
"attributes": {
"name": "Webshop confirmation",
"subject": "We received your order (#{{order.number}})",
"body": "We'll get started on it right away. Your order number is #{{order.number}}.",
"context": "order"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "fdb97b9d-4542-44dc-856e-510228b6d83a",
"type": "email_templates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-09-07T19:36:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-09-07T19:36:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Webshop confirmation",
"identifier": "webshop_confirmation",
"subject": "We received your order (#{{order.number}})",
"context": "order",
"body": "We'll get started on it right away. Your order number is #{{order.number}}.",
"default": false,
"automated": false
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/email_templates
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[email_templates]=created_at,updated_at,name |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][body] |
string Email body template. |
data[attributes][context] |
enum Which resource or process the template applies to. One of: order , invoice , document , all , payment , user . |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the template. |
data[attributes][subject] |
string Email subject line template. |
This request does not accept any includes
Update an email template
How to update an email template:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "8cc919ef-bada-48fa-8d22-1ee523f0e88f",
"type": "email_templates",
"attributes": {
"name": "Order confirmation"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "8cc919ef-bada-48fa-8d22-1ee523f0e88f",
"type": "email_templates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-11-19T06:26:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-11-19T06:26:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Order confirmation",
"identifier": "webshop_confirmation",
"subject": "We received your order",
"context": "all",
"body": "We'll get started on it right away",
"default": false,
"automated": false
"meta": {}
How to update a default email template:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "f4304c84-6349-470c-875b-7bc8ac0dd626",
"type": "email_templates",
"attributes": {
"name": "Order confirmation"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "f4304c84-6349-470c-875b-7bc8ac0dd626",
"type": "email_templates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2017-06-27T23:42:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2017-06-27T23:42:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Order confirmation",
"identifier": "webshop_confirmation",
"subject": "We received your order",
"context": "all",
"body": "We'll get started on it right away",
"default": true,
"automated": false
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/email_templates/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[email_templates]=created_at,updated_at,name |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][body] |
string Email body template. |
data[attributes][context] |
enum Which resource or process the template applies to. One of: order , invoice , document , all , payment , user . |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the template. |
data[attributes][subject] |
string Email subject line template. |
This request does not accept any includes
Delete an email template
How to delete a email template:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "1353d9c3-b214-4b45-8153-505e3ab4d573",
"type": "email_templates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-10-07T17:21:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-10-07T17:21:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Sales Tax",
"identifier": "sales_tax",
"subject": "This is a subject!",
"context": "all",
"body": "Hi there user!",
"default": false,
"automated": false
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/email_templates/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[email_templates]=created_at,updated_at,name |
This request does not accept any includes
Employees give access to a Booqable account. You can set different permissions for each employee and let other people use Booqable without giving them access to sensitive information.
Employees also allow you to streamline Booqable's interface for specific roles or use cases. For example, if you create an account for someone dedicated to looking after your financials and accounting, it wouldn't need to manage your products and stock levels.
Name | Description |
active |
boolean Whether this employee is active (counts towards billing). |
allowed_session_id |
string Allowed session id. |
avatar_base64 |
string writeonly Base64 encoded avatar. |
avatar_url |
string readonly Url to avatar. |
confirmed |
boolean readonly Whether this employee confirmed it's email address. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
current_password |
string writeonly Current password, needed to update password or email address. |
deactivated_at |
datetime writeonly Employee deactivation date. |
email |
string Employee's e-mail address. |
firstname |
string First name of the employee. |
has_two_factor_autentication |
boolean readonly Whether two factor authentication is enabled. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
large_avatar_url |
string readonly Url to avatar (Large). |
lastname |
string Last name of the employee. |
locale |
string Locale of the employee, used as application locale. |
name |
string readonly Full name of the employee. |
owner |
boolean readonly Whether this employee is the account owner. |
password |
string writeonly Set a new password. |
password_confirmation |
string writeonly Confirm new password. |
permissions |
array Zero or more from: reports , products , settings , security_settings , account , exports , cancel_orders , revert_orders , delete_invoices , make_invoice_revisions , override_rental_period . All permissions are always returned when the roles & permissions feature is not included in the current pricing plan or if the employee is the account owner. |
remove_avatar |
boolean writeonly Remove current avatar. |
third_party_id |
string ID used for third party tools. |
time_to_confirm |
integer readonly Time in days left to confirm. |
unconfirmed_email |
string readonly Unconfirmed e-mail address if present. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
viewed_whats_new_at |
datetime Date when this employee viewed product updates for the last time. |
List employees
How to fetch a list of employees:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "9e27ff9f-0909-42c7-81b2-3bb9f34ad507",
"type": "employees",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-09-07T07:00:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-09-09T03:50:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "John Doe",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"locale": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"unconfirmed_email": null,
"viewed_whats_new_at": "2023-06-07T12:19:00.000000+00:00",
"active": true,
"owner": true,
"confirmed": true,
"time_to_confirm": 0,
"permissions": [
"has_two_factor_autentication": false,
"allowed_session_id": null,
"avatar_url": "",
"large_avatar_url": "",
"third_party_id": "9e27ff9f-0909-42c7-81b2-3bb9f34ad507-1679574840"
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/employees
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[employees]=created_at,updated_at,name |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
active |
boolean eq |
confirmed |
boolean eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deactivated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
email |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
locale |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
owner |
boolean eq |
third_party_id |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch an employee
How to fetch a employee:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "4c367dac-4839-49f3-89e4-ff584a1f30e0",
"type": "employees",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-05-14T01:40:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2017-01-20T23:07:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "John Doe",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"locale": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"unconfirmed_email": null,
"viewed_whats_new_at": "2017-02-10T06:59:00.000000+00:00",
"active": true,
"owner": true,
"confirmed": true,
"time_to_confirm": 0,
"permissions": [
"has_two_factor_autentication": false,
"allowed_session_id": null,
"avatar_url": "",
"large_avatar_url": "",
"third_party_id": "4c367dac-4839-49f3-89e4-ff584a1f30e0-1679574840"
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/employees/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[employees]=created_at,updated_at,name |
This request does not accept any includes
Update an employee
How to update an employee:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "cebcf411-1b2a-402f-8d77-43c67daf282f",
"type": "employees",
"attributes": {
"firstname": "Jane"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "cebcf411-1b2a-402f-8d77-43c67daf282f",
"type": "employees",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-10-03T04:30:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-12-04T16:20:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"firstname": "Jane",
"lastname": "Doe",
"locale": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"unconfirmed_email": null,
"viewed_whats_new_at": "2021-07-24T23:16:00.000000+00:00",
"active": true,
"owner": false,
"confirmed": true,
"time_to_confirm": 0,
"permissions": [
"has_two_factor_autentication": false,
"allowed_session_id": null,
"avatar_url": "",
"large_avatar_url": "",
"third_party_id": "cebcf411-1b2a-402f-8d77-43c67daf282f-1579642440"
"meta": {}
How to de-activate an employee:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "b40a7c1c-5190-4d54-8cea-405d36944a87",
"type": "employees",
"attributes": {
"active": false
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "b40a7c1c-5190-4d54-8cea-405d36944a87",
"type": "employees",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2014-10-16T17:49:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-12-18T05:39:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "John Doe",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"locale": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"unconfirmed_email": null,
"viewed_whats_new_at": "2019-08-07T12:35:01.000000+00:00",
"active": false,
"owner": false,
"confirmed": true,
"time_to_confirm": 0,
"permissions": [
"has_two_factor_autentication": false,
"allowed_session_id": null,
"avatar_url": "",
"large_avatar_url": "",
"third_party_id": "b40a7c1c-5190-4d54-8cea-405d36944a87-1579642440"
"meta": {}
How to set permissions:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "94b3f0ff-ef32-49be-8f5f-7aa6916cc901",
"type": "employees",
"attributes": {
"permissions": [
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "94b3f0ff-ef32-49be-8f5f-7aa6916cc901",
"type": "employees",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-04-16T02:37:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2032-06-16T14:27:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "John Doe",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"locale": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"unconfirmed_email": null,
"viewed_whats_new_at": "2032-02-04T21:23:01.000000+00:00",
"active": true,
"owner": false,
"confirmed": true,
"time_to_confirm": 0,
"permissions": [
"has_two_factor_autentication": false,
"allowed_session_id": null,
"avatar_url": "",
"large_avatar_url": "",
"third_party_id": "94b3f0ff-ef32-49be-8f5f-7aa6916cc901-1579642440"
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/employees/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[employees]=created_at,updated_at,name |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][active] |
boolean Whether this employee is active (counts towards billing). |
data[attributes][allowed_session_id] |
string Allowed session id. |
data[attributes][avatar_base64] |
string Base64 encoded avatar. |
data[attributes][current_password] |
string Current password, needed to update password or email address. |
data[attributes][deactivated_at] |
datetime Employee deactivation date. |
data[attributes][email] |
string Employee's e-mail address. |
data[attributes][firstname] |
string First name of the employee. |
data[attributes][lastname] |
string Last name of the employee. |
data[attributes][locale] |
string Locale of the employee, used as application locale. |
data[attributes][password] |
string Set a new password. |
data[attributes][password_confirmation] |
string Confirm new password. |
data[attributes][permissions][] |
array Zero or more from: reports , products , settings , security_settings , account , exports , cancel_orders , revert_orders , delete_invoices , make_invoice_revisions , override_rental_period . All permissions are always returned when the roles & permissions feature is not included in the current pricing plan or if the employee is the account owner. |
data[attributes][remove_avatar] |
boolean Remove current avatar. |
data[attributes][third_party_id] |
string ID used for third party tools. |
data[attributes][viewed_whats_new_at] |
datetime Date when this employee viewed product updates for the last time. |
This request does not accept any includes
Employee invitations
Employees give access to a Booqable account. You can invite employees by sending an invitation. For more info about employees see Employees.
Name | Description |
employee |
Employee optional The employee that is invited. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
email |
string writeonly Employee's email address. |
employee_id |
uuid nullable The employee that is invited. |
firstname |
string writeonly First name of the employee. |
id |
uuid Specify employee ID to re-send invitation. |
lastname |
string writeonly Last name of the employee. |
permissions |
array[string] writeonly Zero or more from: reports , products , settings , security_settings , account , exports , cancel_orders , revert_orders , delete_invoices , make_invoice_revisions , override_rental_period . |
Send invitations
How to create an invitation:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "employee_invitations",
"attributes": {
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"email": "[email protected]"
"include": "employee"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "bb80bf32-f049-4ea9-8090-006821195ab4",
"type": "employee_invitations",
"attributes": {
"employee_id": "1ccdaa36-f317-4feb-8a06-003668fc0c59"
"relationships": {
"employee": {
"data": {
"type": "employees",
"id": "1ccdaa36-f317-4feb-8a06-003668fc0c59"
"included": [
"id": "1ccdaa36-f317-4feb-8a06-003668fc0c59",
"type": "employees",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-01-26T19:11:05.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-01-26T19:11:05.000000+00:00",
"name": "John Doe",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"locale": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"unconfirmed_email": null,
"viewed_whats_new_at": "2020-01-26T19:11:05.000000+00:00",
"active": true,
"owner": false,
"confirmed": false,
"time_to_confirm": 0,
"permissions": [],
"has_two_factor_autentication": false,
"allowed_session_id": null,
"avatar_url": "",
"large_avatar_url": "",
"third_party_id": "1ccdaa36-f317-4feb-8a06-003668fc0c59-1742808283"
"meta": {}
To re-send an invitation we supply the ID the employee for which the invitation was sent. Note that you can also update other fields.:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "employee_invitations",
"attributes": {
"id": "a5f55cdd-7e5a-46ea-84db-1c8352c8fa06",
"email": "[email protected]"
"include": "employee"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "a5f55cdd-7e5a-46ea-84db-1c8352c8fa06",
"type": "employee_invitations",
"attributes": {
"employee_id": "a5f55cdd-7e5a-46ea-84db-1c8352c8fa06"
"relationships": {
"employee": {
"data": {
"type": "employees",
"id": "a5f55cdd-7e5a-46ea-84db-1c8352c8fa06"
"included": [
"id": "a5f55cdd-7e5a-46ea-84db-1c8352c8fa06",
"type": "employees",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-05-11T21:58:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-05-11T21:58:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "John Doe",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"locale": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"unconfirmed_email": null,
"viewed_whats_new_at": "2020-05-11T21:58:00.000000+00:00",
"active": true,
"owner": true,
"confirmed": true,
"time_to_confirm": 0,
"permissions": [
"has_two_factor_autentication": false,
"allowed_session_id": null,
"avatar_url": "",
"large_avatar_url": "",
"third_party_id": "a5f55cdd-7e5a-46ea-84db-1c8352c8fa06-1742808283"
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/employee_invitations
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[employee_invitations]=employee_id |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=employee |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][email] |
string Employee's email address. |
data[attributes][employee_id] |
uuid The employee that is invited. |
data[attributes][firstname] |
string First name of the employee. |
data[attributes][id] |
uuid Specify employee ID to re-send invitation. |
data[attributes][lastname] |
string Last name of the employee. |
data[attributes][permissions] |
array[string] Zero or more from: reports , products , settings , security_settings , account , exports , cancel_orders , revert_orders , delete_invoices , make_invoice_revisions , override_rental_period . |
This request accepts the following includes:
Inventory breakdowns
Fetch quantitative information about product inventory compared to the current time, broken down by:
- Location
- Product
- Type
- Mutation date(s)
Useful for
- Examining what the current inventory looks, and will look, like for products
- Performing an inventory count (total in stock vs. out with a customer)
Name | Description |
location |
Location required The Location to which this breakdown record applies. |
product |
Product required The Product whose availability this breakdown record describes. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
from |
datetime When the amount of items will be available (only for status expected ). |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
inventory_breakdown_type |
string One of regular or temporary . |
location_id |
uuid readonly The Location to which this breakdown record applies. |
product_id |
uuid readonly The Product whose availability this breakdown record describes. |
started |
integer The amount of items that are started for product and location. Only rendered when applicable. |
status |
string One of expected , in_stock , or expired . |
stock_count |
integer The total amount of stock for product and location. |
till |
datetime When the amount of items will become unavailable (only for type temporary and/or status expired ). |
List inventory breakdowns
How to fetch a breakdown of all items in stock:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[product_group_id]=fc4bfed6-545d-4ffe-8b66-81e8dbde9d4e'
--data-urlencode 'filter[status]=in_stock'
--data-urlencode 'stats[inventory_breakdown_type][]=sum'
--data-urlencode 'stats[started][]=sum'
--data-urlencode 'stats[status][]=sum'
--data-urlencode 'stats[stock_count][]=sum'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "4d112455-70ef-47ab-8e13-317982d7a785",
"type": "inventory_breakdowns",
"attributes": {
"stock_count": 100,
"started": 50,
"status": "in_stock",
"inventory_breakdown_type": "regular",
"location_id": "93539676-0eec-4298-8221-d37c766028c4",
"product_id": "856d3a4c-8f1c-4392-8837-b1033d097162"
"relationships": {}
"id": "cfc74ef9-ca0f-4337-8020-dc4ecddbde48",
"type": "inventory_breakdowns",
"attributes": {
"till": "2020-08-15T02:26:01.000000+00:00",
"stock_count": 5,
"started": 0,
"status": "in_stock",
"inventory_breakdown_type": "temporary",
"location_id": "93539676-0eec-4298-8221-d37c766028c4",
"product_id": "856d3a4c-8f1c-4392-8837-b1033d097162"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {
"stats": {
"inventory_breakdown_type": {
"sum": {
"regular": 100,
"temporary": 5
"started": {
"sum": 50
"status": {
"sum": {
"in_stock": 105,
"expected": 17,
"expired": 22
"stock_count": {
"sum": 105
How to fetch a breakdown of all expected items:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[product_group_id]=3142a9c7-40c2-4dff-8a3d-61aef93400cf'
--data-urlencode 'filter[status]=expected'
--data-urlencode 'stats[inventory_breakdown_type][]=sum'
--data-urlencode 'stats[started][]=sum'
--data-urlencode 'stats[status][]=sum'
--data-urlencode 'stats[stock_count][]=sum'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "d6f88a18-89e5-409d-84ae-8e3e2af10659",
"type": "inventory_breakdowns",
"attributes": {
"from": "2017-11-18T03:35:00.000000+00:00",
"stock_count": 12,
"status": "expected",
"inventory_breakdown_type": "regular",
"location_id": "53f12674-6a2f-4878-804c-eb4dd3aa204f",
"product_id": "11b3f75f-518c-4e76-8979-2efbc4019818"
"relationships": {}
"id": "7f3caf33-119d-43b7-8bd5-8c7bd5de639a",
"type": "inventory_breakdowns",
"attributes": {
"from": "2017-11-18T03:35:00.000000+00:00",
"till": "2017-12-19T03:35:00.000000+00:00",
"stock_count": 5,
"status": "expected",
"inventory_breakdown_type": "temporary",
"location_id": "53f12674-6a2f-4878-804c-eb4dd3aa204f",
"product_id": "11b3f75f-518c-4e76-8979-2efbc4019818"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {
"stats": {
"inventory_breakdown_type": {
"sum": {
"regular": 12,
"temporary": 5
"started": {
"sum": 0
"status": {
"sum": {
"in_stock": 105,
"expected": 17,
"expired": 22
"stock_count": {
"sum": 17
How to fetch a breakdown of all expired items:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[product_group_id]=8d1d8d66-b01e-4300-83da-7418f5acaaea'
--data-urlencode 'filter[status]=expired'
--data-urlencode 'stats[inventory_breakdown_type][]=sum'
--data-urlencode 'stats[started][]=sum'
--data-urlencode 'stats[status][]=sum'
--data-urlencode 'stats[stock_count][]=sum'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "b5e5064e-831e-4883-8a71-2e612ddbb495",
"type": "inventory_breakdowns",
"attributes": {
"till": "2022-08-20T18:59:00.000000+00:00",
"stock_count": 22,
"status": "expired",
"inventory_breakdown_type": "temporary",
"location_id": "8a5cbdf6-c713-419f-868e-14208fd6df91",
"product_id": "243a8fd8-a17c-4b5e-878c-3e0646778c26"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {
"stats": {
"inventory_breakdown_type": {
"sum": {
"regular": 0,
"temporary": 22
"started": {
"sum": 0
"status": {
"sum": {
"in_stock": 105,
"expected": 17,
"expired": 22
"stock_count": {
"sum": 22
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/inventory_breakdowns
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[inventory_breakdowns]=from,till,stock_count |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=location,product |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
inventory_breakdown_type |
string eq |
location_id |
uuid eq |
product_group_id |
uuid eq |
product_id |
uuid eq |
status |
string required eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
inventory_breakdown_type |
array sum |
started |
array sum |
status |
array sum |
stock_count |
array sum , count |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Inventory levels
Inventory levels provide information on item availability. It describes availability, stock counts, and planned quantities for given items.
Name | Description |
item |
Item required The item to return data for, this can be a single ID or an array of multiple IDs. |
location |
Location required The location to filter on. |
order |
Order required The order to filter on. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
cluster_available |
integer readonly The available quantity for the cluster the given location is part of. |
cluster_needed |
integer readonly The needed quantity for the cluster the given location is part of. This quantity does not contain what has already been returned for an order ( planned - stopped ). |
cluster_plannable |
integer readonly The planned quantity for the cluster the given location is part of. |
cluster_planned |
integer readonly The planned quantity for the cluster the given location is part of. |
cluster_stock_count |
integer readonly The stock count for the cluster the given location is part of. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
item_id |
uuid readonly The item to return data for, this can be a single ID or an array of multiple IDs. |
location_available |
integer readonly The available quantity for the given location. |
location_id |
uuid readonly The location to filter on. |
location_needed |
integer readonly The needed quantity for the given location. This quantity does not contain what has already been returned for an order ( planned - stopped ). |
location_plannable |
integer readonly The number of products that can be planned for the given location. |
location_planned |
integer readonly The planned quantity for the given location. |
location_stock_count |
integer readonly The quantity of stock present for the given the location. |
order_id |
uuid readonly The order to filter on. |
Fetch inventory levels for a product
How to fetch inventory levels for a product:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[from]=2022-01-01 09:00:00'
--data-urlencode 'filter[item_id]=d4ef30b8-8959-4262-8dcd-d90c23a4ee8a'
--data-urlencode 'filter[till]=2022-01-02 09:00:00'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "72684141-dea4-42b5-8c69-080d056a0e8c",
"type": "inventory_levels",
"attributes": {
"location_available": 0,
"location_stock_count": 0,
"location_plannable": 0,
"location_planned": 0,
"location_needed": 0,
"cluster_available": 0,
"cluster_stock_count": 0,
"cluster_plannable": 0,
"cluster_planned": 0,
"cluster_needed": 0,
"item_id": "d4ef30b8-8959-4262-8dcd-d90c23a4ee8a",
"location_id": "95c73381-5770-48e8-8a43-af7513a32ed9",
"order_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/inventory_levels
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[inventory_levels]=location_available,location_stock_count,location_plannable |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=item,location |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
from |
datetime required eq |
item_id |
uuid eq |
location_id |
uuid eq |
order_id |
uuid eq |
till |
datetime required eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch inventory levels for a product for a specific location
How to fetch inventory levels for a product for a specific location:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[from]=2022-01-01 09:00:00'
--data-urlencode 'filter[item_id]=f13f0c48-b1bd-48ef-81be-94aba9cee2fc'
--data-urlencode 'filter[location_id]=fcf25ba2-1c63-4cf3-842b-be17908108c4'
--data-urlencode 'filter[till]=2022-01-02 09:00:00'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "7f66e4b6-37f8-4f22-8c62-e35634c5ebb5",
"type": "inventory_levels",
"attributes": {
"location_available": 0,
"location_stock_count": 0,
"location_plannable": 0,
"location_planned": 0,
"location_needed": 0,
"cluster_available": 0,
"cluster_stock_count": 0,
"cluster_plannable": 0,
"cluster_planned": 0,
"cluster_needed": 0,
"item_id": "f13f0c48-b1bd-48ef-81be-94aba9cee2fc",
"location_id": "fcf25ba2-1c63-4cf3-842b-be17908108c4",
"order_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/inventory_levels
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[inventory_levels]=location_available,location_stock_count,location_plannable |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=item,location |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
from |
datetime required eq |
item_id |
uuid eq |
location_id |
uuid eq |
order_id |
uuid eq |
till |
datetime required eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Invoice finalizations
Pro forma invoices are automatically generated and updated when changes
are made to an order. The InvoiceFinalizationResource
resource allows
to request the finalization of the current pro forma invoice.
Further changes to the order will trigger a new pro forma invoice to be
generated with prorated changes.
Name | Description |
document |
Document required The invoice that needs to be finalized. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
document_id |
uuid The invoice that needs to be finalized. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
Finalize invoice
Finalize a pro forma invoice:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "invoice_finalization",
"attributes": {
"document_id": "ef4f4bbd-55b2-4355-8436-74a4dde8fe55"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "797e55bb-b625-41fd-876a-c97b5ed135b0",
"type": "invoice_finalizations",
"attributes": {
"document_id": "ef4f4bbd-55b2-4355-8436-74a4dde8fe55"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/invoice_finalizations
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[invoice_finalizations]=document_id |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=document |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][document_id] |
uuid The invoice that needs to be finalized. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Invoice revisions
Revises the last finalized invoice for an order by combining it with the current pro forma invoice and creating a new finalized invoice.
Creating a revision requires that there is a finalized invoice, and that there is a pro forma invoice (i.e. changes must have been made to the order since the last finalized invoice).
Name | Description |
order |
Order required The order for which the last invoice needs to be revised. |
revised_invoice |
Document required The finalized invoice that was revised. |
revision_invoice |
Document required The replacement invoice that was generated. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
order_id |
uuid The order for which the last invoice needs to be revised. |
revised_invoice_id |
uuid readonly The finalized invoice that was revised. |
revision_invoice_id |
uuid readonly The replacement invoice that was generated. |
Revise invoice
Revise a finalized invoice:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "invoice_revisions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "7b026e88-c408-4d9b-8ff7-4dc889f66f8b"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "75c7effe-1ae6-409a-8cb4-4003f6e2f901",
"type": "invoice_revisions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "7b026e88-c408-4d9b-8ff7-4dc889f66f8b",
"revised_invoice_id": "5c7bff8c-1cec-4027-8049-2d29ac25ee0e",
"revision_invoice_id": "fcb6ea7b-1d93-482b-828e-ae3ab98226c0"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/invoice_revisions
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[invoice_revisions]=order_id,revised_invoice_id,revision_invoice_id |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,revised_invoice,revision_invoice |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The order for which the last invoice needs to be revised. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Item prices
Allows you to calculate pricing for an item based on parameters.
You can calculate a price in a couple ways:
- Providing a
, charge label and length will be derived from the dates provided - Providing a
Name | Description |
item |
Item required Required, the item or items to calculate price for. |
price_ruleset |
Price ruleset required The advanced pricing rules that apply. |
price_structure |
Price structure required Optional price structure to use, if the item has a price structure associated with it that will be used by default. |
price_tile |
Price tile required The price tile that was selected from the price structure. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
charge_label |
string readonly Label for the charge period. |
charge_length |
integer Length of charge period in seconds. |
from |
datetime Start of charge period. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
item_id |
uuid Required, the item or items to calculate price for. |
original_charge_label |
string readonly Label of charge period before charge rules are applied. |
original_charge_length |
integer readonly Length of charge period before charge rules are applied. |
original_price_each_in_cents |
integer readonly Price per item before charge rules are applied. |
price_each_in_cents |
integer readonly Final price per item. |
price_rule_values |
hash readonly What price rules were applied. |
price_ruleset_id |
uuid The advanced pricing rules that apply. |
price_structure_id |
uuid Optional price structure to use, if the item has a price structure associated with it that will be used by default. |
price_tile_id |
uuid readonly The price tile that was selected from the price structure. |
till |
datetime End of charge period. |
Calculate the price of products and/or bundles
Calculating price for a period:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[from]=2030-01-01 12:00:00 UTC'
--data-urlencode 'filter[item_id][]=6a8292cc-4002-4f8e-8da2-1e182dbacc08'
--data-urlencode 'filter[item_id][]=6ac6ad52-9587-4088-8fd8-af88a9295a8e'
--data-urlencode 'filter[till]=2030-01-14 12:00:00 UTC'
--data-urlencode 'include=item'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "7d3ef505-b175-4f03-8151-9d77c4e8d823",
"type": "item_prices",
"attributes": {
"item_id": "6a8292cc-4002-4f8e-8da2-1e182dbacc08",
"from": "2028-03-25T10:11:00.000000+00:00",
"till": "2028-04-07T10:11:00.000000+00:00",
"original_charge_length": 1123200,
"charge_length": 1123200,
"original_charge_label": "13 days",
"charge_label": "13 days",
"original_price_each_in_cents": 31200,
"price_each_in_cents": 31200,
"price_rule_values": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_tile_id": null
"relationships": {
"item": {
"data": {
"type": "products",
"id": "6a8292cc-4002-4f8e-8da2-1e182dbacc08"
"id": "1200d3ab-3efd-419e-8837-dbefde64a5c8",
"type": "item_prices",
"attributes": {
"item_id": "6ac6ad52-9587-4088-8fd8-af88a9295a8e",
"from": "2028-03-25T10:11:00.000000+00:00",
"till": "2028-04-07T10:11:00.000000+00:00",
"original_charge_length": 1123200,
"charge_length": 1123200,
"original_charge_label": "13 days",
"charge_label": "13 days",
"original_price_each_in_cents": 74100,
"price_each_in_cents": 74100,
"price_rule_values": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_tile_id": null
"relationships": {
"item": {
"data": {
"type": "products",
"id": "6ac6ad52-9587-4088-8fd8-af88a9295a8e"
"included": [
"id": "6a8292cc-4002-4f8e-8da2-1e182dbacc08",
"type": "products",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-06-16T07:36:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-06-16T07:36:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "products",
"name": "Product 1000004",
"group_name": "Product 1000004",
"slug": "product-1000004",
"sku": "PRODUCT 1000006",
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": false,
"variation": false,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 1,
"base_price_in_cents": 100,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "hour",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_values": [],
"product_group_id": "248e9f40-8ade-4dd1-8bbc-2049129c3146"
"relationships": {}
"id": "6ac6ad52-9587-4088-8fd8-af88a9295a8e",
"type": "products",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-06-16T07:36:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-06-16T07:36:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "products",
"name": "Product 1000005",
"group_name": "Product 1000005",
"slug": "product-1000005",
"sku": "PRODUCT 1000007",
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": false,
"variation": false,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 1,
"base_price_in_cents": 5700,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_values": [],
"product_group_id": "88d23396-b095-4122-82f6-992f846605af"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Calculating price charge length:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[charge_length]=36000'
--data-urlencode 'filter[item_id]=f513ca7d-c6b0-432c-84fa-1b60f29a4cfa'
--data-urlencode 'include=item'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "f010a8cf-b5d9-4ff8-853c-307a79289325",
"type": "item_prices",
"attributes": {
"item_id": "f513ca7d-c6b0-432c-84fa-1b60f29a4cfa",
"from": null,
"till": null,
"original_charge_length": 36000,
"charge_length": 36000,
"original_charge_label": "10 hours",
"charge_label": "10 hours",
"original_price_each_in_cents": null,
"price_each_in_cents": 1000,
"price_rule_values": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_tile_id": null
"relationships": {
"item": {
"data": {
"type": "products",
"id": "f513ca7d-c6b0-432c-84fa-1b60f29a4cfa"
"included": [
"id": "f513ca7d-c6b0-432c-84fa-1b60f29a4cfa",
"type": "products",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-06-13T08:19:05.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-06-13T08:19:05.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "products",
"name": "Product 1000006",
"group_name": "Product 1000006",
"slug": "product-1000006",
"sku": "PRODUCT 1000008",
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": false,
"variation": false,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 1,
"base_price_in_cents": 100,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "hour",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_values": [],
"product_group_id": "c9235b08-a9f1-43e5-8ae8-cf204f682b53"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/item_prices
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[item_prices]=item_id,from,till |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_tile,price_structure,item |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
charge_length |
integer eq |
from |
datetime eq |
item_id |
uuid eq |
original_charge_length |
integer eq |
price_ruleset_id |
uuid eq |
price_structure_id |
uuid eq |
till |
datetime eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
The Item resource makes it possible to fetch (and search!) the following resources in a single request:
The description of the relationships and attributes of these resources can be found in their respective sections
List items
How to fetch a list of items:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "d7759df8-1381-4df4-832c-9ddde2efce9a",
"type": "bundles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-05-05T08:14:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-05-05T08:14:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "bundles",
"name": "iPad Bundle",
"slug": "ipad-bundle",
"product_type": "bundle",
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null
"relationships": {}
"id": "c721f29a-0574-4af4-8fb2-ab4715f97998",
"type": "product_groups",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-05-05T08:14:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-05-05T08:14:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "product_groups",
"name": "iPad Pro",
"group_name": null,
"slug": "ipad-pro",
"sku": "SKU",
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "trackable",
"trackable": true,
"has_variations": false,
"variation": false,
"extra_information": "Charging cable and case included",
"photo_url": null,
"description": "The Apple iPad Pro (2021) 12.9 inches 128GB Space Gray is one of the most powerful and fastest tablets of this moment thanks to the new M1 chip. This chip ensures that demanding apps from Adobe or 3D games run smoothly",
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"base_price_in_cents": 1995,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 10000,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": "58186c7a-50b1-4584-881d-3054f4f5790d",
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": true,
"shortage_limit": 3,
"variation_fields": [],
"flat_fee_price_in_cents": 1995,
"structure_price_in_cents": 0,
"stock_item_properties": []
"relationships": {}
"id": "89e8b2cd-7a7e-47b2-8571-1379ad6e21f1",
"type": "products",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-05-05T08:14:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-05-05T08:14:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "products",
"name": "iPad Pro",
"group_name": "iPad Pro",
"slug": "ipad-pro",
"sku": "SKU",
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "trackable",
"trackable": true,
"has_variations": false,
"variation": false,
"extra_information": "Charging cable and case included",
"photo_url": null,
"description": "The Apple iPad Pro (2021) 12.9 inches 128GB Space Gray is one of the most powerful and fastest tablets of this moment thanks to the new M1 chip. This chip ensures that demanding apps from Adobe or 3D games run smoothly",
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 1,
"base_price_in_cents": 1995,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 10000,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": "58186c7a-50b1-4584-881d-3054f4f5790d",
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": true,
"shortage_limit": 3,
"variation_values": [],
"product_group_id": "c721f29a-0574-4af4-8fb2-ab4715f97998"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/items
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[items]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,bundle_items,inventory_levels |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
base_price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
collection_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
conditions |
hash eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
discountable |
boolean eq |
excerpt |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
extra_information |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
group_name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
has_variations |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq , gt |
lag_time |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
lead_time |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
photo_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_period |
enum eq |
price_ruleset_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_structure_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_type |
enum eq |
product_group_id |
uuid eq |
product_type |
enum eq |
q |
string eq |
seo_description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
seo_title |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
show_in_store |
boolean eq |
sku |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
slug |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
sorting_weight |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tag_list |
string eq |
tax_category_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
taxable |
boolean eq |
trackable |
boolean eq |
tracking_type |
enum eq |
type |
string eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
variation |
boolean eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
archived |
array count |
base_price_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
discountable |
array count |
price_period |
array count |
price_type |
array count |
product_type |
array count |
show_in_store |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
tax_category_id |
array count |
taxable |
array count |
total |
array count |
tracking_type |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Search items
Use advanced search to make logical filter groups with and/or operators.
How to search for items:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"fields": {
"items": "id"
"filter": {
"conditions": {
"operator": "or",
"attributes": [
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"discountable": true
"taxable": true
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"show_in_store": true
"taxable": true
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "569def8b-7636-476f-8a1f-be15feb8defb"
"id": "90acfcac-e08a-40a8-8189-769b49dd2197"
"id": "000f9d47-49fe-4495-8d4c-39a2187d00f2"
"id": "b71ea42f-340e-4143-81c1-ca6a463d21ac"
"id": "f5b4b96e-515c-42f6-8214-95013aa9cdc4"
HTTP Request
POST api/boomerang/items/search
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[items]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,bundle_items,inventory_levels |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
base_price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
collection_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
conditions |
hash eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
discountable |
boolean eq |
excerpt |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
extra_information |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
group_name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
has_variations |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq , gt |
lag_time |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
lead_time |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
photo_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_period |
enum eq |
price_ruleset_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_structure_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_type |
enum eq |
product_group_id |
uuid eq |
product_type |
enum eq |
q |
string eq |
seo_description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
seo_title |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
show_in_store |
boolean eq |
sku |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
slug |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
sorting_weight |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tag_list |
string eq |
tax_category_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
taxable |
boolean eq |
trackable |
boolean eq |
tracking_type |
enum eq |
type |
string eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
variation |
boolean eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
archived |
array count |
base_price_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
discountable |
array count |
price_period |
array count |
price_type |
array count |
product_type |
array count |
show_in_store |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
tax_category_id |
array count |
taxable |
array count |
total |
array count |
tracking_type |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch an item
How to fetch an item:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "15cd96a9-f5ba-4fb6-8ca3-16b2581f1385",
"type": "product_groups",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-07-22T22:42:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-07-22T22:42:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "product_groups",
"name": "iPad Pro",
"group_name": null,
"slug": "ipad-pro",
"sku": "SKU",
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "trackable",
"trackable": true,
"has_variations": false,
"variation": false,
"extra_information": "Charging cable and case included",
"photo_url": null,
"description": "The Apple iPad Pro (2021) 12.9 inches 128GB Space Gray is one of the most powerful and fastest tablets of this moment thanks to the new M1 chip. This chip ensures that demanding apps from Adobe or 3D games run smoothly",
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"base_price_in_cents": 1995,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 10000,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": "2a2acff0-f752-4c88-85d7-23015f91caff",
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": true,
"shortage_limit": 3,
"variation_fields": [],
"flat_fee_price_in_cents": 1995,
"structure_price_in_cents": 0,
"stock_item_properties": []
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/items/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[items]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,bundle_items,inventory_levels |
This request accepts the following includes:
Lines make up the individual elements of an order, document, or cart. They contain information about pricing, planning, or markup.
Lines can only be created for orders. On invoices, lines are automatically generated based on price changes of the order. For quotes and contracts, lines are generated through the Document resource.
Kinds of Lines
Planning lines Lines that have an associated Planning. These lines cannot be created through the Line resource but are created by submitting a
action to OrderFulfillments. Updating or destroying a line linked to a planning will also destroy the planning.Custom lines Lines created through the resource that don't have a planning associated with them. Can be of one of type
Types of Lines
Regular charge line which contains price information. These lines are automatically generated for each Planning, but they can also be added manually for one-off charges.section
Behaves as a visual section on orders and documents. Sections allow users to organize orders as they like and do not affect order totals.deposit_charge
A deposit charge line generated by a deposit hold action. This line is always calculated from a price including taxes.proration
A line representing a proration. These lines only appear on invoices and can't be updated or destroyed by the resource; they are automatically synced.refund
This line was created due to a refund.delivery_rate
This line represents delivery charges based on carrier rates. These are created for delivery orders.legacy_migration
Proration bundled as one line. These lines appear on invoices that were made before Booqable was able to sync invoices automatically.delivery_rate
When orderfulfillment_type
, this line is created to represent the delivery rate information (price, label, etc).
Line Price Calculation
Line prices are calculated based on several factors:
- For planning lines, the price is based on the item's price settings, the rental period, and any applicable price rules.
- The
(in seconds) can differ from the actual rental period due to price rule adjustments. - The
attribute contains a detailed breakdown of how price rules affected the final price. - Setting
will trigger recalculation based on order period and rules. - For custom charge lines, the price is manually set and not affected by period changes.
Ownership Model
Lines have an owner
polymorphic relationship which can point to either:
- An Order (for order lines)
- A Document (for invoice, quote, and contract lines)
Lines also have a direct order_id
which always points to the related order, even when
the line is owned by a document. This makes it easier to retrieve the order context.
Nested lines contain information about individual items in a Bundle; for these lines, the quantity and price information cannot be updated directly but should be updated through the parent line instead.
Sorting Lines
# example of lines when using bundles
(position=1) Product A
(position=2) Product B
(position=3) Bundle
(position=1) Product C
(position=2) Product D
When using Bundles, the line.position
attribute is not unique. Special care needs
to be taken to sort all lines correctly.
When booking a bundle:
- The parent line is assigned a
based on the other lines already on the order. - The child lines are assigned a
based on how the bundle is configured.
To correctly sort all lines so they appear as they do within Booqable:
- Child lines should be sorted relative to their siblings of the same parent.
To do this, child lines need to be grouped by the
Name | Description |
item |
Item optional The Product or Bundle that was booked, when this Line has an associated Planning. |
nested_lines |
Lines hasmany When item is a Bundle, then there is a nested line that corresponds for each BundleItem. |
order |
Order required The Order this Line belongs to. |
owner |
Order, Document required The resource this Line belongs to. Either the Order directly, or a Document. |
parent_line |
Line optional When present, this Line is part of a Bundle and corresponds to a BundleItem. Inverse of the nested_lines relation. |
planning |
Planning optional The Planning for which this Line was created that contains the logistical information related to this Line. |
price_structure |
Price structure optional The PriceStructure used to calculate the price. |
price_tile |
Price tile optional The PriceTile that was selected to calculate the price. |
tax_category |
Tax category optional TaxCategory applied to this Line. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether line is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the line was archived. |
charge_label |
string nullable Charge label. |
charge_length |
integer nullable The charge length in seconds. It can be different than the time planned. Setting charge_length to null will trigger recalculation of the price based on order period and price rules. To recalculate prices for the entire order, use OrderPriceRecalculation. |
confirm_shortage |
boolean writeonly Whether to confirm a shortage when updating quantity on a line. When a line has an associated planning and you increase the quantity, the planning's quantity will also be increased. If this results in a shortage (requested quantity exceeds available inventory), the update will fail with a shortage error. Setting this to true confirms that you want to proceed with the update despite the shortage. This is useful when you know you'll be able to fulfill the order through other means, such as acquiring additional inventory before the rental period.Overriding shortage warnings is only possible when the ProductGroup is configured to allow shortage. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
discountable |
boolean Whether line is discountable. |
display_price_in_cents |
integer readonly Price of this line to display based on the tax setting of the company (inclusive vs. exclusive). |
extra_information |
string nullable Extra information about the line. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
item_id |
uuid readonly nullable The Product or Bundle that was booked, when this Line has an associated Planning. |
line_type |
enum readonly-after-create Type of line. Can be one of: - charge : Regular charge line for rental items or custom charges - section : Visual section for organizing lines (no financial impact) - deposit_charge : Deposit charge line - proration : Partial charge for partial rental periods (invoices only) - refund : Refund line with negative amount - delivery_rate : Delivery charge based on carrier rates - legacy_migration : Legacy proration lineOnly charge and section line types can be created through the resource. Other types are created by the system.One of: section , deposit_charge , proration , charge , legacy_migration , delivery_rate . |
order_id |
uuid readonly The Order this Line belongs to. |
original_charge_label |
string nullable The original charge label of the product (without price rule adjustments). |
original_charge_length |
integer readonly The original charge length of the product (without price rule adjustments). |
original_price_each_in_cents |
integer readonly The original price of the product (without price rule adjustments). |
owner_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The resource this Line belongs to. Either the Order directly, or a Document. |
owner_type |
enum readonly-after-create The resource type of the owner. One of: orders , documents . |
parent_line_id |
uuid readonly nullable When present, this Line is part of a Bundle and corresponds to a BundleItem. Inverse of the nested_lines relation. |
planning_id |
uuid readonly nullable The Planning for which this Line was created that contains the logistical information related to this Line. |
position |
integer nullable The ordering of lines on an order or document. See this section to understand how to sort when using bundles. |
price_each_in_cents |
integer Price of each line. |
price_in_cents |
integer readonly Price of each line x quantity. |
price_rule_values |
hash readonly nullable Breakdown of applied price rules. This is a complex structure that contains detailed information about how price rules affected the final price calculation, including: - Which price rules were applied - What time periods they applied to - How they affected the pricing - The resulting price adjustments This data is particularly useful for understanding why a line has its current price and for providing transparent pricing explanations to customers. |
price_structure_id |
uuid readonly nullable The PriceStructure used to calculate the price. |
price_tile_id |
uuid nullable The PriceTile that was selected to calculate the price. |
quantity |
integer The quantity to calculate with. When updating quantity of a line with an associated planning, the planning also gets updated, which may lead to a shortage error. |
relevant |
boolean readonly When false this line should not be shown to users. It is only needed for calculation of prorations. |
tax_category_id |
uuid nullable TaxCategory applied to this Line. |
taxable |
boolean Whether line is taxable. |
title |
string nullable Title of the line. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List lines
How to fetch a list of lines:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "ae4a88a4-9a7a-4caf-811c-27f85ebe167f",
"type": "lines",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-08-08T15:06:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-08-08T15:06:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"title": "Macbook Pro",
"extra_information": "Comes with a mouse",
"quantity": 1,
"original_price_each_in_cents": 72500,
"original_charge_length": null,
"original_charge_label": null,
"price_each_in_cents": 80250,
"price_in_cents": 80250,
"display_price_in_cents": 80250,
"position": 1,
"charge_label": "29 days",
"charge_length": 2505600,
"price_rule_values": {
"charge": {
"from": "1978-08-17T05:41:00.000000+00:00",
"till": "1978-09-15T05:41:00.000000+00:00",
"adjustments": [
"name": "Pickup day"
"name": "Return day"
"price": [
"name": "High-Season",
"charge_length": 1339200,
"multiplier": "0.2",
"price_in_cents": 7750,
"adjustments": [
"from": "1978-08-30T17:41:00.000000+00:00",
"till": "1978-09-15T05:41:00.000000+00:00",
"charge_length": 1339200,
"charge_label": "372 hours",
"price_in_cents": 7750
"stacked": false
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"line_type": "charge",
"relevant": true,
"order_id": "db61e960-dc39-40c0-8967-af01657ec0d0",
"item_id": "dfb7e7c5-6c92-44de-8fd3-beb9fe5dee6e",
"tax_category_id": "4c97f8cd-9bbf-4048-819a-f50d8b7bff7b",
"price_structure_id": null,
"price_tile_id": null,
"planning_id": "9cf6e39a-f13f-46c3-89db-f1fd269f1bfd",
"parent_line_id": null,
"owner_id": "db61e960-dc39-40c0-8967-af01657ec0d0",
"owner_type": "orders"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/lines
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[lines]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,owner,tax_category |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
discountable |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
item_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
line_type |
enum eq |
order_id |
uuid eq |
owner_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
owner_type |
enum eq , not_eq |
parent_line_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
planning_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_structure_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_tile_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
quantity |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
relevant |
boolean eq |
tax_category_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
taxable |
boolean eq |
title |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a line
How to fetch a line:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "b4c827b6-c766-42d8-831c-87f9a610b8fa",
"type": "lines",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2022-10-10T21:41:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-10-10T21:41:02.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"title": "Macbook Pro",
"extra_information": "Comes with a mouse",
"quantity": 1,
"original_price_each_in_cents": 72500,
"original_charge_length": null,
"original_charge_label": null,
"price_each_in_cents": 80250,
"price_in_cents": 80250,
"display_price_in_cents": 80250,
"position": 1,
"charge_label": "29 days",
"charge_length": 2505600,
"price_rule_values": {
"charge": {
"from": "1977-10-19T12:16:02.000000+00:00",
"till": "1977-11-17T12:16:02.000000+00:00",
"adjustments": [
"name": "Pickup day"
"name": "Return day"
"price": [
"name": "High-Season",
"charge_length": 1339200,
"multiplier": "0.2",
"price_in_cents": 7750,
"adjustments": [
"from": "1977-11-02T00:16:02.000000+00:00",
"till": "1977-11-17T12:16:02.000000+00:00",
"charge_length": 1339200,
"charge_label": "372 hours",
"price_in_cents": 7750
"stacked": false
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"line_type": "charge",
"relevant": true,
"order_id": "a206e703-8fe7-4045-826a-36b938ea47d4",
"item_id": "d4996c4d-efe0-4972-8124-37812a882d50",
"tax_category_id": "28930517-53d0-4346-865d-0988b23e5ea6",
"price_structure_id": null,
"price_tile_id": null,
"planning_id": "01296b4b-a633-4808-8993-91a287f01c9b",
"parent_line_id": null,
"owner_id": "a206e703-8fe7-4045-826a-36b938ea47d4",
"owner_type": "orders"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/lines/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[lines]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,owner,tax_category |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a line
Lines created through this endpoint, so-called custom lines, can only have the type charge
or section
Custom charge
lines enable you to add charges not (directly) connected to a product to an order.
Sections allow to add some organization to orders.
Order totals are automatically re-calculated after the creation of a new line and an invoice sync will be triggered if changes are relevant.
How to create a line:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "lines",
"attributes": {
"owner_id": "e429675c-a2e8-46c3-88f4-316a4bdd2e5d",
"owner_type": "orders",
"price_each_in_cents": 1000
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "69903b58-4d14-4bcb-8490-66c5df3ee4df",
"type": "lines",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2017-01-15T11:15:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2017-01-15T11:15:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"title": null,
"extra_information": null,
"quantity": 1,
"original_price_each_in_cents": null,
"original_charge_length": null,
"original_charge_label": null,
"price_each_in_cents": 1000,
"price_in_cents": 1000,
"display_price_in_cents": 1000,
"position": 1,
"charge_label": null,
"charge_length": null,
"price_rule_values": null,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"line_type": "charge",
"relevant": true,
"order_id": "e429675c-a2e8-46c3-88f4-316a4bdd2e5d",
"item_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"price_tile_id": null,
"planning_id": null,
"parent_line_id": null,
"owner_id": "e429675c-a2e8-46c3-88f4-316a4bdd2e5d",
"owner_type": "orders"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/lines
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[lines]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,owner,tax_category |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][charge_label] |
string Charge label. |
data[attributes][charge_length] |
integer The charge length in seconds. It can be different than the time planned. Setting charge_length to null will trigger recalculation of the price based on order period and price rules. To recalculate prices for the entire order, use OrderPriceRecalculation. |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean Whether to confirm a shortage when updating quantity on a line. When a line has an associated planning and you increase the quantity, the planning's quantity will also be increased. If this results in a shortage (requested quantity exceeds available inventory), the update will fail with a shortage error. Setting this to true confirms that you want to proceed with the update despite the shortage. This is useful when you know you'll be able to fulfill the order through other means, such as acquiring additional inventory before the rental period.Overriding shortage warnings is only possible when the ProductGroup is configured to allow shortage. |
data[attributes][discountable] |
boolean Whether line is discountable. |
data[attributes][extra_information] |
string Extra information about the line. |
data[attributes][line_type] |
enum Type of line. Can be one of: - charge : Regular charge line for rental items or custom charges - section : Visual section for organizing lines (no financial impact) - deposit_charge : Deposit charge line - proration : Partial charge for partial rental periods (invoices only) - refund : Refund line with negative amount - delivery_rate : Delivery charge based on carrier rates - legacy_migration : Legacy proration lineOnly charge and section line types can be created through the resource. Other types are created by the system.One of: section , deposit_charge , proration , charge , legacy_migration , delivery_rate . |
data[attributes][original_charge_label] |
string The original charge label of the product (without price rule adjustments). |
data[attributes][owner_id] |
uuid The resource this Line belongs to. Either the Order directly, or a Document. |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
enum The resource type of the owner. One of: orders , documents . |
data[attributes][position] |
integer The ordering of lines on an order or document. See this section to understand how to sort when using bundles. |
data[attributes][price_each_in_cents] |
integer Price of each line. |
data[attributes][price_tile_id] |
uuid The PriceTile that was selected to calculate the price. |
data[attributes][quantity] |
integer The quantity to calculate with. When updating quantity of a line with an associated planning, the planning also gets updated, which may lead to a shortage error. |
data[attributes][tax_category_id] |
uuid TaxCategory applied to this Line. |
data[attributes][taxable] |
boolean Whether line is taxable. |
data[attributes][title] |
string Title of the line. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a line
Change information, pricing, or increase the quantity of a line. Note that when updating the quantity of a line associated with a planning, the quantity of the planninig will also be updated, which may result in a shortage error.
Order totals are automatically re-calculated after updating a line and an invoice sync will be triggered if changes are relevant.
How to update a line:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "fc2e8815-5ad2-4d0b-8a28-777a6b57d933",
"type": "lines",
"attributes": {
"price_each_in_cents": 1000
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "fc2e8815-5ad2-4d0b-8a28-777a6b57d933",
"type": "lines",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-03-06T23:03:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-03-06T23:03:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"title": "Macbook Pro",
"extra_information": "Comes with a mouse",
"quantity": 1,
"original_price_each_in_cents": 72500,
"original_charge_length": null,
"original_charge_label": null,
"price_each_in_cents": 1000,
"price_in_cents": 1000,
"display_price_in_cents": 1000,
"position": 1,
"charge_label": "29 days",
"charge_length": 2505600,
"price_rule_values": null,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"line_type": "charge",
"relevant": true,
"order_id": "33b62e2b-8553-4919-8719-0de973ab048e",
"item_id": "6079761a-dac1-4eb8-88a9-d5c43040d760",
"tax_category_id": "87821aa9-fd93-4b69-8e67-01c17fd816d6",
"price_structure_id": null,
"price_tile_id": null,
"planning_id": "cdd8227f-b71f-41ae-83a9-4e47d0c1a2b6",
"parent_line_id": null,
"owner_id": "33b62e2b-8553-4919-8719-0de973ab048e",
"owner_type": "orders"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/lines/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[lines]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,owner,tax_category |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][charge_label] |
string Charge label. |
data[attributes][charge_length] |
integer The charge length in seconds. It can be different than the time planned. Setting charge_length to null will trigger recalculation of the price based on order period and price rules. To recalculate prices for the entire order, use OrderPriceRecalculation. |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean Whether to confirm a shortage when updating quantity on a line. When a line has an associated planning and you increase the quantity, the planning's quantity will also be increased. If this results in a shortage (requested quantity exceeds available inventory), the update will fail with a shortage error. Setting this to true confirms that you want to proceed with the update despite the shortage. This is useful when you know you'll be able to fulfill the order through other means, such as acquiring additional inventory before the rental period.Overriding shortage warnings is only possible when the ProductGroup is configured to allow shortage. |
data[attributes][discountable] |
boolean Whether line is discountable. |
data[attributes][extra_information] |
string Extra information about the line. |
data[attributes][line_type] |
enum Type of line. Can be one of: - charge : Regular charge line for rental items or custom charges - section : Visual section for organizing lines (no financial impact) - deposit_charge : Deposit charge line - proration : Partial charge for partial rental periods (invoices only) - refund : Refund line with negative amount - delivery_rate : Delivery charge based on carrier rates - legacy_migration : Legacy proration lineOnly charge and section line types can be created through the resource. Other types are created by the system.One of: section , deposit_charge , proration , charge , legacy_migration , delivery_rate . |
data[attributes][original_charge_label] |
string The original charge label of the product (without price rule adjustments). |
data[attributes][owner_id] |
uuid The resource this Line belongs to. Either the Order directly, or a Document. |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
enum The resource type of the owner. One of: orders , documents . |
data[attributes][position] |
integer The ordering of lines on an order or document. See this section to understand how to sort when using bundles. |
data[attributes][price_each_in_cents] |
integer Price of each line. |
data[attributes][price_tile_id] |
uuid The PriceTile that was selected to calculate the price. |
data[attributes][quantity] |
integer The quantity to calculate with. When updating quantity of a line with an associated planning, the planning also gets updated, which may lead to a shortage error. |
data[attributes][tax_category_id] |
uuid TaxCategory applied to this Line. |
data[attributes][taxable] |
boolean Whether line is taxable. |
data[attributes][title] |
string Title of the line. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Archive a line
How to delete a line:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "4ad8090f-0878-4fb1-8e5e-2dea58fd8ef6",
"type": "lines",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-12-01T08:17:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-12-01T08:17:02.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2018-12-01T08:17:02.000000+00:00",
"title": "Macbook Pro",
"extra_information": "Comes with a mouse",
"quantity": 1,
"original_price_each_in_cents": 72500,
"original_charge_length": null,
"original_charge_label": null,
"price_each_in_cents": 80250,
"price_in_cents": 80250,
"display_price_in_cents": 80250,
"position": 1,
"charge_label": "29 days",
"charge_length": 2505600,
"price_rule_values": {
"charge": {
"from": "1973-12-09T22:52:02.000000+00:00",
"till": "1974-01-07T22:52:02.000000+00:00",
"adjustments": [
"name": "Pickup day"
"name": "Return day"
"price": [
"name": "High-Season",
"charge_length": 1339200,
"multiplier": "0.2",
"price_in_cents": 7750,
"adjustments": [
"from": "1973-12-23T10:52:02.000000+00:00",
"till": "1974-01-07T22:52:02.000000+00:00",
"charge_length": 1339200,
"charge_label": "372 hours",
"price_in_cents": 7750
"stacked": false
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"line_type": "charge",
"relevant": true,
"order_id": "78b392bd-6db0-4fb7-8eee-93b320eb554e",
"item_id": "914563ce-67a8-43f6-8d3a-bcd5476a2575",
"tax_category_id": "1f32b2e1-dd8e-4304-8d68-68f0077e18b7",
"price_structure_id": null,
"price_tile_id": null,
"planning_id": "372352f3-b88b-4b67-80e6-e89b803c2fb4",
"parent_line_id": null,
"owner_id": "78b392bd-6db0-4fb7-8eee-93b320eb554e",
"owner_type": "orders"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/lines/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[lines]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,owner,tax_category |
This request accepts the following includes:
A location is a place (like a store) where customers pick up and return orders or a warehouse that only stocks inventory.
Name | Description |
carriers |
App carriers hasmany The carriers that can do delivery from this location. |
clusters |
Clusters hasmany The clusters this location is part of. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
address_line_1 |
string First address line. |
address_line_2 |
string Second address line. |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether location is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the location was archived. |
city |
string Address city. |
cluster_ids |
array Clusters this location belongs to. |
code |
string Code used to identify the location. |
confirm_has_orders |
boolean writeonly A flag to confirm an address update when the location has orders. |
country |
string Address country. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
fulfillment_capabilities |
array[string] readonly The fulfillment process options available from this location. Zero or more from: delivery , pickup . |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
location_type |
enum Determines if the location can be seen in the online store. One of: rental , internal . |
main_address |
hash A hash with the address fields. Use it when fetching a location. See address property type for more information. |
main_address_attributes |
hash writeonly A hash with the address fields. Use it when creating or updating a location. See address property type for more information. |
name |
string Name of the location. |
pickup_enabled |
boolean Whether the location supports pickup. |
region |
string Address region. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
zipcode |
string Address ZIP code. |
List locations
How to fetch locations:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "f6399631-79bf-4a64-8deb-169a36a274ae",
"type": "locations",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-04-09T06:23:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-04-09T06:23:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Warehouse",
"code": "LOC1000024",
"location_type": "rental",
"address_line_1": "Blokhuisplein 40",
"address_line_2": "Department II",
"zipcode": "8911LJ",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": "Friesland",
"country": "Netherlands",
"cluster_ids": [],
"pickup_enabled": true,
"fulfillment_capabilities": [
"main_address": {
"meets_validation_requirements": false,
"first_name": null,
"last_name": null,
"address1": "Blokhuisplein 40",
"address2": "Department II",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": "Friesland",
"zipcode": "8911LJ",
"country": "Netherlands",
"country_id": null,
"province_id": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"value": "Blokhuisplein 40\nDepartment II\n8911LJ Leeuwarden Friesland\nNetherlands"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/locations
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[locations]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=clusters,carriers |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
cluster_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
code |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
fulfillment_capabilities |
array[string] any_of |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
location_type |
enum eq |
main_address |
hash eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a location
How to fetch a single location:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "954bf312-7f80-4c5a-8547-8626943b877c",
"type": "locations",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-01-14T17:38:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-01-14T17:38:02.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Warehouse",
"code": "LOC1000025",
"location_type": "rental",
"address_line_1": "Blokhuisplein 40",
"address_line_2": "Department II",
"zipcode": "8911LJ",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": "Friesland",
"country": "Netherlands",
"cluster_ids": [],
"pickup_enabled": true,
"fulfillment_capabilities": [
"main_address": {
"meets_validation_requirements": false,
"first_name": null,
"last_name": null,
"address1": "Blokhuisplein 40",
"address2": "Department II",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": "Friesland",
"zipcode": "8911LJ",
"country": "Netherlands",
"country_id": null,
"province_id": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"value": "Blokhuisplein 40\nDepartment II\n8911LJ Leeuwarden Friesland\nNetherlands"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/locations/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[locations]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=clusters,carriers |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a location
How to create a location and assign it to a cluster:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "locations",
"attributes": {
"name": "Store",
"code": "STR",
"location_type": "rental",
"address_line_1": "Blokhuisplein 40",
"address_line_2": "Department II",
"zipcode": "8911LJ",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": "Friesland",
"country": "Netherlands",
"cluster_ids": [
"include": "clusters"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "d47e53d6-ce3a-42c6-8ca9-98dd789e4cde",
"type": "locations",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-05-03T23:16:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-05-03T23:16:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Store",
"code": "STR",
"location_type": "rental",
"address_line_1": "Blokhuisplein 40",
"address_line_2": "Department II",
"zipcode": "8911LJ",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": "Friesland",
"country": "Netherlands",
"cluster_ids": [
"pickup_enabled": true,
"fulfillment_capabilities": [
"main_address": {
"meets_validation_requirements": false,
"first_name": null,
"last_name": null,
"address1": "Blokhuisplein 40",
"address2": "Department II",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": "Friesland",
"zipcode": "8911LJ",
"country": "Netherlands",
"country_id": null,
"province_id": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"value": "Blokhuisplein 40\nDepartment II\n8911LJ Leeuwarden Friesland\nNetherlands"
"relationships": {
"clusters": {
"data": [
"type": "clusters",
"id": "b6b7e9ad-3c95-41ca-897a-d2bd4270d323"
"included": [
"id": "b6b7e9ad-3c95-41ca-897a-d2bd4270d323",
"type": "clusters",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-05-03T23:16:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-05-03T23:16:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "North",
"location_ids": [
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/locations
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[locations]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=clusters,carriers |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][address_line_1] |
string First address line. |
data[attributes][address_line_2] |
string Second address line. |
data[attributes][city] |
string Address city. |
data[attributes][cluster_ids][] |
array Clusters this location belongs to. |
data[attributes][code] |
string Code used to identify the location. |
data[attributes][confirm_has_orders] |
boolean A flag to confirm an address update when the location has orders. |
data[attributes][country] |
string Address country. |
data[attributes][location_type] |
enum Determines if the location can be seen in the online store. One of: rental , internal . |
data[attributes][main_address] |
hash A hash with the address fields. Use it when fetching a location. See address property type for more information. |
data[attributes][main_address_attributes] |
hash A hash with the address fields. Use it when creating or updating a location. See address property type for more information. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the location. |
data[attributes][pickup_enabled] |
boolean Whether the location supports pickup. |
data[attributes][region] |
string Address region. |
data[attributes][zipcode] |
string Address ZIP code. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a location
Note that disassociating clusters may result in a shortage error.
How to update a location and assign it to multiple clusters:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "620301be-6eb5-4f1f-8fdd-7d1539cbcfc2",
"type": "locations",
"attributes": {
"name": "Old warehouse",
"cluster_ids": [
"include": "clusters"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "620301be-6eb5-4f1f-8fdd-7d1539cbcfc2",
"type": "locations",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-10-04T21:59:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-10-04T21:59:02.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Old warehouse",
"code": "LOC1000027",
"location_type": "rental",
"address_line_1": "Blokhuisplein 40",
"address_line_2": "Department II",
"zipcode": "8911LJ",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": "Friesland",
"country": "Netherlands",
"cluster_ids": [
"pickup_enabled": true,
"fulfillment_capabilities": [
"main_address": {
"meets_validation_requirements": false,
"first_name": null,
"last_name": null,
"address1": "Blokhuisplein 40",
"address2": "Department II",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": "Friesland",
"zipcode": "8911LJ",
"country": "Netherlands",
"country_id": null,
"province_id": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"value": "Blokhuisplein 40\nDepartment II\n8911LJ Leeuwarden Friesland\nNetherlands"
"relationships": {
"clusters": {
"data": [
"type": "clusters",
"id": "e9b03933-5297-4354-875b-0d0a14bc83fb"
"type": "clusters",
"id": "23d4e910-0ff5-4c29-8d01-1aa63a1b974d"
"included": [
"id": "e9b03933-5297-4354-875b-0d0a14bc83fb",
"type": "clusters",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-10-04T21:59:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-10-04T21:59:02.000000+00:00",
"name": "North",
"location_ids": [
"relationships": {}
"id": "23d4e910-0ff5-4c29-8d01-1aa63a1b974d",
"type": "clusters",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-10-04T21:59:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-10-04T21:59:02.000000+00:00",
"name": "Central",
"location_ids": [
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Disassociating cluster resulting in shortage error:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "f224137a-3275-466e-8502-c1e66ea8444c",
"type": "locations",
"attributes": {
"name": "Old warehouse",
"cluster_ids": []
"include": "clusters"
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "shortage",
"status": "422",
"title": "Shortage",
"detail": "This will create shortage for running or future orders",
"meta": {
"warning": [],
"blocking": [
"reason": "shortage",
"shortage": 2,
"item_id": "f198dfab-a4ce-4068-84c3-b706d007c30d",
"mutation": 0,
"order_ids": [
"location_id": "f224137a-3275-466e-8502-c1e66ea8444c",
"available": -2,
"plannable": -2,
"stock_count": 0,
"planned": 2,
"needed": 2,
"cluster_available": -2,
"cluster_plannable": -2,
"cluster_stock_count": 0,
"cluster_planned": 2,
"cluster_needed": 2
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/locations/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[locations]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=clusters,carriers |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][address_line_1] |
string First address line. |
data[attributes][address_line_2] |
string Second address line. |
data[attributes][city] |
string Address city. |
data[attributes][cluster_ids][] |
array Clusters this location belongs to. |
data[attributes][code] |
string Code used to identify the location. |
data[attributes][confirm_has_orders] |
boolean A flag to confirm an address update when the location has orders. |
data[attributes][country] |
string Address country. |
data[attributes][location_type] |
enum Determines if the location can be seen in the online store. One of: rental , internal . |
data[attributes][main_address] |
hash A hash with the address fields. Use it when fetching a location. See address property type for more information. |
data[attributes][main_address_attributes] |
hash A hash with the address fields. Use it when creating or updating a location. See address property type for more information. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the location. |
data[attributes][pickup_enabled] |
boolean Whether the location supports pickup. |
data[attributes][region] |
string Address region. |
data[attributes][zipcode] |
string Address ZIP code. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Archive a location
To archive a location make sure that:
- There is no active stock at the location
- There are no running or future orders for this location
- This is not the last active location
How to archive a location:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "3f258b5c-005d-4808-81c2-954da48df0cb",
"type": "locations",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-03-03T14:31:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-03-03T14:31:02.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2020-03-03T14:31:02.000000+00:00",
"name": "Warehouse",
"code": "LOC1000030",
"location_type": "rental",
"address_line_1": "Blokhuisplein 40",
"address_line_2": "Department II",
"zipcode": "8911LJ",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": "Friesland",
"country": "Netherlands",
"cluster_ids": [],
"pickup_enabled": true,
"fulfillment_capabilities": [
"main_address": {
"meets_validation_requirements": false,
"first_name": null,
"last_name": null,
"address1": "Blokhuisplein 40",
"address2": "Department II",
"city": "Leeuwarden",
"region": "Friesland",
"zipcode": "8911LJ",
"country": "Netherlands",
"country_id": null,
"province_id": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"value": "Blokhuisplein 40\nDepartment II\n8911LJ Leeuwarden Friesland\nNetherlands"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Failure due to a future order:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "location_has_orders",
"status": "422",
"title": "Location has orders",
"detail": "This location has running or future orders",
"meta": {
"order_ids": [
Failure due to active stock at location:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "location_has_stock",
"status": "422",
"title": "Location has stock",
"detail": "This location has active stock",
"meta": {
"item_ids": [
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/locations/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[locations]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
Allows you to leave notes attached to other resources.
Name | Description |
employee |
Employee required The Employee who created this note. |
owner |
Customer, Product group, Stock item, Bundle, Order, Document, User required The resource this note is about. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
body |
string The content of the note. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
employee_id |
uuid readonly The Employee who created this note. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
owner_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The resource this note is about. |
owner_type |
enum readonly-after-create The resource type of the owner. One of: customers , product_groups , stock_items , bundles , orders , documents , users . |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List notes
How to fetch a list of notes:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "308f95f9-2661-4894-8d17-b4cf8fd661d2",
"type": "notes",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2022-10-23T23:24:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-10-23T23:24:01.000000+00:00",
"body": "Agreed to give this customer a 20% discount on the next order",
"employee_id": "6e9725e6-9cd5-4743-8021-afe1b305c3f2",
"owner_id": "4ef2de9b-a05c-49a2-8d8d-3690843a43a8",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/notes
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[notes]=created_at,updated_at,body |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=employee,owner |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
employee_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
owner_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
owner_type |
enum eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a note
How to fetch a note:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "629a61d1-1b50-41fd-867f-b7882b29d2f6",
"type": "notes",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2028-07-04T15:39:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2028-07-04T15:39:01.000000+00:00",
"body": "Agreed to give this customer a 20% discount on the next order",
"employee_id": "8e17846d-a01b-4743-8d9b-a1ef2884c506",
"owner_id": "e1d2d7e1-879d-4864-8f80-b42ba923ab58",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/notes/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[notes]=created_at,updated_at,body |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=employee,owner |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a note
How to create a note:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "notes",
"attributes": {
"body": "Agreed to give this customer a 20% discount on the next order",
"owner_id": "1a7b6819-6c11-4eee-892a-9d87bee21d50",
"owner_type": "customers"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "40684345-0cb8-4a59-8dea-51468dffb879",
"type": "notes",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-07-03T13:01:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-07-03T13:01:01.000000+00:00",
"body": "Agreed to give this customer a 20% discount on the next order",
"employee_id": "1eb997c6-a419-482c-8414-606eef3b8f04",
"owner_id": "1a7b6819-6c11-4eee-892a-9d87bee21d50",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/notes
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[notes]=created_at,updated_at,body |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=employee,owner |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][body] |
string The content of the note. |
data[attributes][owner_id] |
uuid The resource this note is about. |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
enum The resource type of the owner. One of: customers , product_groups , stock_items , bundles , orders , documents , users . |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete a note
How to delete a note:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "32ad49c4-5673-460c-84fd-a5852a0e4d35",
"type": "notes",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-07-14T18:36:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-07-14T18:36:01.000000+00:00",
"body": "Agreed to give this customer a 20% discount on the next order",
"employee_id": "654e2ccf-f66b-4cd2-85d2-c446291c11a9",
"owner_id": "45351704-f8df-4523-8ff0-d5d2b77ecaa4",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/notes/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[notes]=created_at,updated_at,body |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=employee,owner |
This request accepts the following includes:
Orders are the heart of every rental operation. They hold configuration and information about:
- The customer
When assigning a customer to an order, the order will inherit the tax region and deposit from the customer. - Pricing and taxes
- Deposits
- Rental period and location
Changing these can lead to shortage, and the update will be blocked by a warning or error. A shortage warning can be confirmed by setting theconfirm_shortage
attribute totrue
. - Shortages
- Payment status
Means the order is new, and invisible to anyone except the employee who created it.concept
Does not influence availability.reserved
Items on the order will be reserved and not available for other orders.started
Means that the rental has started. In most cases this means items are out with a customer.stopped
Items are available for other rentals again.canceled
The order is canceled. Items will be available for other rentals.archived
The order won't show up in default search results.
To transition an Order to the next status, create an OrderStatusTransition.
Status Transitions and Workflow
Orders typically follow this workflow:
1. new
→ concept
through OrderStatusTransition
2. concept
→ reserved
through OrderStatusTransition
3. reserved
→ started
(pickup/delivery) through OrderFulfillment
4. started
→ stopped
(return/completion) through OrderFulfillment
5. stopped
→ archived
through OrderStatusTransition
Note that concept
and reserved
states can be skipped.
An order can go from new
to started
directly when items are picked up.
Shortage Handling
There are two types of shortage indicators:
- shortage
: Indicates there's a shortage anywhere in the system
- location_shortage
: Indicates there's a shortage specifically at the pickup location
When updating an order causes a shortage, you'll receive an error response with details about the shortage. To confirm and proceed despite the shortage, include confirm_shortage: true
in your update request.
Fulfillment Types
Orders can have different fulfillment types that define how items are provided to customers:
- pickup
: Customer collects items from a location
- delivery
: Items are delivered to the customer
The fulfillment type affects address requirements, delivery costs, and order processing.
Payment Statuses
The payment_status
field indicates the current payment state:
- paid
: All order amounts have been paid
- partially_paid
: Some payments have been made but the full amount is not yet paid
- overpaid
: More has been paid than required
- payment_due
: Payment is still required
- process_deposit
: A deposit needs to be processed
Deposit Handling
Deposits can be calculated and applied in different ways:
- none
: No deposit is required
- percentage
: Deposit is a percentage of the item prices
- percentage_total
: Deposit is a percentage of the total order amount
- fixed
: Deposit is a fixed amount
The deposit_value
field determines the percentage or fixed amount, and various deposit-related fields track payment and refund status.
Name | Description |
barcode |
Barcode optional The QR code automatically generated for this Order. |
coupon |
Coupon optional The Coupon added to this Order. |
customer |
Customer optional The Customer this Order is for. |
documents |
Documents hasmany Documents (quotes, contracts, invoices) related to this order. |
lines |
Lines hasmany All the Lines of this Order. There is an automatically generated line for every Planning. In addition there can be manually added lines for custom charges, deposit holds and sections. |
notes |
Notes hasmany Notes about this Order. |
order_delivery_rate |
Order delivery rate optional Information about the cost of delivery for this Order. |
payments |
Payments hasmany Payments (charges, authorizations, refunds) related to this order. |
plannings |
Plannings hasmany The Plannings for this Order, containing the booked quantities and current status for all Products on this Order. |
properties |
Properties hasmany Custom but structured data added to this Order. Both Properties linked to DefaultProperties, and one-off Properties can be added to orders. Properties of Orders can be updated in bulk by writing to the properties_attributes attribute. |
start_location |
Location required The Location where the customer will pick up the items. |
stock_item_plannings |
Stock item plannings hasmany The StockItemPlannings planned on this Order, and their current status. |
stop_location |
Location required The Location where the customer will return the items. When the clusters feature is in use, the stop location needs to be in the same cluster as the start location. |
tax_region |
Tax region optional TaxRegion applied to this Order. |
tax_values |
Tax values hasmany The taxes calculated for this order. There is one TaxValue for each applicable TaxRate. |
transfers |
Transfers hasmany Transfers that have been generated to solve shortages on this order. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
billing_address_property_id |
uuid The property id of the billing address. |
confirm_shortage |
boolean writeonly When set to true , this confirms a shortage warning during an update operation. Use this parameter when you receive a shortage warning but want to proceed with the update despite the shortage. Overriding shortage is only possible when the affected ProductGroup is configured to allow shortage. |
coupon_discount_in_cents |
integer readonly Coupon discount (incl. or excl. taxes based on tax_strategy ). |
coupon_id |
uuid nullable The Coupon added to this Order. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
customer_id |
uuid nullable The Customer this Order is for. |
delivery_address |
string The delivery address. |
delivery_address_property_id |
uuid The property id of the delivery address. |
deposit_held_in_cents |
integer readonly Amount of deposit held. |
deposit_in_cents |
integer readonly Deposit. |
deposit_paid_in_cents |
integer readonly How much of the deposit is paid. |
deposit_refunded_in_cents |
integer readonly How much of the deposit is refunded. |
deposit_to_refund_in_cents |
integer readonly Amount of deposit (still) to be refunded. |
deposit_type |
enum nullable How deposit is calculated. One of: none , percentage_total , percentage , fixed . |
deposit_value |
float The value to use for deposit_type . |
discount_in_cents |
integer readonly Discount (incl. or excl. taxes based on tax_strategy ). |
discount_percentage |
float readonly The discount percentage applied to this order. May update if order amount changes and type is fixed . |
discount_type |
enum Type of discount. One of: percentage , fixed . |
discount_value |
float writeonly The value to use for discount_type . |
entirely_started |
boolean readonly Whether all items on the order are started. |
entirely_stopped |
boolean readonly Whether all items on the order are stopped. |
fulfillment_type |
enum Indicates the process used to fulfill this order. Values can be pickup (customer collects items from a location) or delivery (items are delivered to the customer's address). This affects which address fields are required and whether delivery charges apply.One of: pickup , delivery . |
grand_total_in_cents |
integer readonly Total excl. taxes (excl. deposit). |
grand_total_with_tax_in_cents |
integer readonly Amount incl. taxes (excl. deposit). |
has_signed_contract |
boolean readonly Whether the order has a signed contract. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
location_shortage |
boolean readonly Whether there is a shortage on the pickup location. This is true when the requested items are not available at the specific start_location selected for the order, even if they might be available at other locations in the same cluster. |
number |
integer readonly The unique order number. |
order_delivery_rate_attributes |
hash writeonly Assign this attribute to create/update the order delivery rate as subresource of order in a single request. |
override_period_restrictions |
boolean Force free period selection when there are restrictions enabled for the order period picker. |
paid_in_cents |
integer readonly How much was paid. |
payment_status |
enum readonly Indicates next step to take with respect to payment for this order. Values include paid (fully paid), partially_paid (some payments made), overpaid (more paid than required), payment_due (balance still due), or process_deposit (deposit needs processing).One of: paid , partially_paid , overpaid , payment_due , process_deposit . |
price_in_cents |
integer readonly Subtotal excl. taxes (excl. deposit). |
properties |
hash readonly A hash containing all property identifiers and values (include the properties relation if you need more detailed information). Properties of orders can be updated in bulk by writing to the properties_attributes attribute. |
properties_attributes |
array writeonly Assign this attribute to create/update properties as subresource of order in a single request. |
shortage |
boolean readonly Whether there is a shortage for this order. This indicates that the requested quantity of one or more items cannot be fulfilled during the specified rental period. |
start_location_id |
uuid The Location where the customer will pick up the items. |
starts_at |
datetime nullable When the items on the order become unavailable. This is the date/time when the rental period officially begins. Changing this date may result in shortages if the items are no longer available for the new time period. |
status |
enum readonly Simplified status of the order. An order can be in a mixed state. The statuses attribute contains the full list of current statuses, and status_counts specifies how many items are in each state.One of: new , concept , reserved , started , stopped , archived , canceled . |
status_counts |
hash readonly An object containing the status counts of planned products, like { "concept": 0, "reserved": 2, "started": 5, "stopped": 10 } . |
statuses |
array readonly Status(es) of planned products. |
stop_location_id |
uuid The Location where the customer will return the items. When the clusters feature is in use, the stop location needs to be in the same cluster as the start location. |
stops_at |
datetime nullable When the items on the order become available again. This is the date/time when the rental period officially ends, and inventory becomes available for other orders after this point. Extending this date may result in shortages if the items are already booked for other orders. |
tag_list |
array[string] Case insensitive tag list. |
tax_in_cents |
integer readonly Total tax. |
tax_region_id |
uuid nullable TaxRegion applied to this Order. |
to_be_paid_in_cents |
integer readonly Amount that (still) has to be paid. |
total_discount_in_cents |
integer readonly Total discount (incl. or excl. taxes based on tax_strategy ). |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List orders
How to fetch a list of orders:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "3475c076-354c-4870-8326-459b23381f95",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-02-09T00:29:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-02-09T00:29:01.000000+00:00",
"number": 1,
"status": "reserved",
"statuses": [
"status_counts": {
"concept": 0,
"new": 0,
"reserved": 1,
"started": 0,
"stopped": 0
"starts_at": "1970-02-17T03:02:01.000000+00:00",
"stops_at": "1970-03-19T03:02:01.000000+00:00",
"deposit_type": "percentage",
"deposit_value": 10.0,
"entirely_started": false,
"entirely_stopped": false,
"location_shortage": false,
"shortage": false,
"payment_status": "payment_due",
"override_period_restrictions": false,
"has_signed_contract": false,
"tag_list": [
"properties": {},
"price_in_cents": 80250,
"grand_total_in_cents": 72225,
"grand_total_with_tax_in_cents": 87392,
"tax_in_cents": 15167,
"discount_in_cents": 8025,
"coupon_discount_in_cents": 0,
"total_discount_in_cents": 8025,
"deposit_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_paid_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_held_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_to_refund_in_cents": 0,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 97392,
"paid_in_cents": 0,
"discount_type": "percentage",
"discount_percentage": 10.0,
"billing_address_property_id": null,
"delivery_address_property_id": null,
"fulfillment_type": "pickup",
"delivery_address": null,
"customer_id": "5e7fb1d5-a69a-4dad-8f6c-0a321ec6da2c",
"tax_region_id": null,
"coupon_id": null,
"start_location_id": "595f65d5-8218-4704-83ae-39aff6d1aeb4",
"stop_location_id": "595f65d5-8218-4704-83ae-39aff6d1aeb4"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET api/boomerang/orders
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[orders]=created_at,updated_at,number |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,coupon,start_location |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
any_shortage |
boolean eq |
billing_address_property_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
conditions |
hash eq |
coupon_discount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
coupon_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
customer_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
delivery_address_property_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
deposit_held_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_paid_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_refunded_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_to_refund_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_type |
enum eq |
discount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
discount_percentage |
float eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
discount_type |
enum eq |
discount_value |
float eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
fulfillment_type |
string eq |
grand_total_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
grand_total_with_tax_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
has_signed_contract |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq , gt |
item_id |
uuid eq |
location_shortage |
boolean eq |
number |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
paid_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
payment_status |
enum eq |
price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
q |
string eq |
shortage |
boolean eq |
start_location_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
start_or_stop_time |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte , between |
starts_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
status |
enum eq |
status_counts |
hash eq |
statuses |
array eq , not_eq |
stock_item_id |
uuid eq |
stop_location_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
stops_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tag_list |
string eq |
tax_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tax_region_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
to_be_paid_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
total_discount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
coupon_discount_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_held_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_paid_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_refunded_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_to_refund_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_type |
array count |
discount_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
discount_percentage |
array maximum , minimum , average |
fulfillment_type |
array count |
grand_total_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
grand_total_with_tax_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
location_shortage |
array count |
paid_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
payment_status |
array count |
price_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
shortage |
array count |
status |
array count |
statuses |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
tax_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
to_be_paid_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
total |
array count |
total_discount_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
This request accepts the following includes:
Search orders
Use advanced search to make logical filter groups with and/or operators.
How to search for orders:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"fields": {
"orders": "id"
"filter": {
"conditions": {
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"operator": "or",
"attributes": [
"starts_at": {
"gte": "2025-03-25T09:27:17Z",
"lte": "2025-03-28T09:27:17Z"
"stops_at": {
"gte": "2025-03-25T09:27:17Z",
"lte": "2025-03-28T09:27:17Z"
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"deposit_type": "none"
"payment_status": "paid"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "b16cd617-07ab-4ca4-87d3-8868952b190e"
"id": "6021cb4f-601d-47a1-8f99-610793da2ba1"
HTTP Request
POST api/boomerang/orders/search
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[orders]=created_at,updated_at,number |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,coupon,start_location |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
any_shortage |
boolean eq |
billing_address_property_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
conditions |
hash eq |
coupon_discount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
coupon_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
customer_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
delivery_address_property_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
deposit_held_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_paid_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_refunded_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_to_refund_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_type |
enum eq |
discount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
discount_percentage |
float eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
discount_type |
enum eq |
discount_value |
float eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
fulfillment_type |
string eq |
grand_total_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
grand_total_with_tax_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
has_signed_contract |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq , gt |
item_id |
uuid eq |
location_shortage |
boolean eq |
number |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
paid_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
payment_status |
enum eq |
price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
q |
string eq |
shortage |
boolean eq |
start_location_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
start_or_stop_time |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte , between |
starts_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
status |
enum eq |
status_counts |
hash eq |
statuses |
array eq , not_eq |
stock_item_id |
uuid eq |
stop_location_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
stops_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tag_list |
string eq |
tax_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tax_region_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
to_be_paid_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
total_discount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
coupon_discount_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_held_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_paid_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_refunded_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_to_refund_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_type |
array count |
discount_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
discount_percentage |
array maximum , minimum , average |
fulfillment_type |
array count |
grand_total_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
grand_total_with_tax_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
location_shortage |
array count |
paid_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
payment_status |
array count |
price_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
shortage |
array count |
status |
array count |
statuses |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
tax_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
to_be_paid_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
total |
array count |
total_discount_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
This request accepts the following includes:
New order
Returns an existing or new order for the current employee.
How to fetch a new order:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "952676bb-b830-4efa-8bd4-6b03b23fbe32",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-08-08T10:38:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-08-08T10:38:00.000000+00:00",
"number": null,
"status": "new",
"statuses": [
"status_counts": {
"new": 0,
"concept": 0,
"reserved": 0,
"started": 0,
"stopped": 0
"starts_at": null,
"stops_at": null,
"deposit_type": "percentage",
"deposit_value": 100.0,
"entirely_started": true,
"entirely_stopped": false,
"location_shortage": false,
"shortage": false,
"payment_status": "paid",
"override_period_restrictions": false,
"has_signed_contract": false,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"price_in_cents": 0,
"grand_total_in_cents": 0,
"grand_total_with_tax_in_cents": 0,
"tax_in_cents": 0,
"discount_in_cents": 0,
"coupon_discount_in_cents": 0,
"total_discount_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_paid_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_held_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_to_refund_in_cents": 0,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 0,
"paid_in_cents": 0,
"discount_type": "percentage",
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"billing_address_property_id": null,
"delivery_address_property_id": null,
"fulfillment_type": "pickup",
"delivery_address": null,
"customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null,
"coupon_id": null,
"start_location_id": "a1af9993-17e0-4410-8fd6-a096f9bcdd0d",
"stop_location_id": "a1af9993-17e0-4410-8fd6-a096f9bcdd0d"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET api/boomerang/orders/new
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[orders]=created_at,updated_at,number |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,coupon,customer |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch an order
How to fetch an order:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "620766b9-d5c5-4e8d-83cd-c106f1bb148e",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-07-07T09:48:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-07-07T09:48:01.000000+00:00",
"number": 1,
"status": "reserved",
"statuses": [
"status_counts": {
"concept": 0,
"new": 0,
"reserved": 1,
"started": 0,
"stopped": 0
"starts_at": "1970-07-15T12:21:01.000000+00:00",
"stops_at": "1970-08-14T12:21:01.000000+00:00",
"deposit_type": "percentage",
"deposit_value": 10.0,
"entirely_started": false,
"entirely_stopped": false,
"location_shortage": false,
"shortage": false,
"payment_status": "payment_due",
"override_period_restrictions": false,
"has_signed_contract": false,
"tag_list": [
"properties": {},
"price_in_cents": 80250,
"grand_total_in_cents": 72225,
"grand_total_with_tax_in_cents": 87392,
"tax_in_cents": 15167,
"discount_in_cents": 8025,
"coupon_discount_in_cents": 0,
"total_discount_in_cents": 8025,
"deposit_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_paid_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_held_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_to_refund_in_cents": 0,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 97392,
"paid_in_cents": 0,
"discount_type": "percentage",
"discount_percentage": 10.0,
"billing_address_property_id": null,
"delivery_address_property_id": null,
"fulfillment_type": "pickup",
"delivery_address": null,
"customer_id": "af4ff106-fdde-49e2-83ec-57302f00cd68",
"tax_region_id": null,
"coupon_id": null,
"start_location_id": "8a045d6d-cb6a-4ead-8c79-6e7bc659d7d4",
"stop_location_id": "8a045d6d-cb6a-4ead-8c79-6e7bc659d7d4"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET api/boomerang/orders/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[orders]=created_at,updated_at,number |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,coupon,customer |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create an order
When creating an order, and the following fields are left blank, a sensible default will be picked:
Default deposit type configured in settings.deposit_value
Default deposit value configured in settings.start_location_id
First location in account.stop_location_id
First location in account.
How to create an order:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"starts_at": "2026-09-25T14:40:01.000000+00:00",
"stops_at": "2026-11-03T14:40:01.000000+00:00"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "2ad70f42-1f86-4a2a-80fd-d3da815fcc0a",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-09-22T14:40:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-09-22T14:40:01.000000+00:00",
"number": null,
"status": "new",
"statuses": [
"status_counts": {
"new": 0,
"concept": 0,
"reserved": 0,
"started": 0,
"stopped": 0
"starts_at": "2026-09-25T14:28:01.000000+00:00",
"stops_at": "2026-11-03T14:28:01.000000+00:00",
"deposit_type": "percentage",
"deposit_value": 100.0,
"entirely_started": true,
"entirely_stopped": false,
"location_shortage": false,
"shortage": false,
"payment_status": "paid",
"override_period_restrictions": false,
"has_signed_contract": false,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"price_in_cents": 0,
"grand_total_in_cents": 0,
"grand_total_with_tax_in_cents": 0,
"tax_in_cents": 0,
"discount_in_cents": 0,
"coupon_discount_in_cents": 0,
"total_discount_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_paid_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_held_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_to_refund_in_cents": 0,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 0,
"paid_in_cents": 0,
"discount_type": "percentage",
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"billing_address_property_id": null,
"delivery_address_property_id": null,
"fulfillment_type": "pickup",
"delivery_address": null,
"customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null,
"coupon_id": null,
"start_location_id": "e425fa84-11b4-48c8-8c41-73bdfabc34d9",
"stop_location_id": "e425fa84-11b4-48c8-8c41-73bdfabc34d9"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/orders
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[orders]=created_at,updated_at,number |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,coupon,customer |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][billing_address_property_id] |
uuid The property id of the billing address. |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean When set to true , this confirms a shortage warning during an update operation. Use this parameter when you receive a shortage warning but want to proceed with the update despite the shortage. Overriding shortage is only possible when the affected ProductGroup is configured to allow shortage. |
data[attributes][coupon_id] |
uuid The Coupon added to this Order. |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid The Customer this Order is for. |
data[attributes][delivery_address] |
string The delivery address. |
data[attributes][delivery_address_property_id] |
uuid The property id of the delivery address. |
data[attributes][deposit_type] |
enum How deposit is calculated. One of: none , percentage_total , percentage , fixed . |
data[attributes][deposit_value] |
float The value to use for deposit_type . |
data[attributes][discount_type] |
enum Type of discount. One of: percentage , fixed . |
data[attributes][discount_value] |
float The value to use for discount_type . |
data[attributes][fulfillment_type] |
enum Indicates the process used to fulfill this order. Values can be pickup (customer collects items from a location) or delivery (items are delivered to the customer's address). This affects which address fields are required and whether delivery charges apply.One of: pickup , delivery . |
data[attributes][order_delivery_rate_attributes] |
hash Assign this attribute to create/update the order delivery rate as subresource of order in a single request. |
data[attributes][override_period_restrictions] |
boolean Force free period selection when there are restrictions enabled for the order period picker. |
data[attributes][properties_attributes][] |
array Assign this attribute to create/update properties as subresource of order in a single request. |
data[attributes][start_location_id] |
uuid The Location where the customer will pick up the items. |
data[attributes][starts_at] |
datetime When the items on the order become unavailable. This is the date/time when the rental period officially begins. Changing this date may result in shortages if the items are no longer available for the new time period. |
data[attributes][stop_location_id] |
uuid The Location where the customer will return the items. When the clusters feature is in use, the stop location needs to be in the same cluster as the start location. |
data[attributes][stops_at] |
datetime When the items on the order become available again. This is the date/time when the rental period officially ends, and inventory becomes available for other orders after this point. Extending this date may result in shortages if the items are already booked for other orders. |
data[attributes][tag_list] |
array[string] Case insensitive tag list. |
data[attributes][tax_region_id] |
uuid TaxRegion applied to this Order. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update an order
When updating a customer on an order the following settings will be applied and prices will be calculated accordingly:
How to assign a (new) customer to an order:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"fields": {
"orders": "customer_id,tax_region_id,price_in_cents,grand_total_with_tax_in_cents,to_be_paid_in_cents"
"data": {
"id": "b7fc4715-4681-4fbf-8786-f911532c94f1",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"customer_id": "62778da7-58fa-4717-8474-a9bcd8c003b4"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "b7fc4715-4681-4fbf-8786-f911532c94f1",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"price_in_cents": 80250,
"grand_total_with_tax_in_cents": 97103,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 197103,
"customer_id": "62778da7-58fa-4717-8474-a9bcd8c003b4",
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
How to update the deposit_type:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"fields": {
"orders": "deposit_type,deposit_in_cents,to_be_paid_in_cents,deposit_paid_in_cents"
"data": {
"id": "2508bac9-57f4-4320-8fe5-e3e30186754d",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"deposit_type": "percentage"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "2508bac9-57f4-4320-8fe5-e3e30186754d",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"deposit_type": "percentage",
"deposit_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_paid_in_cents": 0,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 97392
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Updating stops_at resulting in a shortage:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "93a4240b-dabb-4402-8f6c-bc85a87f922c",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"stops_at": "2024-06-14T15:18:00.000000+00:00"
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "stock_item_specified",
"status": "422",
"title": "Stock item specified",
"detail": "One or more items are not available",
"meta": {
"warning": [],
"blocking": [
"reason": "stock_item_specified",
"item_id": "6b8dcfd1-8b08-4c90-8a27-22ad5a6a3ae9",
"unavailable": [
"available": [
HTTP Request
PUT api/boomerang/orders/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[orders]=created_at,updated_at,number |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,coupon,customer |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][billing_address_property_id] |
uuid The property id of the billing address. |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean When set to true , this confirms a shortage warning during an update operation. Use this parameter when you receive a shortage warning but want to proceed with the update despite the shortage. Overriding shortage is only possible when the affected ProductGroup is configured to allow shortage. |
data[attributes][coupon_id] |
uuid The Coupon added to this Order. |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid The Customer this Order is for. |
data[attributes][delivery_address] |
string The delivery address. |
data[attributes][delivery_address_property_id] |
uuid The property id of the delivery address. |
data[attributes][deposit_type] |
enum How deposit is calculated. One of: none , percentage_total , percentage , fixed . |
data[attributes][deposit_value] |
float The value to use for deposit_type . |
data[attributes][discount_type] |
enum Type of discount. One of: percentage , fixed . |
data[attributes][discount_value] |
float The value to use for discount_type . |
data[attributes][fulfillment_type] |
enum Indicates the process used to fulfill this order. Values can be pickup (customer collects items from a location) or delivery (items are delivered to the customer's address). This affects which address fields are required and whether delivery charges apply.One of: pickup , delivery . |
data[attributes][order_delivery_rate_attributes] |
hash Assign this attribute to create/update the order delivery rate as subresource of order in a single request. |
data[attributes][override_period_restrictions] |
boolean Force free period selection when there are restrictions enabled for the order period picker. |
data[attributes][properties_attributes][] |
array Assign this attribute to create/update properties as subresource of order in a single request. |
data[attributes][start_location_id] |
uuid The Location where the customer will pick up the items. |
data[attributes][starts_at] |
datetime When items become unavailable, changing this value may result in shortages |
data[attributes][stop_location_id] |
uuid The Location where the customer will return the items. When the clusters feature is in use, the stop location needs to be in the same cluster as the start location. |
data[attributes][stops_at] |
datetime When items become available, changing this value may result in shortages |
data[attributes][tag_list] |
array[string] Case insensitive tag list. |
data[attributes][tax_region_id] |
uuid TaxRegion applied to this Order. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Order delivery rate recalculations
Recalculates the delivery rate of a delivery order.
Name | Description |
order |
Order required Order that needs recalculation of its rates. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
order_id |
uuid Order that needs recalculation of its rates. |
Recalculate delivery rates
How to recalculate delivery rates:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_delivery_rate_recalculations",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "48b7ecd6-6758-4045-81ee-d430100bd349"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "0c68209e-69ed-4c80-8b11-3801b7280e42",
"type": "order_delivery_rate_recalculations",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "48b7ecd6-6758-4045-81ee-d430100bd349"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/order_delivery_rate_recalculations
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[order_delivery_rate_recalculations]=order_id |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid Order that needs recalculation of its rates. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Order delivery rates
Order delivery rates hold information about the delivery rate associated with a delivery order.
This data is relevant only for orders that have a delivery
fulfillment type.
Name | Description |
carrier |
App carrier required The selected carrier for this order. |
order |
Order required The delivery Order this rate is for. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
carrier_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The selected carrier for this order. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
identifier |
string The identifier of the delivery rate. |
minimum_order_amount_in_cents |
integer The minimum order amount in cents for this delivery rate. |
order_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The delivery Order this rate is for. |
price_in_cents |
integer The price of the delivery rate in cents. |
rate_id |
string The rate ID returned by a delivery app. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
Fetch rates from all installed delivery apps for an order
How to fetch a list of rates:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[order_id]=511097b6-24a3-4291-8141-095dcff3eb32'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "2370b233-cede-4a13-807c-be861a8e3cbd",
"type": "delivery_rates",
"attributes": {
"type": "flat",
"carrier_id": "04fc2f33-2196-4bbf-80be-31bdddf2a302",
"price_in_cents": 1000,
"label": "standard_delivery",
"range": "10 km",
"minimum_order_amount_in_cents": 0,
"description": "Standard delivery",
"errors": []
"id": "2bad4bc7-ab29-43ba-8c99-61c895023e9f",
"type": "delivery_rates",
"attributes": {
"type": "calculated",
"carrier_id": "04fc2f33-2196-4bbf-80be-31bdddf2a302",
"price_in_cents": 2500,
"label": "fast_delivery",
"range": "8.75 km",
"minimum_order_amount_in_cents": 1000,
"description": "Fast delivery",
"errors": [
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/order_delivery_rates
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[order_delivery_rates]=created_at,updated_at,identifier |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=carrier,order |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
carrier_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
identifier |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
minimum_order_amount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
order_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
rate_id |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch an order delivery rate
How to fetch a rate:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "92882618-2029-4da8-84ce-00546ba482bf",
"type": "order_delivery_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-11-19T18:45:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-11-19T18:45:00.000000+00:00",
"identifier": "Xpress",
"price_in_cents": 10000,
"rate_id": "5d74673e-ac2b-4853-8a69-66982a001b26",
"minimum_order_amount_in_cents": 0,
"carrier_id": "02745660-23b2-4aea-84e5-d7b8dab1c31d",
"order_id": "0dfa2277-bb9f-48aa-8d5a-eeba5ff88cc6"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/order_delivery_rates/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[order_delivery_rates]=created_at,updated_at,identifier |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=carrier,order |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create an order delivery rate
How to create an order delivery rate:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_delivery_rates",
"attributes": {
"identifier": "Custom rate",
"price_in_cents": 5000,
"rate_id": null,
"carrier_id": null,
"order_id": "614e2067-a249-44aa-899c-e0e493f52f34"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "3b1f144e-04a1-4bc3-829d-e1eb2c56f060",
"type": "order_delivery_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-03-19T10:24:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-03-19T10:24:00.000000+00:00",
"identifier": "Custom rate",
"price_in_cents": 5000,
"rate_id": null,
"minimum_order_amount_in_cents": null,
"carrier_id": null,
"order_id": "614e2067-a249-44aa-899c-e0e493f52f34"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/order_delivery_rates
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[order_delivery_rates]=created_at,updated_at,identifier |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=carrier,order |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][carrier_id] |
uuid The selected carrier for this order. |
data[attributes][identifier] |
string The identifier of the delivery rate. |
data[attributes][minimum_order_amount_in_cents] |
integer The minimum order amount in cents for this delivery rate. |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The delivery Order this rate is for. |
data[attributes][price_in_cents] |
integer The price of the delivery rate in cents. |
data[attributes][rate_id] |
string The rate ID returned by a delivery app. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update an order delivery rate
How to update an order delivery rate:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_delivery_rates",
"id": "00380853-f61f-4ade-8d98-f1cbcbfe2d7f",
"attributes": {
"identifier": "Standard",
"price_in_cents": 5000,
"rate_id": "02309205-57de-4518-85c4-551531c6aba6"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "00380853-f61f-4ade-8d98-f1cbcbfe2d7f",
"type": "order_delivery_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-08-26T07:41:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-08-26T07:41:01.000000+00:00",
"identifier": "Standard",
"price_in_cents": 5000,
"rate_id": "02309205-57de-4518-85c4-551531c6aba6",
"minimum_order_amount_in_cents": 0,
"carrier_id": "3bc89c75-2f3e-410c-8254-8676ee3430e1",
"order_id": "0c1a8b23-fb1a-4f8f-8a73-f9ac40f80aa7"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/order_delivery_rates/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[order_delivery_rates]=created_at,updated_at,identifier |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=carrier,order |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][carrier_id] |
uuid The selected carrier for this order. |
data[attributes][identifier] |
string The identifier of the delivery rate. |
data[attributes][minimum_order_amount_in_cents] |
integer The minimum order amount in cents for this delivery rate. |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The delivery Order this rate is for. |
data[attributes][price_in_cents] |
integer The price of the delivery rate in cents. |
data[attributes][rate_id] |
string The rate ID returned by a delivery app. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete an order delivery rate
How to delete an order delivery rate:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/order_delivery_rates/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[order_delivery_rates]=created_at,updated_at,identifier |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=carrier,order |
This request accepts the following includes:
Order fulfillments
Takes an Order through the fulfillment process.
Book a Bundle
For each unspecified BundleItem a product variation needs to be selected. Specified BundleItems are automatically booked. These must not be included in the request. When a Bundle only contains specified BundleItems, an empty list of product variations must be provided.
The quantity
attribute sets the quantity of the Bundle itself,
and multiplies the quantities of all products in the Bundle.
The confirm_shortage
attribute (on the resource, not on the action),
overrides shortage warnings when booking on a reserved or started order.
"action": "book_bundle",
"bundle_id": "<id>",
"quantity": N,
"product_variations": [
"bundle_item_id": "<id>",
"product_id": "<id>"
"bundle_item_id": "<id>",
"product_id": "<id>"
Book a Product
Books a quantity of a Product on an Order. This can be any type of Product, including trackable Products.
This action supports 3 modes:
- create_new
, a new Planning and Line are created.
- update_existing
, the quantity is added to an existing Planning/Line
- infer_planning
, behaves as update_existing
when a Planning for
the same Product exists. Behaves as create_new
when there is no
existing Planning for the Product.
The confirm_shortage
attribute (on the resource, not on the action),
overrides shortage warnings when booking on a reserved or started order.
"action": "book_product",
"mode": "create_new",
"planning_id": "<id>", // required for `mode==update_existing`
"product_id": "<id>",
"quantity": N,
Book StockItems
Books one or more StockItems of a trackable Product on an Order.
This action supports 3 modes:
- create_new
, a new Planning and Line are created.
- update_existing
, the StockItems are booked on an existing Planning/Line.
If needed, the quantity of the Planning is increased to accomodate all
newly booked StockItems.
- infer_planning
, behaves as update_existing
when a Planning for
the same Product exists. Behaves as create_new
when there is no
existing Planning for the Product.
The confirm_shortage
attribute (on the resource, not on the action),
overrides shortage warnings when booking on a reserved or started order.
"action": "book_stock_items",
"stock_item_ids": ["<id>"],
"planning_id": "<id>", // required for `mode==update_existing`
"product_id": "<id>",
"mode": "infer_planning",
Specify StockItems
Adds or removes one or more StockItems from an existing Planning.
It is not possible to specify more StockItems than there is remaining quantity left on the Planning. StockItems that have already been started cannot be removed.
"action": "specify_stock_items",
"product_id": "<id>",
"planning_id": "<id>",
"stock_item_ids_to_add": ["<id>", "<id>"],
"stock_item_ids_to_remove": ["<id>", "<id>"]
When removing StockItems, the archived StockItemPlannings are returned
as part of the changed_stock_item_plannings
Start a Product
A quantity of a product is started. The quantity can be the same as the booked quantity, or less when a subset of items is started.
The confirm_shortage
attribute (on the resource, not on the action),
overrides shortage warnings when booking on a reserved or started order.
"action": "start_product",
"product_id": "<id>",
"planning_id": "<id>",
"quantity": N
Start StockItems
One or more stock items of a trackable product are started.
The confirm_shortage
attribute (on the resource, not on the action),
overrides shortage warnings when booking on a reserved or started order.
"action": "start_stock_items",
"product_id": "<id>",
"planning_id": "<id>",
"stock_item_ids": ["<id>", "<id>"]
Stop a Product
A quantity of a product is returned. The product needs to have started. The quantity can be the same as the started quantity, or less when a subset of items is returned.
Consumables and Services cannot be stopped.
"action": "stop_product",
"product_id": "<id>",
"planning_id": "<id>",
"quantity": N
Stop StockItems
One or more stock items of a trackable product are returned. Only stock items that have been started can be stopped.
"action": "stop_stock_items",
"product_id": "<id>",
"planning_id": "<id>",
"stock_item_ids": ["<id>", "<id>"]
Booking and starting items can be blocked by shortage errors and other kinds of inventory errors.
Name | Description |
changed_lines |
Lines hasmany The Lines that have (indirectly) been created or changed by the fulfillment actions. |
changed_plannings |
Plannings hasmany The Plannings that have (indirectly) been created or changed by the fulfillment actions. |
changed_stock_item_plannings |
Stock item plannings hasmany The StockItemPlannings that have (indirectly) been created or changed by the fulfillment actions. |
order |
Order required The Order to be fulfilled. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
actions |
array writeonly Array of actions to be performed. The actions are executed atomically, and succeed as a whole, or fail as a whole. |
confirm_shortage |
boolean writeonly A value of true overrides shortage warnings when booking products on a reserved or started Order. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
order_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The Order to be fulfilled. |
Book a Product (on a new Planning):
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "ff0e6b03-a401-4136-878d-03515e0a3506",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"actions": [
"action": "book_product",
"mode": "create_new",
"product_id": "58f2c5fd-6ac5-4557-82b8-4c33a2d89335",
"quantity": 3
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "b19330e5-df47-4444-86b2-67785dd806ab",
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "ff0e6b03-a401-4136-878d-03515e0a3506"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Book a Product (on an existing Planning if there is any):
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "89ac038f-2546-4b89-8e0b-1ff27baca905",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"actions": [
"action": "book_product",
"mode": "infer_planning",
"product_id": "b495248c-6a73-4745-8921-839868860e99",
"planning_id": null,
"quantity": 3
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "6c4f57c9-8c1c-4e4d-8ccd-d681eb651f43",
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "89ac038f-2546-4b89-8e0b-1ff27baca905"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Book a Product (on a specified Planning):
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "157cec54-7cba-4324-85f7-eff41c768bab",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"actions": [
"action": "book_product",
"mode": "update_existing",
"product_id": "965c1191-d5fa-4a9b-848c-fe79ad1d5594",
"planning_id": "08e98893-bab0-41b3-8913-ef8719114ef5",
"quantity": 3
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "3dc24c42-ceeb-4922-8fe9-cea120a58529",
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "157cec54-7cba-4324-85f7-eff41c768bab"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Book StockItems:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "3d6a2dd6-55e4-4d4c-8072-e885f8315a7d",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"actions": [
"action": "book_stock_items",
"mode": "infer_planning",
"product_id": "8c9026b0-3f2d-4769-8658-1bbb8a272b80",
"stock_item_ids": [
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "3ae75561-67df-49a3-80e2-3bb12a12ed2b",
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "3d6a2dd6-55e4-4d4c-8072-e885f8315a7d"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Book a Bundle:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "b1d40ff0-0ab6-4316-83f7-6603b72c3c0b",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"actions": [
"action": "book_bundle",
"bundle_id": "1e5e1bd0-f59a-42a5-85ef-20d318221df3",
"quantity": 1,
"product_variations": [
"bundle_item_id": "09afe94a-0976-40b4-8993-b5caddafedd4",
"product_id": "97f7f012-d0e9-4c03-82a6-af889c86f673"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "bf2f5b82-4ee5-47d2-866a-c48bacca6d24",
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "b1d40ff0-0ab6-4316-83f7-6603b72c3c0b"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/order_fulfillments
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[order_fulfillments]=order_id |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,changed_lines,changed_plannings |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][actions][] |
array Array of actions to be performed. The actions are executed atomically, and succeed as a whole, or fail as a whole. |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean A value of true overrides shortage warnings when booking products on a reserved or started Order. |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The Order to be fulfilled. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Add a StockItem:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "3c6bb0a1-73c7-4087-8437-35dc26e866de",
"actions": [
"action": "specify_stock_items",
"product_id": "c34c820b-79b4-4c39-8a00-471d67934308",
"planning_id": "4b6038b6-5a01-4af0-83ec-0468429660c6",
"stock_item_ids_to_add": [
"stock_item_ids_to_remove": []
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "989891a6-cab1-4a93-8d5f-ea2bc4703ad0",
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "3c6bb0a1-73c7-4087-8437-35dc26e866de"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Remove a StockItem:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "fd750947-416c-4da3-8158-cf456b81dc87",
"actions": [
"action": "specify_stock_items",
"product_id": "45cd8238-74d4-4f33-836f-31a80860316a",
"planning_id": "efda8344-0d43-4bf2-8360-2eaf863301df",
"stock_item_ids_to_add": [],
"stock_item_ids_to_remove": [
"include": "changed_stock_item_plannings"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "16ff306e-ebff-4248-8533-bb32ff205846",
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "fd750947-416c-4da3-8158-cf456b81dc87"
"relationships": {
"changed_stock_item_plannings": {
"data": [
"type": "stock_item_plannings",
"id": "43523e16-c1e3-4352-8ab5-c90542c2f035"
"included": [
"id": "43523e16-c1e3-4352-8ab5-c90542c2f035",
"type": "stock_item_plannings",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-07-05T01:17:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-07-05T01:17:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2016-07-05T01:17:01.000000+00:00",
"reserved": false,
"started": false,
"stopped": false,
"stock_item_id": "1cf99ea9-3582-4711-8d60-f289187d90b5",
"planning_id": "efda8344-0d43-4bf2-8360-2eaf863301df",
"order_id": "fd750947-416c-4da3-8158-cf456b81dc87"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/order_fulfillments
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[order_fulfillments]=order_id |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,changed_lines,changed_plannings |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][actions][] |
array Array of actions to be performed. The actions are executed atomically, and succeed as a whole, or fail as a whole. |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean A value of true overrides shortage warnings when booking products on a reserved or started Order. |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The Order to be fulfilled. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Start a Product:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "a9d2797d-f82f-4ca0-8f3a-8fc4e84e499a",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"actions": [
"action": "start_product",
"product_id": "3aa6808c-eb63-4f82-8c19-a65e206b5b18",
"planning_id": "ce05c511-c28f-4a58-8d1c-23cc25bfec2a",
"quantity": 1
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "5c62cc0f-134c-43a1-8d05-0a531f4bedcd",
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "a9d2797d-f82f-4ca0-8f3a-8fc4e84e499a"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Start StockItems:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "69b468c6-e985-416f-897c-33103eb875b3",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"actions": [
"action": "start_stock_items",
"product_id": "df12b4c9-8a40-4d3c-86ca-cb26ad8c478a",
"planning_id": "964a14e3-4d5a-4466-8ba7-205f25d4797d",
"stock_item_ids": [
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "406efcb5-8979-43e7-8eea-b73ffd347952",
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "69b468c6-e985-416f-897c-33103eb875b3"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/order_fulfillments
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[order_fulfillments]=order_id |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,changed_lines,changed_plannings |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][actions][] |
array Array of actions to be performed. The actions are executed atomically, and succeed as a whole, or fail as a whole. |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean A value of true overrides shortage warnings when booking products on a reserved or started Order. |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The Order to be fulfilled. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Stop a Product:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "a8576b48-8993-43b2-84ce-ab2403706fb9",
"actions": [
"action": "stop_product",
"product_id": "4ac65a34-99d1-423b-8389-ee49e2d7f3c6",
"planning_id": "8af7930b-bdab-4c3c-853b-48ba3d38d9fe",
"quantity": 1
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "1175185d-b612-4647-8bfd-24aa016dba47",
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "a8576b48-8993-43b2-84ce-ab2403706fb9"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Stop StockItems:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "7a2fbde4-94f3-4043-81b0-d6c4efe6dc39",
"actions": [
"action": "stop_stock_items",
"product_id": "9625c967-e233-4ef4-8546-78c7727754ba",
"planning_id": "b3c5171d-0080-443f-89f6-08984a27e706",
"stock_item_ids": [
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "942d8391-0f00-4a32-840c-750509db3102",
"type": "order_fulfillments",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "7a2fbde4-94f3-4043-81b0-d6c4efe6dc39"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/order_fulfillments
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[order_fulfillments]=order_id |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,changed_lines,changed_plannings |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][actions][] |
array Array of actions to be performed. The actions are executed atomically, and succeed as a whole, or fail as a whole. |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean A value of true overrides shortage warnings when booking products on a reserved or started Order. |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The Order to be fulfilled. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Order price recalculations
When the rental period of an order is changed, the prices of individual lines and the total price of the order are not automatically recalculated to preserve any manual changes that may have been made.
The OrderPriceRecalculation
resource allows to request a recalculation for the
entire order and all its lines.
To recalculate the price of an individual line, set the charge_length
of the
line to null
as described here.
Name | Description |
order |
Order required Order that needs to be recalculated. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
order_id |
uuid readonly-after-create Order that needs to be recalculated. |
Recalculate prices
Recalculate prices when rental period has changed:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_price_recalculations",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "f9d1343a-593e-4557-86c1-de4af6faf4d2"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "9ee14a59-1417-4289-8959-a877624c6cb1",
"type": "order_price_recalculations",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "f9d1343a-593e-4557-86c1-de4af6faf4d2"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/order_price_recalculations
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[order_price_recalculations]=order_id |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid Order that needs to be recalculated. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Order status transitions
Transitions an Order from one status to another status.
See Order for a description of the different statuses.
Note that you cannot transition to started
or to stopped
The Order will transition to those statuses automatically when
starting or stopping items through the OrderFulfillment resource.
It is however possible to revert to the started
or the stopped
It is not possible to resurrect a canceled Order. Duplicating a canceled Order is possible.
When the Order cannot be transitioned, and error.code
is items_not_available
then the error.meta.blocking.*.reason
or error.meta.warning.*.reason
attribute contains one of the following reasons:
One or more of the StockItems on this Order have also been planned for other current or future Orders. The Product is specified in theerror.meta.blocking.*.item_id
attribute anderror.meta.blocking.*.unavailable
contains the problematic StockItems.shortage
A shortage would be created for one or more of the Products on this Order. When the shortages would be within the shortage limits of the products, a warning is returned. Otherwise a blocking error is returned. When reserving an Order, a warning can be overridden by settingconfirm_shortage
. The Product is specified in theerror.meta.warning.*.item_id
Note that is is possible to get multiple warnings and errors of different types at the same time.
- Canceling an Order requires the
permission. - Reverting an Order requires the
Name | Description |
order |
Order required The Order whose status is changed. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
confirm_shortage |
boolean A value of true overrides shortage warnings. This is only possible when reserving an Order. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
order_id |
uuid The Order whose status is changed. |
revert |
boolean Indicates if this transition reverts the Order back to an earlier status. "Earlier status" does not require this specific Order to ever have been in that status (e.g. concept can have been skipped). "Earlier" means earlier in the conceptual progressing of statuses of Orders in general. |
transition_from |
enum The current status of the Order. One of: new , concept , reserved , started , stopped , archived . |
transition_to |
enum The new status of the Order. It is only possible to transition to started or stopped in combination with revert: true .One of: concept , reserved , started , stopped , archived , canceled . |
Save a new Order as concept:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "62131d2f-0b4a-45c7-86b9-1ad5fa771371",
"transition_from": "new",
"transition_to": "concept",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"revert": null
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "1fa8da73-0d9d-433a-804e-2a196a6bf1a9",
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "62131d2f-0b4a-45c7-86b9-1ad5fa771371",
"transition_from": "new",
"transition_to": "concept",
"revert": null,
"confirm_shortage": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Reserve a concept Order:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "7dbb33d6-22c9-446f-89d0-66f6220a9d65",
"transition_from": "concept",
"transition_to": "reserved",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"revert": null
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "5ef4d6e7-b7b6-49e8-853b-391f288a55eb",
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "7dbb33d6-22c9-446f-89d0-66f6220a9d65",
"transition_from": "concept",
"transition_to": "reserved",
"revert": null,
"confirm_shortage": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Reserve a concept Order, causing a blocking shortage error:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "2399cd14-2f8a-4ebb-8366-714552f1e32b",
"transition_from": "concept",
"transition_to": "reserved",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"revert": null
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "items_not_available",
"status": "422",
"title": "Items not available",
"detail": "One or more items are not available",
"meta": {
"warning": [],
"blocking": [
"reason": "shortage",
"item_id": "63849ebc-fadc-4dd3-8611-21c03eacb114",
"stock_count": 1,
"reserved": 0,
"needed": 2,
"shortage": 1
Reserve a concept Order, causing a shortage warning:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "c0d42a57-6fb6-4727-8434-e9dea5e2810f",
"transition_from": "concept",
"transition_to": "reserved",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"revert": null
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "items_not_available",
"status": "422",
"title": "Items not available",
"detail": "One or more items are not available",
"meta": {
"warning": [
"reason": "shortage",
"item_id": "64959486-4cff-4185-8698-fbebc82a4b0a",
"stock_count": 1,
"reserved": 0,
"needed": 2,
"shortage": 1
"blocking": []
Reserve a concept Order, and override the shortage warning:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "ef64f4c5-c58f-4eac-87dd-0e2aaf793449",
"transition_from": "concept",
"transition_to": "reserved",
"confirm_shortage": true,
"revert": null
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "fab25b98-897a-498a-86f7-6bfa4924a705",
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "ef64f4c5-c58f-4eac-87dd-0e2aaf793449",
"transition_from": "concept",
"transition_to": "reserved",
"revert": null,
"confirm_shortage": true
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Reserve a concept Order, causing a stock item specified error:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "89b5f18e-b5b8-453a-8cb8-a4e79f99c9d0",
"transition_from": "concept",
"transition_to": "reserved",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"revert": null
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "stock_item_specified",
"status": "422",
"title": "Stock item specified",
"detail": "One or more items are not available",
"meta": {
"warning": [],
"blocking": [
"reason": "stock_item_specified",
"item_id": "baae48c1-e963-41f1-8a93-0f81328d655c",
"unavailable": [
"available": [
Archive a reserved Order:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "428183f9-884f-4ead-885c-96af503180de",
"transition_from": "reserved",
"transition_to": "archived",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"revert": null
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "wrong_status",
"status": "422",
"title": "Wrong status",
"detail": "Can't transition order from 'reserved' to 'archived'",
"meta": null
Archive a stopped Order:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "6fde1091-2638-4df5-8664-cf228c0441db",
"transition_from": "stopped",
"transition_to": "archived",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"revert": null
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "ec20fd1d-c123-48d0-81e5-eae2c73f75e3",
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "6fde1091-2638-4df5-8664-cf228c0441db",
"transition_from": "stopped",
"transition_to": "archived",
"revert": null,
"confirm_shortage": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Revert a reserved Order to 'concept':
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "4c006f3f-83ed-40c6-896c-d90896be4b70",
"transition_from": "reserved",
"transition_to": "concept",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"revert": true
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "2c60e84f-cbcb-411d-8ef9-47385236371f",
"type": "order_status_transitions",
"attributes": {
"order_id": "4c006f3f-83ed-40c6-896c-d90896be4b70",
"transition_from": "reserved",
"transition_to": "concept",
"revert": true,
"confirm_shortage": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/order_status_transitions
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[order_status_transitions]=order_id,transition_from,transition_to |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean A value of true overrides shortage warnings. This is only possible when reserving an Order. |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The Order whose status is changed. |
data[attributes][revert] |
boolean Indicates if this transition reverts the Order back to an earlier status. "Earlier status" does not require this specific Order to ever have been in that status (e.g. concept can have been skipped). "Earlier" means earlier in the conceptual progressing of statuses of Orders in general. |
data[attributes][transition_from] |
enum The current status of the Order. One of: new , concept , reserved , started , stopped , archived . |
data[attributes][transition_to] |
enum The new status of the Order. It is only possible to transition to started or stopped in combination with revert: true .One of: concept , reserved , started , stopped , archived , canceled . |
This request accepts the following includes:
The Payment resource makes it possible to fetch the following resources in a single request:
The description of the relationships and attributes of these resources can be found in their respective sections
List payments
How to fetch a list of payments:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "d7796fe0-99e9-4f00-858b-eb3f1e28fd8f",
"type": "payment_refunds",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2028-11-19T02:39:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2028-11-19T02:39:01.000000+00:00",
"type": "payment_refunds",
"possible_actions": [
"provider": "none",
"provider_id": null,
"provider_method": null,
"provider_secret": null,
"amount_in_cents": 5000,
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"total_in_cents": 5000,
"currency": "usd",
"succeeded_at": null,
"failed_at": null,
"canceled_at": null,
"expired_at": null,
"cart_id": null,
"order_id": null,
"employee_id": null,
"customer_id": null,
"status": "created",
"description": null,
"failure_reason": null,
"reason": null,
"payment_charge_id": null
"relationships": {}
"id": "d7d97872-e34d-4c76-8452-be23af13a699",
"type": "payment_authorizations",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2028-11-19T02:39:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2028-11-19T02:39:01.000000+00:00",
"type": "payment_authorizations",
"possible_actions": [
"provider": "stripe",
"provider_id": null,
"provider_method": null,
"provider_secret": null,
"amount_in_cents": 5000,
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"total_in_cents": 5000,
"currency": "usd",
"succeeded_at": null,
"failed_at": null,
"canceled_at": null,
"expired_at": null,
"cart_id": null,
"order_id": null,
"employee_id": null,
"customer_id": null,
"status": "created",
"mode": "request",
"description": null,
"redirect_url": null,
"capturable": true,
"amount_capturable_in_cents": 5000,
"deposit_capturable_in_cents": 0,
"total_capturable_in_cents": 5000,
"amount_captured_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_captured_in_cents": 0,
"total_captured_in_cents": 0,
"captured_at": null,
"capture_before": null,
"payment_method_id": null
"relationships": {}
"id": "829cbadd-91ff-44e3-850b-28fb5b5dd16f",
"type": "payment_charges",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2028-11-19T02:39:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2028-11-19T02:39:01.000000+00:00",
"type": "payment_charges",
"possible_actions": [
"provider": "stripe",
"provider_id": null,
"provider_method": null,
"provider_secret": null,
"amount_in_cents": 5000,
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"total_in_cents": 5000,
"currency": "usd",
"succeeded_at": null,
"failed_at": null,
"canceled_at": null,
"expired_at": null,
"cart_id": null,
"order_id": null,
"employee_id": null,
"customer_id": null,
"status": "created",
"mode": "request",
"description": null,
"redirect_url": null,
"refundable": true,
"amount_refundable_in_cents": 5000,
"amount_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refundable_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"total_refundable_in_cents": 5000,
"total_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"payment_method_id": null,
"payment_authorization_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/payments
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[payments]=created_at,updated_at,type |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,cart |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
amount_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
canceled_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
cart_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
currency |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
customer_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
deposit_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
employee_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
expired_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
failed_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
order_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
provider |
enum eq |
provider_id |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
provider_method |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
provider_secret |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
succeeded_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
total_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
type |
string eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
amount_in_cents |
array sum |
deposit_in_cents |
array sum |
total |
array count |
total_in_cents |
array sum |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a payment
How to fetch a payment:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "bf92b7a9-88e9-43e2-85c0-49ff1418a448",
"type": "payment_charges",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-06-23T23:18:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-06-23T23:18:00.000000+00:00",
"type": "payment_charges",
"possible_actions": [
"provider": "stripe",
"provider_id": null,
"provider_method": null,
"provider_secret": null,
"amount_in_cents": 5000,
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"total_in_cents": 5000,
"currency": "usd",
"succeeded_at": null,
"failed_at": null,
"canceled_at": null,
"expired_at": null,
"cart_id": null,
"order_id": null,
"employee_id": null,
"customer_id": null,
"status": "created",
"mode": "request",
"description": null,
"redirect_url": null,
"refundable": true,
"amount_refundable_in_cents": 5000,
"amount_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refundable_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"total_refundable_in_cents": 5000,
"total_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"payment_method_id": null,
"payment_authorization_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/payments/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[payments]=created_at,updated_at,type |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,cart |
This request accepts the following includes:
Payment authorizations
A payment authorization is a record of payment authorization that is used to track the authorization status and details.
Name | Description |
cart |
Cart required The associated cart. |
customer |
Customer required The associated Customer. |
employee |
Employee required The associated Employee. |
order |
Order required The associated Order. |
payment_charges |
Payment charges hasmany The associated PaymentCharges. |
payment_method |
Payment method required The PaymentMethod. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
amount_capturable_in_cents |
integer readonly Capturable amount in cents. |
amount_captured_in_cents |
integer readonly Captured amount in cents. |
amount_in_cents |
integer Amount in cents. |
canceled_at |
datetime readonly When payment authorization was canceled. |
capturable |
boolean readonly Whether the authorization is capturable. |
capture_before |
datetime readonly When payment authorization needs to be captured before. |
captured_at |
datetime readonly When payment authorization was captured. |
cart_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The associated cart. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
currency |
string Currency. |
customer_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The associated Customer. |
deposit_capturable_in_cents |
integer readonly Capturable deposit in cents. |
deposit_captured_in_cents |
integer readonly Captured deposit in cents. |
deposit_in_cents |
integer Deposit in cents. |
description |
string Description. |
employee_id |
uuid readonly The associated Employee. |
expired_at |
datetime readonly When payment authorization expired. |
failed_at |
datetime readonly When payment authorization failed. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
mode |
enum Mode. One of: off_session , checkout , request , terminal . |
order_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The associated Order. |
payment_method_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The PaymentMethod. |
possible_actions |
array readonly Possible actions to be taken on the payment authorization. |
provider |
enum Provider. One of: stripe , app , none . |
provider_id |
string External provider authorization identification. |
provider_method |
string Provider authorization method. For example: credit_card , boleto , cash , bank , etc. |
provider_secret |
string Provider authorization secret. |
redirect_url |
string Redirect URL to redirect to external payment provider. |
status |
enum Status. One of: created , started , action_required , succeeded , failed , canceled , expired , captured . |
succeeded_at |
datetime When payment authorization succeeded. |
total_capturable_in_cents |
integer readonly Total capturable amount in cents ( amount_capturable + deposit_capturable ). |
total_captured_in_cents |
integer readonly Total captured amount in cents ( amount_captured + deposit_captured ). |
total_in_cents |
integer Total amount in cents (amount + deposit). |
type |
string readonly Always payment_authorizations . |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
Create a payment authorization
How to create a payment authorization:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "payment_authorizations",
"attributes": {
"mode": "request",
"amount_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_in_cents": 5000
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "8aaa4100-cf5f-4fa4-80ba-fe3f05745629",
"type": "payment_authorizations",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-07-05T22:55:03.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-07-05T22:55:03.000000+00:00",
"type": "payment_authorizations",
"possible_actions": [
"provider": null,
"provider_id": null,
"provider_method": null,
"provider_secret": null,
"amount_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_in_cents": 5000,
"total_in_cents": 15000,
"currency": "usd",
"succeeded_at": null,
"failed_at": null,
"canceled_at": null,
"expired_at": null,
"cart_id": null,
"order_id": null,
"employee_id": "c6505e37-c8ba-4ebf-8345-3c74edbd6182",
"customer_id": null,
"status": "created",
"mode": "request",
"description": null,
"redirect_url": null,
"capturable": false,
"amount_capturable_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_capturable_in_cents": 5000,
"total_capturable_in_cents": 15000,
"amount_captured_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_captured_in_cents": 0,
"total_captured_in_cents": 0,
"captured_at": null,
"capture_before": null,
"payment_method_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/payment_authorizations
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[payment_authorizations]=created_at,updated_at,type |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,customer,payment_method |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][amount_in_cents] |
integer Amount in cents. |
data[attributes][cart_id] |
uuid The associated cart. |
data[attributes][currency] |
string Currency. |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid The associated Customer. |
data[attributes][deposit_in_cents] |
integer Deposit in cents. |
data[attributes][mode] |
enum Mode. One of: off_session , checkout , request , terminal . |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The associated Order. |
data[attributes][payment_method_id] |
uuid The PaymentMethod. |
data[attributes][provider] |
enum Provider. One of: stripe , app , none . |
data[attributes][provider_id] |
string External provider authorization identification. |
data[attributes][provider_method] |
string Provider authorization method. For example: credit_card , boleto , cash , bank , etc. |
data[attributes][provider_secret] |
string Provider authorization secret. |
data[attributes][redirect_url] |
string Redirect URL to redirect to external payment provider. |
data[attributes][status] |
enum Status. One of: created , started , action_required , succeeded , failed , canceled , expired , captured . |
data[attributes][succeeded_at] |
datetime When payment authorization succeeded. |
data[attributes][total_in_cents] |
integer Total amount in cents (amount + deposit). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a payment authorization
How to update a payment authorization:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "1ed150c8-95c1-4995-84f1-2d34064f48ed",
"type": "payment_authorizations",
"attributes": {
"status": "started",
"provider": "stripe",
"provider_method": "card"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "1ed150c8-95c1-4995-84f1-2d34064f48ed",
"type": "payment_authorizations",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-11-07T01:48:04.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-11-07T01:48:04.000000+00:00",
"type": "payment_authorizations",
"possible_actions": [],
"provider": "stripe",
"provider_id": null,
"provider_method": "card",
"provider_secret": null,
"amount_in_cents": 5000,
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"total_in_cents": 5000,
"currency": "usd",
"succeeded_at": null,
"failed_at": null,
"canceled_at": null,
"expired_at": null,
"cart_id": null,
"order_id": null,
"employee_id": null,
"customer_id": null,
"status": "started",
"mode": "request",
"description": null,
"redirect_url": null,
"capturable": true,
"amount_capturable_in_cents": 5000,
"deposit_capturable_in_cents": 0,
"total_capturable_in_cents": 5000,
"amount_captured_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_captured_in_cents": 0,
"total_captured_in_cents": 0,
"captured_at": null,
"capture_before": null,
"payment_method_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/payment_authorizations/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[payment_authorizations]=created_at,updated_at,type |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,customer,payment_method |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][amount_in_cents] |
integer Amount in cents. |
data[attributes][cart_id] |
uuid The associated cart. |
data[attributes][currency] |
string Currency. |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid The associated Customer. |
data[attributes][deposit_in_cents] |
integer Deposit in cents. |
data[attributes][mode] |
enum Mode. One of: off_session , checkout , request , terminal . |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The associated Order. |
data[attributes][payment_method_id] |
uuid The PaymentMethod. |
data[attributes][provider] |
enum Provider. One of: stripe , app , none . |
data[attributes][provider_id] |
string External provider authorization identification. |
data[attributes][provider_method] |
string Provider authorization method. For example: credit_card , boleto , cash , bank , etc. |
data[attributes][provider_secret] |
string Provider authorization secret. |
data[attributes][redirect_url] |
string Redirect URL to redirect to external payment provider. |
data[attributes][status] |
enum Status. One of: created , started , action_required , succeeded , failed , canceled , expired , captured . |
data[attributes][succeeded_at] |
datetime When payment authorization succeeded. |
data[attributes][total_in_cents] |
integer Total amount in cents (amount + deposit). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Payment charges
A payment charge is a record of payment of a user that is used to track the payment status and details.
Name | Description |
cart |
Cart required The associated cart. |
customer |
Customer required The associated Customer. |
employee |
Employee required The associated Employee. |
order |
Order required The associated Order. |
payment_authorization |
Payment authorization required The PaymentAuthorization under which this charge is made. |
payment_method |
Payment method required The PaymentMethod. |
payment_refunds |
Payment refunds hasmany The associated PaymentRefunds. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
amount_in_cents |
integer Amount in cents. |
amount_refundable_in_cents |
integer readonly Refundable amount in cents. |
amount_refunded_in_cents |
integer readonly Refunded amount in cents. |
canceled_at |
datetime readonly When payment charge was canceled. |
cart_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The associated cart. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
currency |
string Currency. |
customer_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The associated Customer. |
deposit_in_cents |
integer Deposit in cents. |
deposit_refundable_in_cents |
integer readonly Refundable deposit in cents. |
deposit_refunded_in_cents |
integer readonly Refunded deposit in cents. |
description |
string Description. |
employee_id |
uuid readonly The associated Employee. |
expired_at |
datetime readonly When payment charge expired. |
failed_at |
datetime readonly When payment charge failed. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
mode |
enum Mode. checkout mode is reserved for checkout payments, not available for API.One of: manual , off_session , request , terminal , capture . |
order_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The associated Order. |
payment_authorization_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The PaymentAuthorization under which this charge is made. |
payment_method_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The PaymentMethod. |
possible_actions |
array readonly Possible actions to be taken on the payment charge. |
provider |
enum Provider. One of: stripe , app , none . |
provider_id |
string External provider payment identification. |
provider_method |
string Provider payment method. For example: credit_card , boleto , cash , bank , etc. |
provider_secret |
string Provider payment secret. |
redirect_url |
string Redirect URL to redirect to external payment provider. |
refundable |
boolean readonly Whether the payment is refundable. |
status |
enum Status. One of: created , started , action_required , processing , succeeded , failed , canceled , expired . |
succeeded_at |
datetime When payment charge succeeded. |
total_in_cents |
integer Total amount in cents (amount + deposit). |
total_refundable_in_cents |
integer readonly Total refundable amount in cents ( amount_refundable + deposit_refundable ). |
total_refunded_in_cents |
integer readonly Total refunded amount in cents ( amount_refunded + deposit_refunded ). |
type |
string readonly Always payment_charges . |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
Create a payment charge
How to create a payment charge:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "payment_charges",
"attributes": {
"mode": "manual",
"provider": "none",
"amount_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_in_cents": 5000
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "173c372c-a487-4900-843d-17ca3a33c915",
"type": "payment_charges",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-02-26T05:02:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-02-26T05:02:01.000000+00:00",
"type": "payment_charges",
"possible_actions": [
"provider": "none",
"provider_id": null,
"provider_method": "bank",
"provider_secret": null,
"amount_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_in_cents": 5000,
"total_in_cents": 15000,
"currency": "usd",
"succeeded_at": "2023-02-26T05:02:01.000000+00:00",
"failed_at": null,
"canceled_at": null,
"expired_at": null,
"cart_id": null,
"order_id": null,
"employee_id": "7dd1d262-ea22-442d-8f2b-551256cde93a",
"customer_id": null,
"status": "succeeded",
"mode": "manual",
"description": null,
"redirect_url": null,
"refundable": true,
"amount_refundable_in_cents": 10000,
"amount_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refundable_in_cents": 5000,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"total_refundable_in_cents": 15000,
"total_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"payment_method_id": null,
"payment_authorization_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/payment_charges
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[payment_charges]=created_at,updated_at,type |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,customer |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][amount_in_cents] |
integer Amount in cents. |
data[attributes][cart_id] |
uuid The associated cart. |
data[attributes][currency] |
string Currency. |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid The associated Customer. |
data[attributes][deposit_in_cents] |
integer Deposit in cents. |
data[attributes][mode] |
enum Mode. checkout mode is reserved for checkout payments, not available for API.One of: manual , off_session , request , terminal , capture . |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The associated Order. |
data[attributes][payment_authorization_id] |
uuid The PaymentAuthorization under which this charge is made. |
data[attributes][payment_method_id] |
uuid The PaymentMethod. |
data[attributes][provider] |
enum Provider. One of: stripe , app , none . |
data[attributes][provider_id] |
string External provider payment identification. |
data[attributes][provider_method] |
string Provider payment method. For example: credit_card , boleto , cash , bank , etc. |
data[attributes][provider_secret] |
string Provider payment secret. |
data[attributes][redirect_url] |
string Redirect URL to redirect to external payment provider. |
data[attributes][status] |
enum Status. One of: created , started , action_required , processing , succeeded , failed , canceled , expired . |
data[attributes][succeeded_at] |
datetime When payment charge succeeded. |
data[attributes][total_in_cents] |
integer Total amount in cents (amount + deposit). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a payment charge
How to update a payment charge:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "04972b14-5348-4e61-8896-e61e346e3001",
"type": "payment_charges",
"attributes": {
"status": "started",
"provider": "stripe",
"provider_method": "card"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "04972b14-5348-4e61-8896-e61e346e3001",
"type": "payment_charges",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-05-19T14:36:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-05-19T14:36:00.000000+00:00",
"type": "payment_charges",
"possible_actions": [],
"provider": "stripe",
"provider_id": null,
"provider_method": "card",
"provider_secret": null,
"amount_in_cents": 5000,
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"total_in_cents": 5000,
"currency": "usd",
"succeeded_at": null,
"failed_at": null,
"canceled_at": null,
"expired_at": null,
"cart_id": null,
"order_id": null,
"employee_id": null,
"customer_id": null,
"status": "started",
"mode": "request",
"description": null,
"redirect_url": null,
"refundable": true,
"amount_refundable_in_cents": 5000,
"amount_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refundable_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"total_refundable_in_cents": 5000,
"total_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"payment_method_id": null,
"payment_authorization_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/payment_charges/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[payment_charges]=created_at,updated_at,type |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,customer |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][amount_in_cents] |
integer Amount in cents. |
data[attributes][cart_id] |
uuid The associated cart. |
data[attributes][currency] |
string Currency. |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid The associated Customer. |
data[attributes][deposit_in_cents] |
integer Deposit in cents. |
data[attributes][mode] |
enum Mode. checkout mode is reserved for checkout payments, not available for API.One of: manual , off_session , request , terminal , capture . |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The associated Order. |
data[attributes][payment_authorization_id] |
uuid The PaymentAuthorization under which this charge is made. |
data[attributes][payment_method_id] |
uuid The PaymentMethod. |
data[attributes][provider] |
enum Provider. One of: stripe , app , none . |
data[attributes][provider_id] |
string External provider payment identification. |
data[attributes][provider_method] |
string Provider payment method. For example: credit_card , boleto , cash , bank , etc. |
data[attributes][provider_secret] |
string Provider payment secret. |
data[attributes][redirect_url] |
string Redirect URL to redirect to external payment provider. |
data[attributes][status] |
enum Status. One of: created , started , action_required , processing , succeeded , failed , canceled , expired . |
data[attributes][succeeded_at] |
datetime When payment charge succeeded. |
data[attributes][total_in_cents] |
integer Total amount in cents (amount + deposit). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Payment methods
Re-usable payment methods stored on file.
Name | Description |
customer |
Customer optional The Customer who owns this payment method. Becomes null after detaching a payment method. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
customer_id |
uuid readonly-after-create nullable The Customer who owns this payment method. Becomes null after detaching a payment method. |
details |
hash readonly-after-create Method details. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
identifier |
string readonly-after-create Provider identifier of the payment method. |
label_primary |
string Primary label of the payment method. |
label_secondary |
string Secondary label of the payment method. |
method_type |
string readonly-after-create Provider method type. |
provider |
enum readonly-after-create Provider of the payment method. One of: stripe , app , none . |
status |
enum readonly Payment method status. Payment method becomes ready after a successful charge.One of: created , ready . |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List payment methods
How to fetch a list of payment methods:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "eb25bad2-c1b1-45c1-8526-2085a293c457",
"type": "payment_methods",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2017-06-03T16:17:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2017-06-03T16:17:00.000000+00:00",
"label_primary": "Visa XXXX1234",
"label_secondary": "12/25",
"status": "created",
"provider": "stripe",
"identifier": "pm_1234567890",
"method_type": null,
"details": {},
"customer_id": "b0815afc-9d5d-405b-8ef8-fd5373dad3e5"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/payment_methods
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[payment_methods]=created_at,updated_at,label_primary |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
customer_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
identifier |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
label_primary |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
label_secondary |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
method_type |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
provider |
enum eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Create a payment method
How to create a payment method:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "payment_methods",
"attributes": {
"provider": "app",
"identifier": "pm_123",
"customer_id": "e1f17238-83d4-4660-8f3b-5e95b67094df",
"label_primary": "Test card"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "395900e5-12f7-4449-8212-a7dc4c52edf3",
"type": "payment_methods",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-01-15T14:37:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-01-15T14:37:00.000000+00:00",
"label_primary": "Test card",
"label_secondary": null,
"status": "created",
"provider": "app",
"identifier": "pm_123",
"method_type": null,
"details": {},
"customer_id": "e1f17238-83d4-4660-8f3b-5e95b67094df"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/payment_methods
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[payment_methods]=created_at,updated_at,label_primary |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid The Customer who owns this payment method. Becomes null after detaching a payment method. |
data[attributes][details] |
hash Method details. |
data[attributes][identifier] |
string Provider identifier of the payment method. |
data[attributes][label_primary] |
string Primary label of the payment method. |
data[attributes][label_secondary] |
string Secondary label of the payment method. |
data[attributes][method_type] |
string Provider method type. |
data[attributes][provider] |
enum Provider of the payment method. One of: stripe , app , none . |
This request does not accept any includes
Detach a payment method
How to detach a payment method from customer:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "116b5701-21a0-41af-8a36-ca8d5e8767d6",
"type": "payment_methods",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-08-19T20:26:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-08-19T20:26:00.000000+00:00",
"label_primary": "Visa XXXX1234",
"label_secondary": "12/25",
"status": "created",
"provider": "stripe",
"identifier": "pm_1234567890",
"method_type": null,
"details": {},
"customer_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/payment_methods/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[payment_methods]=created_at,updated_at,label_primary |
This request does not accept any includes
Payment refunds
A payment refund is a record of refund to the user that is used to track the refund status and details.
Name | Description |
cart |
Cart required The associated cart. |
customer |
Customer required The associated Customer. |
employee |
Employee required The associated Employee. |
order |
Order required The associated Order. |
payment_charge |
Payment charge required The PaymentCharge being refunded. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
amount_in_cents |
integer Amount in cents. |
canceled_at |
datetime readonly When payment refund was canceled. |
cart_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The associated cart. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
currency |
string Currency. |
customer_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The associated Customer. |
deposit_in_cents |
integer Deposit in cents. |
description |
string Description. |
employee_id |
uuid readonly The associated Employee. |
expired_at |
datetime readonly When payment refund expired. |
failed_at |
datetime readonly When payment refund failed. |
failure_reason |
string Failure reason. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
order_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The associated Order. |
payment_charge_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The PaymentCharge being refunded. |
possible_actions |
array readonly Possible actions to be taken on the payment refund. |
provider |
enum Provider. One of: stripe , app , none . |
provider_id |
string External provider refund identification. |
provider_method |
string Provider refund method. For example: credit_card , boleto , cash , bank , etc. |
provider_secret |
string Provider refund secret. |
reason |
string Reason. |
status |
enum Status. One of: created , pending , succeeded , failed , canceled , expired . |
succeeded_at |
datetime When payment refund succeeded. |
total_in_cents |
integer Total amount in cents ( amount + deposit ). |
type |
string readonly Always payment_refunds . |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
Create a payment refund
How to create a payment refund:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "payment_refunds",
"attributes": {
"provider": "none",
"amount_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_in_cents": 5000
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "f7983fdf-6655-4adf-8ee8-12f3d3e51898",
"type": "payment_refunds",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2014-04-24T08:32:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2014-04-24T08:32:00.000000+00:00",
"type": "payment_refunds",
"possible_actions": [],
"provider": "none",
"provider_id": null,
"provider_method": null,
"provider_secret": null,
"amount_in_cents": 10000,
"deposit_in_cents": 5000,
"total_in_cents": 15000,
"currency": "usd",
"succeeded_at": "2014-04-24T08:32:00.000000+00:00",
"failed_at": null,
"canceled_at": null,
"expired_at": null,
"cart_id": null,
"order_id": null,
"employee_id": "a169cc22-50a0-4bf6-8a15-1516035f6501",
"customer_id": null,
"status": "succeeded",
"description": null,
"failure_reason": null,
"reason": null,
"payment_charge_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/payment_refunds
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[payment_refunds]=created_at,updated_at,type |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,customer |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][amount_in_cents] |
integer Amount in cents. |
data[attributes][cart_id] |
uuid The associated cart. |
data[attributes][currency] |
string Currency. |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid The associated Customer. |
data[attributes][deposit_in_cents] |
integer Deposit in cents. |
data[attributes][failure_reason] |
string Failure reason. |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The associated Order. |
data[attributes][payment_charge_id] |
uuid The PaymentCharge being refunded. |
data[attributes][provider] |
enum Provider. One of: stripe , app , none . |
data[attributes][provider_id] |
string External provider refund identification. |
data[attributes][provider_method] |
string Provider refund method. For example: credit_card , boleto , cash , bank , etc. |
data[attributes][provider_secret] |
string Provider refund secret. |
data[attributes][reason] |
string Reason. |
data[attributes][status] |
enum Status. One of: created , pending , succeeded , failed , canceled , expired . |
data[attributes][succeeded_at] |
datetime When payment refund succeeded. |
data[attributes][total_in_cents] |
integer Total amount in cents ( amount + deposit ). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a payment refund
How to update a payment refund:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "d296895a-e933-4609-8b59-6850e2d29497",
"type": "payment_refunds",
"attributes": {
"status": "succeeded"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "d296895a-e933-4609-8b59-6850e2d29497",
"type": "payment_refunds",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-11-02T14:47:07.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-11-02T14:47:07.000000+00:00",
"type": "payment_refunds",
"possible_actions": [],
"provider": "none",
"provider_id": null,
"provider_method": null,
"provider_secret": null,
"amount_in_cents": 5000,
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"total_in_cents": 5000,
"currency": "usd",
"succeeded_at": "2020-11-02T14:47:07.000000+00:00",
"failed_at": null,
"canceled_at": null,
"expired_at": null,
"cart_id": null,
"order_id": null,
"employee_id": null,
"customer_id": null,
"status": "succeeded",
"description": null,
"failure_reason": null,
"reason": null,
"payment_charge_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/payment_refunds/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[payment_refunds]=created_at,updated_at,type |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,customer |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][amount_in_cents] |
integer Amount in cents. |
data[attributes][cart_id] |
uuid The associated cart. |
data[attributes][currency] |
string Currency. |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid The associated Customer. |
data[attributes][deposit_in_cents] |
integer Deposit in cents. |
data[attributes][failure_reason] |
string Failure reason. |
data[attributes][order_id] |
uuid The associated Order. |
data[attributes][payment_charge_id] |
uuid The PaymentCharge being refunded. |
data[attributes][provider] |
enum Provider. One of: stripe , app , none . |
data[attributes][provider_id] |
string External provider refund identification. |
data[attributes][provider_method] |
string Provider refund method. For example: credit_card , boleto , cash , bank , etc. |
data[attributes][provider_secret] |
string Provider refund secret. |
data[attributes][reason] |
string Reason. |
data[attributes][status] |
enum Status. One of: created , pending , succeeded , failed , canceled , expired . |
data[attributes][succeeded_at] |
datetime When payment refund succeeded. |
data[attributes][total_in_cents] |
integer Total amount in cents ( amount + deposit ). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Photos are displayed on documents and in the online store to let customers see how products look.
Name | Description |
owner |
Product group, Bundle required The thing pictured in this photo. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
coordinates |
hash Focalpoint coordinates ( { x: 10, y: 100 } ). To ensure that a key part of an image stays visible, you can set the image's focal point. The focal point sets the focus of an image, giving you control over where the image is centered. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
large_url |
string readonly URL to large stored image (max 500x500). |
original_url |
string readonly URL to original stored image. |
owner_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The thing pictured in this photo. |
owner_type |
enum readonly-after-create The resource type of the owner. One of: product_groups , bundles . |
photo |
carrierwave_file An object describing the photo. |
photo_base64 |
string writeonly Base64 encoded photo. |
position |
integer Which position the photo has in the album. |
preview |
string readonly Base64 encoded preview. |
remote_photo_url |
string writeonly URL to an image on the web. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
xlarge_url |
string readonly URL to xlarge stored image (max 2000x2000). |
List photos
How to fetch a list of photos:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "1ba0ace1-dcf6-4d18-8296-444c10c904b1",
"type": "photos",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-06-17T07:25:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-06-17T07:25:01.000000+00:00",
"original_url": "/uploads/84696b61e5664464f6ccb00e1fda1b0b/photo/photo/1ba0ace1-dcf6-4d18-8296-444c10c904b1/1742808470-299056604702011-0003-5336/upload.png",
"large_url": "/uploads/84696b61e5664464f6ccb00e1fda1b0b/photo/photo/1ba0ace1-dcf6-4d18-8296-444c10c904b1/large_1742808470-299056604702011-0003-5336/upload.jpg",
"xlarge_url": "/uploads/84696b61e5664464f6ccb00e1fda1b0b/photo/photo/1ba0ace1-dcf6-4d18-8296-444c10c904b1/xlarge_1742808470-299056604702011-0003-5336/upload.jpg",
"coordinates": {
"x": "0.00",
"y": "0.00"
"preview": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABkAAAAZCAMAAADzN3VRAAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAACBjSFJNAAB6JgAAgIQAAPoAAACA6AAAdTAAAOpgAAA6mAAAF3CculE8AAABcVBMVEX///7+///////+//7//v///v7+/v7+/v/9/v73/f78/v7Z8v6H2/1g1/184v3P9f74+/602v5XuP01tvwvvvwoxfw80f2b6v7z/P7t8f6Zu/5VnP5Jof1Eqf0+sf03ufwvwPwtyf1x3v3h+P7k5f+Pnf9ihP5cjP5Wlf5PnP5Io/5Cq/08s/01u/wswvxY1P3S9P7k3P6Nf/JlYtxbZMxVachPb8xTgNxem/VRoP5FpP1Arf06tfwxvPxPzf3M8f7p4PmMadRgQ69YR6NSSaBQT6F1fLe7w93g6PfD2v57s/5NoP1Ep/0/r/1Uyf3Z8/76+PygechlM6RiOaJcPKFpVKutp9Lw8Pfy9v6szf5fpP5IoP1Dqf06sP13zv32/P7p3fF8OqtqKKFsNaWRcL7a0ur9/f7X5v6CtP5Rnv1Fov1NsP3a7/728fmtfsmcZ7/JsN328vn09/681f6Ctv6Ow/7v9/78+v37+fz6+/76/P7k06ScAAAAAWJLR0QCZgt8ZAAAAAd0SU1FB+kDGAkbMkGiRN8AAAGRSURBVCjPNVIHVxYxENzb7F4+sCHNLk1RQVFQ7A1EARvYKKIiKNiwUKy/3pm9j7x395JMMmU3IlIUWiiGiKRCTS2JcKlAMDAXF3ETKZMkNyPKS/hwXLEhKblLhWigwelSp01g45XALOOCePxJTigQEDikcs4k9gpNajEVSinVchbhHIcKbNcaGsOtukMwTDCHljt27tq9p4Z8iRwW7KpZm/Y2t7S2te/brwDIKhFW5cDBQ4ePHO3o7OruqZzm0BU5drz3xMlTff2nzwycPUcPtCBZdHDo/IXhi5cuX7l67fqNm7dUk9FS1tsjo3fG7t4bn5i8/+Dho5bHU5pCR6efPH32/MXMLFZz8y8XXr1+swgLzPN2afnd+5XVUK59+Pjp85c11IrI12/ff6xXYc10Y3Pr5y+VMrz9/lPSOQsCgfLvP8Ylgqge3o2xWQ/84FjQJ60KrznXG1bgrOl287TeXq4Zx6LmxfZZIJDyDB3ja8laJuzyFURP8GpgghUnJRZsH42HHalaCwQ1dDbWLfF9+H+O8CGkTfhjrQAAACV0RVh0ZGF0ZTpjcmVhdGUAMjAyNS0wMy0yNFQwOToyNzo1MCswMDowMJGLbe8AAAAldEVYdGRhdGU6bW9kaWZ5ADIwMjUtMDMtMjRUMDk6Mjc6NTArMDA6MDDg1tVTAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
"position": 1,
"photo": {
"url": "/uploads/84696b61e5664464f6ccb00e1fda1b0b/photo/photo/1ba0ace1-dcf6-4d18-8296-444c10c904b1/1742808470-299056604702011-0003-5336/upload.png"
"owner_id": "182cbf22-6a51-4729-81a3-190d3cbb3c57",
"owner_type": "product_groups"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/photos
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[photos]=created_at,updated_at,original_url |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
owner_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
owner_type |
enum eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch a photo
How to fetch a photo:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "93237a3f-2869-4ac3-8dbb-fabd864e9f81",
"type": "photos",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2022-08-01T02:59:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-08-01T02:59:00.000000+00:00",
"original_url": "/uploads/ed619234e7d3d43630945e706eff6913/photo/photo/93237a3f-2869-4ac3-8dbb-fabd864e9f81/1742808471-571213580128110-0004-5391/upload.png",
"large_url": "/uploads/ed619234e7d3d43630945e706eff6913/photo/photo/93237a3f-2869-4ac3-8dbb-fabd864e9f81/large_1742808471-571213580128110-0004-5391/upload.jpg",
"xlarge_url": "/uploads/ed619234e7d3d43630945e706eff6913/photo/photo/93237a3f-2869-4ac3-8dbb-fabd864e9f81/xlarge_1742808471-571213580128110-0004-5391/upload.jpg",
"coordinates": {
"x": "0.00",
"y": "0.00"
"preview": "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",
"position": 1,
"photo": {
"url": "/uploads/ed619234e7d3d43630945e706eff6913/photo/photo/93237a3f-2869-4ac3-8dbb-fabd864e9f81/1742808471-571213580128110-0004-5391/upload.png"
"owner_id": "850b4eb4-0a7a-4316-8eef-e66a40d0e055",
"owner_type": "product_groups"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/photos/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[photos]=created_at,updated_at,original_url |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a photo
How to create a photo:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "photos",
"attributes": {
"owner_id": "5ef74fb8-c1c9-47af-8fac-bcab35a7a867",
"owner_type": "product_groups",
"photo_base64": "\n"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "a8eb63bc-693b-4335-865c-8dbf5462fc14",
"type": "photos",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2024-05-28T22:17:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2024-05-28T22:17:00.000000+00:00",
"original_url": "/uploads/354d68b26fcffd8f9a3c21cae0ba8d0d/photo/photo/a8eb63bc-693b-4335-865c-8dbf5462fc14/1742808472-532610476810815-0006-1371/upload.png",
"large_url": "/uploads/354d68b26fcffd8f9a3c21cae0ba8d0d/photo/photo/a8eb63bc-693b-4335-865c-8dbf5462fc14/large_1742808472-532610476810815-0006-1371/upload.jpg",
"xlarge_url": "/uploads/354d68b26fcffd8f9a3c21cae0ba8d0d/photo/photo/a8eb63bc-693b-4335-865c-8dbf5462fc14/xlarge_1742808472-532610476810815-0006-1371/upload.jpg",
"coordinates": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"preview": "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",
"position": 2,
"photo": {
"url": "/uploads/354d68b26fcffd8f9a3c21cae0ba8d0d/photo/photo/a8eb63bc-693b-4335-865c-8dbf5462fc14/1742808472-532610476810815-0006-1371/upload.png"
"owner_id": "5ef74fb8-c1c9-47af-8fac-bcab35a7a867",
"owner_type": "product_groups"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/photos
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[photos]=created_at,updated_at,original_url |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][coordinates] |
hash Focalpoint coordinates ( { x: 10, y: 100 } ). To ensure that a key part of an image stays visible, you can set the image's focal point. The focal point sets the focus of an image, giving you control over where the image is centered. |
data[attributes][owner_id] |
uuid The thing pictured in this photo. |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
enum The resource type of the owner. One of: product_groups , bundles . |
data[attributes][photo] |
carrierwave_file An object describing the photo. |
data[attributes][photo_base64] |
string Base64 encoded photo. |
data[attributes][position] |
integer Which position the photo has in the album. |
data[attributes][remote_photo_url] |
string URL to an image on the web. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a photo
How to update a photo:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "f25879e9-ea1c-4b0f-8cc7-9b2eb23b96c0",
"type": "photos",
"attributes": {
"coordinates": {
"x": 10,
"y": 100
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "f25879e9-ea1c-4b0f-8cc7-9b2eb23b96c0",
"type": "photos",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2024-12-16T09:31:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2024-12-16T09:31:00.000000+00:00",
"original_url": "/uploads/8188eebd3991392b266b288655dfde98/photo/photo/f25879e9-ea1c-4b0f-8cc7-9b2eb23b96c0/1742808473-115532747955972-0007-4776/upload.png",
"large_url": "/uploads/8188eebd3991392b266b288655dfde98/photo/photo/f25879e9-ea1c-4b0f-8cc7-9b2eb23b96c0/large_1742808473-115532747955972-0007-4776/upload.jpg",
"xlarge_url": "/uploads/8188eebd3991392b266b288655dfde98/photo/photo/f25879e9-ea1c-4b0f-8cc7-9b2eb23b96c0/xlarge_1742808473-115532747955972-0007-4776/upload.jpg",
"coordinates": {
"x": 10,
"y": 100
"preview": "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",
"position": 1,
"photo": {
"url": "/uploads/8188eebd3991392b266b288655dfde98/photo/photo/f25879e9-ea1c-4b0f-8cc7-9b2eb23b96c0/1742808473-115532747955972-0007-4776/upload.png"
"owner_id": "266622d8-4266-4054-8c2c-617ae1a4b11e",
"owner_type": "product_groups"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/photos/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[photos]=created_at,updated_at,original_url |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][coordinates] |
hash Focalpoint coordinates ( { x: 10, y: 100 } ). To ensure that a key part of an image stays visible, you can set the image's focal point. The focal point sets the focus of an image, giving you control over where the image is centered. |
data[attributes][owner_id] |
uuid The thing pictured in this photo. |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
enum The resource type of the owner. One of: product_groups , bundles . |
data[attributes][photo] |
carrierwave_file An object describing the photo. |
data[attributes][photo_base64] |
string Base64 encoded photo. |
data[attributes][position] |
integer Which position the photo has in the album. |
data[attributes][remote_photo_url] |
string URL to an image on the web. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete a photo
How to delete a photo:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "d9aa6a55-20cb-4b4e-8dc1-b546e4d3abf0",
"type": "photos",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-11-22T09:49:03.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-11-22T09:49:03.000000+00:00",
"original_url": "/uploads/5e3caf7997ce0b0563ffc6e824afbe2a/photo/photo/d9aa6a55-20cb-4b4e-8dc1-b546e4d3abf0/1742808475-123021228332474-0008-3588/upload.png",
"large_url": "/uploads/5e3caf7997ce0b0563ffc6e824afbe2a/photo/photo/d9aa6a55-20cb-4b4e-8dc1-b546e4d3abf0/large_1742808475-123021228332474-0008-3588/upload.jpg",
"xlarge_url": "/uploads/5e3caf7997ce0b0563ffc6e824afbe2a/photo/photo/d9aa6a55-20cb-4b4e-8dc1-b546e4d3abf0/xlarge_1742808475-123021228332474-0008-3588/upload.jpg",
"coordinates": {
"x": "0.00",
"y": "0.00"
"preview": "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",
"position": 1,
"photo": {
"url": "/uploads/5e3caf7997ce0b0563ffc6e824afbe2a/photo/photo/d9aa6a55-20cb-4b4e-8dc1-b546e4d3abf0/1742808475-123021228332474-0008-3588/upload.png"
"owner_id": "98ee3afa-9bdc-4ccd-850a-61157c8e2a39",
"owner_type": "product_groups"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/photos/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[photos]=created_at,updated_at,original_url |
This request does not accept any includes
Plannings contain information about the quantitative planning of an item. The item can either be a Product or a Bundle. Plannings define when an item is available during a given period. Plannings are never directly created or updated through their resource; instead, they are always managed by booking items to an Order, updating or deleting its associated Line, or transitioning status.
Product Plannings vs Bundle Plannings
There are two types of Plannings:
Product Plannings: These represent the planning of a single Product.
Bundle Plannings: These represent the planning of a Bundle (a group of Products). Some attributes are omitted for Bundle Plannings because they don't apply at the Bundle level.
Nested Plannings
Nested Plannings contain information about individual Products in a Bundle. Note that nested Plannings cannot be deleted directly; the parent Line should be deleted instead.
When a Bundle is booked:
- A parent Planning is created for the Bundle itself
- Nested Plannings are created for each Product within the Bundle
- The nested Plannings have their parent_planning_id
set to the ID of the parent Planning
Reservation vs Planning Dates
Plannings use two sets of dates that serve different purposes:
: When actions (pickup/return) are planned to occur. These are typically shown to customers and staff as the scheduled dates.reserved_from
: When items are actually unavailable/available in the system. These may differ from the planned dates due to buffer times.
Name | Description |
item |
Item required The Product or Bundle that was booked. |
nested_plannings |
Plannings hasmany When item is a Bundle, then there is a nested planning that corresponds for each BundleItem. |
order |
Order required The Order this Planning belongs to. |
order_line |
Line optional The Line which holds financial information for this Planning. |
parent_planning |
Planning required When present, this Planning is part of a Bundle and corresponds to a BundleItem. Inverse of the nested_plannings relation. |
start_location |
Location required The Location where the customer will pick up the item. |
stock_item_plannings |
Stock item plannings hasmany The StockItems specified for this Planning, and their current status. For trackable products, this association contains the specific inventory items assigned to this planning. The number of StockItemPlannings can be less than planning.quantity . This is because stock items may not yet be specified (assigned) for this planning.Stock items are typically specified through the OrderFulfillments resource, which creates the corresponding StockItemPlannings linking specific inventory items to this planning. |
stop_location |
Location required The Location where the customer will return the product. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether planning is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the planning was archived. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
fulfillment_type |
string writeonly The type of fulfillment for this planning. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
item_id |
uuid readonly The Product or Bundle that was booked. |
item_name |
string writeonly Allows sorting plannings by item name. |
location_shortage_amount |
integer Amount of items short at the specific location. This represents how many more items would be needed at the start_location to fully satisfy this planning. A value greater than zero indicates a location shortage. This attribute is omitted when this is a parent planning for a Bundle. |
order_id |
uuid readonly The Order this Planning belongs to. |
order_number |
integer writeonly Allows sorting plannings by order number. |
parent_planning_id |
uuid readonly When present, this Planning is part of a Bundle and corresponds to a BundleItem. Inverse of the nested_plannings relation. |
quantity |
integer Total planned quantity of items. This affects availability calculations and represents how many items are being booked/reserved. Changing this value may result in shortages if additional items are not available for the rental period. |
reserved |
boolean Whether items are reserved. When true , this Planning affects availability calculations and the items are not available for other orders during the reserved period. This is set to true when an Order transitions from concept to reserved status. |
reserved_from |
datetime When the items actually become unavailable in the system. May differ from starts_at due to buffer time. This is the actual time used for availability calculations. |
reserved_till |
datetime When the items actually become available again in the system. May differ from stops_at due to buffer time. This is the actual time used for availability calculations. |
shortage_amount |
integer Amount of items short across all locations in the same cluster. This represents how many more items would be needed in total to satisfy this planning. A value greater than zero indicates a system-wide shortage that can't be solved by transfers between locations. This attribute is omitted when this is a parent planning for a Bundle. |
start_location_id |
uuid readonly The Location where the customer will pick up the item. |
started |
integer Amount of items started (picked up or delivered to the customer). This value increases when staff performs start actions through the OrderFulfillments resource. Cannot exceed quantity . When all items are started (started equals quantity ), the Planning is considered fully started. This attribute is omitted when this is a parent planning for a Bundle. |
starts_at |
datetime When the start action (pickup/delivery) is planned to occur. This is the scheduled date/time shown to staff and customers for the beginning of the rental. |
stop_location_id |
uuid readonly The Location where the customer will return the product. |
stopped |
integer Amount of items stopped (returned by the customer). This value increases when staff performs stop actions through the OrderFulfillments resource. Cannot exceed quantity and started (items must be started before they can be stopped). When all items are stopped (stopped equals quantity ), the Planning is considered fully completed.Products with product_type == consumable are never returned, and the stopped attribute will always remain zero.This attribute is omitted when this is a parent planning for a Bundle. |
stops_at |
datetime When the stop action (return) is planned to occur. This is the scheduled date/time shown to staff and customers for the end of the rental. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List plannings
How to fetch a list of plannings:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "61b93896-5b57-455e-84fe-39f48ce6f4ab",
"type": "plannings",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-03-21T05:17:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-03-21T05:17:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"quantity": 1,
"starts_at": "1973-03-29T07:50:00.000000+00:00",
"stops_at": "1973-04-28T07:50:00.000000+00:00",
"reserved_from": "1973-03-29T07:50:00.000000+00:00",
"reserved_till": "1973-04-28T07:50:00.000000+00:00",
"reserved": true,
"started": 0,
"stopped": 0,
"location_shortage_amount": 0,
"shortage_amount": 0,
"order_id": "ead6ad3f-bdc9-47c1-86d3-7f825d8f0769",
"item_id": "bc366da1-7df4-4bc5-846b-8d94a52be19b",
"start_location_id": "91d91031-83d2-483b-8d80-12ce62a11b4f",
"stop_location_id": "91d91031-83d2-483b-8d80-12ce62a11b4f",
"parent_planning_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/plannings
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[plannings]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,item,order_line |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
item_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
item_type |
string eq , not_eq |
location_shortage_amount |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
order_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
parent_planning_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
product_type |
string eq , not_eq |
q |
string eq |
quantity |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
reserved |
boolean eq |
reserved_from |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
reserved_till |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
shortage_amount |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
start_location_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
started |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
starts_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
stop_location_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
stopped |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
stops_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Search plannings
Use advanced search to make logical filter groups with and/or operators.
How to search for plannings:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"fields": {
"plannings": "id"
"filter": {
"conditions": {
"operator": "or",
"attributes": [
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"starts_at": {
"gte": "2025-03-25T09:28:03Z"
"starts_at": {
"lte": "2025-03-28T09:28:03Z"
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"stops_at": {
"gte": "2025-03-25T09:28:03Z"
"stops_at": {
"lte": "2025-03-28T09:28:03Z"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "b256e1d6-5a03-4c89-8561-d96d00867c8b"
"id": "68589e0b-87d0-47f5-81fc-bc562e69965d"
HTTP Request
POST api/boomerang/plannings/search
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[plannings]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,item,order_line |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
item_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
item_type |
string eq , not_eq |
location_shortage_amount |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
order_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
parent_planning_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
product_type |
string eq , not_eq |
q |
string eq |
quantity |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
reserved |
boolean eq |
reserved_from |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
reserved_till |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
shortage_amount |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
start_location_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
started |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
starts_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
stop_location_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
stopped |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
stops_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a planning
How to fetch a planning:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "7ab088ea-e88a-4452-8ab3-d8593ea31603",
"type": "plannings",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-04-14T01:42:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-04-14T01:42:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"quantity": 1,
"starts_at": "1978-04-22T04:14:01.000000+00:00",
"stops_at": "1978-05-22T04:14:01.000000+00:00",
"reserved_from": "1978-04-22T04:14:01.000000+00:00",
"reserved_till": "1978-05-22T04:14:01.000000+00:00",
"reserved": true,
"started": 0,
"stopped": 0,
"location_shortage_amount": 0,
"shortage_amount": 0,
"order_id": "73a043aa-a655-48a0-8936-f1c8ded729d7",
"item_id": "ab4d2f98-31a4-4d84-8750-a8b3c4408a4a",
"start_location_id": "090a3ed2-c86a-468d-8d55-d59c162f9276",
"stop_location_id": "090a3ed2-c86a-468d-8d55-d59c162f9276",
"parent_planning_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/plannings/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[plannings]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,item,order_line |
This request accepts the following includes:
Price rules
A price rule contains a single pricing adjustment rule and belongs to a PriceRuleset.
A price rule can have one of these types:
- range_of_days: Adjust pricing for certain days of the week,
can be one ofwithin, overlap, span
and must be used in combination withfrom_day
value`. - range_of_dates: Adjust pricing for certain calendar days,
can be one ofwithin, overlap, span
and must be used in combination withfrom
. - exclude_week_days: Do not charge for certain days of the week,
can be one ofwithin, overlap, span
and must be used in combination withfrom_day
till_time`. - exclude_date_range: Do not charge for certain calendar days,
can be one ofwithin, overlap, span
and must be used in combination withfrom
. - pickup_day: Rule determines if entire day is charged based on pickup day time,
must bestarts_within
determines if day is charged when beforetime
or not charged if aftertime
. - return_day: Rule determines if entire day is charged based on return day time,
must bestops_within
determines if day is charged when beforetime
or not charged if aftertime
and these match strategies:
- starts_within: Used with
rules - stops_within: Used with
rules - within: Rule is applied when the rule period fits within the order period.
- overlap: Rule is applied for the part of the rule period that overlaps the order period.
- span: Rule is applied when the rule period spans over the order period.
as well as these adjustment strategies:
- charge: Applies
attribute to determine rule effect, either charges or doesn't charge. Used bypickup_day
rules types. - percentage: Applies
attribute to determine the percentage change to the pricing over the rule period. Used byrange_of_days
rule types.
Name | Description |
price_ruleset |
Price ruleset required The advanced pricing ruleset this rule is part of. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
adjustment_strategy |
enum Determines whether a price rule adjusts prices by percentage or exact cent amounts. One of: percentage , charge . |
charge |
boolean Determines effect of rules using charge attribute. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
from |
datetime Defines start of period, used by range_of_dates rule type. |
from_day |
integer Defines start of period in weekdays, 0 is monday, used by range_of_days rule type. |
from_time |
string Defines start of period time, used by range_of_days rule type. Format is a HH:mm string, independent of time display settings. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
match_strategy |
enum Determines how dates are matched to the rule. One of: starts_within , stops_within , overlap , span , within . |
max_duration |
integer Rule will only be applied when order period is smaller than max duration in seconds. |
min_duration |
integer Rule will only be applied when order period is greater than min duration in seconds. |
name |
string Name of the rule. |
price_ruleset_id |
uuid readonly-after-create Which ruleset this rule belongs to. |
rule_type |
enum Determines rule behaviour. One of: range_of_days , range_of_dates , exclude_date_range , exclude_week_days , pickup_day , return_day . |
stacked |
boolean If a ruleset consists of multiple rules that adjust the product price, determines if rule should interact with other rules. |
till |
datetime Defines end of period, used by range_of_dates rule type. |
till_day |
integer Defines end of period in weekdays, 0 is monday, used by range_of_days rule type. |
till_time |
string Defines end of period time, used by range_of_days rule type. Format is a HH:mm string, independent of time display settings. |
time |
string Defines time for adjustment, used by pickup_day and return_day rule types. Format is a HH:mm string, independent of time display settings. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
value |
float Adjustment value in percent. |
Create a price rule
How to create a price rule:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "price_rules",
"attributes": {
"price_ruleset_id": "7d2b2786-70ba-41b4-82cc-05cbe8cacb34",
"name": "Off season",
"rule_type": "range_of_dates",
"match_strategy": "span",
"value": 25,
"from": "2014-12-05T04:39:00.000000+00:00",
"till": "2015-02-02T04:39:00.000000+00:00"
"include": "price_rules"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "496355f5-1c79-4b05-86e8-fb9f00c27d78",
"type": "price_rules",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-01-02T04:39:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-01-02T04:39:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Off season",
"rule_type": "range_of_dates",
"match_strategy": "span",
"adjustment_strategy": "percentage",
"value": 25.0,
"from": "2014-12-05T04:39:00.000000+00:00",
"till": "2015-02-02T04:39:00.000000+00:00",
"from_day": null,
"till_day": null,
"from_time": null,
"till_time": null,
"charge": null,
"stacked": false,
"time": null,
"min_duration": null,
"max_duration": null,
"price_ruleset_id": "7d2b2786-70ba-41b4-82cc-05cbe8cacb34"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/price_rules
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_rules]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_ruleset |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][adjustment_strategy] |
enum Determines whether a price rule adjusts prices by percentage or exact cent amounts. One of: percentage , charge . |
data[attributes][charge] |
boolean Determines effect of rules using charge attribute. |
data[attributes][from] |
datetime Defines start of period, used by range_of_dates rule type. |
data[attributes][from_day] |
integer Defines start of period in weekdays, 0 is monday, used by range_of_days rule type. |
data[attributes][from_time] |
string Defines start of period time, used by range_of_days rule type. Format is a HH:mm string, independent of time display settings. |
data[attributes][match_strategy] |
enum Determines how dates are matched to the rule. One of: starts_within , stops_within , overlap , span , within . |
data[attributes][max_duration] |
integer Rule will only be applied when order period is smaller than max duration in seconds. |
data[attributes][min_duration] |
integer Rule will only be applied when order period is greater than min duration in seconds. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the rule. |
data[attributes][price_ruleset_id] |
uuid Which ruleset this rule belongs to. |
data[attributes][rule_type] |
enum Determines rule behaviour. One of: range_of_days , range_of_dates , exclude_date_range , exclude_week_days , pickup_day , return_day . |
data[attributes][stacked] |
boolean If a ruleset consists of multiple rules that adjust the product price, determines if rule should interact with other rules. |
data[attributes][till] |
datetime Defines end of period, used by range_of_dates rule type. |
data[attributes][till_day] |
integer Defines end of period in weekdays, 0 is monday, used by range_of_days rule type. |
data[attributes][till_time] |
string Defines end of period time, used by range_of_days rule type. Format is a HH:mm string, independent of time display settings. |
data[attributes][time] |
string Defines time for adjustment, used by pickup_day and return_day rule types. Format is a HH:mm string, independent of time display settings. |
data[attributes][value] |
float Adjustment value in percent. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a price rule
How to update a price rule:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "03a98195-fad9-4128-8b3d-f8fca9458b1e",
"type": "price_rules",
"attributes": {
"value": 10
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "03a98195-fad9-4128-8b3d-f8fca9458b1e",
"type": "price_rules",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2022-06-25T00:41:07.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-06-25T00:41:07.000000+00:00",
"name": "Holidays",
"rule_type": "range_of_dates",
"match_strategy": "span",
"adjustment_strategy": "percentage",
"value": 10.0,
"from": "2028-03-02T15:13:07.000000+00:00",
"till": "2028-05-02T15:13:07.000000+00:00",
"from_day": null,
"till_day": null,
"from_time": null,
"till_time": null,
"charge": null,
"stacked": false,
"time": null,
"min_duration": null,
"max_duration": null,
"price_ruleset_id": "8a88d3b1-8d95-45c3-8d9c-37f4189f8e18"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Updating a price rule:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "ad06b6c5-c179-4a32-8260-11b998f79946",
"type": "price_rules",
"attributes": {
"id": "ad06b6c5-c179-4a32-8260-11b998f79946",
"name": "Off season"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "ad06b6c5-c179-4a32-8260-11b998f79946",
"type": "price_rules",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-09-12T03:59:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-09-12T03:59:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Off season",
"rule_type": "range_of_dates",
"match_strategy": "span",
"adjustment_strategy": "percentage",
"value": 5.0,
"from": "2026-05-21T18:31:01.000000+00:00",
"till": "2026-07-21T18:31:01.000000+00:00",
"from_day": null,
"till_day": null,
"from_time": null,
"till_time": null,
"charge": null,
"stacked": false,
"time": null,
"min_duration": null,
"max_duration": null,
"price_ruleset_id": "da082b15-8901-48df-8450-683f48eb006e"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/price_rules/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_rules]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_ruleset |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][adjustment_strategy] |
enum Determines whether a price rule adjusts prices by percentage or exact cent amounts. One of: percentage , charge . |
data[attributes][charge] |
boolean Determines effect of rules using charge attribute. |
data[attributes][from] |
datetime Defines start of period, used by range_of_dates rule type. |
data[attributes][from_day] |
integer Defines start of period in weekdays, 0 is monday, used by range_of_days rule type. |
data[attributes][from_time] |
string Defines start of period time, used by range_of_days rule type. Format is a HH:mm string, independent of time display settings. |
data[attributes][match_strategy] |
enum Determines how dates are matched to the rule. One of: starts_within , stops_within , overlap , span , within . |
data[attributes][max_duration] |
integer Rule will only be applied when order period is smaller than max duration in seconds. |
data[attributes][min_duration] |
integer Rule will only be applied when order period is greater than min duration in seconds. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the rule. |
data[attributes][price_ruleset_id] |
uuid Which ruleset this rule belongs to. |
data[attributes][rule_type] |
enum Determines rule behaviour. One of: range_of_days , range_of_dates , exclude_date_range , exclude_week_days , pickup_day , return_day . |
data[attributes][stacked] |
boolean If a ruleset consists of multiple rules that adjust the product price, determines if rule should interact with other rules. |
data[attributes][till] |
datetime Defines end of period, used by range_of_dates rule type. |
data[attributes][till_day] |
integer Defines end of period in weekdays, 0 is monday, used by range_of_days rule type. |
data[attributes][till_time] |
string Defines end of period time, used by range_of_days rule type. Format is a HH:mm string, independent of time display settings. |
data[attributes][time] |
string Defines time for adjustment, used by pickup_day and return_day rule types. Format is a HH:mm string, independent of time display settings. |
data[attributes][value] |
float Adjustment value in percent. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Archive a price rule
How to archive a price ruleset:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "dcba05ea-7016-4ed4-8034-a823d01f4d26",
"type": "price_rules",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-12-18T05:52:07.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-12-18T05:52:07.000000+00:00",
"name": "Holidays",
"rule_type": "range_of_dates",
"match_strategy": "span",
"adjustment_strategy": "percentage",
"value": 5.0,
"from": "2026-08-26T20:24:07.000000+00:00",
"till": "2026-10-26T20:24:07.000000+00:00",
"from_day": null,
"till_day": null,
"from_time": null,
"till_time": null,
"charge": null,
"stacked": false,
"time": null,
"min_duration": null,
"max_duration": null,
"price_ruleset_id": "0f77bbbc-4358-4a67-85a9-ca319b75a498"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/price_rules/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_rules]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_ruleset |
This request accepts the following includes:
Price rulesets
Price rulesets are used to create elaborate pricing adjustments using the advanced pricing feature.
Name | Description |
price_rules |
Price rules hasmany The rules included in this ruleset. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether the price ruleset is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the price ruleset was archived. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
description |
string Description of the ruleset. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
make_name_unique |
boolean writeonly When true , a unique name will be generated when a PriceRuleset with the same name already exists. |
name |
string Name of the ruleset. |
price_rules_attributes |
array writeonly Allows creating and updating price rules with their ruleset. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List price rulesets
How to fetch price rulesets:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "c218f45f-5f3f-4800-8f10-4d3ad173bd93",
"type": "price_rulesets",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-11-03T10:09:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-11-03T10:09:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Ruleset",
"description": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/price_rulesets
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_rulesets]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
price_rules_attributes |
array eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch a price ruleset
How to fetch a single price ruleset with related price rules:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=price_rules'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "ca85320f-4ffc-496c-855e-77a3d0f4a40a",
"type": "price_rulesets",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-04-22T08:54:05.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-04-22T08:54:05.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Ruleset",
"description": null
"relationships": {
"price_rules": {
"data": [
"type": "price_rules",
"id": "e80760ba-0d09-4a88-878f-b2f2dfd3ad73"
"included": [
"id": "e80760ba-0d09-4a88-878f-b2f2dfd3ad73",
"type": "price_rules",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-04-22T08:54:05.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-04-22T08:54:05.000000+00:00",
"name": "Price rule",
"rule_type": "range_of_dates",
"match_strategy": "span",
"adjustment_strategy": "percentage",
"value": 30.0,
"from": "2032-07-28T23:26:05.000000+00:00",
"till": "2032-09-27T23:26:05.000000+00:00",
"from_day": null,
"till_day": null,
"from_time": null,
"till_time": null,
"charge": null,
"stacked": false,
"time": null,
"min_duration": null,
"max_duration": null,
"price_ruleset_id": "ca85320f-4ffc-496c-855e-77a3d0f4a40a"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/price_rulesets/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_rulesets]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_rules |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a price ruleset
How to create a price ruleset with price rules:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "price_rulesets",
"attributes": {
"name": "Seasonal ruleset",
"price_rules_attributes": [
"name": "Off season",
"rule_type": "range_of_dates",
"match_strategy": "span",
"value": 25,
"from": "2014-09-24T15:02:01.000000+00:00",
"till": "2014-11-22T15:02:01.000000+00:00"
"include": "price_rules"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "e4fe0b61-208f-4525-8281-39ceec698804",
"type": "price_rulesets",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2014-10-22T15:02:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2014-10-22T15:02:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Seasonal ruleset",
"description": null
"relationships": {
"price_rules": {
"data": [
"type": "price_rules",
"id": "fe521f82-f68d-479c-843d-7420dbcf18ae"
"included": [
"id": "fe521f82-f68d-479c-843d-7420dbcf18ae",
"type": "price_rules",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2014-10-22T15:02:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2014-10-22T15:02:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Off season",
"rule_type": "range_of_dates",
"match_strategy": "span",
"adjustment_strategy": "percentage",
"value": 25.0,
"from": "2014-09-24T15:02:01.000000+00:00",
"till": "2014-11-22T15:02:01.000000+00:00",
"from_day": null,
"till_day": null,
"from_time": null,
"till_time": null,
"charge": null,
"stacked": false,
"time": null,
"min_duration": null,
"max_duration": null,
"price_ruleset_id": "e4fe0b61-208f-4525-8281-39ceec698804"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/price_rulesets
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_rulesets]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_rules |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][make_name_unique] |
boolean When true , a unique name will be generated when a PriceRuleset with the same name already exists. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the ruleset. |
data[attributes][price_rules_attributes][] |
array Allows creating and updating price rules with their ruleset. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a price ruleset
How to update a price ruleset:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "f45fa6ef-5ccc-4a37-89b6-5701c9c8f77b",
"type": "price_rulesets",
"attributes": {
"name": "Seasonal ruleset (old)"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "f45fa6ef-5ccc-4a37-89b6-5701c9c8f77b",
"type": "price_rulesets",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-01-18T12:44:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-01-18T12:44:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Seasonal ruleset (old)",
"description": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Updating a price ruleset's price rules:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "8fdd2e80-1ce2-4bf8-8e01-df9e6925b595",
"type": "price_rulesets",
"attributes": {
"price_rules_attributes": [
"id": "ab3f8794-7809-432e-8619-556bc2224ad3",
"name": "Off season"
"include": "price_rules"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "8fdd2e80-1ce2-4bf8-8e01-df9e6925b595",
"type": "price_rulesets",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-09-01T22:07:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-09-01T22:07:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Ruleset",
"description": null
"relationships": {
"price_rules": {
"data": [
"type": "price_rules",
"id": "ab3f8794-7809-432e-8619-556bc2224ad3"
"included": [
"id": "ab3f8794-7809-432e-8619-556bc2224ad3",
"type": "price_rules",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-09-01T22:07:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-09-01T22:07:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Off season",
"rule_type": "range_of_dates",
"match_strategy": "span",
"adjustment_strategy": "percentage",
"value": 30.0,
"from": "2028-12-08T12:39:00.000000+00:00",
"till": "2029-02-07T12:39:00.000000+00:00",
"from_day": null,
"till_day": null,
"from_time": null,
"till_time": null,
"charge": null,
"stacked": false,
"time": null,
"min_duration": null,
"max_duration": null,
"price_ruleset_id": "8fdd2e80-1ce2-4bf8-8e01-df9e6925b595"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/price_rulesets/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_rulesets]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_rules |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][make_name_unique] |
boolean When true , a unique name will be generated when a PriceRuleset with the same name already exists. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the ruleset. |
data[attributes][price_rules_attributes][] |
array Allows creating and updating price rules with their ruleset. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Archive a price ruleset
How to archive a price ruleset:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "dcba05ea-7016-4ed4-8034-a823d01f4d26",
"type": "price_rulesets",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-12-18T05:52:07.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-12-18T05:52:07.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2020-12-18T05:52:07.000000+00:00",
"name": "Ruleset",
"description": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/price_rulesets/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_rulesets]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
Price structures
Price structures enable you to control what is being priced for a specific period. Price structures consist of tiles that represent a period. The actual charge that is being calculated will always round up to the nearest tile it can find.
You can also set up a flat-fee structure after you've run out of tiles by setting
one of the following values: hour
, day
, week
, month
, year
There are two kinds of price structures:
: Structures that are reusable and that can be assigned to multiple product groups.private
: Structure for a specific product group. These are automatically created when the price type of a product group is set toprivate_structure
Name | Description |
price_tiles |
Price tiles hasmany The tiles (or tiers) within this price structure. Tiles can be created/updated through the PriceStructure resource by writing the price_tiles_attributes attribute. |
product_group |
Product group required The product group for private price structures. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether the price structure is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the price structure was archived. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
day |
float Multiplier for every day outside of its tiles. |
hour |
float Multiplier for every hour outside of its tiles. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
month |
float Multiplier for every month outside of its tiles. |
name |
string Name of the structure. |
price_structure_type |
enum readonly Type. One of: reusable , private . |
price_tiles_attributes |
array writeonly The price tiles to associate. |
product_group_id |
uuid readonly The product group for private price structures. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
week |
float Multiplier for every week outside of its tiles. |
year |
float Multiplier for every year outside of its tiles. |
List price structures
How to fetch a list of price structures:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "ec8cd116-78dd-4aa2-8794-723225fb7f27",
"type": "price_structures",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-12-25T18:39:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-12-25T18:39:02.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Price per hour (3 hours minimum)",
"price_structure_type": "reusable",
"hour": 1.0,
"day": 0.0,
"week": 0.0,
"month": 0.0,
"year": 0.0,
"product_group_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/price_structures
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_structures]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_structure_type |
enum eq , not_eq |
product_group_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch a price structure
How to fetch a price structure with it's tiles:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=price_tiles'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "1eefd0fa-08d5-4e02-8267-c2db07cb35a0",
"type": "price_structures",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-07-22T04:14:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-07-22T04:14:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Price per hour (3 hours minimum)",
"price_structure_type": "reusable",
"hour": 1.0,
"day": 0.0,
"week": 0.0,
"month": 0.0,
"year": 0.0,
"product_group_id": null
"relationships": {
"price_tiles": {
"data": [
"type": "price_tiles",
"id": "f4b52aba-05ab-4ad3-8b2f-814b68c688cd"
"included": [
"id": "f4b52aba-05ab-4ad3-8b2f-814b68c688cd",
"type": "price_tiles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-07-22T04:14:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-07-22T04:14:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "3 hours",
"quantity": 3,
"length": 10800,
"multiplier": 1.0,
"period": "hours",
"price_structure_id": "1eefd0fa-08d5-4e02-8267-c2db07cb35a0"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/price_structures/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_structures]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_tiles |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a price structure
How to create a price structure with price tiles:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "price_structures",
"attributes": {
"name": "Price per hour (3 hours minimum)",
"hour": 1,
"price_tiles_attributes": [
"name": "3 hours",
"quantity": 3,
"period": "hours",
"multiplier": 1
"include": "price_tiles"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "135630ff-fb4a-4bbb-8e04-85d256658648",
"type": "price_structures",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2017-09-22T05:03:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2017-09-22T05:03:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Price per hour (3 hours minimum)",
"price_structure_type": "reusable",
"hour": 1.0,
"day": 0.0,
"week": 0.0,
"month": 0.0,
"year": 0.0,
"product_group_id": null
"relationships": {
"price_tiles": {
"data": [
"type": "price_tiles",
"id": "c49c9747-d7b5-4faf-8042-f0fc3dcd5706"
"included": [
"id": "c49c9747-d7b5-4faf-8042-f0fc3dcd5706",
"type": "price_tiles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2017-09-22T05:03:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2017-09-22T05:03:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "3 hours",
"quantity": 3,
"length": 10800,
"multiplier": 1.0,
"period": "hours",
"price_structure_id": "135630ff-fb4a-4bbb-8e04-85d256658648"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/price_structures
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_structures]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_tiles |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][day] |
float Multiplier for every day outside of its tiles. |
data[attributes][hour] |
float Multiplier for every hour outside of its tiles. |
data[attributes][month] |
float Multiplier for every month outside of its tiles. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the structure. |
data[attributes][price_tiles_attributes][] |
array The price tiles to associate. |
data[attributes][week] |
float Multiplier for every week outside of its tiles. |
data[attributes][year] |
float Multiplier for every year outside of its tiles. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a price structure
How to update a price structure with price tiles:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "bbc6913e-a6dd-4ab4-8c78-a004643a9cad",
"type": "price_structures",
"attributes": {
"name": "Charge per week (cut-rate > 3 weeks)",
"price_tiles_attributes": [
"id": "514b2a51-5961-411f-8000-e4712f4024df",
"name": "1 semana"
"id": "9d9034c8-9bcf-4c35-831c-93c082af2305",
"name": "2 semanas"
"id": "c08789b9-93ca-475f-83d1-6868f2d3602f",
"name": "3 semanas"
"id": "69e2abc5-8433-4b13-871c-1141dd30c453",
"_destroy": true
"include": "price_tiles"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "bbc6913e-a6dd-4ab4-8c78-a004643a9cad",
"type": "price_structures",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-07-21T11:43:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-07-21T11:43:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Charge per week (cut-rate > 3 weeks)",
"price_structure_type": "reusable",
"hour": 0.0,
"day": 0.0,
"week": 0.8,
"month": 0.0,
"year": 0.0,
"product_group_id": null
"relationships": {
"price_tiles": {
"data": [
"type": "price_tiles",
"id": "514b2a51-5961-411f-8000-e4712f4024df"
"type": "price_tiles",
"id": "9d9034c8-9bcf-4c35-831c-93c082af2305"
"type": "price_tiles",
"id": "c08789b9-93ca-475f-83d1-6868f2d3602f"
"included": [
"id": "514b2a51-5961-411f-8000-e4712f4024df",
"type": "price_tiles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-07-21T11:43:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-07-21T11:43:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "1 semana",
"quantity": 1,
"length": 604800,
"multiplier": 1.0,
"period": "weeks",
"price_structure_id": "bbc6913e-a6dd-4ab4-8c78-a004643a9cad"
"relationships": {}
"id": "9d9034c8-9bcf-4c35-831c-93c082af2305",
"type": "price_tiles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-07-21T11:43:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-07-21T11:43:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "2 semanas",
"quantity": 2,
"length": 1209600,
"multiplier": 2.0,
"period": "weeks",
"price_structure_id": "bbc6913e-a6dd-4ab4-8c78-a004643a9cad"
"relationships": {}
"id": "c08789b9-93ca-475f-83d1-6868f2d3602f",
"type": "price_tiles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-07-21T11:43:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-07-21T11:43:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "3 semanas",
"quantity": 3,
"length": 1814400,
"multiplier": 3.0,
"period": "weeks",
"price_structure_id": "bbc6913e-a6dd-4ab4-8c78-a004643a9cad"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/price_structures/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_structures]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_tiles |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][day] |
float Multiplier for every day outside of its tiles. |
data[attributes][hour] |
float Multiplier for every hour outside of its tiles. |
data[attributes][month] |
float Multiplier for every month outside of its tiles. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the structure. |
data[attributes][price_tiles_attributes][] |
array The price tiles to associate. |
data[attributes][week] |
float Multiplier for every week outside of its tiles. |
data[attributes][year] |
float Multiplier for every year outside of its tiles. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete a price structure
How to delete a price structure with tax rates:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "787c6191-4590-4d80-8b25-2675dd775bb1",
"type": "price_structures",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-08-07T17:52:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-08-07T17:52:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2023-08-07T17:52:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Price per hour (3 hours minimum) (Deleted)",
"price_structure_type": "reusable",
"hour": 1.0,
"day": 0.0,
"week": 0.0,
"month": 0.0,
"year": 0.0,
"product_group_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/price_structures/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_structures]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
Price tiles
Price tiles hold information on how to calculate a price for a specific period.
According to the charge_length
, a tile will be picked in price calculations.
Note that Booqable always rounds up to the highest tile it can find.
The base price of a product is multiplied by the multiplier
Name | Description |
price_structure |
Price structure required PriceStructure this price tile is part of. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
length |
integer readonly Length in seconds (is computed based on quantity and period ). |
multiplier |
float The amount to multiply a product's base price with (e.g. 2.8 for three days). |
name |
string Name of the tile, which will be used as charge label in the store and on lines. |
period |
enum Period. One of: hours , days , weeks , months , years . |
price_structure_id |
uuid readonly-after-create PriceStructure this price tile is part of. |
quantity |
integer Used in combination with period (e.g. 3 with period days ). |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List price tiles
How to fetch a list of price tiles:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "0d6f13f8-3b9b-4c22-8b76-818cde33de51",
"type": "price_tiles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2024-06-11T13:44:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2024-06-11T13:44:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "3 hours",
"quantity": 3,
"length": 10800,
"multiplier": 3.0,
"period": "hours",
"price_structure_id": "206c8e98-0263-4e64-8a9a-6dee477153a3"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/price_tiles
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_tiles]=created_at,updated_at,name |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_structure_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch a price tile
How to fetch a price tile:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=price_tiles'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "f87df772-a192-4033-84c5-daf41c699939",
"type": "price_tiles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2024-10-25T02:33:08.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2024-10-25T02:33:08.000000+00:00",
"name": "3 hours",
"quantity": 3,
"length": 10800,
"multiplier": 3.0,
"period": "hours",
"price_structure_id": "a945c0c5-af5b-404b-87fd-9096543d28f9"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/price_tiles/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_tiles]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_structure |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a price tile
How to create a price tile:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "price_tiles",
"attributes": {
"price_structure_id": "8f39c1c4-b736-4059-8db2-de921565f8e7",
"name": "3 hours",
"quantity": 3,
"period": "hours",
"multiplier": 3
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "9adeb1b0-13d6-4add-8865-6795db1fd6f0",
"type": "price_tiles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-05-15T06:12:04.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-05-15T06:12:04.000000+00:00",
"name": "3 hours",
"quantity": 3,
"length": 10800,
"multiplier": 3.0,
"period": "hours",
"price_structure_id": "8f39c1c4-b736-4059-8db2-de921565f8e7"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/price_tiles
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_tiles]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_structure |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][multiplier] |
float The amount to multiply a product's base price with (e.g. 2.8 for three days). |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the tile, which will be used as charge label in the store and on lines. |
data[attributes][period] |
enum Period. One of: hours , days , weeks , months , years . |
data[attributes][price_structure_id] |
uuid PriceStructure this price tile is part of. |
data[attributes][quantity] |
integer Used in combination with period (e.g. 3 with period days ). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a price tile
How to update a price tile:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "37e5319a-6e66-49a9-8d18-9d98fef25147",
"type": "price_tiles",
"attributes": {
"name": "4 days",
"quantity": 4,
"period": "days",
"multiplier": 4
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "37e5319a-6e66-49a9-8d18-9d98fef25147",
"type": "price_tiles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-02-09T08:16:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-02-09T08:16:02.000000+00:00",
"name": "4 days",
"quantity": 4,
"length": 345600,
"multiplier": 4.0,
"period": "days",
"price_structure_id": "754fab8c-2d27-4abc-8d24-c5b673ca95f6"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/price_tiles/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_tiles]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=price_structure |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][multiplier] |
float The amount to multiply a product's base price with (e.g. 2.8 for three days). |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the tile, which will be used as charge label in the store and on lines. |
data[attributes][period] |
enum Period. One of: hours , days , weeks , months , years . |
data[attributes][price_structure_id] |
uuid PriceStructure this price tile is part of. |
data[attributes][quantity] |
integer Used in combination with period (e.g. 3 with period days ). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete a price tile
How to delete a price tile:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "46af1ccd-943e-408c-8de5-d7b51faf300b",
"type": "price_tiles",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-11-04T04:21:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-11-04T04:21:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "3 hours",
"quantity": 3,
"length": 10800,
"multiplier": 3.0,
"period": "hours",
"price_structure_id": "b51ac374-2b75-4abf-8c3c-6691345dda34"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/price_tiles/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[price_tiles]=created_at,updated_at,name |
This request does not accept any includes
Products are items that can be booked on orders. They always belong to a product group and can only be created separately if the group has variations enabled.
A product inherits most of its attributes from the product group. Inherited attributes can only be changed through the product group, and will then be applied to all products that belong to the same product group.
The following attributes/relations can be configured on individual products when variations are enabled:
, to make each variation distinctsorting_weight
, to control order in which variations are shownbase_price_in_cents
, to give each variation its own pricephoto
, to assign a different photo to each variationbarcode
, to be able to scan and identify different variations
Name | Description |
barcode |
Barcode optional The Barcode that points to this product. |
inventory_levels |
Inventory levels hasmany Availability of this product. |
photo |
Photo optional Photo of this Product variation. This must be one of the photos associated with the ProductGroup. It is not possible to assign a Photo to a Product variation that is not part of the Photos of the ProductGroup. |
price_ruleset |
Price ruleset optional The PriceRuleset to use for advanced price calculations. This is inherited from the ProductGroup this product belongs to. |
price_structure |
Price structure optional The PriceStructure to use when this product uses tiered pricing. This is inherited from the ProductGroup this product belongs to. |
product_group |
Product group required The ProductGroup this product belongs to. When a product group does not have variations, there will be exactly one product record. When variations are enabled, then there can be multiple product records. |
properties |
Properties hasmany Custom structured data about this product, based on DefaultProperties. These are inherited from the ProductGroup this product belongs to. While it is possible to sideload properties for products, it is not possible to assign them. |
tax_category |
Tax category optional TaxCategory for tax calculations. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether the item is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the item was archived. |
base_price_in_cents |
integer The value that is being calculated with. This value is writable if group has variations enabled, otherwise it's inherited from the group. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
photo_id |
uuid nullable Photo of this Product variation. This must be one of the photos associated with the ProductGroup. It is not possible to assign a Photo to a Product variation that is not part of the Photos of the ProductGroup. |
photo_url |
string readonly nullable Main photo URL. |
product_group_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The ProductGroup this product belongs to. When a product group does not have variations, there will be exactly one product record. When variations are enabled, then there can be multiple product records. |
sorting_weight |
integer Defines sorting of variations within a product group. The lower the weight - the higher it shows up in lists. |
type |
string readonly Always product . |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
variation_values |
array[string] List of values corresponding to the fields defined in product_group.variation_fields . Values should be in the same order as the fields. product_group.variation_fields are the keys, and product.variation_values are the values, and they are matched by their index in the arrays. |
Inherited Fields
Name | Description |
allow_shortage |
boolean readonly Whether shortages are allowed. |
deposit_in_cents |
integer readonly The value to use for deposit calculations. |
description |
string readonly nullable Description used in the online store. |
discountable |
boolean readonly Whether discounts should be applied to this item (note that price rules will still apply). |
excerpt |
string readonly nullable Excerpt used in the online store. |
extra_information |
string readonly nullable Extra information about the item, shown on orders and documents. |
group_name |
string readonly The name of the product group. |
has_variations |
boolean readonly Whether variations are enabled. Not applicable for product_type service . |
lag_time |
integer readonly The amount of seconds the item should be unavailable after a reservation. |
lead_time |
integer readonly The amount of seconds the item should be unavailable before a reservation. |
name |
string readonly Name of the item (based on product group and variations_values ). |
price_period |
enum readonly The period which is the base for price calculation when price type simple .One of: hour , day , week , month . |
price_ruleset_id |
uuid readonly nullable The PriceRuleset to use for advanced price calculations. This is inherited from the ProductGroup this product belongs to. |
price_structure_id |
uuid readonly nullable The PriceStructure to use when this product uses tiered pricing. This is inherited from the ProductGroup this product belongs to. |
price_type |
enum readonly They way prices are calculated for this product. One of: structure , private_structure , fixed , simple , none . |
product_type |
enum readonly Type of product. One of: rental , consumable , service . |
properties |
hash readonly Key value pairs of associated properties. This is the same data as provided by the properties relation, but without information about type and position. |
seo_description |
string readonly nullable SEO meta description tag. |
seo_title |
string readonly nullable SEO title tag. |
shortage_limit |
integer readonly The maximum allowed shortage for any date range. |
show_in_store |
boolean readonly Whether to show this item in the online store. |
sku |
string readonly Stock keeping unit. |
slug |
string readonly Slug of the product. |
tag_list |
array readonly List of tags. |
tax_category_id |
uuid readonly nullable TaxCategory for tax calculations. |
taxable |
boolean readonly Whether the item is taxable. |
trackable |
boolean readonly Whether stock items are tracked. |
tracking_type |
enum readonly How the product is tracked. One of: none , bulk , trackable . |
variation |
boolean readonly Whether this Item is a variation in a product group. |
List products
How to fetch a list of products:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "ed6e7fb4-7f13-4729-8dce-0f8b8c640d0b",
"type": "products",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2017-02-21T06:58:03.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2017-02-21T06:58:03.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "products",
"name": "iPad Pro",
"group_name": "iPad Pro",
"slug": "ipad-pro",
"sku": null,
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": true,
"variation": true,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 1,
"base_price_in_cents": 0,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_values": [
"product_group_id": "66a43973-a27a-4282-8f4a-c125934b1469"
"relationships": {}
"id": "e78aa4d3-4a0b-4904-8980-60f6cc41d84d",
"type": "products",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2017-02-21T06:58:03.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2017-02-21T06:58:03.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "products",
"name": "iPad Pro - blue",
"group_name": "iPad Pro",
"slug": "ipad-pro-blue",
"sku": "PRODUCT 1000051",
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": true,
"variation": true,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 2,
"base_price_in_cents": 0,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_values": [
"product_group_id": "66a43973-a27a-4282-8f4a-c125934b1469"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/products
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[products]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,inventory_levels,photo |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
allow_shortage |
boolean eq |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
base_price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
collection_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
discountable |
boolean eq |
excerpt |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
extra_information |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
group_name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
has_variations |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq , gt |
lag_time |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
lead_time |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
photo_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_period |
enum eq |
price_ruleset_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_structure_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_type |
enum eq |
product_group_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
product_type |
enum eq |
q |
string eq |
seo_description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
seo_title |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
shortage_limit |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
show_in_store |
boolean eq |
sku |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
slug |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
sorting_weight |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tag_list |
array eq |
tax_category_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
taxable |
boolean eq |
trackable |
boolean eq |
tracking_type |
enum eq |
type |
string eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
variation |
boolean eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
archived |
array count |
base_price_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
discountable |
array count |
price_period |
array count |
price_type |
array count |
product_type |
array count |
show_in_store |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
tax_category_id |
array count |
taxable |
array count |
total |
array count |
tracking_type |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Search products
Use advanced search to make logical filter groups with and/or operators.
How to search for products:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"fields": {
"products": "id"
"filter": {
"conditions": {
"operator": "or",
"attributes": [
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"discountable": true
"taxable": true
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"show_in_store": true
"taxable": true
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "14ec83de-d661-4078-8309-4f5f36813f83"
"id": "72a41c5e-63c7-4472-888d-91a3231c4a27"
"id": "770bd85c-629f-42e8-8a11-2197aa83f218"
"id": "5b6bf5cc-4d27-4c95-8d55-9b672d09fc2c"
HTTP Request
POST api/boomerang/products/search
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[products]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,inventory_levels,photo |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
allow_shortage |
boolean eq |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
base_price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
collection_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
discountable |
boolean eq |
excerpt |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
extra_information |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
group_name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
has_variations |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq , gt |
lag_time |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
lead_time |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
photo_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_period |
enum eq |
price_ruleset_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_structure_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_type |
enum eq |
product_group_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
product_type |
enum eq |
q |
string eq |
seo_description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
seo_title |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
shortage_limit |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
show_in_store |
boolean eq |
sku |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
slug |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
sorting_weight |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tag_list |
array eq |
tax_category_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
taxable |
boolean eq |
trackable |
boolean eq |
tracking_type |
enum eq |
type |
string eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
variation |
boolean eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
archived |
array count |
base_price_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
discountable |
array count |
price_period |
array count |
price_type |
array count |
product_type |
array count |
show_in_store |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
tax_category_id |
array count |
taxable |
array count |
total |
array count |
tracking_type |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a product
How to fetch a product:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "8f191698-6a00-445a-8b40-3f5449981539",
"type": "products",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2022-10-14T09:41:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-10-14T09:41:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "products",
"name": "iPad Pro",
"group_name": "iPad Pro",
"slug": "ipad-pro",
"sku": null,
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": true,
"variation": true,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 1,
"base_price_in_cents": 0,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_values": [
"product_group_id": "c22ea0d0-9487-4cab-86f8-2859a76f32e4"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/products/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[products]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,inventory_levels,photo |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a product
How to create a product:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "products",
"attributes": {
"product_group_id": "a048e1e3-6c98-4b3f-8a9b-e693eefeebac",
"variation_values": [
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "ccab90b8-7b93-4828-8ec0-7de6cb6e0c4a",
"type": "products",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2017-11-22T20:35:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2017-11-22T20:35:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "products",
"name": "iPad Pro - red",
"group_name": "iPad Pro",
"slug": "ipad-pro-red",
"sku": null,
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": true,
"variation": true,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 3,
"base_price_in_cents": 0,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_values": [
"product_group_id": "a048e1e3-6c98-4b3f-8a9b-e693eefeebac"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/products
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[products]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,inventory_levels,photo |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][base_price_in_cents] |
integer The value that is being calculated with. This value is writable if group has variations enabled, otherwise it's inherited from the group. |
data[attributes][photo_id] |
uuid Photo of this Product variation. This must be one of the photos associated with the ProductGroup. It is not possible to assign a Photo to a Product variation that is not part of the Photos of the ProductGroup. |
data[attributes][product_group_id] |
uuid The ProductGroup this product belongs to. When a product group does not have variations, there will be exactly one product record. When variations are enabled, then there can be multiple product records. |
data[attributes][sorting_weight] |
integer Defines sorting of variations within a product group. The lower the weight - the higher it shows up in lists. |
data[attributes][variation_values] |
array[string] List of values corresponding to the fields defined in product_group.variation_fields . Values should be in the same order as the fields. product_group.variation_fields are the keys, and product.variation_values are the values, and they are matched by their index in the arrays. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a product
How to update a product:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "d2da581f-c48e-4b27-8d9d-9fc0d8b00c8f",
"type": "products",
"attributes": {
"variation_values": [
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "d2da581f-c48e-4b27-8d9d-9fc0d8b00c8f",
"type": "products",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-05-05T21:58:04.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-05-05T21:58:04.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "products",
"name": "iPad Pro - red",
"group_name": "iPad Pro",
"slug": "ipad-pro",
"sku": null,
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": true,
"variation": true,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 1,
"base_price_in_cents": 0,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_values": [
"product_group_id": "302a3d1f-b536-467c-8597-35c1733fc1a7"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/products/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[products]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,inventory_levels,photo |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][base_price_in_cents] |
integer The value that is being calculated with. This value is writable if group has variations enabled, otherwise it's inherited from the group. |
data[attributes][photo_id] |
uuid Photo of this Product variation. This must be one of the photos associated with the ProductGroup. It is not possible to assign a Photo to a Product variation that is not part of the Photos of the ProductGroup. |
data[attributes][product_group_id] |
uuid The ProductGroup this product belongs to. When a product group does not have variations, there will be exactly one product record. When variations are enabled, then there can be multiple product records. |
data[attributes][sorting_weight] |
integer Defines sorting of variations within a product group. The lower the weight - the higher it shows up in lists. |
data[attributes][variation_values] |
array[string] List of values corresponding to the fields defined in product_group.variation_fields . Values should be in the same order as the fields. product_group.variation_fields are the keys, and product.variation_values are the values, and they are matched by their index in the arrays. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Archive a product
How to delete a product:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "5fe125ba-4a82-4fad-8a18-03ea09db75a3",
"type": "products",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-02-18T21:58:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-02-18T21:58:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2021-02-18T21:58:00.000000+00:00",
"type": "products",
"name": "iPad Pro",
"group_name": "iPad Pro",
"slug": "5fe125ba-4a82-4fad-8a18-03ea09db75a3",
"sku": null,
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": true,
"variation": true,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 1,
"base_price_in_cents": 0,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_values": [
"product_group_id": "a220adae-27d9-4298-8e37-e44d9f89f5db"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/products/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[products]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
Product groups
Product groups hold general information and configuration about products. A product group always contains at least one product. When a product group is enabled to have variations, it can have multiple products.
Product groups are not plannable on orders. Products are the resource that is planned.
Product Types
- Rental: Rental products are your main products that you rent out. Even if your main product is officially a service, in Booqable you will want to add it as a rental product.
- Consumable: Consumable products are products that you do not plan on getting back. These are meant to be small items that you plan on selling along with a rental but do not expect to be returned with the rest of the order.
- Service: Service Item or Service Products are the optional extra services (or items) you want to offer to your products. These are not trackable, therefore they do not have an instock number.
Tracking Types
The tracking type determines how the product is tracked.
- None: Products are not tracked (only for product_type
) - Trackable: Trackable Products tend to be the larger ticket items; the products you want to know specifically who has what stock item of what product and when. With trackable products, every stock item has its own identifier so you can assign and track the individual products (only for product_type
). - Bulk: Bulk products are for those products you don't necessarily need to track each specific stock item but rather you just need to know how many you have in stock. These tend to be your smaller ticket items or items that are quicker to replace in bulk if some are lost (only for product_type
Pricing Types
- None: Products are free (applies to all product types)
- Fixed: Charge a fixed price (applies to all product types).
- Simple: Apply simple pricing (depends on
, only for product_typerental
). - Structure: Applies associated price structure (only for product_type
). - Private structure: Applies associated private price structure (only for product_type
Name | Description |
inventory_levels |
Inventory levels hasmany Availability of this item. |
photo |
Photo optional Primary Photo of this product group. |
photos |
Photos hasmany All Photos of this product group. The primary photo must be selected from this set. |
price_ruleset |
Price ruleset optional The PriceRuleset used for advanced price calculations. |
price_structure |
Price structure optional The PriceStructure to use when this product group uses tiered pricing. |
products |
Products hasmany When this product group does not have variations: there will be exactly one product. When this product group does have variations: one or more products. These products can be distinguished by their variation_values . |
properties |
Properties hasmany Custom structured data about this product group, based on DefaultProperties. These properties apply to all products in the same product group. |
tax_category |
Tax category optional TaxCategory for tax calculations. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether the product group is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the product group was archived. |
base_price_in_cents |
integer readonly The value that is being calculated with (based on the current price_type ). |
confirm_shortage |
boolean writeonly Set this to true to override certain shortage warnings. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
flat_fee_price_in_cents |
integer Use this value when price type is simple . |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
photo_base64 |
string writeonly Base64 encoded photo, use this field to store a main photo. |
photo_id |
uuid readonly nullable Primary Photo of this product group. |
photo_url |
string readonly nullable Main photo URL. |
properties_attributes |
array writeonly Create or update multiple properties associated with this product group. |
remote_photo_url |
string writeonly URL to an image on the web. |
sorting_weight |
integer Defines sort order in the online store, the lower the weight - the higher it shows up in lists. |
stock_item_properties |
array[string] Names of custom properties for stock items of this product group. |
structure_price_in_cents |
integer Use this value when price type is structure or private_structure . |
type |
string readonly Always product group. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
variation_fields |
array Array of fields that distinguish variations (e.g. color or size). product_group.variation_fields are the keys, and product.variation_values are the values, and they are matched by their index in the arrays. |
Inherited Fields
Name | Description |
allow_shortage |
boolean Whether shortages are allowed. Changing this setting affects availability, and can trigger a shortage warning. |
deposit_in_cents |
integer The value to use for deposit calculations. |
description |
string nullable Description used in the online store. |
discountable |
boolean Whether discounts should be applied to this product groups and products in it (note that price rules will still apply). |
excerpt |
string nullable Excerpt used in the online store. |
extra_information |
string nullable Extra information about the product group, shown on orders and documents. |
group_name |
string readonly Same as name . |
has_variations |
boolean Whether variations are enabled. Variations can be enabled after a product group has been created, but variations cannot be disabled once they have been enabled. Product group of product_type service cannot have variations. |
lag_time |
integer The amount of seconds the item should be unavailable after a reservation. Changing this setting affects availability, and can trigger a shortage warning. |
lead_time |
integer The amount of seconds the item should be unavailable before a reservation. Changing this setting affects availability, and can trigger a shortage warning. |
name |
string Name of the item. |
price_period |
enum The period which is the base for price calculation when price type simple .One of: hour , day , week , month . |
price_ruleset_id |
uuid nullable The PriceRuleset used for advanced price calculations. |
price_structure_id |
uuid nullable The PriceStructure to use when this product group uses tiered pricing. |
price_type |
enum How prices are calculated for this product group and all products in it. One of: structure , private_structure , fixed , simple , none . |
product_type |
enum readonly-after-create Type of product. Can only be set when creating a ProductGroup. One of: bundle , rental , consumable , service . |
properties |
hash readonly Hash of properties. Sideload the properties relation when more information is needed. |
seo_description |
string nullable SEO meta description tag. |
seo_title |
string nullable SEO title tag. |
shortage_limit |
integer The maximum allowed shortage for any date range. Changing this setting affects availability, and can trigger a shortage warning. |
show_in_store |
boolean Whether to show this product group in the online store. |
sku |
string Stock keeping unit. |
slug |
string Slug of the item. |
tag_list |
array[string] List of tags. |
tax_category_id |
uuid nullable TaxCategory for tax calculations. |
taxable |
boolean Whether this product group is taxable. |
trackable |
boolean readonly-after-create Whether stock items are tracked. |
tracking_type |
enum readonly-after-create How the product is tracked. Can only be set when creating a ProductGroup. One of: none , bulk , trackable . |
variation |
boolean readonly Whether this Item is a variation in a ProductGroup. |
List product groups
How to fetch a list of product groups:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "f0f79b63-e2b9-4178-81f6-3b28593c5419",
"type": "product_groups",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-12-03T23:48:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-12-03T23:48:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "product_groups",
"name": "iPad Pro",
"group_name": null,
"slug": "ipad-pro",
"sku": "SKU",
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": false,
"variation": false,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"base_price_in_cents": 0,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_fields": [],
"flat_fee_price_in_cents": 0,
"structure_price_in_cents": 0,
"stock_item_properties": []
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/product_groups
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[product_groups]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=photo,properties |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
allow_shortage |
boolean eq |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
base_price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
collection_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
discountable |
boolean eq |
excerpt |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
extra_information |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
flat_fee_price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
group_name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
has_variations |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq , gt |
lag_time |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
lead_time |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
photo_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_period |
enum eq |
price_ruleset_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_structure_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_type |
enum eq |
product_group_id |
uuid eq |
product_type |
enum eq |
q |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
seo_description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
seo_title |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
shortage_limit |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
show_in_store |
boolean eq |
sku |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
slug |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
sorting_weight |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
structure_price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tag_list |
string eq |
tax_category_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
taxable |
boolean eq |
trackable |
boolean eq |
tracking_type |
enum eq |
type |
string eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
variation |
boolean eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
archived |
array count |
base_price_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
discountable |
array count |
price_period |
array count |
price_type |
array count |
product_type |
array count |
show_in_store |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
tax_category_id |
array count |
taxable |
array count |
total |
array count |
tracking_type |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Search product groups
Use advanced search to make logical filter groups with and/or operators.
How to search for product groups:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"fields": {
"product_groups": "id"
"filter": {
"conditions": {
"operator": "or",
"attributes": [
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"discountable": true
"taxable": true
"operator": "and",
"attributes": [
"show_in_store": true
"taxable": true
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "4c211b3b-f619-45e3-8a3a-c020abe4ddf8"
"id": "b0871c21-545a-427e-87a2-34b8dd0977b6"
"id": "caa90af2-e33d-464c-836f-2e933d2bc1c8"
HTTP Request
POST api/boomerang/product_groups/search
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[product_groups]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=photo,properties |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
allow_shortage |
boolean eq |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
base_price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
collection_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
deposit_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
discountable |
boolean eq |
excerpt |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
extra_information |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
flat_fee_price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
group_name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
has_variations |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq , gt |
lag_time |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
lead_time |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
photo_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_period |
enum eq |
price_ruleset_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_structure_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
price_type |
enum eq |
product_group_id |
uuid eq |
product_type |
enum eq |
q |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
seo_description |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
seo_title |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
shortage_limit |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
show_in_store |
boolean eq |
sku |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
slug |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
sorting_weight |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
structure_price_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tag_list |
string eq |
tax_category_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
taxable |
boolean eq |
trackable |
boolean eq |
tracking_type |
enum eq |
type |
string eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
variation |
boolean eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
archived |
array count |
base_price_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
deposit_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
discountable |
array count |
price_period |
array count |
price_type |
array count |
product_type |
array count |
show_in_store |
array count |
tag_list |
array count |
tax_category_id |
array count |
taxable |
array count |
total |
array count |
tracking_type |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a product group
How to fetch a product group:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "edabcdd8-89b1-46a8-8163-98ae0d275cd1",
"type": "product_groups",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-01-22T17:59:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-01-22T17:59:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "product_groups",
"name": "iPad Pro",
"group_name": null,
"slug": "ipad-pro",
"sku": "SKU",
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": false,
"variation": false,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"base_price_in_cents": 0,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_fields": [],
"flat_fee_price_in_cents": 0,
"structure_price_in_cents": 0,
"stock_item_properties": []
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/product_groups/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[product_groups]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=photo,properties,tax_category |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a product group
How to create a product group:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "product_groups",
"attributes": {
"name": "iPad mini",
"tracking_type": "trackable",
"trackable": true,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"tag_list": [
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "56ea2eb6-d09f-4f5d-8482-6eb1e7af9908",
"type": "product_groups",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-12-20T06:18:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-12-20T06:18:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "product_groups",
"name": "iPad mini",
"group_name": null,
"slug": "ipad-mini",
"sku": "IPAD_MINI",
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "trackable",
"trackable": true,
"has_variations": false,
"variation": false,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"base_price_in_cents": 0,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_fields": [],
"flat_fee_price_in_cents": 0,
"structure_price_in_cents": 0,
"stock_item_properties": []
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/product_groups
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[product_groups]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=photo,properties,tax_category |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][allow_shortage] |
boolean Whether shortages are allowed. Changing this setting affects availability, and can trigger a shortage warning. |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean Set this to true to override certain shortage warnings. |
data[attributes][deposit_in_cents] |
integer The value to use for deposit calculations. |
data[attributes][discountable] |
boolean Whether discounts should be applied to this product groups and products in it (note that price rules will still apply). |
data[attributes][excerpt] |
string Excerpt used in the online store. |
data[attributes][extra_information] |
string Extra information about the product group, shown on orders and documents. |
data[attributes][flat_fee_price_in_cents] |
integer Use this value when price type is simple . |
data[attributes][has_variations] |
boolean Whether variations are enabled. Variations can be enabled after a product group has been created, but variations cannot be disabled once they have been enabled. Product group of product_type service cannot have variations. |
data[attributes][lag_time] |
integer The amount of seconds the item should be unavailable after a reservation. Changing this setting affects availability, and can trigger a shortage warning. |
data[attributes][lead_time] |
integer The amount of seconds the item should be unavailable before a reservation. Changing this setting affects availability, and can trigger a shortage warning. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the item. |
data[attributes][photo_base64] |
string Base64 encoded photo, use this field to store a main photo. |
data[attributes][price_period] |
enum The period which is the base for price calculation when price type simple .One of: hour , day , week , month . |
data[attributes][price_ruleset_id] |
uuid The PriceRuleset used for advanced price calculations. |
data[attributes][price_structure_id] |
uuid The PriceStructure to use when this product group uses tiered pricing. |
data[attributes][price_type] |
enum How prices are calculated for this product group and all products in it. One of: structure , private_structure , fixed , simple , none . |
data[attributes][product_type] |
enum Type of product. Can only be set when creating a ProductGroup. One of: bundle , rental , consumable , service . |
data[attributes][properties_attributes][] |
array Create or update multiple properties associated with this product group. |
data[attributes][remote_photo_url] |
string URL to an image on the web. |
data[attributes][seo_description] |
string SEO meta description tag. |
data[attributes][seo_title] |
string SEO title tag. |
data[attributes][shortage_limit] |
integer The maximum allowed shortage for any date range. Changing this setting affects availability, and can trigger a shortage warning. |
data[attributes][show_in_store] |
boolean Whether to show this product group in the online store. |
data[attributes][sku] |
string Stock keeping unit. |
data[attributes][slug] |
string Slug of the item. |
data[attributes][sorting_weight] |
integer Defines sort order in the online store, the lower the weight - the higher it shows up in lists. |
data[attributes][stock_item_properties] |
array[string] Names of custom properties for stock items of this product group. |
data[attributes][structure_price_in_cents] |
integer Use this value when price type is structure or private_structure . |
data[attributes][tag_list] |
array[string] List of tags. |
data[attributes][tax_category_id] |
uuid TaxCategory for tax calculations. |
data[attributes][taxable] |
boolean Whether this product group is taxable. |
data[attributes][trackable] |
boolean Whether stock items are tracked. |
data[attributes][tracking_type] |
enum How the product is tracked. Can only be set when creating a ProductGroup. One of: none , bulk , trackable . |
data[attributes][variation_fields][] |
array Array of fields that distinguish variations (e.g. color or size). product_group.variation_fields are the keys, and product.variation_values are the values, and they are matched by their index in the arrays. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a product group
How to update a product group:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "a32d904d-cb11-4b83-80c4-5974eff77dc8",
"type": "product_groups",
"attributes": {
"name": "iPad mini"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "a32d904d-cb11-4b83-80c4-5974eff77dc8",
"type": "product_groups",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2017-06-27T18:12:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2017-06-27T18:12:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"type": "product_groups",
"name": "iPad mini",
"group_name": null,
"slug": "ipad-mini",
"sku": "SKU",
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": false,
"variation": false,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"base_price_in_cents": 0,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_fields": [],
"flat_fee_price_in_cents": 0,
"structure_price_in_cents": 0,
"stock_item_properties": []
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/product_groups/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[product_groups]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=photo,properties,tax_category |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][allow_shortage] |
boolean Whether shortages are allowed. Changing this setting affects availability, and can trigger a shortage warning. |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean Set this to true to override certain shortage warnings. |
data[attributes][deposit_in_cents] |
integer The value to use for deposit calculations. |
data[attributes][discountable] |
boolean Whether discounts should be applied to this product groups and products in it (note that price rules will still apply). |
data[attributes][excerpt] |
string Excerpt used in the online store. |
data[attributes][extra_information] |
string Extra information about the product group, shown on orders and documents. |
data[attributes][flat_fee_price_in_cents] |
integer Use this value when price type is simple . |
data[attributes][has_variations] |
boolean Whether variations are enabled. Variations can be enabled after a product group has been created, but variations cannot be disabled once they have been enabled. Product group of product_type service cannot have variations. |
data[attributes][lag_time] |
integer The amount of seconds the item should be unavailable after a reservation. Changing this setting affects availability, and can trigger a shortage warning. |
data[attributes][lead_time] |
integer The amount of seconds the item should be unavailable before a reservation. Changing this setting affects availability, and can trigger a shortage warning. |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the item. |
data[attributes][photo_base64] |
string Base64 encoded photo, use this field to store a main photo. |
data[attributes][price_period] |
enum The period which is the base for price calculation when price type simple .One of: hour , day , week , month . |
data[attributes][price_ruleset_id] |
uuid The PriceRuleset used for advanced price calculations. |
data[attributes][price_structure_id] |
uuid The PriceStructure to use when this product group uses tiered pricing. |
data[attributes][price_type] |
enum How prices are calculated for this product group and all products in it. One of: structure , private_structure , fixed , simple , none . |
data[attributes][product_type] |
enum Type of product. Can only be set when creating a ProductGroup. One of: bundle , rental , consumable , service . |
data[attributes][properties_attributes][] |
array Create or update multiple properties associated with this product group. |
data[attributes][remote_photo_url] |
string URL to an image on the web. |
data[attributes][seo_description] |
string SEO meta description tag. |
data[attributes][seo_title] |
string SEO title tag. |
data[attributes][shortage_limit] |
integer The maximum allowed shortage for any date range. Changing this setting affects availability, and can trigger a shortage warning. |
data[attributes][show_in_store] |
boolean Whether to show this product group in the online store. |
data[attributes][sku] |
string Stock keeping unit. |
data[attributes][slug] |
string Slug of the item. |
data[attributes][sorting_weight] |
integer Defines sort order in the online store, the lower the weight - the higher it shows up in lists. |
data[attributes][stock_item_properties] |
array[string] Names of custom properties for stock items of this product group. |
data[attributes][structure_price_in_cents] |
integer Use this value when price type is structure or private_structure . |
data[attributes][tag_list] |
array[string] List of tags. |
data[attributes][tax_category_id] |
uuid TaxCategory for tax calculations. |
data[attributes][taxable] |
boolean Whether this product group is taxable. |
data[attributes][trackable] |
boolean Whether stock items are tracked. |
data[attributes][tracking_type] |
enum How the product is tracked. Can only be set when creating a ProductGroup. One of: none , bulk , trackable . |
data[attributes][variation_fields][] |
array Array of fields that distinguish variations (e.g. color or size). product_group.variation_fields are the keys, and product.variation_values are the values, and they are matched by their index in the arrays. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Archive a product group
How to delete a product group:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "0845ee1b-c095-41c8-8179-28d5fe7fd2f3",
"type": "product_groups",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-02-14T15:30:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-02-14T15:30:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2025-02-14T15:30:00.000000+00:00",
"type": "product_groups",
"name": "iPad Pro",
"group_name": null,
"slug": "0845ee1b-c095-41c8-8179-28d5fe7fd2f3",
"sku": "SKU",
"lead_time": 0,
"lag_time": 0,
"product_type": "rental",
"tracking_type": "bulk",
"trackable": false,
"has_variations": false,
"variation": false,
"extra_information": null,
"photo_url": null,
"description": null,
"excerpt": null,
"show_in_store": true,
"sorting_weight": 0,
"base_price_in_cents": 0,
"price_type": "simple",
"price_period": "day",
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"discountable": true,
"taxable": true,
"seo_title": null,
"seo_description": null,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"photo_id": null,
"tax_category_id": null,
"price_ruleset_id": null,
"price_structure_id": null,
"allow_shortage": false,
"shortage_limit": 0,
"variation_fields": [],
"flat_fee_price_in_cents": 0,
"structure_price_in_cents": 0,
"stock_item_properties": []
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/product_groups/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[product_groups]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
While Booqable comes with standard fields, like a customer's name and a product's SKU, you can add custom properties to capture additional information that's important for you or your customers.
Linking to default properties
Properties inherit their configuration from a default property. When creating properties, they are linked to a default when one of the following fields matches:
(case insensitive)identifier
- Customers
- Orders
- Product groups
Properties belong to products groups, and are the same for all products in a product group.
relation and attribute of the Product resource contain the properties of the group, and you can sideload them as resource by usingproducts?include=properties
. But because properties actually belong to product groups, filtering properties
does not work.
Properties can have different types and behave differently. These are the values
you can supply for each type:
text_field | Renders a text field |
value |
string |
text_area | Renders a text area |
value |
string |
phone | Renders a phone field |
value |
string |
Renders an email field | |
value |
string |
date_field | Renders a date picker |
value |
string |
select | Renders a dropdown select |
value |
string |
address | Renders multiple fields |
first_name |
string |
last_name |
string |
address1 |
string |
address2 |
string |
city |
string |
region |
string |
zipcode |
string |
country |
string |
country_id |
uuid |
province_id |
uuid |
Name | Description |
default_property |
Default property optional The DefaultProperty this property is linked to. Properties without default property are called "one-off" properties. |
owner |
Customer, Order, Product group, Stock item required The resource this property is about. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
address1 |
string For type address . |
address2 |
string For type address . |
city |
string For type address . |
country |
string For type address . |
country_id |
string For type address . |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
default_property_id |
uuid nullable The DefaultProperty this property is linked to. Properties without default property are called "one-off" properties. |
first_name |
string For type address . |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
identifier |
string Key that will be used in exports, responses and custom field variables in templates. |
last_name |
string For type address . |
latitude |
string For type address . |
longitude |
string For type address . |
meets_validation_requirements |
boolean readonly Whether this property meets the validation requirements. |
name |
string Name of the property (used as label and to compute identifier if left blank). |
owner_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The resource this property is about. |
owner_type |
enum readonly-after-create The resource type of the owner. One of: customers , orders , product_groups , stock_items . |
position |
integer Which position the property has relative to other properties of the same owner. This determines the sorting of properties when they are displayed. |
property_type |
enum Determines how the data is rendered and the kind of input shown to the user. One of: address , date_field , email , phone , select , text_area , text_field . |
province_id |
string For type address . |
region |
string For type address . |
show_on |
array[string] Array of document types to show this custom field on. Zero or more from contract , invoice , packing , quote . For properties that are linked to a default property, always the value from the default property will be used and the show_on attribute of the individual property is ignored. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
validation_required |
boolean Whether this property has to be validated. |
value |
string For type text_field , text_area , phone , email , date_field , or select . |
zipcode |
string For type address . |
Manage properties through their owner
On the following resources you can manage properties
by setting the properties_attribute
- Customers
- Product groups
- Orders
Create a property that corresponds with an existing default property (assuming a default phone property exists):
curl --request
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"name": "John Doe",
"properties_attributes": [
"identifier": "phone",
"value": "+316000000"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "78172414-b6f5-44e3-874c-3ca4eafe1a02",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-08-03T07:47:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-08-03T07:47:02.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 2,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": null,
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {
"phone": "+316000000"
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Create a one-off property (no corresponding default property):
curl --request
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"name": "John Doe",
"properties_attributes": [
"name": "Phone",
"value": "+316000000",
"property_type": "phone"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "48b9cace-e329-4be8-809a-d997d34eb388",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-04-01T06:11:06.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-04-01T06:11:06.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 2,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": null,
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {
"phone": "+316000000"
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Deleting a property while updating another one:
curl --request
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "customers",
"id": "273e87b8-f7db-4315-8d74-4371f489b516",
"attributes": {
"name": "John Doe",
"properties_attributes": [
"identifier": "phone",
"_destroy": true
"identifier": "birthday",
"value": "01-01-1970"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "273e87b8-f7db-4315-8d74-4371f489b516",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2022-01-05T06:05:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-05T06:05:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 2,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {
"birthday": "01-01-1970"
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
List properties
How to fetch a list of properties:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=owner'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "e3140ee7-66da-44b5-827f-a62c7f18110d",
"type": "properties",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-06-08T16:26:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-06-08T16:26:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Phone",
"identifier": "property_12",
"position": 0,
"property_type": "phone",
"show_on": [],
"validation_required": false,
"meets_validation_requirements": true,
"value": "+316000000",
"default_property_id": null,
"owner_id": "b4833bd7-fc68-444f-8965-b78a8ca805e5",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {
"owner": {
"data": {
"type": "customers",
"id": "b4833bd7-fc68-444f-8965-b78a8ca805e5"
"included": [
"id": "b4833bd7-fc68-444f-8965-b78a8ca805e5",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2015-06-08T16:26:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2015-06-08T16:26:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 1,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {
"property_12": "+316000000"
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/properties
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[properties]=created_at,updated_at,name |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
default_property_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
identifier |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
owner_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
owner_type |
enum eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a property
How to fetch a property:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=owner'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "65f05300-83b5-4cd8-8a15-36bc907ecfe1",
"type": "properties",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-04-19T17:00:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-04-19T17:00:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Phone",
"identifier": "property_13",
"position": 0,
"property_type": "phone",
"show_on": [],
"validation_required": false,
"meets_validation_requirements": true,
"value": "+316000000",
"default_property_id": null,
"owner_id": "bef24f9a-d753-437a-8b76-468be9985412",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {
"owner": {
"data": {
"type": "customers",
"id": "bef24f9a-d753-437a-8b76-468be9985412"
"included": [
"id": "bef24f9a-d753-437a-8b76-468be9985412",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-04-19T17:00:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-04-19T17:00:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 1,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {
"property_13": "+316000000"
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/properties/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[properties]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a property
How to create a property and assign it to an owner:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "properties",
"attributes": {
"name": "Phone",
"property_type": "phone",
"value": "+316000000",
"owner_id": "7e69a28e-0d76-4024-81cc-bf5354f84c2e",
"owner_type": "customers"
"include": "owner"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "a0e53cf2-3711-46d7-86f4-ff9422e2c069",
"type": "properties",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-03-09T00:06:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-03-09T00:06:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Phone",
"identifier": "phone",
"position": 0,
"property_type": "phone",
"show_on": [],
"validation_required": false,
"meets_validation_requirements": true,
"value": "+316000000",
"default_property_id": null,
"owner_id": "7e69a28e-0d76-4024-81cc-bf5354f84c2e",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {
"owner": {
"data": {
"type": "customers",
"id": "7e69a28e-0d76-4024-81cc-bf5354f84c2e"
"included": [
"id": "7e69a28e-0d76-4024-81cc-bf5354f84c2e",
"type": "customers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-03-09T00:06:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-03-09T00:06:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"number": 2,
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"deposit_type": "default",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"legal_type": "person",
"email_marketing_consented": false,
"email_marketing_consent_updated_at": null,
"properties": {
"phone": "+316000000"
"tag_list": [],
"merge_suggestion_customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/properties
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[properties]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][address1] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][address2] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][city] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][country] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][country_id] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][default_property_id] |
uuid The DefaultProperty this property is linked to. Properties without default property are called "one-off" properties. |
data[attributes][first_name] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][identifier] |
string Key that will be used in exports, responses and custom field variables in templates. |
data[attributes][last_name] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][latitude] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][longitude] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the property (used as label and to compute identifier if left blank). |
data[attributes][owner_id] |
uuid The resource this property is about. |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
enum The resource type of the owner. One of: customers , orders , product_groups , stock_items . |
data[attributes][position] |
integer Which position the property has relative to other properties of the same owner. This determines the sorting of properties when they are displayed. |
data[attributes][property_type] |
enum Determines how the data is rendered and the kind of input shown to the user. One of: address , date_field , email , phone , select , text_area , text_field . |
data[attributes][province_id] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][region] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][show_on] |
array[string] Array of document types to show this custom field on. Zero or more from contract , invoice , packing , quote . For properties that are linked to a default property, always the value from the default property will be used and the show_on attribute of the individual property is ignored. |
data[attributes][validation_required] |
boolean Whether this property has to be validated. |
data[attributes][value] |
string For type text_field , text_area , phone , email , date_field , or select . |
data[attributes][zipcode] |
string For type address . |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a property
How to update a property:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "a08be1e9-e4aa-4b1e-8a1c-ac9d6fa79d78",
"type": "properties",
"attributes": {
"value": "+316000001"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "a08be1e9-e4aa-4b1e-8a1c-ac9d6fa79d78",
"type": "properties",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2028-10-19T14:18:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2028-10-19T14:18:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Phone",
"identifier": "property_15",
"position": 0,
"property_type": "phone",
"show_on": [],
"validation_required": false,
"meets_validation_requirements": true,
"value": "+316000001",
"default_property_id": null,
"owner_id": "4e6e1abc-ddfd-434a-89eb-921b87839aff",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/properties/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[properties]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][address1] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][address2] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][city] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][country] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][country_id] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][default_property_id] |
uuid The DefaultProperty this property is linked to. Properties without default property are called "one-off" properties. |
data[attributes][first_name] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][identifier] |
string Key that will be used in exports, responses and custom field variables in templates. |
data[attributes][last_name] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][latitude] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][longitude] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the property (used as label and to compute identifier if left blank). |
data[attributes][owner_id] |
uuid The resource this property is about. |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
enum The resource type of the owner. One of: customers , orders , product_groups , stock_items . |
data[attributes][position] |
integer Which position the property has relative to other properties of the same owner. This determines the sorting of properties when they are displayed. |
data[attributes][property_type] |
enum Determines how the data is rendered and the kind of input shown to the user. One of: address , date_field , email , phone , select , text_area , text_field . |
data[attributes][province_id] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][region] |
string For type address . |
data[attributes][show_on] |
array[string] Array of document types to show this custom field on. Zero or more from contract , invoice , packing , quote . For properties that are linked to a default property, always the value from the default property will be used and the show_on attribute of the individual property is ignored. |
data[attributes][validation_required] |
boolean Whether this property has to be validated. |
data[attributes][value] |
string For type text_field , text_area , phone , email , date_field , or select . |
data[attributes][zipcode] |
string For type address . |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete a property
How to delete a property:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "eab99cab-3fac-4afa-88a3-1ce18a98889e",
"type": "properties",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-03-23T09:40:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-03-23T09:40:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "Phone",
"identifier": "property_16",
"position": 0,
"property_type": "phone",
"show_on": [],
"validation_required": false,
"meets_validation_requirements": null,
"value": "+316000000",
"default_property_id": null,
"owner_id": "229fb004-46fc-4b3f-8564-613cc13d86db",
"owner_type": "customers"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/properties/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[properties]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
This request accepts the following includes:
The Province
resource describes provinces/states etc. in a country.
Name | Description |
country |
Country required The Country the province/state belongs to. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
code |
string readonly The code of the province/state. |
country_id |
uuid readonly The Country the province/state belongs to. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
name |
string readonly The name of the province/state. |
position |
integer readonly The position of the province/state in the list. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List provinces
How to fetch a list of provinces:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "3026cccd-b110-4086-805e-a014d51387c0",
"type": "provinces",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-04-07T00:26:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-04-07T00:26:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Friesland",
"code": "FR",
"position": 0,
"country_id": "f5f75fb6-0967-4cc7-862d-b277d7a5bd44"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/provinces
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[provinces]=created_at,updated_at,name |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
code |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
country_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
position |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Settings are configured globally for a company account. They are divided in the following sections:
Information on how to display and handle the currency.
Name | Description |
name |
String readonly Currency code |
decimal |
String readonly Decimal separator |
thousand |
String readonly Thousand separator |
symbol |
String readonly Currency symbol |
precision |
String readonly Precision |
format |
String readonly The format |
Defaults derived from other resources.
Name | Description |
timezone |
String readonly The default timezone (managed on the company resource) |
timezone_offset |
Integer readonly The UTC offset of the default timezone, in minutes |
tax_category_id |
Uuid readonly ID the default tax category |
tax_region_id |
Uuid readonly ID the default tax region |
Configuration on how to handle and display pricing
Name | Description |
enabled |
Boolean Whether pricing is enabled |
tax_strategy |
Uuid How taxes should be calculated, one of exclusive , inclusive |
deposit_type |
String Default deposit type (applied to orders if customer deposit type is default , one of none , percentage_total , percentage , fixed ) |
deposit_value |
Integer Default deposit value (applied to orders if customer deposit type is default ) |
currency_format |
String Currency format |
currency_position |
String Where to place the currency symbol, one of left , right |
Information on how to display dates. The settings below should be used (and combined) to select the format string for the date library being used.
Name | Description |
format |
String How dates should be formatted. Supported formats are DD-MM-YYYY , MM-DD-YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD . |
use_am_pm |
Boolean Whether to use 24h clock or AM/PM |
first_day_of_week |
Integer Which day to display as first day of the week ( 0 for Sunday) |
Configuration for orders (these settings also apply to the online store)
Name | Description |
use_times |
Boolean Whether time selection is enabled, if not, full days are always planned and calculated |
start_type |
String Behavior of default start time, one of fixed , relative |
start_relative_offset |
Integer Offset in seconds from now, used when start_type is relative |
start_fixed_at |
String Fixed time of day, e.g. 14:00 , used when start_type is fixed |
stop_type |
String Behavior of default stop time, one of fixed , relative |
stop_relative_offset |
Integer Offset in seconds from now, used when stop_type is relative |
stop_fixed_at |
String Fixed time of day, e.g. 14:00 , used when stop_type is fixed |
Global security settings
Name | Description |
sso_forced |
Boolean Whether to force SSO |
iprestrictions_enabled |
Boolean Whether IP restrictions are enabled |
Settings on how to display addresses
Name | Description |
fields_order |
Array Order of how the fields are displayed, e.g. ["zipcode", "city", "region"] |
Settings for the online store
Name | Description |
enabled |
Boolean Whether to accept online reservations |
public |
Boolean Whether to hosted online store is public |
send_order_confirmation |
Boolean Whether to send order confirmations automatically after checkout |
brand_color |
String Brand color as HEX code |
use_availability |
Boolean Whether to show availability and block checkouts when items are unavailable |
use_prices |
Boolean Whether to show prices |
display_price |
String One of period (label will be populated with actual period), charge (label will be populated with the name of the price tile), cheapest (show "starting from" as label) |
show_powered_by |
Boolean Whether to display "Powered by" in the cart |
use_order_lag_time |
Boolean Whether to prevent last-minute reservations |
order_lag_time_interval |
String One of minutes , hours , days , weeks , months |
order_lag_time_value |
Integer The value applied for order_lag_time_interval |
payment_strategy |
String One of none (no payment required at checkout), full (full payment required at checkout), partial (partial payment required at checkout) |
payment_strategy_value |
Integer Percentage to be paid at checkout (for payment_strategy partial ) |
payment_deposit |
Boolean Whether deposit should be paid during checkout |
payment_methods |
Array List of enabled payment methods, any of ideal , bancontact , eps , alipay , p24 , creditcard , paypal |
use_toc |
Boolean Whether the agreement should be accepted during checkout |
toc_label |
String The label of the agreement checkbox |
toc_content |
String The contents of the actual agreement |
use_business_hours |
Boolean Whether to take opening hours into account while selecting a period (see operating rules for more information) |
use_away_mode |
Boolean Whether away mode is enabled (see operating rules for more information) |
period_type |
String How the period picker is setup, one of freely (free selection), timeslot_duration (select a day, time and duration), timeslot_fixed (fixed timeslots for days). See operating rules for more information |
use_times |
Boolean Whether to use time selection in the online store |
use_coupons_in_checkout |
Boolean Whether supplying coupons during checkout is enabled |
time_increment |
Integer Time increments for time selection (e.g. 15 , 30 , 60 ) |
show_product_availability |
Boolean Whether to show detailed product availability for products |
hide_product_availability_quantities |
Boolean Whether hide quantities in the product availability calendar |
show_cart_availability |
Boolean Whether to show on which dates the products in a cart are available during the period selection |
website |
String Website to use to redirect back to from the checkout |
checkout_scripts |
String Custom scripts to execute during checkout |
google_analytics_id |
String Google analytics ID to use for tracking |
facebook_pixel_id |
String Facebook pixel ID to use for tracking |
facebook_domain_verification |
String Content for the facebook-domain-verification meta tag |
Settings that apply to user accounts
Name | Description |
auth_enabled |
Boolean Whether user accounts are enabled |
allow_signup |
Boolean Whether signup during checkout is allowed |
allow_guest_checkout |
Boolean Whether to allow guest checkouts |
require_verification |
Boolean Whether email addresses need to be verified |
Settings that apply to all document types
Name | Description |
show_tax_column |
Boolean Whether to show the tax column on lines |
css |
String Custom css used for documents |
scss |
String Custom scss used for documents |
scope_numbering_to_prefix |
Boolean Whether to scope numbering to prefix, e.g. 1980-1 , 1980-2 , 1981-1 or 1980-1 , 1980-2 , 1981-3 |
page_size |
String The page size to use for pdf downloads, one of a4 , letter |
Settings that apply to invoices
Name | Description |
footer |
String HTML formatted footer to display on invoices |
show_product_photos |
Boolean Whether to show product photos |
show_stock_identifiers |
Boolean Whether to show identifiers of the stock items that are booked |
show_free_lines |
Boolean Whether to display lines that don't have price |
hide_section_lines |
Boolean Whether to hide lines within a section, if enabled to total price of all lines in a section is summed and displayed next to the section |
prefix |
String Prefix to use for document numbering, e.g. {{year}} or {{customer_number}} , combinations are also possible {{year}}-{{order_number}} |
default_due_period |
Integer A period of time during which invoices can await payment, in seconds |
Settings that apply to quotes
Name | Description |
footer |
String HTML formatted footer to display on quotes |
body |
String HTML formatted body to display on quotes |
show_product_photos |
Boolean Whether to show product photos |
show_stock_identifiers |
Boolean Whether to show identifiers of the stock items that are booked |
show_free_lines |
Boolean Whether to display lines that don't have price |
hide_section_lines |
Boolean Whether to hide lines within a section, if enabled to total price of all lines in a section is summed and displayed next to the section |
prefix |
String Prefix to use for document numbering, e.g. {{year}} or {{customer_number}} , combinations are also possible {{year}}-{{order_number}} |
Settings that apply to contracts
Name | Description |
footer |
String HTML formatted footer to display on contracts |
body |
String HTML formatted body to display on contracts |
show_product_photos |
Boolean Whether to show product photos |
show_stock_identifiers |
Boolean Whether to show identifiers of the stock items that are booked |
show_free_lines |
Boolean Whether to display lines that don't have price |
hide_section_lines |
Boolean Whether to hide lines within a section, if enabled to total price of all lines in a section is summed and displayed next to the section |
prefix |
String Prefix to use for document numbering, e.g. {{year}} or {{customer_number}} , combinations are also possible {{year}}-{{order_number}} |
Customization settings for labels
Name | Description |
customer |
String What to call a customer (one of customer , client , student `) |
order |
String What to call an order (one of order , booking , project `) |
quote |
String What to call a quote (one of quote , proposal ) |
contract |
String What to call a contract (one of contract , waiver ) |
packing_slip |
String What to call a packing slip (one of packing_slip , pull_sheet ) |
Settings for emails
Name | Description |
bcc |
String BCC addresses to use for all emails |
Name | Description |
address |
hash Settings on how to display addresses. |
contracts |
hash Settings that apply to contracts. |
currency |
hash readonly Information on how to display and handle the currency (managed on Company resource). |
dashboard |
hash extra Dashboard settings (Used internally by Booqable). |
dates |
hash Information on how to display dates. |
defaults |
hash readonly Defaults derived from other resources. |
deliveries |
hash Settings for deliveries. |
documents |
hash Settings that apply to all document types. |
emails |
hash Settings for emails. |
feature_enrollments |
hash extra Feature enrollments settings (Used internally by Booqable). |
id |
uuid Primary key. |
instructions |
hash extra Settings for in app instructions (Used internally by Booqable). |
invoices |
hash Settings that apply to invoices. |
labels |
hash Customization settings for labels. |
onboarding |
hash extra Onboarding settings (Used internally by Booqable). |
orders |
hash Configuration for orders (these settings also apply to the online store). |
pricing |
hash Configuration on how to handle and display pricing. |
quotes |
hash Settings that apply to quotes. |
security |
hash Global security settings. |
setup_checklist |
hash extra Setup checklist settings (Used internally by Booqable). |
store |
hash Settings for the online store. |
tracking |
hash extra Tracking settings (Used internally by Booqable). |
user |
hash Settings that apply to user accounts. |
Fetch settings
How to fetch settings:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "7ed00443-a502-4b1a-88ae-d8b726190682",
"type": "settings",
"attributes": {
"updated_at": "2017-11-19T10:18:02.000000+00:00",
"currency": {
"name": "USD",
"decimal": ".",
"thousand": ",",
"symbol": "$",
"precision": 2,
"format": "%s%v"
"defaults": {
"timezone": "UTC",
"timezone_offset": 0,
"tax_category_id": "7d25ac45-0c83-4217-8fbd-76ec66f71228",
"tax_region_id": "7ab2a037-7829-4476-8a65-17b89e83a6f5",
"shop_start_location_id": null,
"shop_stop_location_id": null
"pricing": {
"enabled": true,
"tax_strategy": "exclusive",
"deposit_type": "percentage",
"deposit_value": 100,
"currency_format": "symbol",
"currency_position": "left"
"dates": {
"format": "DD-MM-YYYY",
"use_am_pm": false,
"first_day_of_week": 0
"orders": {
"use_times": true,
"start_type": "fixed",
"start_relative_offset": 0,
"start_fixed_at": "09:00",
"stop_type": "fixed",
"stop_relative_offset": 48,
"stop_fixed_at": "15:00"
"security": {
"sso_forced": false,
"2fa_forced": false,
"iprestrictions_enabled": false
"address": {
"fields_order": [
"store": {
"enabled": true,
"public": true,
"send_order_confirmation": true,
"brand_color": "#136DEB",
"use_availability": true,
"use_prices": true,
"display_price": "period",
"show_powered_by": true,
"use_order_lag_time": false,
"order_lag_time_value": null,
"order_lag_time_interval": null,
"behaviors.add_button": "show_cart",
"behaviors.location_picker": "start_stop",
"payment_strategy": "none",
"payment_strategy_value": 30,
"payment_deposit": false,
"payment_methods": [],
"use_toc": false,
"toc_label": "",
"toc_content": "",
"use_business_hours": false,
"use_away_mode": false,
"period_type": "freely",
"use_times": true,
"use_coupons_in_checkout": true,
"time_increment": 60,
"show_product_availability": true,
"hide_product_availability_quantities": false,
"show_cart_availability": true,
"website": null,
"checkout_scripts": "",
"google_analytics_id": null,
"google_anlaytics_options": "{}",
"facebook_pixel_id": null,
"facebook_domain_verification": null
"user": {
"auth_enabled": false,
"allow_signup": true,
"allow_guest_checkout": true,
"require_verification": true
"documents": {
"show_tax_column": true,
"css": "",
"scss": "",
"scope_numbering_to_prefix": false,
"page_size": "a4"
"invoices": {
"footer": "",
"show_product_photos": true,
"show_stock_identifiers": false,
"show_free_lines": true,
"hide_section_lines": false,
"prefix": "{{year}}-{{order_number}}",
"default_due_period": null
"quotes": {
"footer": "",
"body": "",
"show_product_photos": true,
"show_stock_identifiers": false,
"show_free_lines": true,
"hide_section_lines": false,
"prefix": "{{year}}-{{customer_number}}"
"contracts": {
"footer": "",
"body": "",
"show_product_photos": true,
"show_stock_identifiers": false,
"show_free_lines": true,
"hide_section_lines": false,
"prefix": null
"labels": {
"customer": "customer",
"order": "order",
"quote": "quote",
"contract": "contract",
"packing_slip": "packing_slip",
"start": "pick_up",
"stop": "return"
"emails": {},
"deliveries": {
"distance_unit": "metric"
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/settings/current
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
extra_fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include in addition to the default fields. ?extra_fields[settings]=dashboard,setup_checklist,onboarding |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[settings]=currency,defaults,pricing |
This request does not accept any includes
Signatures are used to confirm and store a signature for contracts and quotes.
This resource can also be used to update the signature of a document or add one later.
When a contract is confirmed and a signature is supplied the has_signed_contract
flag will
be set accordingly on the associated order.
Name | Description |
customer |
Customer required The associated Customer. |
document |
Document required The associated contract or quote Document. |
order |
Order required The associated Order. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
customer_id |
uuid readonly The associated Customer. |
document_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The associated contract or quote Document. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
order_id |
uuid readonly The associated Order. |
signature_base64 |
string writeonly Base64 encoded signature, use this field to store a signature. |
Sign a contract
Confirm and add a signature to a contract:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "signatures",
"attributes": {
"document_id": "6ea8048b-b423-4dfb-8076-da8361155b47",
"signature_base64": "\n"
"include": "document,order",
"fields": {
"orders": "has_signed_contract"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "914a141f-72ee-48a6-8d8f-75f19df8096a",
"type": "signatures",
"attributes": {
"document_id": "6ea8048b-b423-4dfb-8076-da8361155b47",
"order_id": "57b1b33c-c25e-4c82-85f1-a1fc25d65fd4",
"customer_id": "538b2f72-8ad8-419f-8f8f-f5b2c8e07381"
"relationships": {
"document": {
"data": {
"type": "documents",
"id": "6ea8048b-b423-4dfb-8076-da8361155b47"
"order": {
"data": {
"type": "orders",
"id": "57b1b33c-c25e-4c82-85f1-a1fc25d65fd4"
"included": [
"id": "6ea8048b-b423-4dfb-8076-da8361155b47",
"type": "documents",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-11-01T01:57:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-11-01T01:57:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"document_type": "contract",
"number": 1,
"prefix": null,
"prefix_with_number": "1",
"date": "2025-03-24",
"due_date": null,
"name": "John Doe",
"address": null,
"body": null,
"footer": null,
"reference": null,
"revised": false,
"finalized": true,
"sent": false,
"confirmed": true,
"status": "confirmed",
"signature_url": "/uploads/6ec35b15c20e2b83d46f922e40351a06/document/contract/signature/6ea8048b-b423-4dfb-8076-da8361155b47/fd41339f-7791-4cad-8f8f-47650ac6fbba.png",
"deposit_type": "none",
"deposit_value": 0.0,
"tag_list": [],
"price_in_cents": 0,
"grand_total_in_cents": 0,
"grand_total_with_tax_in_cents": 0,
"discount_in_cents": 0,
"coupon_discount_in_cents": 0,
"total_discount_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_paid_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_held_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_to_refund_in_cents": 0,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 0,
"paid_in_cents": 0,
"tax_in_cents": 0,
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"fulfillment_type": null,
"delivery_label": null,
"delivery_price_in_cents": 0,
"delivery_carrier_name": null,
"delivery_address": null,
"order_id": "57b1b33c-c25e-4c82-85f1-a1fc25d65fd4",
"customer_id": "538b2f72-8ad8-419f-8f8f-f5b2c8e07381",
"tax_region_id": null,
"coupon_id": null
"relationships": {}
"id": "57b1b33c-c25e-4c82-85f1-a1fc25d65fd4",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"has_signed_contract": true
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/signatures
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[signatures]=document_id,order_id,customer_id |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=document,order,customer |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][document_id] |
uuid The associated contract or quote Document. |
data[attributes][signature_base64] |
string Base64 encoded signature, use this field to store a signature. |
This request accepts the following includes:
A convenient way to bulk update positions for supported resources.
Name | Description |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
ids |
array[string] writeonly Array of ids, positions are determined by the order of the array. |
type |
enum writeonly Type of resource to update. One of: bundle_items , default_properties , lines , photos , properties , tax_rates , collection_items , products . |
Sort resources
How to update ordering of lines on an order:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "sorting",
"attributes": {
"type": "lines",
"ids": [
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "c9141d6a-4138-42f9-8b9b-ec969ca14eb7",
"type": "sortings"
"meta": {}
How to update the order in which default properties are displayed:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "sorting",
"attributes": {
"type": "default_properties",
"ids": [
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "09ef6bf7-74e3-4276-8064-c916d9e88fac",
"type": "sortings"
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/sortings
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][ids] |
array[string] Array of ids, positions are determined by the order of the array. |
data[attributes][type] |
enum Type of resource to update. One of: bundle_items , default_properties , lines , photos , properties , tax_rates , collection_items , products . |
This request does not accept any includes
Stock adjustments
Adjusts the stock of a Product at a specific Location.
For bulk products, stock can be added (positive quantity) or removed (negative quantity).
For trackable products, StockItems are created. To remove StockItems, use the StockItemArchivation resource.
Removing stock can cause shortage. The request will fail,
and the error.code
attribute will have the value shortage
When the shortage is within the shortage limit of the product,
a warning is returned. Otherwise a blocking error is returned.
A warning can be overriden by setting confirm_shortage
to true
The orders that would be affected by the shortage can be found in
either meta.blocking[0].order_ids
or meta.warning[0].order_ids
Name | Description |
location |
Location required The Location where stock is adjusted. |
product |
Product required The Product whose stock needs to be adjusted. |
stock_items |
Stock items hasmany The StockItems that have been generated by adjusting stock. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
confirm_shortage |
boolean nullable A value of true overrides shortage warnings. Overriding shortage is only possible when the product allows shortage, and the resulting shortage is within the limit for the product. |
from |
datetime nullable The date from which the new stock will be available. When this date is in the future, the stock will be shown as "expected". When this date is null , the stock will be available immediately. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
location_id |
uuid The Location where stock is adjusted. |
prefix |
string nullable The prefix to use to generate identifiers for StockItems. When left empty, the SKU from the product will be used. When adding temporary stock, TMP- will be added automatically. |
product_id |
uuid The Product whose stock needs to be adjusted. |
quantity |
integer How much stock to add or remove. For trackable Products this means the number of StockItems that will be created. Removing stock by setting a negative quantity is only possible for bulk products. |
till |
datetime nullable The date till which the stock will be available. When this date is set, the stock will be considered "temporary". |
Add stock (bulk)
Add stock to a bulk product:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "stock_adjustments",
"attributes": {
"product_id": "70fad66c-5710-4baa-8b5c-37c053fff200",
"location_id": "6badcd2f-233c-4360-87fd-d83ee972a0ab",
"quantity": 10,
"from": "2027-09-21T19:27:03.000000+00:00",
"till": null
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "aac71372-3b85-4060-833e-c84b236fc670",
"type": "stock_adjustments",
"attributes": {
"quantity": 10,
"from": "2027-09-21T19:27:03.000000+00:00",
"till": null,
"prefix": null,
"confirm_shortage": null,
"product_id": "70fad66c-5710-4baa-8b5c-37c053fff200",
"location_id": "6badcd2f-233c-4360-87fd-d83ee972a0ab"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/stock_adjustments
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[stock_adjustments]=quantity,from,till |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=product,stock_items |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean A value of true overrides shortage warnings. Overriding shortage is only possible when the product allows shortage, and the resulting shortage is within the limit for the product. |
data[attributes][from] |
datetime The date from which the new stock will be available. When this date is in the future, the stock will be shown as "expected". When this date is null , the stock will be available immediately. |
data[attributes][location_id] |
uuid The Location where stock is adjusted. |
data[attributes][prefix] |
string The prefix to use to generate identifiers for StockItems. When left empty, the SKU from the product will be used. When adding temporary stock, TMP- will be added automatically. |
data[attributes][product_id] |
uuid The Product whose stock needs to be adjusted. |
data[attributes][quantity] |
integer How much stock to add or remove. For trackable Products this means the number of StockItems that will be created. Removing stock by setting a negative quantity is only possible for bulk products. |
data[attributes][till] |
datetime The date till which the stock will be available. When this date is set, the stock will be considered "temporary". |
This request accepts the following includes:
Add stock (trackable)
Add stock items to a trackable product:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "stock_adjustments",
"attributes": {
"product_id": "43137334-e017-444b-8a72-de5aae265a4c",
"location_id": "264e9817-aaea-42f0-83ac-07dc2d679915",
"quantity": 2,
"prefix": "XYZ"
"include": "stock_items"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "dfe5dfa8-65a9-4115-888f-4bffae11171d",
"type": "stock_adjustments",
"attributes": {
"quantity": 2,
"from": null,
"till": null,
"prefix": "XYZ",
"confirm_shortage": null,
"product_id": "43137334-e017-444b-8a72-de5aae265a4c",
"location_id": "264e9817-aaea-42f0-83ac-07dc2d679915"
"relationships": {
"stock_items": {
"data": [
"type": "stock_items",
"id": "e409d5fd-b40f-4f3e-8c02-35862b0a1514"
"type": "stock_items",
"id": "05afa8b9-28ef-4f99-802e-5ac8c3184127"
"included": [
"id": "e409d5fd-b40f-4f3e-8c02-35862b0a1514",
"type": "stock_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-11-06T07:42:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-11-06T07:42:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"identifier": "XYZ-1",
"status": "in_stock",
"from": null,
"till": null,
"stock_item_type": "regular",
"product_group_id": "323c63ff-5037-42ee-896b-aef7717f2eac",
"properties": {},
"product_id": "43137334-e017-444b-8a72-de5aae265a4c",
"location_id": "264e9817-aaea-42f0-83ac-07dc2d679915"
"relationships": {}
"id": "05afa8b9-28ef-4f99-802e-5ac8c3184127",
"type": "stock_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-11-06T07:42:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-11-06T07:42:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"identifier": "XYZ-2",
"status": "in_stock",
"from": null,
"till": null,
"stock_item_type": "regular",
"product_group_id": "323c63ff-5037-42ee-896b-aef7717f2eac",
"properties": {},
"product_id": "43137334-e017-444b-8a72-de5aae265a4c",
"location_id": "264e9817-aaea-42f0-83ac-07dc2d679915"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/stock_adjustments
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[stock_adjustments]=quantity,from,till |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=product,stock_items |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean A value of true overrides shortage warnings. Overriding shortage is only possible when the product allows shortage, and the resulting shortage is within the limit for the product. |
data[attributes][from] |
datetime The date from which the new stock will be available. When this date is in the future, the stock will be shown as "expected". When this date is null , the stock will be available immediately. |
data[attributes][location_id] |
uuid The Location where stock is adjusted. |
data[attributes][prefix] |
string The prefix to use to generate identifiers for StockItems. When left empty, the SKU from the product will be used. When adding temporary stock, TMP- will be added automatically. |
data[attributes][product_id] |
uuid The Product whose stock needs to be adjusted. |
data[attributes][quantity] |
integer How much stock to add or remove. For trackable Products this means the number of StockItems that will be created. Removing stock by setting a negative quantity is only possible for bulk products. |
data[attributes][till] |
datetime The date till which the stock will be available. When this date is set, the stock will be considered "temporary". |
This request accepts the following includes:
Remove stock (bulk)
Remove stock from bulk product:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "stock_adjustments",
"attributes": {
"product_id": "54f3efb8-a875-4087-8e5f-a9d7119ec553",
"location_id": "1c9abb03-c9a9-4275-8a23-5e93b7d94e4c",
"quantity": -5
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "12134910-6f7b-4685-893e-00b89172cf2e",
"type": "stock_adjustments",
"attributes": {
"quantity": -5,
"from": null,
"till": null,
"prefix": null,
"confirm_shortage": null,
"product_id": "54f3efb8-a875-4087-8e5f-a9d7119ec553",
"location_id": "1c9abb03-c9a9-4275-8a23-5e93b7d94e4c"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
Remove stock from bulk product, causing shortage:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "stock_adjustments",
"attributes": {
"product_id": "5046c7b4-f597-4e3b-8cc2-fbdb26e612e3",
"location_id": "fba46066-c280-4b90-8c5b-665a49e893c7",
"quantity": -5
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "shortage",
"status": "422",
"title": "Shortage",
"detail": "This will create shortage for running or future orders",
"meta": {
"warning": [],
"blocking": [
"reason": "shortage",
"shortage": 4,
"item_id": "5046c7b4-f597-4e3b-8cc2-fbdb26e612e3",
"mutation": -5,
"order_ids": [
"location_id": "fba46066-c280-4b90-8c5b-665a49e893c7",
"available": 1,
"plannable": 1,
"stock_count": 5,
"planned": 4,
"needed": 4,
"cluster_available": 1,
"cluster_plannable": 1,
"cluster_stock_count": 5,
"cluster_planned": 4,
"cluster_needed": 4
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/stock_adjustments
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[stock_adjustments]=quantity,from,till |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=product,stock_items |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean A value of true overrides shortage warnings. Overriding shortage is only possible when the product allows shortage, and the resulting shortage is within the limit for the product. |
data[attributes][from] |
datetime The date from which the new stock will be available. When this date is in the future, the stock will be shown as "expected". When this date is null , the stock will be available immediately. |
data[attributes][location_id] |
uuid The Location where stock is adjusted. |
data[attributes][prefix] |
string The prefix to use to generate identifiers for StockItems. When left empty, the SKU from the product will be used. When adding temporary stock, TMP- will be added automatically. |
data[attributes][product_id] |
uuid The Product whose stock needs to be adjusted. |
data[attributes][quantity] |
integer How much stock to add or remove. For trackable Products this means the number of StockItems that will be created. Removing stock by setting a negative quantity is only possible for bulk products. |
data[attributes][till] |
datetime The date till which the stock will be available. When this date is set, the stock will be considered "temporary". |
This request accepts the following includes:
Stock items
For trackable products, each stock item is tracked and managed individually. Each stock item has a unique identifier that helps to keep track of it throughout Booqable.
To create multiple StockItems in a single request, use the StockAdjustment resource.
- Regular: Regular stock item (
dates are not set). - Expected: Items will become part of your regular inventory
once they surpass the available from date, used for "coming soon"
products and purchase orders (only
date is set). - Temporary: Temporary items will automatically become unavailable
once they exceed the available till date, typically a sub-rental
are set).
Name | Description |
barcode |
Barcode optional Barcode to quickly identify this StockItem. |
location |
Location required Location where this StockItem currently resides. This is the start location of the order if the StockItem is currently out with a customer. |
product |
Product required The Product this StockItem is one instance of. |
properties |
Properties hasmany Custom data associated with this StockItem. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether item is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the item was archived. |
confirm_shortage |
boolean writeonly Whether to confirm a shortage when updating from, till or location of a stock item. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
from |
datetime nullable When the stock item will be available in stock (temporary items or expected arrival date). |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
identifier |
string Unique identifier (like serial number). |
location_id |
uuid Location where this StockItem currently resides. This is the start location of the order if the StockItem is currently out with a customer. |
product_group_id |
uuid readonly The ProductGroup this StockItem belongs to. |
product_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The Product this StockItem is one instance of. |
properties |
hash readonly A hash containing all basic property values (include properties if you need more detailed information about properties). |
properties_attributes |
array writeonly Create or update multiple properties associated with this stock item. |
status |
enum readonly Whether item is out with a customer or in-store/warehouse. One of: archived , expected , in_stock , started , overdue , expired . |
stock_item_type |
enum readonly Based on the values of from and till .One of: regular , temporary . |
till |
datetime nullable When item will be out of stock (temporary items). |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List stock_items
How to fetch a list of stock items:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "080ec72f-da7f-4569-8d12-1a6770c8f19f",
"type": "stock_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-04-07T23:24:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-04-07T23:24:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"identifier": "id1000183",
"status": "in_stock",
"from": null,
"till": null,
"stock_item_type": "regular",
"product_group_id": "33aa5e86-cf21-4867-8ce8-6ca8000eee14",
"properties": {},
"product_id": "ab39f2f5-e082-4520-8ba6-57e483d3686a",
"location_id": "78ae9e4b-b588-4fb0-845a-99371ba4d69c"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/stock_items
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[stock_items]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=product,barcode,location |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
from |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
identifier |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
location_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
product_group_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
product_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
q |
string eq |
status |
enum eq |
stock_item_type |
enum eq |
till |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
status |
array count |
stock_item_type |
array count |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a stock_item
How to fetch a stock item:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "218c1f4b-3124-4718-86e3-fc4646fe5562",
"type": "stock_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-12-14T17:16:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-12-14T17:16:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"identifier": "id1000184",
"status": "in_stock",
"from": null,
"till": null,
"stock_item_type": "regular",
"product_group_id": "20441cdb-ca45-49d3-887f-91258ef2c191",
"properties": {},
"product_id": "62127110-28f1-4b13-84de-f7287c9f9691",
"location_id": "42f6ee46-44cc-47e4-8775-d2f20612347a"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/stock_items/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[stock_items]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,location,properties |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a stock_item
How to create a stock item:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "stock_items",
"attributes": {
"identifier": "12345",
"product_id": "8ba34c4e-02e7-46c8-87c1-741102785936"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "63a10585-7a78-4d77-8fc0-04fefeb7b255",
"type": "stock_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-07-23T16:54:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-07-23T16:54:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"identifier": "12345",
"status": "in_stock",
"from": null,
"till": null,
"stock_item_type": "regular",
"product_group_id": "d798843c-7589-4a94-85cd-e47efc86c6ab",
"properties": {},
"product_id": "8ba34c4e-02e7-46c8-87c1-741102785936",
"location_id": "216d7c85-e3a6-4f77-809a-a5fb404ea9a4"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/stock_items
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[stock_items]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,location,properties |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean Whether to confirm a shortage when updating from, till or location of a stock item. |
data[attributes][from] |
datetime When the stock item will be available in stock (temporary items or expected arrival date). |
data[attributes][identifier] |
string Unique identifier (like serial number). |
data[attributes][location_id] |
uuid Location where this StockItem currently resides. This is the start location of the order if the StockItem is currently out with a customer. |
data[attributes][product_id] |
uuid The Product this StockItem is one instance of. |
data[attributes][properties_attributes][] |
array Create or update multiple properties associated with this stock item. |
data[attributes][till] |
datetime When item will be out of stock (temporary items). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a stock_item
How to update a stock item:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "96e16eb3-614f-4a6a-8444-531244376f3a",
"type": "stock_items",
"attributes": {
"identifier": "12346"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "96e16eb3-614f-4a6a-8444-531244376f3a",
"type": "stock_items",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-01-10T06:59:11.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-01-10T06:59:11.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"identifier": "12346",
"status": "in_stock",
"from": null,
"till": null,
"stock_item_type": "regular",
"product_group_id": "4fd29b75-0981-44f0-893f-c9e5885ec5f6",
"properties": {},
"product_id": "797648e2-ccc4-4117-832c-6b0a19709ee5",
"location_id": "b10fb7f2-9f8e-4e91-8a52-93585748b5a3"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/stock_items/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[stock_items]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=barcode,location,properties |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean Whether to confirm a shortage when updating from, till or location of a stock item. |
data[attributes][from] |
datetime When the stock item will be available in stock (temporary items or expected arrival date). |
data[attributes][identifier] |
string Unique identifier (like serial number). |
data[attributes][location_id] |
uuid Location where this StockItem currently resides. This is the start location of the order if the StockItem is currently out with a customer. |
data[attributes][product_id] |
uuid The Product this StockItem is one instance of. |
data[attributes][properties_attributes][] |
array Create or update multiple properties associated with this stock item. |
data[attributes][till] |
datetime When item will be out of stock (temporary items). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Stock item archivations
Archives a stock item.
Archiving is final and cannot be undone.
When the request fails, the error.code
attribute can have the
following values:
The stock item was already archived before.stock_item_specified
The stock item has not been archived because this specific stock item has been planned for current or future orders. The orders to which this stock item has been planned are specified in themeta.blocking[0].order_ids
The stock item has not been archived because this would lead to an (un)acceptable shortage of the product for current or future orders. When the shortage is within the shortage limit of the product, a warning is returned. Otherwise a blocking error is returned. A warning can be overridden by settingconfirm_shortage
. The orders that would be affected by the shortage can be found in eithermeta.blocking[0].order_ids
Name | Description |
stock_item |
Stock item required The StockItem that needs to be archived. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
confirm_shortage |
boolean A value of true overrides shortage warnings. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
stock_item_id |
uuid The StockItem that needs to be archived. |
When the StockItem is not used, it can be archived:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "stock_item_archivations",
"attributes": {
"stock_item_id": "37f0c3fc-b2bf-4966-8eb5-d78dd973ed78"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "16f1d062-5ca2-4e3d-86ef-07d906b31fcf",
"type": "stock_item_archivations",
"attributes": {
"confirm_shortage": null,
"stock_item_id": "37f0c3fc-b2bf-4966-8eb5-d78dd973ed78"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
When the StockItem was already archived:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "stock_item_archivations",
"attributes": {
"stock_item_id": "3ff5774c-b38f-47e3-87b2-c514df491708"
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "stock_item_archived",
"status": "422",
"title": "Stock item archived",
"detail": "Stock item is already archived",
"meta": null
When the StockItem is specified on a reserved Order:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "stock_item_archivations",
"attributes": {
"stock_item_id": "00fb3418-f6cc-403c-8a08-25489ba726a0"
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "stock_item_specified",
"status": "422",
"title": "Stock item specified",
"detail": "This stock item is specified on a current or future order",
"meta": {
"blocking": [
"order_ids": [
When archival would create unallowed shortage:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "stock_item_archivations",
"attributes": {
"stock_item_id": "b4e06e4a-63ed-4e5d-8e4e-f6594bac9ab9"
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "shortage",
"status": "422",
"title": "Shortage",
"detail": "This will create shortage for running or future orders",
"meta": {
"warning": [],
"blocking": [
"reason": "shortage",
"shortage": 1,
"item_id": "f5273ac1-25df-4451-82dd-a11908f80b33",
"mutation": -1,
"order_ids": [
"location_id": "a850b1a1-8829-4508-8ce1-2fa8e886fce6",
"available": 0,
"plannable": 0,
"stock_count": 1,
"planned": 1,
"needed": 1,
"cluster_available": 0,
"cluster_plannable": 0,
"cluster_stock_count": 1,
"cluster_planned": 1,
"cluster_needed": 1
When archival would create allowed shortage, but confirm_shortage is unspecified:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "stock_item_archivations",
"attributes": {
"stock_item_id": "d4f5dbfe-e53b-4fae-8d91-56dbd8ec1f0a"
A 422 status response looks like this:
"errors": [
"code": "shortage",
"status": "422",
"title": "Shortage",
"detail": "This will create shortage for running or future orders",
"meta": {
"warning": [
"reason": "shortage",
"shortage": 1,
"item_id": "56a2701d-0c44-442b-881b-2332c08e358c",
"mutation": -1,
"order_ids": [
"location_id": "bffaaa23-5b23-494f-8775-986f7429fbae",
"available": 0,
"plannable": 1,
"stock_count": 1,
"planned": 1,
"needed": 1,
"cluster_available": 0,
"cluster_plannable": 1,
"cluster_stock_count": 1,
"cluster_planned": 1,
"cluster_needed": 1
"blocking": []
When archival would create allowed shortage, and confirm_shortage is true:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "stock_item_archivations",
"attributes": {
"stock_item_id": "b899b3e7-5c23-4e22-8859-325956852bea",
"confirm_shortage": true
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "2adbd074-8788-4a4c-85e1-3043bd4d878a",
"type": "stock_item_archivations",
"attributes": {
"confirm_shortage": true,
"stock_item_id": "b899b3e7-5c23-4e22-8859-325956852bea"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/stock_item_archivations
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[stock_item_archivations]=confirm_shortage,stock_item_id |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=stock_item |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][confirm_shortage] |
boolean A value of true overrides shortage warnings. |
data[attributes][stock_item_id] |
uuid The StockItem that needs to be archived. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Stock item plannings
Stock item plannings hold information about the planning of individual stock items (for trackable products). They make it possible to know precisely which stock items have been where and define when an item is available during a given period.
Stock item plannings are never directly created or updated through their resource; instead they are created by booking or specifying stock items; they are updated by starting or stopping them. See the OrderFulfillments resource for examples.
Purpose and Relationship to Plannings
While a Planning represents the quantitative planning of items (how many), a StockItemPlanning represents the specific trackable items assigned to fulfill that planning. The relationship is:
- A Planning may have multiple StockItemPlannings (one for each trackable item)
- The number of StockItemPlannings may be less than
when not all StockItems have been specified yet.
Lifecycle Management
StockItemPlannings follow a specific lifecycle:
- Creation: They are created when stock items are specified for a planning via OrderFulfillments
- Reservation: When reserved, the specific stock item becomes unavailable for other orders
- Start: When the stock item is marked as started (picked up or delivered)
- Stop: When the stock item is marked as stopped (returned)
The status of each stock item is tracked independently, allowing partial pickups and returns.
Tracking Benefits
Stock item plannings provide several key benefits:
- Precise inventory tracking for each individual item
- Ability to track item history (which customers used which specific items)
- Support for partial pickups and returns
- Detailed audit trail of item movements
Name | Description |
order |
Order required The Order this StockItemPlanning is part of. |
planning |
Planning required The Planning for which this StockItemPlanning specifies a StockItem. |
stock_item |
Stock item required The StockItem being specified, and whose status through the fulfillment process is tracked by this StockItemPlanning. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether stock item planning is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the stock item planning was archived. This timestamp records when the stock item was unassigned from the planning. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
order_id |
uuid readonly The Order this StockItemPlanning is part of. |
planning_id |
uuid readonly The Planning for which this StockItemPlanning specifies a StockItem. |
reserved |
boolean Whether stock item is reserved, meaning it's unavailable for other orders. This is set to true when the order status is changed to "reserved" or when the stock item is specifically assigned to the planning. When reserved, the item cannot be booked for other orders during the same period. |
started |
boolean Whether the stock item is started, meaning it has been picked up by the customer or delivered. This is set to true when staff performs a "Start" action through the OrderFulfillments resource. Once started, the item is physically out with the customer and its status can be tracked independently of other items on the same order. |
stock_item_id |
uuid readonly The StockItem being specified, and whose status through the fulfillment process is tracked by this StockItemPlanning. |
stopped |
boolean Whether the stock item is stopped, meaning it has been returned by the customer and is available again for other rentals. This is set to true when staff performs a "Stop" action through the OrderFulfillments resource. A stock item must be started before it can be stopped. Once stopped, the item becomes available for other bookings. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List stock item plannings
How to fetch a list of stock item plannings:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "76e3b6a9-a2ef-48f7-813b-a183307e38ce",
"type": "stock_item_plannings",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-11-26T13:55:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-11-26T13:55:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"reserved": false,
"started": false,
"stopped": false,
"stock_item_id": "cb6d24a2-3cdf-47ad-8b45-e484a3447f07",
"planning_id": "a0d6b272-7ad6-4a19-8c78-7a77546685b6",
"order_id": "a7840ea8-9a1c-473b-8218-df29c7e23ae3"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/stock_item_plannings
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[stock_item_plannings]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=stock_item,planning,order |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
order_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
planning_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
reserved |
boolean eq |
started |
boolean eq |
stock_item_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
stopped |
boolean eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Archive a stock_item planning
How to archive a stock item planning:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "68bb0a74-3b6a-479a-8db0-851ae0d77511",
"type": "stock_item_plannings",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-03-22T01:19:28.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-03-22T01:19:28.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"reserved": false,
"started": false,
"stopped": false,
"stock_item_id": "c0063ec0-3366-4182-8cd6-209e7aa5f8df",
"planning_id": "2e914ecb-75f6-445d-8016-d168dd39ae4a",
"order_id": "88e2c331-8b9c-4d53-8297-c0bdab76db52"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/stock_item_plannings/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[stock_item_plannings]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
Stock item suggestions
Use stock item suggestions to figure out which stock item can be booked, started, or stopped.
The suggestions are sorted: 1. Temporary stock items are sorted before permanent stock items. 2. Available stock items are sorted before overdue, unavailable and already_booked stock items. 3. Equally relevant stock items are sorted by the identifier.
Name | Description |
item |
Item required The Product the suggested stock item belongs to. |
stock_item |
Stock item required The suggested stock item. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
item_id |
uuid readonly The Product the suggested stock item belongs to. |
status |
enum readonly Status of the suggested stock item. One of: available_in_location , available_in_cluster , overdue , unavailable , already_booked . |
stock_item_id |
uuid readonly The suggested stock item. |
List stock item suggestions
Retrieve stock item suggestions for booking:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[action]=book'
--data-urlencode 'filter[item_id]=402fa5d1-ec05-46ad-85ee-c56564c66946'
--data-urlencode 'filter[order_id]=38c7808b-99c9-4b0e-8dbe-dcf731d54ca9'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "8ce54731-3e9e-48fd-898a-42985159c79a",
"type": "stock_item_suggestions",
"attributes": {
"status": "available_in_location",
"item_id": "402fa5d1-ec05-46ad-85ee-c56564c66946",
"stock_item_id": "e1ceaec8-5cd6-4097-87ec-77e8e1fe5381"
"relationships": {}
"id": "484c2445-4864-4e9d-87f6-d37086fbae96",
"type": "stock_item_suggestions",
"attributes": {
"status": "already_booked",
"item_id": "402fa5d1-ec05-46ad-85ee-c56564c66946",
"stock_item_id": "8d913ead-29f6-4cde-8a88-001222806991"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/stock_item_suggestions
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[stock_item_suggestions]=status,item_id,stock_item_id |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=stock_item |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
action |
enum required eq |
from |
datetime eq |
item_id |
uuid required eq |
location_id |
uuid eq |
order_id |
uuid required eq |
q |
string eq |
status |
enum eq |
till |
datetime eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Tags allow users to label and quickly identify customers, orders and products.
Tags are assigned by writing the tag_list
attribute on resources that support tags.
The Tag resource allows to gather names and usage counts of tags that are being used.
Name | Description |
count |
integer How often this tag is used. |
for |
enum writeonly The resource to show the tag counts for. One of: Order , Customer , ProductGroup , Bundle , Document . |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
name |
string Name of the tag. |
List tags
How to fetch a list of tags with their counts:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[for]=Order'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "9ab5867e-6bcc-497d-800a-17a81435dca3",
"type": "tags",
"attributes": {
"name": "vip",
"count": 1
"id": "e15b75d1-c447-4d47-87a5-24e44dfac6a4",
"type": "tags",
"attributes": {
"name": "webshop",
"count": 3
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/tags
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tags]=name,count |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
for |
enum required eq |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Tax categories
You can create different tax categories and assign them according to the tax requirements of a product. The tax rates in the category are charged over a product when it's added to an order. An order's total tax rate is the sum of all product taxes on that order.
Name | Description |
tax_rates |
Tax rates hasmany The different rates that need to be charged. Rates can be created/updated through the TaxRate resource by writing the tax_rates_attributes attribute. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether the tax category is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the tax category was archived. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
default |
boolean Whether this is the default tax category. Setting this value to true will set other tax categories to false . |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
name |
string Name of the tax category. |
tax_rates_attributes |
array writeonly The tax rates to associate. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List tax categories
How to fetch a list of tax categories:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "eb6ca64a-1783-4ca7-8e92-8ec7ab3ff4eb",
"type": "tax_categories",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-09-13T19:57:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-09-13T19:57:01.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Sales Tax",
"default": false
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/tax_categories
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_categories]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=tax_rates |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
default |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a tax category
How to fetch a tax categories with it's tax rates:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=tax_rates'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "471739b4-dc9f-404d-8324-c61a3de5e2da",
"type": "tax_categories",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-02-06T21:30:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-02-06T21:30:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Sales Tax",
"default": false
"relationships": {
"tax_rates": {
"data": [
"type": "tax_rates",
"id": "2de2a095-6e4a-4ebd-8b21-6bb8dabfd593"
"included": [
"id": "2de2a095-6e4a-4ebd-8b21-6bb8dabfd593",
"type": "tax_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-02-06T21:30:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-02-06T21:30:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "VAT",
"value": 21.0,
"position": 1,
"owner_id": "471739b4-dc9f-404d-8324-c61a3de5e2da",
"owner_type": "tax_categories"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/tax_categories/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_categories]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=tax_rates |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a tax category
How to create a tax category with tax rates:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "tax_categories",
"attributes": {
"name": "Sales Tax",
"tax_rates_attributes": [
"name": "VAT",
"value": 21
"include": "tax_rates"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "a2acf665-e4f1-4f21-8dbc-bc971ddc0930",
"type": "tax_categories",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2022-01-08T11:51:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-08T11:51:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Sales Tax",
"default": false
"relationships": {
"tax_rates": {
"data": [
"type": "tax_rates",
"id": "823436f2-33a3-40d1-8841-d71705ec33f5"
"included": [
"id": "823436f2-33a3-40d1-8841-d71705ec33f5",
"type": "tax_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2022-01-08T11:51:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-01-08T11:51:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "VAT",
"value": 21.0,
"position": 1,
"owner_id": "a2acf665-e4f1-4f21-8dbc-bc971ddc0930",
"owner_type": "tax_categories"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/tax_categories
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_categories]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=tax_rates |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][default] |
boolean Whether this is the default tax category. Setting this value to true will set other tax categories to false . |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the tax category. |
data[attributes][tax_rates_attributes][] |
array The tax rates to associate. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a tax category
How to update a tax category with tax rates:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "e3d7ddaf-e57a-47bb-8eef-839b7f1a4bfd",
"type": "tax_categories",
"attributes": {
"name": "State Tax",
"tax_rates_attributes": [
"name": "VAT",
"value": 9
"id": "3341f09b-efc4-4586-8c73-2125fbb05896",
"_destroy": true
"include": "tax_rates"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "e3d7ddaf-e57a-47bb-8eef-839b7f1a4bfd",
"type": "tax_categories",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-11-08T05:22:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-11-08T05:22:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "State Tax",
"default": false
"relationships": {
"tax_rates": {
"data": [
"type": "tax_rates",
"id": "a9588059-d21e-4093-8059-b130c575b763"
"included": [
"id": "a9588059-d21e-4093-8059-b130c575b763",
"type": "tax_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-11-08T05:22:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-11-08T05:22:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "VAT",
"value": 9.0,
"position": 2,
"owner_id": "e3d7ddaf-e57a-47bb-8eef-839b7f1a4bfd",
"owner_type": "tax_categories"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/tax_categories/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_categories]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=tax_rates |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][default] |
boolean Whether this is the default tax category. Setting this value to true will set other tax categories to false . |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the tax category. |
data[attributes][tax_rates_attributes][] |
array The tax rates to associate. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete a tax category
How to delete a tax category with tax rates:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "c7095ef4-6e5b-42f7-8675-6fd1e233106f",
"type": "tax_categories",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-06-16T04:31:07.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-06-16T04:31:07.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2027-06-16T04:31:07.000000+00:00",
"name": "Sales Tax (Deleted)",
"default": false
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/tax_categories/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_categories]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
Tax rates
Tax rates are always assigned to either a TaxRegion or TaxCategory. Tax rates define the individual rates that will be taxed.
Name | Description |
owner |
Tax category, Tax region required The TaxRegion or TaxCategory this TaxRate is part of. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
name |
string The name of the tax rate. |
owner_id |
uuid readonly-after-create The TaxRegion or TaxCategory this TaxRate is part of. |
owner_type |
enum readonly-after-create The resource type of the owner. One of: tax_categories , tax_regions . |
position |
integer readonly Position of the tax rate. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
value |
float The percentage value of the rate. |
List tax rates
How to fetch a list of tax rates:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "d39e7448-db31-4b79-82da-4e0c59539ac4",
"type": "tax_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-01-22T07:05:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-01-22T07:05:01.000000+00:00",
"name": "VAT",
"value": 21.0,
"position": 1,
"owner_id": "c0ac16c6-1011-4d0d-8a6d-20b0b13763cd",
"owner_type": "tax_regions"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET api/boomerang/tax_rates
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_rates]=created_at,updated_at,name |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
owner_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
owner_type |
enum eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a tax rate
How to fetch a tax rate:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=owner'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "4315e7db-350a-4786-848a-27333157f531",
"type": "tax_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2028-12-26T07:19:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2028-12-26T07:19:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "VAT",
"value": 21.0,
"position": 1,
"owner_id": "bed7a8b1-0fc6-401d-818a-374b416dbbd5",
"owner_type": "tax_regions"
"relationships": {
"owner": {
"data": {
"type": "tax_regions",
"id": "bed7a8b1-0fc6-401d-818a-374b416dbbd5"
"included": [
"id": "bed7a8b1-0fc6-401d-818a-374b416dbbd5",
"type": "tax_regions",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2028-12-26T07:19:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2028-12-26T07:19:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Sales Tax",
"strategy": "add_to",
"default": false
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/tax_rates/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_rates]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a tax rate
How to create a tax rate and associate it with an owner:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "tax_rates",
"attributes": {
"name": "VAT",
"value": 21,
"owner_id": "12188347-ab4b-416c-8b2d-44bf5802abbc",
"owner_type": "tax_regions"
"include": "owner"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "87122383-0cc0-4126-8013-a213d1fbb19d",
"type": "tax_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-02-16T04:50:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-02-16T04:50:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "VAT",
"value": 21.0,
"position": 1,
"owner_id": "12188347-ab4b-416c-8b2d-44bf5802abbc",
"owner_type": "tax_regions"
"relationships": {
"owner": {
"data": {
"type": "tax_regions",
"id": "12188347-ab4b-416c-8b2d-44bf5802abbc"
"included": [
"id": "12188347-ab4b-416c-8b2d-44bf5802abbc",
"type": "tax_regions",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-02-16T04:50:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-02-16T04:50:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Sales Tax",
"strategy": "add_to",
"default": false
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/tax_rates
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_rates]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][name] |
string The name of the tax rate. |
data[attributes][owner_id] |
uuid The TaxRegion or TaxCategory this TaxRate is part of. |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
enum The resource type of the owner. One of: tax_categories , tax_regions . |
data[attributes][value] |
float The percentage value of the rate. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a tax rate
How to update a tax rate:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "85ba8a31-4370-484d-86f2-4da1726975ff",
"type": "tax_rates",
"attributes": {
"value": 9
"include": "owner"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "85ba8a31-4370-484d-86f2-4da1726975ff",
"type": "tax_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-08-24T18:48:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-08-24T18:48:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Vat",
"value": 9.0,
"position": 1,
"owner_id": "309c4936-b8c0-4af3-80c5-1659745b4375",
"owner_type": "tax_categories"
"relationships": {
"owner": {
"data": {
"type": "tax_categories",
"id": "309c4936-b8c0-4af3-80c5-1659745b4375"
"included": [
"id": "309c4936-b8c0-4af3-80c5-1659745b4375",
"type": "tax_categories",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-08-24T18:48:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-08-24T18:48:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Sales Tax",
"default": false
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/tax_rates/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_rates]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][name] |
string The name of the tax rate. |
data[attributes][owner_id] |
uuid The TaxRegion or TaxCategory this TaxRate is part of. |
data[attributes][owner_type] |
enum The resource type of the owner. One of: tax_categories , tax_regions . |
data[attributes][value] |
float The percentage value of the rate. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete a tax rate
How to delete a tax rate:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "b018f5dc-4f78-414a-8728-22d47be42893",
"type": "tax_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2026-11-02T15:14:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-11-02T15:14:02.000000+00:00",
"name": "VAT",
"value": 21.0,
"position": 1,
"owner_id": "6af038f1-d8e7-4001-8ce9-f365ecd2b6e1",
"owner_type": "tax_regions"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/tax_rates/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_rates]=created_at,updated_at,name |
This request does not accept any includes
Tax regions
You can create tax regions for specific customers. Booqable's tax system supports adding, replacing and compounding rates. A tax region can have one of the following strategies:
- Add to: Each tax rate is calculated over the order total and individually added or substracted to/from the order total.
- Compound: The tax is calculated over the order total, including product taxes (tax over tax). This method is used in some countries like Canada.
- Replace: Removes product taxes and calculates tax over the order total.
Name | Description |
tax_rates |
Tax rates hasmany The different rates that need to be charged. Rates can be created/updated through the TaxRegion resource by writing the tax_rates_attributes attrinute. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean readonly Whether tax region is archived. |
archived_at |
datetime readonly nullable When the tax region was archived. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
default |
boolean Whether this is the default tax region. Setting this value to true will set other tax regions to false . |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
name |
string Name of the tax region. |
strategy |
enum The strategy to apply. One of: add_to , replace , compound . |
tax_rates_attributes |
array writeonly The tax rates to associate. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List tax regions
How to fetch a list of tax regions:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "00e98201-6b1e-49d8-8bf0-02d5617ef164",
"created_at": "2016-02-27T03:13:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-02-27T03:13:02.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Sales Tax",
"strategy": "add_to",
"default": false
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/tax_regions
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_regions]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=tax_rates |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
archived |
boolean eq |
archived_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
default |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
strategy |
enum eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
Fetch a tax region
How to fetch a tax regions with it's tax rates:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=tax_rates'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "d6cde3c4-b601-40af-8657-a4f48cf21302",
"created_at": "2026-01-16T23:41:03.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-01-16T23:41:03.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Sales Tax",
"strategy": "add_to",
"default": false,
"tax_rates": [
"id": "b78c7a18-26c4-4611-8323-3396afeafcb3",
"created_at": "2026-01-16T23:41:03.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2026-01-16T23:41:03.000000+00:00",
"name": "VAT",
"value": 21.0,
"position": 1,
"owner_id": "d6cde3c4-b601-40af-8657-a4f48cf21302",
"owner_type": "tax_regions"
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/tax_regions/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_regions]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=tax_rates |
This request accepts the following includes:
Create a tax region
How to create a tax region with tax rates:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "tax_regions",
"attributes": {
"name": "Sales Tax",
"strategy": "compound",
"tax_rates_attributes": [
"name": "VAT",
"value": 21
"include": "tax_rates"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "c7843334-9eec-427e-8fb1-5c2602357d6c",
"type": "tax_regions",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-02-08T01:43:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-02-08T01:43:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "Sales Tax",
"strategy": "compound",
"default": false
"relationships": {
"tax_rates": {
"data": [
"type": "tax_rates",
"id": "1efc8ba7-d52e-4ca0-8c8a-bca0577db390"
"included": [
"id": "1efc8ba7-d52e-4ca0-8c8a-bca0577db390",
"type": "tax_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-02-08T01:43:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-02-08T01:43:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "VAT",
"value": 21.0,
"position": 1,
"owner_id": "c7843334-9eec-427e-8fb1-5c2602357d6c",
"owner_type": "tax_regions"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/tax_regions
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_regions]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=tax_rates |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][default] |
boolean Whether this is the default tax region. Setting this value to true will set other tax regions to false . |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the tax region. |
data[attributes][strategy] |
enum The strategy to apply. One of: add_to , replace , compound . |
data[attributes][tax_rates_attributes][] |
array The tax rates to associate. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a tax region
How to update a tax region with tax rates:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "88245673-247e-4ecb-80c3-8d7cb31b5e27",
"type": "tax_regions",
"attributes": {
"name": "State Tax",
"tax_rates_attributes": [
"name": "VAT",
"value": 9
"id": "7da9f478-a463-4ff7-847a-e00d08c59d05",
"_destroy": true
"include": "tax_rates"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "88245673-247e-4ecb-80c3-8d7cb31b5e27",
"type": "tax_regions",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-06-23T04:51:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-06-23T04:51:02.000000+00:00",
"archived": false,
"archived_at": null,
"name": "State Tax",
"strategy": "add_to",
"default": false
"relationships": {
"tax_rates": {
"data": [
"type": "tax_rates",
"id": "a5b06e94-dc8d-4b81-81e6-f2ef5d7de6ed"
"included": [
"id": "a5b06e94-dc8d-4b81-81e6-f2ef5d7de6ed",
"type": "tax_rates",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2016-06-23T04:51:02.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2016-06-23T04:51:02.000000+00:00",
"name": "VAT",
"value": 9.0,
"position": 2,
"owner_id": "88245673-247e-4ecb-80c3-8d7cb31b5e27",
"owner_type": "tax_regions"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/tax_regions/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_regions]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=tax_rates |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][default] |
boolean Whether this is the default tax region. Setting this value to true will set other tax regions to false . |
data[attributes][name] |
string Name of the tax region. |
data[attributes][strategy] |
enum The strategy to apply. One of: add_to , replace , compound . |
data[attributes][tax_rates_attributes][] |
array The tax rates to associate. |
This request accepts the following includes:
Delete a tax region
How to delete a tax region:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "68a1ae1a-245f-45d0-8494-0502c65f562e",
"type": "tax_regions",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-03-28T15:14:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-03-28T15:14:00.000000+00:00",
"archived": true,
"archived_at": "2021-03-28T15:14:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "Sales Tax (Deleted)",
"strategy": "add_to",
"default": false
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/tax_regions/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_regions]=created_at,updated_at,archived |
This request does not accept any includes
Tax values
Tax values are generated automatically by price calculations for Orders and Carts. They hold information about the amount taxed for a specific rate.
Name | Description |
owner |
Order required The order or cart. |
tax_rate |
Tax rate required The rate used to calculated this tax. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
name |
string readonly Name of the tax rate. |
owner_id |
uuid readonly The order or cart. |
owner_type |
enum readonly The resource type of the owner. Always orders |
percentage |
float readonly The percentage taxed. |
tax_rate_id |
uuid readonly The rate used to calculated this tax. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
value_in_cents |
integer readonly Amount of tax in cents. |
List tax values
How to fetch a list of tax values:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "806d7c35-3f4c-4c1b-8766-11c9f012e6f2",
"type": "tax_values",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-04-23T02:36:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-04-23T02:36:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "VAT 19%",
"percentage": 19.0,
"value_in_cents": 13800,
"tax_rate_id": "67d4d696-b147-4a30-8f26-413641077ca6",
"owner_id": "bc39e751-ea2e-4f5c-879d-4bc23d403698",
"owner_type": "orders"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET api/boomerang/tax_values
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_values]=created_at,updated_at,name |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
owner_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
owner_type |
enum eq , not_eq |
percentage |
float eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
tax_rate_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
value_in_cents |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
value_in_cents |
array sum , maximum , minimum , average |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch a tax value
How to fetch a tax value:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'include=owner'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "af3a48e5-050f-4556-89e6-e863b75c268a",
"type": "tax_values",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-02-01T17:33:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-02-01T17:33:00.000000+00:00",
"name": "VAT 19%",
"percentage": 19.0,
"value_in_cents": 13800,
"tax_rate_id": "badc9624-dce0-4222-87c1-62dd12ef84f4",
"owner_id": "fb0af3c4-01e8-4dce-8fa4-b5e184c08a33",
"owner_type": "orders"
"relationships": {
"owner": {
"data": {
"type": "orders",
"id": "fb0af3c4-01e8-4dce-8fa4-b5e184c08a33"
"included": [
"id": "fb0af3c4-01e8-4dce-8fa4-b5e184c08a33",
"type": "orders",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2018-02-01T17:33:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-02-01T17:33:00.000000+00:00",
"number": null,
"status": "new",
"statuses": [
"status_counts": {
"new": 0,
"concept": 0,
"reserved": 0,
"started": 0,
"stopped": 0
"starts_at": "2018-01-30T17:19:00.000000+00:00",
"stops_at": "2018-02-03T17:19:00.000000+00:00",
"deposit_type": "percentage",
"deposit_value": 100.0,
"entirely_started": true,
"entirely_stopped": false,
"location_shortage": false,
"shortage": false,
"payment_status": "paid",
"override_period_restrictions": false,
"has_signed_contract": false,
"tag_list": [],
"properties": {},
"price_in_cents": 0,
"grand_total_in_cents": 0,
"grand_total_with_tax_in_cents": 0,
"tax_in_cents": 0,
"discount_in_cents": 0,
"coupon_discount_in_cents": 0,
"total_discount_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_paid_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_refunded_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_held_in_cents": 0,
"deposit_to_refund_in_cents": 0,
"to_be_paid_in_cents": 0,
"paid_in_cents": 0,
"discount_type": "percentage",
"discount_percentage": 0.0,
"billing_address_property_id": null,
"delivery_address_property_id": null,
"fulfillment_type": "pickup",
"delivery_address": null,
"customer_id": null,
"tax_region_id": null,
"coupon_id": null,
"start_location_id": "85f56930-46f4-40f6-8df3-e14cb405b347",
"stop_location_id": "85f56930-46f4-40f6-8df3-e14cb405b347"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/tax_values/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[tax_values]=created_at,updated_at,name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=owner |
This request accepts the following includes:
When an order causes a shortage for a location and that shortage can be solved by the inventory in the cluster, one or multiple transfers are created.
Name | Description |
destination_location |
Location required Location to which the product needs to be transferred to. |
item |
Item required The Product that needs to be transferred. |
order |
Order required The Order for which the product is required. |
source_location |
Location required Location from which the product needs to be transferred. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
available_at |
datetime Date when item should be available at destination location. |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
destination_location_id |
uuid readonly Location to which the product needs to be transferred to. |
finalized |
boolean Whether or not the transfer has completed. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
item_id |
uuid readonly The Product that needs to be transferred. |
order_id |
uuid readonly The Order for which the product is required. |
quantity |
integer Quantity of items being transferred. |
source_location_id |
uuid readonly Location from which the product needs to be transferred. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List transfers
How to fetch a list of transfers:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "6f5d421b-37d1-4f12-8170-d8bb4b8ce0b8",
"type": "transfers",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2028-08-08T18:28:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2028-08-08T18:28:00.000000+00:00",
"quantity": 1,
"available_at": "2028-08-06T18:28:00.000000+00:00",
"finalized": false,
"item_id": "672d6735-92fa-4198-8145-116e1191847d",
"order_id": "058a8f0f-d1ac-4363-8778-a6c4476ee292",
"source_location_id": "1773d662-6eb3-4dae-8736-31948f79df75",
"destination_location_id": "1773d662-6eb3-4dae-8736-31948f79df75"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/transfers
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[transfers]=created_at,updated_at,quantity |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=order,item,source_location |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
available_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
destination_location_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
finalized |
boolean eq |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
item_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
order_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
q |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
quantity |
integer eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
source_location_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request accepts the following includes:
User invitations
Creating a user will send an invitation to the user. If that email message is lost or deleted, use this to resend the invitation email so the user can confirm their email before the account is active.
Name | Description |
user |
User required The user to send the invitation to. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
user_id |
uuid The user to send the invitation to. |
Re-invite a user
How to re-invite a user:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "user_invitations",
"attributes": {
"user_id": "c8075239-a5b3-4523-8ca2-84e0023813d1"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "32dbf20f-66cb-4977-88ec-8ec42fbddc6a",
"type": "user_invitations",
"attributes": {
"user_id": "c8075239-a5b3-4523-8ca2-84e0023813d1"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/user_invitations
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[user_invitations]=user_id |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][user_id] |
uuid The user to send the invitation to. |
This request does not accept any includes
Users can be used to log into the web shop. They are useful for exposing your shop to a limited audience or verifiying that a customers can actually be reached via an email.
A user always belongs to a Customer. A customer can have multiple users. This is relevant for companies where multiple people are allowed to book orders in the name of that company. Because of this, a user should always be an actual person, not a legal person.
Depending on the setting in your Booqable account, creating a user can actually mean that you're inviting the user. In that case, the user still needs to confirm their email and set a password before the account is active. (See status)
Name | Description |
customer |
Customer required Customer who owns this account. |
notes |
Notes hasmany Notes about this user. |
Check matching attributes under Fields to see which relations can be written.
Check each individual operation to see which relations can be included as a sideload.
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was created. |
customer_id |
uuid readonly-after-create Customer who owns this account. |
disabled |
boolean writeonly When a user is disabled they cannot log into their account or create orders. |
email |
string readonly-after-create The email of the user. |
first_name |
string The first name of the user. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
last_name |
string The last name of the user. |
name |
string The full name of the user (first_name + last_name). |
status |
enum readonly Status. One of: disabled , active , invited , unconfirmed . |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the resource was last updated. |
List users
How to fetch a list of users:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "ca08d52a-c5d9-433f-8774-bd964a456f31",
"type": "users",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2028-10-16T13:17:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2028-10-16T13:17:01.000000+00:00",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "active",
"customer_id": "7e745c70-f3c2-47be-8ac6-3f11e3ce374b"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
How to find users belonging to a customer:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data-urlencode 'filter[customer_id]=fe7b81ca-a0ac-425d-8618-2e1929b46bc8'
--data-urlencode 'include=customer'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "dbbce813-8d54-47d6-8b4d-eec5b28c878c",
"type": "users",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-08-23T07:33:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-08-23T07:33:01.000000+00:00",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "active",
"customer_id": "fe7b81ca-a0ac-425d-8618-2e1929b46bc8"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/users
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[users]=created_at,updated_at,first_name |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
customer_id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
email |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
first_name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
last_name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
name |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
status |
enum eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Fetch a user
How to fetch a user:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "c92780ab-5df7-4cbd-8435-a2c09cee05e8",
"type": "users",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2023-09-28T12:54:04.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2023-09-28T12:54:04.000000+00:00",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "active",
"customer_id": "d51b343c-b9f4-4080-8923-80d182b6de87"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/users/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[users]=created_at,updated_at,first_name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,disabled_by,notes |
This request accepts the following includes:
Invite a user
How to invite a user:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "users",
"attributes": {
"first_name": "Bob",
"last_name": "Bobsen",
"email": "[email protected]",
"customer_id": "dbc90081-f163-4c62-8cb3-5b1ecbb19235"
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "75e1d103-6838-433a-8f0d-62737c7a8761",
"type": "users",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2017-06-05T11:04:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2017-06-05T11:04:00.000000+00:00",
"first_name": "Bob",
"last_name": "Bobsen",
"name": "Bob Bobsen",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "invited",
"customer_id": "dbc90081-f163-4c62-8cb3-5b1ecbb19235"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/users
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[users]=created_at,updated_at,first_name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,disabled_by,notes |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid Customer who owns this account. |
data[attributes][disabled] |
boolean When a user is disabled they cannot log into their account or create orders. |
data[attributes][email] |
string The email of the user. |
data[attributes][first_name] |
string The first name of the user. |
data[attributes][last_name] |
string The last name of the user. |
data[attributes][name] |
string The full name of the user (first_name + last_name). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Update a user
How to update a user:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "c7e240ef-31fa-4e38-8cb7-cafd7719304c",
"type": "users",
"attributes": {
"first_name": "Bobba"
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "c7e240ef-31fa-4e38-8cb7-cafd7719304c",
"type": "users",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2021-01-03T08:52:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-01-03T08:52:01.000000+00:00",
"first_name": "Bobba",
"last_name": "Doe",
"name": "Bobba Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "active",
"customer_id": "947c2a92-d6bf-4637-860d-17e82c6dbf1b"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/users/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[users]=created_at,updated_at,first_name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,disabled_by,notes |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid Customer who owns this account. |
data[attributes][disabled] |
boolean When a user is disabled they cannot log into their account or create orders. |
data[attributes][email] |
string The email of the user. |
data[attributes][first_name] |
string The first name of the user. |
data[attributes][last_name] |
string The last name of the user. |
data[attributes][name] |
string The full name of the user (first_name + last_name). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Enable a user
How to enable a user:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "b20174a8-b59e-4d8b-8ae1-af97052ceaae",
"type": "users",
"attributes": {
"disabled": false
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "b20174a8-b59e-4d8b-8ae1-af97052ceaae",
"type": "users",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2025-07-19T12:22:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-07-19T12:22:01.000000+00:00",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "active",
"customer_id": "a6d008aa-b06a-4337-84f0-23b4ce2148a9"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/users/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[users]=created_at,updated_at,first_name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,disabled_by,notes |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid Customer who owns this account. |
data[attributes][disabled] |
boolean When a user is disabled they cannot log into their account or create orders. |
data[attributes][email] |
string The email of the user. |
data[attributes][first_name] |
string The first name of the user. |
data[attributes][last_name] |
string The last name of the user. |
data[attributes][name] |
string The full name of the user (first_name + last_name). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Disable a user
How to disable a user:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "bf3a537d-192a-4df8-8a92-594008521fef",
"type": "users",
"attributes": {
"disabled": true
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "bf3a537d-192a-4df8-8a92-594008521fef",
"type": "users",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2022-03-25T21:54:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-03-25T21:54:00.000000+00:00",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "disabled",
"customer_id": "79211c5b-e26c-49e8-8199-74af44f213df"
"relationships": {}
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/users/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[users]=created_at,updated_at,first_name |
include |
string List of comma seperated relationships to sideload. ?include=customer,disabled_by,notes |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][customer_id] |
uuid Customer who owns this account. |
data[attributes][disabled] |
boolean When a user is disabled they cannot log into their account or create orders. |
data[attributes][email] |
string The email of the user. |
data[attributes][first_name] |
string The first name of the user. |
data[attributes][last_name] |
string The last name of the user. |
data[attributes][name] |
string The full name of the user (first_name + last_name). |
This request accepts the following includes:
Webhook endpoints
Webhook endpoints are used to notify your application when certain events occur in your Booqable account. You can use these events to trigger actions in your application, such as sending an email, updating a record, or creating a new record.
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime readonly When the webhook endpoint was first registered. |
events |
array[string] The events that will trigger the webhook. One or more from: customer.created , customer.updated , customer.archived , product_group.created , product_group.updated , product_group.archived , product.created , invoice.created , invoice.finalized , invoice.updated , invoice.revised , invoice.archived , contract.created , contract.signed , contract.confirmed , contract.updated , contract.archived , quote.created , quote.signed , quote.confirmed , quote.updated , quote.archived , order.updated , order.saved_as_concept , order.reserved , order.started , order.stopped , payment.completed , cart.completed_checkout , app.installed , app.configured , app.plan_changed , app.uninstalled '. |
id |
uuid readonly Primary key. |
updated_at |
datetime readonly When the webhook endpoint was last updated. |
url |
string The URL that will receive the webhook payload. |
List webhook endpoints
How to fetch a list of webhook endpoints:
curl --get ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": [
"id": "cb0a7fbd-01d5-485d-82a4-11c5eae2e486",
"created_at": "2020-05-19T04:30:06.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-05-19T04:30:06.000000+00:00",
"url": "",
"events": [
HTTP Request
GET /api/boomerang/webhook_endpoints
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[webhook_endpoints]=created_at,updated_at,url |
filter |
hash The filters to apply ?filter[attribute][eq]=value |
meta |
hash Metadata to send along. ?meta[total][]=count |
page[number] |
string The page to request. |
page[size] |
string The amount of items per page. |
sort |
string How to sort the data. ?sort=attribute1,-attribute2 |
This request can be filtered on:
Name | Description |
created_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
id |
uuid eq , not_eq |
updated_at |
datetime eq , not_eq , gt , gte , lt , lte |
url |
string eq , not_eq , eql , not_eql , prefix , not_prefix , suffix , not_suffix , match , not_match |
Results can be aggregated on:
Name | Description |
total |
array count |
This request does not accept any includes
Subscribe to webhook events
How to subscribe to webhook events:
curl --request POST
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "webhook_endpoints",
"attributes": {
"url": "",
"events": [
A 201 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "f4855386-6094-4340-8096-0c6911a116cb",
"type": "webhook_endpoints",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2027-08-01T20:14:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2027-08-01T20:14:01.000000+00:00",
"url": "",
"events": [
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
POST /api/boomerang/webhook_endpoints
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[webhook_endpoints]=created_at,updated_at,url |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][events] |
array[string] The events that will trigger the webhook. One or more from: customer.created , customer.updated , customer.archived , product_group.created , product_group.updated , product_group.archived , product.created , invoice.created , invoice.finalized , invoice.updated , invoice.revised , invoice.archived , contract.created , contract.signed , contract.confirmed , contract.updated , contract.archived , quote.created , quote.signed , quote.confirmed , quote.updated , quote.archived , order.updated , order.saved_as_concept , order.reserved , order.started , order.stopped , payment.completed , cart.completed_checkout , app.installed , app.configured , app.plan_changed , app.uninstalled '. |
data[attributes][url] |
string The URL that will receive the webhook payload. |
This request does not accept any includes
Update webhook events
How to update webhook events:
curl --request PUT
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '{
"data": {
"type": "webhook_endpoints",
"id": "a2f71717-53b5-45ba-85c6-3eadcf6cb09f",
"attributes": {
"url": "",
"events": [
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "a2f71717-53b5-45ba-85c6-3eadcf6cb09f",
"type": "webhook_endpoints",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2019-07-11T19:29:00.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2019-07-11T19:29:00.000000+00:00",
"url": "",
"events": [
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
PUT /api/boomerang/webhook_endpoints/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[webhook_endpoints]=created_at,updated_at,url |
Request body
This request accepts the following body:
Name | Description |
data[attributes][events] |
array[string] The events that will trigger the webhook. One or more from: customer.created , customer.updated , customer.archived , product_group.created , product_group.updated , product_group.archived , product.created , invoice.created , invoice.finalized , invoice.updated , invoice.revised , invoice.archived , contract.created , contract.signed , contract.confirmed , contract.updated , contract.archived , quote.created , quote.signed , quote.confirmed , quote.updated , quote.archived , order.updated , order.saved_as_concept , order.reserved , order.started , order.stopped , payment.completed , cart.completed_checkout , app.installed , app.configured , app.plan_changed , app.uninstalled '. |
data[attributes][url] |
string The URL that will receive the webhook payload. |
This request does not accept any includes
Unsubscrib from webhook events
How to unsubscribe from webhook events:
curl --request DELETE
--url ''
--header 'content-type: application/json'
A 200 status response looks like this:
"data": {
"id": "fd2f4709-67d8-441e-8206-213a900ef683",
"type": "webhook_endpoints",
"attributes": {
"created_at": "2020-12-01T19:32:01.000000+00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-12-01T19:32:01.000000+00:00",
"url": "",
"events": []
"meta": {}
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/boomerang/webhook_endpoints/{id}
Request params
This request accepts the following parameters:
Name | Description |
fields[] |
array List of comma separated fields to include instead of the default fields. ?fields[webhook_endpoints]=created_at,updated_at,url |
This request does not accept any includes